Q&A with Josh Lanyon discussion

Ebook freebies and special offers (May 2019 —>)

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message 51: by Josh (new)

Josh (joshlanyon) | 23698 comments Mod
Jordan wrote: "Teal wrote: "Is it just me, or has the old thread -- disappeared? I was going to copy over some info for sales that are still ongoing."

Yes, it has disappeared. Johanna asked GR help to archive it..."

Oh no! What the heck!

message 52: by Josh (new)

Josh (joshlanyon) | 23698 comments Mod
But thank you so much for setting this up, Johanna.

message 53: by Josh (new)

Josh (joshlanyon) | 23698 comments Mod
Rosa wrote: "Johanna wrote: "I got an answer from the GR Help and it's not an answer we were hoping for. Unfortunately the old Freebies topic has disappeared for good and can't be accessed even by GR Help anymo..."

Exactly. And so many of the books had turned up again and again--and will again. :-)

message 56: by Elena (new)

Elena | 662 comments Riptide started the weekly sales for Pride Month.
This week theme is Tales for the Campfire, with books 50% off.
Sale valid June 1-7


message 61: by Teal (new)

Teal (howiebing) | 1930 comments The Persian Boy by Mary Renault is $1.99 on amazon:


This gets my highest recommendation, but you have to read the first in the series, Fire from Heaven, first.

message 67: by Teal (new)

Teal (howiebing) | 1930 comments Elena wrote: "Riptide started the weekly sales for Pride Month.
This week theme is Tales for the Campfire, with books 50% off.
Sale valid June 1-7..."

The Riptide website is acting up today, so I can't reliably access it. But I want to recommend the Blue Unicorn series by Don Allmon, which starts with The Glamour Thieves. All three books are included in the sale:


message 68: by Antonella (new)

Antonella | 11462 comments Teal wrote: "The Riptide website is acting up today, so I can't reliably access it. But I want to recommend the Blue Unicorn series by Don Allmon..."

Thank you for reminding me of the series, and thanks to Elena.
Apparently the page is still acting up, but I have till the 7th to try to buy book 2 and 3 of the series. I had liked The Glamour Thieves.

message 70: by Jordan (new)

Jordan Lombard (jslombard) | 15269 comments Mod
I will second The Persian Boy! It’s one of my favorites. But I will also say I think it can be read as a standalone. In other words, I’ve not yet read the first book, though I do intend to... someday. If I missed anything by not reading it first, I’m blissfully unaware. :-)

message 71: by Teal (last edited Jun 02, 2019 07:11PM) (new)

Teal (howiebing) | 1930 comments Jordan wrote: "I will second The Persian Boy! It’s one of my favorites. But I will also say I think it can be read as a standalone. In other words, I’ve not yet read the first book, though I do intend to..."

There's an entire dimension lost by not reading FFH first. There's a whole layer of complexity -- of pain and heartache and divided loyalties -- added to the reading experience of TPB if you read the first book first. Reading FFH afterward could never replicate that. As m/m readers, I think you'd be shooting yourselves in the foot if you read TPB as a standalone.

message 72: by Elena (new)

Elena | 662 comments From DSP:

Use Coupon Code: JUNELOVE
To Buy Any Novel, Novella, Short Story eBook
Released Before 2019 for 99 Cents
Coupon Expires June 5, 2019 at 11:59 PM ET


message 74: by Teal (new)

Teal (howiebing) | 1930 comments 50% OFF @ JMS Books during June with coupon code PRIDE2019.


message 75: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 18130 comments Mod
Teal wrote: "The Persian Boy by Mary Renault is $1.99 on amazon:


This gets my highest recommendation, but you have to read the first in th..."

Ooooh, I definitely second this recommendation! The Persian Boy is my second favorite from Mary Renault (The Charioteer being the very favorite one).

message 77: by Jordan (new)

Jordan Lombard (jslombard) | 15269 comments Mod
Teal wrote: "Jordan wrote: "I will second The Persian Boy! It’s one of my favorites. But I will also say I think it can be read as a standalone. In other words, I’ve not yet read the first book, though I do int..."

Okay, the truth has been spoken!

Honestly, I have a terrible memory, so I might be able to pull off reading the first book second. Maybe. I've read the second one twice, so maybe not. lol. Oh well. Too late now.

message 78: by Teal (new)

Teal (howiebing) | 1930 comments This may be only a one-day sale, in which case it's almost over, but here it is anyway...

Manic Pixie Dream Boy by K.A. Merikan is FREE on amazon:


message 84: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 350 comments Teal, you are on fire, finding all these sales!! Thanks so much for sharing!

message 90: by Antonella (new)

Antonella | 11462 comments The Gentleman Devil (The Ingenious Mechanical Devices #2) by Kara Jorgensen The Gentleman Devil free at

Disclaimer: No idea. «A thrilling adventure with a dash of gay romance!»

message 93: by Teal (new)

Teal (howiebing) | 1930 comments Cost of Repairs by A.M. Arthur is FREE, and the other books in the series are 99c each, on amazon:


message 95: by Jordan (new)

Jordan Lombard (jslombard) | 15269 comments Mod
I love that we're already on page two of this thread!
Thanks for all the links, Teal!

message 96: by Karen (last edited Jun 05, 2019 02:39PM) (new)

Karen | 4429 comments Mod
Teal's listing of The Persian Boy on the Ebook Freebies thread reminded me that I'd purchased a copy of Renault's Alexander Trilogy awhile back. So I read/re-read Fire from Heaven over the past two days.

I found it hard to put down, although I also sorely felt my lack of a classical education. I have no Greek or Latin beyond root words and dashes of taxonomy. :)

Still, it reminded me that as a child Greek myths were a favorite flashlight-under-the-blanket-past-bedtime treat. Now when I try to examine why that is, it's a mystery. The gods are monsters, awful (in all meanings of the word), and so often petty and vengeful. Maybe this explains my need now for stories with happy endings.

In the mid-1990s, I found a passion for Alexander the Great and spent a good year or more finding everything I could to read about him. This was not so much as you might imagine, given my limitations of English-only text, no university library privileges, and those early days of the worldwide web (and no ebooks). Nonetheless, there was a time I could recall the chronology of battles and describe some of the discrepancies and disagreements among scholars' interpretations of the writing of historians who recorded this story 300 or 400 years after it took place. My memory of all those details is gone now, and when I read Fire from Heaven this time, it was like a first time... but with the added realization of how little I know.

message 97: by Becky (new)

Becky (fibrobabe) | 1052 comments Antonella wrote: "The Gentleman Devil (The Ingenious Mechanical Devices #2) by Kara Jorgensen The Gentleman Devil free at

It looks like The Gentleman Devil is book two of a series. Book one, The Earl of Brass, is also free. The description doesn't say anything about romance, but there's a man and a woman on the cover, so if there is a love story it's likely m/f. I'm not familiar with the series or the author, but the covers are reminiscent of the new covers on the Whyborne and Griffin series, for what it's worth.


Linda ~ they got the mustard out! ~ (linda2485) | 458 comments Becky wrote: "Antonella wrote: "The Gentleman Devil (The Ingenious Mechanical Devices #2) by Kara Jorgensen The Gentleman Devil free at

That's because the cover artist, Lou Harper, is the same for both series. I had to look it up because it was tripping me out. :)

message 99: by Becky (new)

Becky (fibrobabe) | 1052 comments Linda ~ chock full of hoot, just a little bit of nanny ~ wrote: "Becky wrote: "Antonella wrote: "The Gentleman Devil (The Ingenious Mechanical Devices #2) by Kara Jorgensen The Gentleman Devil free at

That makes sense!

message 100: by Antonella (new)

Antonella | 11462 comments Becky wrote: "The description doesn't say anything about romance, but there's a man and a woman on the cover, so if there is a love story it's likely m/f."

As I gathered from different reviews: there is a no love story between Immanuel and Emmeline, they are just magically bounded. There is a m/m relationship, but is not the the center of the story.

Or are you talking about The Earl of Brass? That's m/f, and there is also a man and a woman on the cover.

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