Shurrn's Reviews > Rock Chick

Rock Chick by Kristen Ashley
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The first book in the Rock Chick series was highly amusing, but I don't think this book is for me...

I'm kind of terrified of Kristen Ashley Fans... The author has this huge loyal following (which I was not aware of this until I started reading this) and they love these books... Like REALLY LOVE them... To the point that when I realized that this book wasn't (for me personally) living up to the hype, I got worried about how I would write this review.

With that in mind...
Ms. Ashley, and her Adoring Fans, I want you to know the following:
1. I already plan to read some other series from the talented Ms. Ashley, and see if those work better for me.
2. I will always give my honest opinion in a book review, and I never expect the whole world to agree with me.
3. Maybe one day I'll try to read the rest of the series, and something will spark which was lacking this time.

1. I am a total sucker for the "girl crush grows up to become full blown love" plot line *swoon*
2. Um... Lee Nightingale? Yes please!
3. Sassy heroine? Love that!
4. There were so many awesome secondary and tertiary characters.
5. The humor was great, even if it got down right silly at times.
6. Tex? Crazy cat man, coffee savant, looks like a serial killer? OMG yes.

1. You read the synopsis... there's a HUGE Mob plot in this book. Stolen diamonds, drugs, kidnappings, car chases, people got shot... So there should have been suspense, right? I didn't feel the suspense.
2. I was way not in love with India "Indy" Savage... She was a magnet for self-inflicted misfortune... It got old the second time she got kidnapped.
3. Indy was supposed to be thirty years old, but she had the emotional maturity of a nineteen year old, she was alarmingly sophomoric.
4. It was the mixture of immature humor and fumbled suspense which really wrecked the book for me... Consider a certain scene which began with someone being the target of a food fight (hee hee) and ended on the next page with that same person being the target of a car bomb (what?)... There were several other examples of this dichotomy, and it really diluted any threat of the Mob plot line being taken seriously.

I really, really wanted to like this book!
I am a Rock Chick. I grew up listening to Mom's tapes of 70's rockers... I've tried to burst my own eardrums listening to Led Zeplin... I had my Grunge phase, my Metal phase, and yes... Even my Goth phase (lord help us all)... With the exception of Red Hot Chili Peppers (because I couldn't get tickets) I have been to every single show that Indy mentioned throughout this book... I am STILL one of the biggest TOOL fans you will ever meet in your life... I'd trade all my book boyfriends for Maynard James Keenan, and that just how it is.
So I say again... KA fans, don't hurt me...

And to all my friends and followers,
I'm not a hater. I will never hate on a book or an author for the sake of being negative. Nor will I ever lie about my feelings about a book to pander to a particular audience. And most importantly, I would never ever unfollow/unfriend or make nasty comments to a person simply because they don't like a book that I do. I'm classy like that, and I know that Kristen Ashley & her fans are classy like that too.

Some of My Favorite Moments:
(view spoiler)
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Reading Progress

December 3, 2013 – Shelved
January 6, 2014 – Started Reading
January 6, 2014 –
0.0% "I'm making an effort in 2014 to catch up on a few series I have failed to read, but that my GR Buddies insist I pick up. First up: The Rock Chick Series from Kristen Ashley!

January 6, 2014 –
8.0% " “I do this thing for Rosie, you sleep with me[...]
Not like last night, we’ll both be naked and sexual acts will be performed[...]
I’ll expect your participation.”
Holy shit.
“Your avid participation.”
Dear Lord in Heaven.

January 6, 2014 –
15.0% " My life had been simple a day ago. Work, coffee, rock 'n' roll. Now I was being shot at, dragged around by bad guys and propositioned by the love of my life who I had decided I didn't want anymore.

January 6, 2014 –
21.0% "...The Big Lebowski. It was one of my favorite movies. So much so, it was a friend test. If you didn't like The Dude and Lebowski, then you could be a friend but you would never be a good friend. Ever.

January 6, 2014 –
28.0% "Just fucking fuck all-fucking-ready! Fuck!

January 7, 2014 –
34.0% " "I gave him your excuses for missing dinner on Wednesday."
"What were those?"
"You'd be with me and I'd be fucking your brains out."

He's like the Boy who cried Sex... They talk a big game, but there has been zero sex...

January 7, 2014 –
40.0% "That was hardly the point.
Okay, it was
a point, just not the point.
It was my longstanding theory that men missed
the point on purpose.

January 7, 2014 –
51.0% "WTF DOORBELL?!?!?!?!

January 8, 2014 –
58.0% " "Jesus," he buried his face in my neck, "there's nothin' better in the world than hearin' you say my name when I'm inside you." He slid in deep, filling me. "I've been waitin' years to be right here."

January 9, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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Athena Shardbearer I love you Lee! lol

message 2: by Valentine (new)

Valentine These reviews are so fab, Shurrn. I can't stop laughing. Really. ps: huge congrats above on your "about me" and winning top reviewer...

Shurrn Athena wrote: "I love you Lee! lol"

I'm just getting to know Lee, he's kinda yummy!

Athena Shardbearer Shurrn wrote: "Athena wrote: "I love you Lee! lol"

I'm just getting to know Lee, he's kinda yummy!"

Super duper yummy! He's perfect for Indy and she is perfect for him!

Shurrn Valentine wrote: "These reviews are so fab, Shurrn. I can't stop laughing. Really. ps: huge congrats above on your "about me" and winning top reviewer..."

I'm becoming some sort of book celebrity, which is probably the lowest level of celebrity (even though book fans are the best fans)... I dig it!

message 6: by Valentine (new)

Valentine hahahahahaha! gif!

Hayley Faiman to me the first Rock Chick isn't as good as the other books in the series. I definitely think that this book you either LOVe (Which i did) or you don't like all that much.. please (because i am one of those crazy KA fans) read a book from a different one of her series.. you'll probably enjoy it more.. i didn't read the Rock Chick series until i had read almost every other one of her books. Rock on!

Wendy'sThoughts Friggin GREAT review... That's all i can say... except you pulled a lot of the terrific moments of the book proving your classy way of reviewing

Athena Shardbearer Great review. Ugh, these books are my guilty pleasure they are funny, over the top and just entertaining. I hope you decide to keep reading them! Righteous!

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

I believe they kept getting better with each book of the series though :-) loved ur review and believe this style just may not be your thing.. Thought it was hilarious you talking about her loyal readers and stuff, if there is one woman who has LOYAL readers it's def KA..

SamJ ★Needs a HEA★ oh, they get better, this is 2nd least fave of the series for me, but the 2nd book, I just loved Eddie and Jet.

I think I own everything KA has written, would that count me as a Loyal reader? but even, 1 or 2 books I have 2 star rated as they did not work for me (will that get me kicked out of the club?)

Reading is such a personal thing, as to what you will or will not like, even with the same author. Some stories just grab you and some will not.

message 12: by Cat (new) - rated it 3 stars

Cat Great review! I felt the same way about this series. I love KA and I'm currently reading her Fantasyland series (which I really like), but the Rock Chick series just didn't do it for me. I read a couple and there were all fine...a solid three stars...but not great. Glad to see I'm not the only one!

message 13: by KathyAnne (new) - added it

KathyAnne I'm not a fan of her Motorcycle books... but I absolutely loved The Golden Dynasty... I always recommend that one.

SamJ ★Needs a HEA★ Yes, I loved her Fantasy Land series, Golden Dynasty being my favourite, but I just finished Broken Dove and it is a close second.

I think, the Rock Chick series is my least favourite overall series of hers, but there are a cpl books in there that I love.

I really liked the Ghosts and Reincarnation series too, although I put that off till last as I was unsure about it in all honesty. But I really enjoyed it.

Ginette I'm one of the loyal K.A. fans, she is my go to for sanity I love all your reviews, they are straightforward, honest, well written & you have the best pics! That includes this one. Now I've rated a lot of her books as 5+ stars some have been 3, this book was not my fav, book 2 & 3 are. So I hope you continue with the series. cheers my friend

SamJ ★Needs a HEA★ ah, book 2 and 5 are my fave! Luke...**sighs**

Athena Shardbearer I love KA and this series was my fave. I didn't care too much for the Chaos Series but I will try the unfinished heroes series and dream man series.

Athena Shardbearer I love Luke!

SamJ ★Needs a HEA★ What is not to love about Luke? :-)

Shurrn I am relieved thrilled at the response I've gotten on this review. I'm glad there are other options for Kristen Ashley books which might be more my taste. So far I have been recommended to read the following:

Mystery Man (Book One in the Dream Man Series)
The Gamble (Book One in the Colorado Mountain series)
For You (Book One in the The 'Burg series)
Wildest Dreams (Book One in the Fantasyland series)
After a while I should also read Rock Chick Rescue (Book Two in the series before I write off the whole thing...)

Does that cover everything???

And remember,


SamJ ★Needs a HEA★ She also has a few stand alone books, Three Wishes, Play it Safe and Heaven and Hell. All of which I enjoyed.

Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen Great honest review, hun!! <3

Chris- Bookaddict Great Honest review. I am a die hard Rock Chick and KA fan, but like you said above no two people ever read the same book. I would definitely suggest your list above with the other series. Then maybe come back and try this one again.

Then if your still not a fan, no hard feelings at all from me :)

message 24: by Lucy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lucy Davis Great review. I'm reading this series right now and I like it. But hey, we're all different. I liked that you were honest and still said some nice stuff about this book. I hope you'll read some other KA books and have better luck.

message 25: by Mei (new)

Mei Hahaha!!! Excellent review Shurrn!! :D
I agree with you! Not on this book, but in general. KA fans can be a little scary... *wink*

Shurrn Mei wrote: "Hahaha!!! Excellent review Shurrn!! :D
I agree with you! Not on this book, but in general. KA fans can be a little scary... *wink*"

So far, they're being every bit as classy as I had hoped they would be. I would much rather receive recommendations for other books which I might enjoy, than to have virtual tomatoes hurled at me. *breathing a sigh of relief*

Dana aka ♥Belladonna♥ *whew* TG, I'm not the only one! I felt the same way. Love the review.
Ps. *whispers* I went through that whole metal, grunge, goth phase, too. ;-)

Shurrn Belladonna wrote: "*whew* TG, I'm not the only one! I felt the same way. Love the review.
Ps. *whispers* I went through that whole metal, grunge, goth phase, too. ;-)"

Hehehe... You live, you learn.
This applies to books and Teenage phases :)

Raine I, too, thought that the first Rock Chick (Indy & Lee) was amusing, but it wasn't knock your socks off amazing. Then I started reading the #2 Rock Chick Rescue (Jet & Eddie) and REALLY started to love the series. Don't give up! My favorite book of the series is #7 Rock Chick Regret (Sadie & Hector), then #3 Rock Chick Redemption (Roxie & Hank) and then #2 (Jet & Eddie).

I liked the Dream Man Series, but my favorites were #2 Wild Man and #3 Law Man.

Sarah This was honestly not my favorite KA book to date. I just started reading her this month but my first book was Mystery Man. If you haven't read it yet then Start on the Dream Man series and go from there. I read the first book and I was gone, I wasn't sure that she could write something that I wouldn't completely love until this book. So yeah, I would go with the Dream Man series or the Colorado Mountain series. So far I'm enjoying both.

Melissa Loved the review. For me, it was a bust. Not sure if I'll read any other books from her.

Juliette I understand what you're saying, I perhaps...slightly...kinda... disagree. This was my first taste of Kristen Ashley. And honestly, I've not laughed out loud so hard reading a book in a looooooooong time. If this came along at a different time in my life, I may not have been able to appreciate it as much as I do now. While Lee and Indy may not be my absolute favorite out of the series so far, there is no denying that I love them for bringing into the fold. While I absolutely appreciate what you're saying, I'm thinking maybe it just came to you at the wrong time. I HOPE with all my heart you (and all others who agree with you) read on - the series just gets better and better! I promise! Well anyway, more of the Hot Bunch for me if you don't ;)
Rock On Chick...peace

message 33: by L.E. (new) - rated it 4 stars

L.E. Chamberlin I read The 'Burg series first, then her Dream Man series, and finally her Unfinished Heroes series. I think I will always love those books more than the Rock Chick series. (This is my first one as well.) But I enjoyed the camp hijinks of this book, even though it was far less spicy a read. It was fun & fluffy. I think if you've tried some of the other suggestions you've probably liked them better. And some of her other alphas make Lee Nightingale fade into the woodwork.

message 34: by Ari (new)

Ari I really agree with you. I couldn't connect with the book either.

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