Indian Readers discussion

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message 1: by Em (new)

Em | 4 comments Hi Naveen
I have moved.the topic to the appropriate folder.

message 2: by Harsha (new)

Harsha (harshaus) | 1416 comments Actually there is already a thread for Tamil Literature here -

message 3: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Oh... then we better remove this thread

message 4: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Don't know Tamil. .but have heard of Silapatikaram.

message 5: by Harsha (new)

Harsha (harshaus) | 1416 comments Let's please move this discussion to this thread here- Tamil Literature... There has already been a discussion on Tamil books there, so it only makes sense to continue it there. Closing this one. Thanks.

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