Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh's Reviews > The Lodger

The Lodger by Marie Belloc Lowndes
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bookshelves: classics, suspense, mystery-crime, lit-brits, psycho-mental, 2013, reviewed

A lost quality in modern psychological suspense - the key word is subtlety. An intriguing look at the infamous Jack The Ripper case told through the eyes of his landlady Mrs. Bunting, an impoverished women with her back to the wall. I won’t mislead, not much happens, zero gore. It’s a character study, a morality tale –brooding and melodramatic, in fact almost claustrophobic in it's intensity – thought it delicious.
Marie Lowndes resists spelling out the obvious, instead tension is provided by a feeling of dread as Mrs. Bunting’s suspicions (those midnight forays through London’s foggy streets a dead giveaway) turn to certainty, that the ‘unspeakable’ is reality (view spoiler) With the rent money so desperately needed, to let on that she's privy to his secret would be sheer folly, but to say nothing? As they enter into an unspoken collusion Mrs. Bunting's feelings for her lodger seesaw between revulsion and attraction.

Cons: disagree with others, rather than slow thought this perfectly paced but then I’m maybe more patient than most - thoroughly enjoyed the build. The rushed conclusion though, it did disappoint...
For the genre of psychological suspense 4 ½ stars

For the first time in her life she visioned the infinite mystery, the sadness and strangeness of human life; “Poor Mr. Sleuth - poor unhappy, distraught Mr. Sleuth!” An overwhelming pity blotted out for a moment the fear, aye, and the loathing.
Meanderings on Hitchcock – not a spoiler: (view spoiler)
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October 12, 2013 – Shelved
December 22, 2013 – Started Reading
December 26, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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message 1: by Laura (new)

Laura I'll give it a try. I'm a patient reader.

message 2: by Agnes (new) - added it

Agnes Houston Attraction to homicidal maniacs? Story of my life. Okay, I exaggerate. Sounds really good Flossy, added.

Arah-Lynda Glad to see those 4 stars Florence. Brooding and melodramatic......glad it is on my list. Good review.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Laura wrote: "I'll give it a try. I'm a patient reader."

Great Laura!

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Agnes wrote: "Attraction to homicidal maniacs? Story of my life. Okay, I exaggerate. Sounds really good Flossy, added."

You should write a book, Agnes - and I'll review it - no holds barred...

message 6: by Florence (Lefty) (last edited Jan 13, 2014 06:50PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Arah-Lynda wrote: "Glad to see those 4 stars Florence. Brooding and melodramatic......glad it is on my list. Good review."

Thanks Arah-Lynda, look forward to seeing what you have to say about it. Warning, not very cheery - but 'brooding and melodramatic' kinda says that doesn't it:)

message 7: by Alejandro (new) - added it

Alejandro Great review!!!

message 8: by Doug (new)

Doug Bradshaw Sounds good Lefty.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Alejandro wrote: "Great review!!!"

Nice Alejandro - thanks

Delee Fabulous review Florence!

How is the wrist?

message 11: by Lynda (last edited Jan 14, 2014 02:42AM) (new) - added it

Lynda Wonderful review, Florence. Your reviews always inspire and excite me in adding to my To Read list (and then I think "Damn you, Florence - how am I going to get through them all?") :)))

message 12: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Nice! (You're not technically "Lefty" anymore now, are you? :] Yay! )

Shaun Florence, this sounds soooooo good. Definitely going to check it out. Thanks for the great review.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Doug wrote: "Sounds good Lefty."

It is Doug:)

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Delee wrote: "Fabulous review Florence!

How is the wrist?"

Thanks Delee! Cast came off (did happy dance) last Friday, surgery same day (frig that HURT!!! whines) All in all, better - like my new splint, can hold a pen. Autograph anyone?

Delee Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay-for cast coming off!! Booooo-for the hurting part. Glad you are healing. :)

I am reading The Lodger right now, thanks to you...and loving it.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Delee wrote: "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay-for cast coming off!! Booooo-for the hurting part. Glad you are healing. :)

I am reading The Lodger right now, thanks to you...and loving it."

HA! it's a quick read - waiting in breathless anticipation for your review...

Katrina Dumas Took me FOREVER but I finally finished Of Human Bondage Looking for something a little lighter and this will work. I have a fascination for Jack. Thanks for the review Florence, never heard of it.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Lynda wrote: "Wonderful review, Florence. Your reviews always inspire and excite me in adding to my To Read list (and then I think "Damn you, Florence - how am I going to get through them all?") :)))"

Ditto Lynda, thanks so much and damn you to!! I've picked up some great book idea's from you as well. Sure hope you like it - betting you will. Written exactly 100 years ago...

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Caroline wrote: "Nice! (You're not technically "Lefty" anymore now, are you? :] Yay! )"

Think I'll stick with Lefty until the splint comes off, makes me sound dangerous - sure I can type but slow as molasses. Thanks Caroline

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Shaun wrote: "Florence, this sounds soooooo good. Definitely going to check it out. Thanks for the great review."

Shaun - appreciate it, and it is very tasty - next time you're in the mood for some gothic gloom this should fit the bill quite nicely.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Katrina wrote: "Took me FOREVER but I finally finished Of Human Bondage Looking for something a little lighter and this will work. I have a fascination for Jack. Thanks for the review Florence, neve..."

5 stars eh Katrina? Alright then...I've intended to read it for eons but it's such a monster and frankly the title alone intimidates...nevermind, YOU MOTIVATE - I WILL read it - one day...

message 23: by Autumn (last edited Jan 14, 2014 07:59PM) (new)

Autumn Love your review!!! I'm sold. I love London as a setting--and historical tidbits. Also, just wanted to say I am sorry to read about your wrist--I hope it heals quickly for you.

message 24: by Agnes (new) - added it

Agnes Houston Florence (Lefty) wrote: "Agnes wrote: "Attraction to homicidal maniacs? Story of my life. Okay, I exaggerate. Sounds really good Flossy, added."

You should write a book, Agnes - and I'll review it - no holds barred..."

Deal, we'll publish posthumously to protect the innocent. Which you aren't but don't worry Lefty, I promise I'll use your alias in any bits about you. Musn't forget Theadore, or Trow or whatever you called him - I'll add him to juice it up.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Autumn wrote: "Love your review!!! I'm sold. I love London as a setting--and historical tidbits. Also, just wanted to say I am sorry to read about your wrist--I hope it heals quickly for you."

For the kindness & kudos - thanks darlin! Actually I'm really enjoying all the sympathy & attention:) Autumn, I love London as a setting as well, and suspense over thrillers my favorite genre so finding this book (recommended by my friend Ulrike)was like stumbling across a forgotten little jewel. Hope you enjoy it as well - it's free on line or your library will have it.

message 26: by Florence (Lefty) (last edited Jan 15, 2014 01:50PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Agnes wrote: "Florence (Lefty) wrote: "Agnes wrote: "Attraction to homicidal maniacs? Story of my life. Okay, I exaggerate. Sounds really good Flossy, added."

You should write a book, Agnes - and I'll review..."

LOL you little devil! - offer hastily retracted.

BrokenTune Awesome review Florence! I'm glad you liked it and am glad your cast came off. Surely this must be a sign of improvement.

I bet, in its day, The Lodger helped create that image of London being all foggy and close and dark. Oh, and I very much liked the how the details in the book added to the suspense - you know, like, when the inspector started to visit the Bunting's...

Jeffrey Keeten I saw the same complaints about pacing and totally agree with you that the pacing was perfect. Lowndes kept me cupped in her hand for the whole novel. It was so nice to see suspense handled so deftly. Impressive little gem of a gothic novel. I'm so glad you read this book and enjoyed it. :-)

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Ulrike [Disclaimer: My opinion is not paid for by Amazon.] wrote: "Awesome review Florence! I'm glad you liked it and am glad your cast came off. Surely this must be a sign of improvement.

I bet, in its day, The Lodger helped create that image of London being al..."

Absolutely, having the inspector dropping in almost daily a great touch - the suspense level in this book was amazing wasn't it. It wasn't frightening, not quite that, but I felt dread and confusion, I wrestled along with Mrs Bunting with her moral choices - think Lowndes is terrific.
Feels great to have the cast off, but I did have to have an operation and a splint replaces the cast for 8 weeks. Still, a step in the right direction:)

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Jeffrey wrote: "I saw the same complaints about pacing and totally agree with you that the pacing was perfect. Lowndes kept me cupped in her hand for the whole novel. It was so nice to see suspense handled so deft..."

I was putty in her hands - agree, this novel is a little gem I'd never have read if I wasn't so addicted to reading reviews on GR - yours was great btw:) Thanks Jeff.

message 31: by Ivonne (new) - added it

Ivonne Rovira Florence (Lefty) wrote: Thanks Delee! Cast came off (did happy dance) last Friday, surgery same day (frig that HURT!!! whines) All in all, better - like my new..."

How good that you're better!

And this book sounds great! I know a lot of people no longer have the patience for the slower books of yore, which is a pity, as so many are so excellent, like Brat Farrar and this one. As soon as I finish here, I'm going to add it to my gargantuan and ever-growing To Read List (TRL). LOL!

message 32: by Ivonne (new) - added it

Ivonne Rovira Woo-hoo! Great news! The Kindle version of The Lodger is free, and, if you get that, you can get the Audible.com version for $2.99. You can't beat that with a stick!

BrokenTune Or you can get the Librivox audio book for free, too.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Ivonne wrote: "Florence (Lefty) wrote: Thanks Delee! Cast came off (did happy dance)

Your enthusiasm is infectious Ivonne, just revisited your review of Brat Farrar - feels like digging up another lost gem thanks to my friends - added and thankyou:)

message 35: by Ivonne (new) - added it

Ivonne Rovira Brat Farrar isn't written as it would be today, but that doesn't bother me. The plot is clever and, if Brat turns out to be better than you'd expect, well, sometimes that happens in real life, too.

message 36: by Ivonne (new) - added it

Ivonne Rovira Florence (Lefty) wrote: "Your enthusiasm is infectious Ivonne, just revisited your review of Brat Farrar - feels l..."

Turnabout is fair play. I learn of so many excellent books from you!

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Ivonne wrote: "Florence (Lefty) wrote: "Your enthusiasm is infectious Ivonne, just revisited your review of Brat Farrar - feels l..."

Turnabout is fair play. I learn of so many excellent books from..."

:)Lately things haven't been turning out better than I expected - bit of the opposite - so that would be a novelty - Seriously, Brat Farrar sounds like fun - and I'm always looking for good suspense. Thanks again.

message 38: by Ashley (new) - added it

Ashley Thanks for your review. I won't read gorey stuff so your review was helpful. And I love that you mentioned the subtlety of the book. Both points make me want to read it.

Michael John Paul McManus Read it in two days, it kept me hooked. Great settings and characters. I could picture them all as I was reading it.

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