Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh's Reviews > The Tower, the Zoo, and the Tortoise

The Tower, the Zoo, and the Tortoise by Julia Stuart
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bookshelves: wit, animals, lit-brits, family, dark, 2013, reviewed, wacko-realistic-fiction

3 ½ stars rounded up to 4. Years ago my Canadian niece landed a summer job (how'd she do that - some places will hire anybody) as a tour guide at the Tower. To this day get a few cocktails in her and she’ll regale you (much to the annoyance of her husband) with stories of hanging out with Beefeaters. She adored them - so when I saw this I just HAD to read it. It backs her up - Beefeaters do have their own private pub where they pursue their favorite pastimes – hard drinking, tourist bashing and playing monopoly into the wee hours.
Picked this up looking for something original and amusing - didn't disappoint- I'm pegging it realistic fiction. I know, I know, but it's my review...A story of everyday people who happen to have unusual jobs all dealing with life's challenges in admittedly odd ways (hey, whatever works) without ever losing their admirable British stoicism. Julia Stuart juggles a ton of storylines and characters (prepare to pay attention) skillfully, I ended up empathizing with most of them despite how WEIRD they were.
Balthazar is a Beefeater assigned and ill-prepared for the duty of caring for a menagerie of exotic animals. "Out of the deathly silence came the mournful wail of the solitary wandering albatross that mated for life.” That it failed to settle broke my heart while the instructions “Remember to keep the lovebirds separated. They hate each other …”cracked me up. See the books like that, an admirable blend of melancholic drama & humour. His wife Hebe works for London Underground’s Lost Property office, actually preferred her stories to Balthazar’s.
Heads up, this is more than light fare. There’s a theme of loss woven throughout, with Hebe & Balthazar the loss of their son - a lesson on how we must learn to allow each other to deal with it in our own time and in our own way. Put me in mind of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry – if you liked that I suspect you’ll like this as well.
Cons: While you’ll pick up interesting historical tidbits about The Tower I was expecting more about it’s famous ravens. So many fascinating stories surround these mystical birds yet they were barely touched on- huh (:
Humour bite: “Your mother is in India trying to find herself. God help her when she does”
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October 12, 2013 – Shelved
December 1, 2013 – Started Reading
December 5, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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Diane S ☔ I loved this quirky book too. Hoping to get to England this coming summer and see them for myself. Finger crossed. Wonderful review. Did not like her next novel The Pigeon Pie Mysteryquite as much.

message 2: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Great review, Florence! :)

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Diane S. wrote: "I loved this quirky book too. Hoping to get to England this coming summer and see them for myself. Finger crossed. Wonderful review. Did not like her next novel The Pigeon Pie Mystery- a shame it's not very good, I like this author. Thanks so much Diane, hope your trip to England pans out - I've toured Buckingham Palace & the Tower of course, what a terrific city.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Thanks Alejandro!

message 5: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Florence (Lefty) wrote: "Thanks Alejandro!"


message 6: by Kelly (new) - added it

Kelly Anything that even has a faint whiff of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry has got to go on my to-read list! Love the quote: "Your mother is in India trying to find herself. God help her when she does”

As always, fantastic review :-)

message 7: by Lilo (new) - added it

Lilo This sounds like something I would like to read. Yet I am afraid that pleasure reads are far off. I finally have to get my 3 books to market. If I don't, I'll deprive readers around the globe of some great pieces of literature. :-)

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Kelly wrote: "Anything that even has a faint whiff of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry has got to go on my to-read list! Love the quote: "Your mother is in India trying to find herself. God help her when sh..."

I LOVED that line, can't help but relate it to my own soul searching - keeping my fingers crossed I never figure myself out either...Whiff of Harold Fry the perfect way to put it Kelly, similar aroma - and thanks for the great compliment, mean it....

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Awesome review, Florence. What's a Beefeater? If that's a dumb question, I apologize profusely. mmmm...beef

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Lilo wrote: "This sounds like something I would like to read. Yet I am afraid that pleasure reads are far off. I finally have to get my 3 books to market. If I don't, I'll deprive readers around the globe of so..."

Well, that must be one of the biggest challenges for a writer - to read - or to write. Hope you find a balance that allows time for both Lilo.

message 11: by Florence (Lefty) (last edited Jan 19, 2014 10:06PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Derek wrote: "Awesome review, Florence. What's a Beefeater? If that's a dumb question, I apologize profusely. mmmm...beef"

LOL Derek, you aren't far off. As the queens favorites, they apparently got there name because they were allowed to eat as much beef off the royal table as they wanted. They're the guys in the really weird costumes (manly men only can pull this off) who have historically guarded prisoners kept in the infamous Tower of London. Here's a wiki link "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeomen_W..."

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Thanks for that link, Florence. I learn new things around here everyday. :)

message 13: by Lilo (new) - added it

Lilo @ Florence: I wish it was only the challenge to choose between reading and writing. But I find myself spending most of my waking hours on Goodreads. I must be doing something wrong.

message 14: by Agnes (new)

Agnes Houston Yo Yeomen, Beefeaters are buck! Tell Lisa I said so, she just has to read this as well, has she yet?

message 15: by LeeAnne (new)

LeeAnne I always love your reviews Florence! Sometimes I think they are better than the books! I've wanted to visit England my entire life. One day....

message 16: by Tania (new)

Tania Beefeaters - Wow your never too old to learn something :)
Love your review

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Agnes wrote: "Yo Yeomen, Beefeaters are buck! Tell Lisa I said so, she just has to read this as well, has she yet?"

You are hilarious Agnes:) Not going to happen, she doesn't read books - shame really.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh LeeAnne Keister wrote: "I always love your reviews Florence! Sometimes I think they are better than the books! I've wanted to visit England my entire life. One day...."

Well if you want to really badly then you simply HAVE to go LeeAnne! I swear you'd never regret a trip to Britian, I've gone a couple of times. Warning, London is stupidly expensive...and thankyou so much, so glad you enjoy them! I actually have a blast writing.

message 19: by Florence (Lefty) (last edited Jan 20, 2014 08:48PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Tania wrote: "Beefeaters - Wow your never too old to learn something :)
Love your review"

Yes, Beefeaters, who'd have figured they were men who wear pantaloons and goofy hats:) Thanks Tania

message 20: by Ivonne (last edited Jan 21, 2014 07:32AM) (new)

Ivonne Rovira I've been toying with the book for ages, but I don't think I was ever seriously going to read it -- until now. I and the fine folks at Audible.com (who will make a buck) thank you for this excellent review.

message 21: by Arah-Lynda (new)

Arah-Lynda Great review Florence and I can totally get on board with realistic fiction. Makes sense no?

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Ivonne wrote: "I've been toying with the book for ages, but I don't think I was ever seriously going to read it -- until now. I and the fine folks at Audible.com (who will make a buck) thank you for this excellen..."

Oh Ivonne, I hope you like it! It is a bit odd, and thankyou.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Arah-Lynda wrote: "Great review Florence and I can totally get on board with realistic fiction. Makes sense no?"

Probably because I'm weird myself I didn't find the way the characters in this book reacted all that strange - our shelves, we get to catagorize however we want to - so realistic fiction it is:) And thanks so much.

message 24: by BrokenTune (last edited Jan 28, 2014 12:47PM) (new)

BrokenTune Brilliant review Florence! It's disappointing about the ravens (or rather lack of), tho.

message 25: by Katrina (new) - added it

Katrina Dumas You read the strangest books Florence. I like it.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Ulrike [Disclaimer: My opinion is not paid for by Amazon.] wrote: "Brilliant review Florence! It's disappointing about the ravens (or rather lack of), tho."

I really expected the tower ravens to be an integral part of the story, would make sense...oh well. I think they're amazing, if I had a totem it would be the raven:) Thanks so much Ulrike.

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Katrina wrote: "You read the strangest books Florence. I like it."

Hah, your shelves aren't exactly loaded with pulp fiction either my dear...see you added it, hope you enjoy!

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