Unknown Books? - Let's Read Them Club! discussion

Book Suggestions > Author suggested books!!

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message 1: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Hello everyone! Anyone who is an author in this group are allowed to suggest their own books on this topic!!! Feel free to suggest your own books to anyone!

message 2: by J.S. (new)

J.S. Jaeger (jsjaeger) | 3 comments FREE Kindle Book March 9 & 10! My husband and I joined together to write The Scrolls of Zndaria: The Golden Wizard. It is the first in a series of seven books about the magical world of Zndaria. In the first book, Nate, a peasant, breaks social constraints to follow his dream of becoming a wizard. Along the way he has hilarious mishaps, faces challenging obstacles, and learns that his greatest strength comes from within.

Not only is The Golden Wizard an enjoyable read by itself, it sets the stage for the rest of the series. In books 2-5, readers will be introduced to 4 more unlikely heroes that will join Nate on his quest to save the world of Zndaria.

Written for middle-grade readers (age 9-13), The Golden Wizard is a great read for anyone who wants to be taken to a different world and have a little fun along the way!

Click here to get the Kindle version. http://www.amazon.com/Scrolls-Zndaria...

message 3: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Sounds great J.S.! I'll add this book to the shelf!

message 4: by Trinisse (new)

Trinisse | 3 comments I am the author of a series of children’s adventure (new age) fantasy books starring sisters Cassie and Chloe. The books are ideal for 7 – 12 year old readers.

The first book: Cassie and Chloe’s Captivating Crystal Crawlspace Chronicles is one of the Best Books you HAVE NOT read.

Take two curious sisters and plunge them into an alternate universe beyond the Bermuda Triangle. In this new world, the siblings encounter a new age paradise filled with delightful experiences, eccentric sights, thrilling adventures, and evil twins bent on dominating two worlds!

{Welcome to Cassie and Chloe's Captivating Crystal Crawlspace Chronicles.}

Join the sisters and their companion pets Moondoggie and Pierre, as they journey into an alternate land where they experience the Pavilion of Delights, a thought replicating Golden Mirror, a floating Garden of Beauty, an incredible carousel, and a magical library capable of transporting readers into the stories. Discover the Legend of the Rose Quartz Thirteen, and find out if the girls ever find their way home.

If you loved Willie Wonka, Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy in Oz,and the Harry Potter series you won't want to miss this adventure!

Here’s an excerpt from Book 1 - chapter 6:

The tunnel’s mouth opened wide, and spilled the visitors back into the floating atmosphere. Everyone could see the magnificent Falls. Like so many other features of Serendipity Springs, these falls were unlike anything the sisters had ever seen. Instead of gazing at the sight of water cascading down from a great height above, the Mikenney sisters were witnessing their first view of a FLOWERFALL! Flowers of all shapes, sizes, and of variegated colors spewed forth from the summit, and gracefully cascaded down toward the base. At the end of the fall, the flowers plunged into a riverbed of thousands of other assorted flowers. It was a spectacular sight! A small ocean of luscious and lush smelling flowers swirled round and round. The sisters were awestruck! From each of the four directions, the flowerfalls fed into the riverbed. It truly was an incredibly beautiful sight.

and from chapter 10:

“While they were on an excavation dig site on one of your seven continents, Nastien uncovered a precious artifact, and his sister unearthed a tablet, which contained a legend. According to the legend, the artifact which her brother discovered was one of thirteen identical rose quartz crystal stars. It was written that these thirteen crystals possessed all the power of the universe within their grasp."

Vicky picked up the narration, “The legend went on to describe how it was necessary to gather together all thirteen stars so that the power could be properly harnessed. The tablet spoke of wondrous, incredible, joy and peace that would one day come to the inhabitants of your world. It is written that once the reunion of the thirteen crystal stars occurs, then a spectacular Universal celebration will occur, and all of humankind’s questions will be answered. All suffering will cease, and states of pure bliss will envelope your world.

Nicky interjected, “The tablet also contained a warning. It stated that the power of the thirteen crystal stars must not be usurped, misused. For if that were to happen, it would surely prove disastrous to the entire Universe”

Here is a description from the next book in the series:

The adventures continue…....

While their Mother tackles the role of a lifetime on a movie set laden with mishaps, the sisters become involved in a hunt for the missing treasure chest of 18th century pirate Duchess Goldie.

Their search brings them to a haunted lighthouse where a ghostly mermaid and other spirits help and hinder their investigation.

Join Cassie and Chloe as the sisters participate in the March Jamboree festivities, enter a talent contest, attend one of Florida's yearly Piratefest events, and endure a bizarre underwater encounter while cave diving beneath the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

You won't want to miss the excitement and thrills which befall the Mikenney sisters in Florida during their latest adventure!

Excerpt from Chapter 4 :

"Many local residents are claiming that the old lighthouse is haunted by the ghost of a sailor, and another unknown female presence, as well as by the ghost of an eerie mermaid like creature. Several local fishermen, divers, and local boaters have reported these sightings to the local authorities."
He continued, "It seems that most people who saw the apparitions were besieged by unfortunate incidents shortly after witnessing the ghostly visions. One diver developed the bends, a serious malady. Another fisherman's boat capsized badly and rendered it irreparably damaged. One local man, who had been out boating for pleasure, suffered a heart attack three days after the sighting he had experienced. Most of the apparitions were seen either at midnight or dusk. Nowadays, many of the locals avoid being anywhere near the lighthouse at those times of day for fear of encountering the ghosts."

Plus an Excerpt from Chapter 15:

Her sleep visions were a jumble of images. Scenes from the pirate festival activities were interspersed with images of the ghostly mermaid.
The dark, spooky lighthouse's winding staircase kept invading the dream content as well. The portrait in the lighthouse was descending the staircase of its own volition, then exiting the building and walking into the ocean.
She even saw Duchess Goldie tossing about gold doubloons to grateful townsfolk, from a treasure chest filled with jewels and coins - a pirate lass's recaptured booty. Carlita tossed and turned.
Now in her dreams she began visualizing a fencing bout with a masked pirate.
She was dueling the masked nemesis using the Crimson Cutlass as her fencing saber. She fought the villainous pirate boldly. Their fencing moves appeared almost ballet like in their elegance.
As she battled the pirate, she could hear a ghostly mermaid singing a hauntingly beautiful siren song. The music distracted her. She wavered in her fierce defense, and the masked pirate gained the upper hand. He viciously thrust her own weapon - the Crimson Cutlass into her midsection.


If your interest is sparked, you can get paperback copies through Amazon and most online booksellers or if you prefer an ebook version - most formats are available through the majority of e-retailers.

Thanks for being a reader!


message 5: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Sounds great Trinisse!

message 6: by Mariana (last edited May 01, 2013 08:30AM) (new)

Mariana Llanos (mariana-llanos) | 5 comments Hello, I am Mariana Llanos. My first published children's book is on the market! Currently available on Amazon (I've also created a giveaway on Goodreads) Please, check it out. Thank you.
Tristan Wolf was abandoned in the forest. He was then raised by wolves. Even though he loves his wolf family, he has the urge to find himself. He starts a journey that will be filled with new friends, sweet memories and big surprises.

message 7: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Sounds great Mariana!!!

message 8: by John (new)

John theSailor (thesailor) | 1 comments A London Editor called The Seven Gifts: "One of those unique and wonderful manuscripts that come one's way all too rarely". But the bean counters could not see a genre in which to market it, so I think 'Unknown Books' will fit.

The Seven Gifts came to Earth and lay dormant, unknown, like seeds in an empty desert. Then the rains came, as an Angel bearing seven mysterious books. Woven within their stories, far from the eye of a reader, were the simple truths of The Seven Gifts. The Angel chose a young boy to reveal them: one who would endure a wild spiritual odyssey through seven bizarre worlds, at the end of which a lonely white dolphin is the final key to his unveiling of the seven gifts, and the enigma of the Angel, and the mystery of himself. And perhaps the mystery of us...

"A series of beautifully written tales that capture the mind, heart and spirit", "Madness dances with brilliance", "A wonderful, unique book", and other reviews, plus an excerpt, can be seen here:


message 9: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Sounds great John!!!

message 10: by Loretta (last edited May 16, 2013 11:04PM) (new)

Loretta (lorettalivingstone) Hi, I'm Loretta, and hail from the UK. I'm a fairly unknown author, so my books are pretty unknown too (although, to my immense pride, my 2nd book Hopes, Dreams & Medals has been purchased by several members of the British Bobsleigh team, maybe I'll add that one another day) This one is my newest, so almost no-one has read it.

My third book. I hope that you will find something for everyone here. I include my usual humorous verse about such things as cosmetic surgery, chocolate and siblings, but there are also poems which reach much deeper, into the depths of the soul. I hope you will enjoy it. This book comes in the full colour version (full colour photographs with the verse printed over) from http://www.blurb.com/user/store/poetl... for sales outside the UK or for pdf (Kindle and Kobo) editions
iBooks http://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/id567...
or the monochrome (no pictures) version from my own website www.treasurechestbooks.co.uk The black and white edition is available at a lower price from my website and Blurb.
Priced from only £4.50 + pp (£2.49 iBooks)
Don't go for this book if you like your poetry other worldly or ethereal, but if you like easily read poetry then this is for you. (less) Jumping in the Puddles of Life by Loretta Livingstone

message 11: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Loretta wrote: "Hi, I'm Loretta, and hail from the UK. I'm a fairly unknown author, so my books are pretty unknown too (although, to my immense pride, my 2nd book Hopes, Dreams & Medals has been purchased by sever..."

Sounds great Loretta! I'll add it to the shelf!

message 12: by Loretta (new)

Loretta (lorettalivingstone) Ronyell wrote: "Loretta wrote: "Hi, I'm Loretta, and hail from the UK. I'm a fairly unknown author, so my books are pretty unknown too (although, to my immense pride, my 2nd book Hopes, Dreams & Medals has been pu..."

Thanks so much, I appreciate it. :-)

message 13: by Cathy (new)

Cathy Bryant (authorcathybryant) My daughter and I have one book out, Lost Love and Shipwrecked Madeline Pike Finds Hope in the New Land. Our second in the historical fiction series will be out in June. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17...

message 14: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
AuthorCathyLynn wrote: "My daughter and I have one book out, Lost Love and Shipwrecked Madeline Pike Finds Hope in the New Land. Our second in the historical fiction series will be out in June. http://www.goodreads.com/bo..."

That sounds great AuthorCathyLynn! I'll add it to the shelf!

message 15: by Cathy (new)

Cathy Bryant (authorcathybryant) Ronyell wrote: "AuthorCathyLynn wrote: "My daughter and I have one book out, Lost Love and Shipwrecked Madeline Pike Finds Hope in the New Land. Our second in the historical fiction series will be out in June. htt..."
Thank you!

message 16: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
AuthorCathyLynn wrote: "Ronyell wrote: "AuthorCathyLynn wrote: "My daughter and I have one book out, Lost Love and Shipwrecked Madeline Pike Finds Hope in the New Land. Our second in the historical fiction series will be ..."

You're welcome! :D

message 17: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Peltier | 12 comments Hello! I'm Heidi, and I'm from Texas! My YA novel, The Delmar Shark Chronicles: Isola di Squalo (Book 1) has been out for about 3 months now and so far has 12 five-star reviews on Amazon. It's a story of a teenage American boy, Dylan, who goes to the Mediterranean to study sharks with a local university. The island, Isola di Squalo, has a shark legend surrounding it which is tied to the royal family. Dylan and the Queen, Terra Delmar, do not hit it off right away, but the return of the legendary shark brings them together to save the island and the royals.
Here's my website http://heidipeltier.wix.com/squalo and the link on Amazon amzn.to/10PsgCo and smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view...


message 18: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Heidi wrote: "Hello! I'm Heidi, and I'm from Texas! My YA novel, The Delmar Shark Chronicles: Isola di Squalo (Book 1) has been out for about 3 months now and so far has 12 five-star reviews on Amazon. It's a..."

Sounds great Heidi! I'll add it to the bookshelf!

message 19: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Roberts Hi everyone! I´ve just published my first book on Kindle. Reviews so far have been good, but I need many more! I only have 9 on Amazon.co.uk, 3 on Goodreads and 1 on Amazon.com. I´d be very grateful to anyone who reviewed it on any of these sites.

Genre: Contemporary Romantic Comedy / Chick Lit

Based loosely on Jane Austen's 'Emma'. Similar in style to works by Sophie Kinsella, Meg Cabot and Julia Quinn.

The Dr Pepper Prophecies by Jennifer Gilby Roberts

Mel is a twenty-five-year-old underachiever with a terrible job, too much time on her hands and a perfect younger sister. Her work and love lives hit a new low when she ends up working for her ex.

The one good thing in her life has always been her best friend Will, who has seen her through every crisis from lost toys to pregnancy scares. Now a successful accountant, he looks a prime catch to his girlfriend Natalie, who's determined to replace Mel as the woman in his life.

Despairing of improving her own life, she sets out to help her friends instead.

After all, what’s the worst that can happen?

message 20: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Great Jennifer! Checking it out!

message 21: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Peltier | 12 comments Here's my 2nd novel just out today! Eyelids of the Morning
Ethan is a sixteen-year-old boy who, with his twelve-year-old brother Rory, reluctantly leaves his boarding school for the summer to be dragged to the other side of the world by their reclusive and eccentric uncle. When their uncle finally explains that he is hunting for a true, living dinosaur in the heart of the Congo River basin, Ethan immediately pegs him for a lunatic. However, using documented eyewitness accounts, a vivid description of dinosaurs from the Bible, and, his most powerful weapon, news that Ethan and Rory’s late mother believed that dinosaurs exist too, their uncle has them convinced. They journey to the Congo and meet Shari, a missionary nurse, and her adopted daughter Maggie whose passion for the plight of the Congolese people leaves Ethan instantly smitten. Their dinosaur hunt leaves Ethan, Maggie and Rory separated from their group, facing danger at every turn, and racing against the clock to get medical help for a serious injury. In the end, they make the discovery and sacrifice of a life time, the emotional gap between the boys and their uncle is finally bridged, and Ethan learns that home truly is where the heart is.

message 22: by Loretta (new)

Loretta (lorettalivingstone) Heidi wrote: "Here's my 2nd novel just out today! Eyelids of the Morning
Ethan is a sixteen-year-old boy who, with his twelve-year-old brother Rory, reluctantly leaves his boarding school for the summer to be d..."

Sounds good. Will check it out later.

message 23: by Adam (new)

Adam Santo (locoduc) | 3 comments Good morning everyone! My name is Adam Santo and I'm the author of a few novels with little fanfare, but you can help change that. Temperature: Dead and Rising was my debut novel that started my whirlwind of writing. Temperature: Bitter Cold came out shortly after as the quietly anticipated sequel for the Temperature Trilogy. Finally, Ocean's Fury jutted out from the reef to become a stand-alone short story for all to enjoy. If you'd like to read one of these fantastic novels I would suggest finding the closest online bookstore you visit frequently and pick one up. They are on virtual bookshelves everywhere. Thanks!

message 24: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Adam wrote: "Good morning everyone! My name is Adam Santo and I'm the author of a few novels with little fanfare, but you can help change that. Temperature: Dead and Rising was my debut novel that started my wh..."

Sounds great Adam! I will add them to the bookshelf!

message 25: by Adam (new)

Adam Santo (locoduc) | 3 comments Ronyell wrote: "Adam wrote: "Good morning everyone! My name is Adam Santo and I'm the author of a few novels with little fanfare, but you can help change that. Temperature: Dead and Rising was my debut novel that ..."

Thank you!

Adam Santo

message 26: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Adam wrote: "Ronyell wrote: "Adam wrote: "Good morning everyone! My name is Adam Santo and I'm the author of a few novels with little fanfare, but you can help change that. Temperature: Dead and Rising was my d..."

You're welcome! :D

message 27: by L.N. (last edited Oct 03, 2013 05:47PM) (new)

L.N. Cronk | 1 comments Chop, Chop is a coming-of-age novel dealing with everyday experiences that anyone can relate to, but culminating in one catastrophic event that no one would ever want to. A story of friendship, loss, and forgiveness, Chop, Chop is often tagged as a "Young Adult" novel (even though most readers are actually between the ages of 25 and 55 and the sequels are definitely geared toward that age group). Chop, Chop is a complete, stand-alone novel that will NOT leave you hanging, but the sequels are reasonably priced for those who want more.

Synopsis: Ever since Laci was a little girl she's been growing out her pretty, brown hair and chopping it off to send to Locks of Love. When Greg moves into town and finds out what she's doing, he thinks it's a great idea...so he starts doing it too! It's just one of the things that reserved, young David must tolerate as their friendship grows throughout the years. As they near adulthood, they grow not only closer to each other, but closer to God as well. David finds himself content in every way, but when tragedy occurs David must struggle to find his way back to God.

Free for most eReaders! I hope you will check it out:


message 29: by Bella (new)

Bella Swann (bella_swann) | 5 comments Hi all,

Although a writer of erotica, I would like to suggest some great indie, completely non-erotic books:

Resurrecting Cybele Resurrecting Cybele by Jenifer Mohammed

He Sees You When You're Sleeping
He Sees You When You're Sleeping by Lisa Dee

Angels of the Revolution
Angels of the Revolution by J.W. Horton


message 30: by Mark (last edited May 05, 2014 08:46AM) (new)

Mark Derbyshire | 1 comments Greetings!

Firstly I think its great that there is such an awesome platform for new books to be suggested, especially since the majority of great works seem to slip through the cracks.

Secondly, I recently had a book published, and would like to suggest it for anybody looking for a novel new concept. 'New Worlds:Book One' follows the story of a young man who unlocks some interesting new powers as he travels the Portalworld, a world vastly different from our own. He helps his travelling companion find her father, fights battles in the sky, narrowly escapes some harrowing encounters with ferocious creatures and generally has quite the adventure as he explores the world and learns to use his new ability to create portals. I'll leave this initial explanation short and sweet:)

I would love any and all feedback as well!

New Worlds: Book One

message 31: by Ted (new)

Ted Galdi (ted_galdi) | 2 comments Hey guys. A few group members have asked me when my new thriller Elixir will be available on Amazon. I’m happy to announce it was just officially released for Kindle. Check it out here:


Elixir is a story about a teenage genius who goes on a suspenseful adventure to cure his girlfriend of a mystery illness.

FYI, the paperback will be available in September.


message 32: by Brooke (new)

Brooke (brooke_burgess) | 1 comments Hi Everyone!

I hope you'll considering checking out the Free Giveaway Contest on GR for my new middle grade mystery/fantasy novel -- The Cat's Maw.

Take a sec' to scope the reviews, book trailer, and other goodies here:



In the sleepy town of Appleton, a young loner follows a stray cat onto the road and is struck by a car. A leg is shattered, a summer is ruined, and the troubled life of Billy Brahm goes from bad...to cursed.

When the mysterious cat appears at his bedside, Billy is haunted by strange and prophetic dreams -- the creatures in them speak of Watchers, and Shadows, and the Enemy that Awakens.

Does this impossible realm hold the key to healing the broken boy? Is the golden-eyed cat there to help him...or to make the nightmares come true? Too frightened to share the truth with his strict adoptive parents, Billy realizes that the only ones he can turn to are the local vet's daughter, the town's 'crazy cat lady'...

...and a mystical tiger, beckoning from his dreams.

All the best, and spread the good word!


message 33: by Nina (new)

Nina (author_ninaslack) | 2 comments Verloren by Nina Jean Slack https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2...

Name of book: Verloren by Nina Slack

Verloren- a beautiful German word meaning lost. Imagine being lost in a fairy- tale world in the enchanting forests of Germany. Anything could happen... and does happen. Will you ever find your way out? Do you even want to? The woods captivate and inspire, haunt and frighten. So, what are you waiting for? Step inside...

1800's Germany- The Land Of Fairy Tales. Albert and Delilah become lost in the enchanting woods of Germany. They encounter creatures and mysteries that have long existed for hundreds of years. Missing children, creatures that can talk, betrayal, realizations come to light that frighten and captivate the heart- and they must find their way out of the woods.

Direct Link: http://www.amazon.com/Verloren-Nina-S...

Kindle edition available in 12 hours or less, paperback is available right now. c:

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

May I suggest Tillie and the Golden Phantom by Heather B.Moon and the others in the series?

message 35: by Christy (last edited Apr 27, 2015 09:41AM) (new)

Christy Newman | 2 comments Hi everyone! My name is Christy and I am a teen author. I have found it difficult to let others know about my books, but here they are:

The first is a clean Christian fantasy: The Return The Return by Christy Newman

The others are a trilogy coauthored with my little sister and are not Christian, just clean YA.
Talwan's Vengeance Talwan's Vengeance by Christy Newman Gift of the Seekers Gift of the Seekers (Turn of the Tides #2) by Christy Newman Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time by Christy Newman

I hope you see something you like. All are on sale for 99 cents through May in Kindle format. Reviews are most helpful! -- Christy

message 36: by Christy (new)

Christy Newman | 2 comments Hi! Just wanted to let you know that one of my YA Adventure/Fantasy/Magic Kindle books is free Saturday and Sunday, September 5-6. Here is the link. Hope you enjoy it!
Talwan's Vengeance by Christy Newman Talwan's Vengeance

message 37: by Eric (new)

Eric Stockwell | 2 comments Here's your chance to win one of six copies of my dark fantasy book.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Truthseeker by Eric Stockwell

The Truthseeker

by Eric Stockwell

Giveaway ends October 06, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

message 38: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Peltier | 12 comments Hey, all! I have a free Kindle promo this weekend (Feb 5-7) for the first book in my Delmar Shark Chronicles Series. The fifth and final book in the series will be released later this year. I hope you'll take advantage of this deal and see where it all started! Thanks!

message 39: by Karen (new)

Karen Gammons (karengammons) | 1 comments Hello, Everyone! Don't know if this group is still active. Maybe, reading Prince Andy and the Misfits: Shadow Man will help revive and bring new life to the group and get you excited about future reads. It's the first in a series of four books. I am currently working on the fourth book, The Backward City. You can check it out on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Prince-Andy-Mi...

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