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2019 Challenge Archive > 2019 July Word Hunt

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message 1: by Jane (PS), Moderator (last edited Jun 20, 2019 05:35PM) (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Monthly Word Hunt
1 - 31 July 2019

This challenge is to see if you can find all the words listed below within your reading for the month. You do not need to preselect a level.

The maximum number of words for each book is THREE. There is no page limit.

0-3 words : better luck next time
3-5 words : warming up
6-8 words : getting hotter
9-10 words : CHAMPION hunter!


For our over-achievers who just need some extra words because the above weren't enough...

Unlike with the 10 words above - you must find the EXACT word to claim these bonus words, and I try to make them hard.


and a bonus bonus

To prove that you have found the word, please quote the page, percentage or LOC (Kindle) and include the sentence in which it appears.

Audiobooks are allowed so long as you can quote the page/%/LOC and the sentence. (Eg Using whispersync or finding that sentence in some other way.)

You must find the actual word or the word's root word must be at the core with the meaning essentially remaining the same ~ just turned into a noun, adjective, adverb etc. No prefixes or hyphenated extensions. An extension is allowed where it is often the accepted spelling eg goodbye or good-bye.

Where a word has more than one meaning, either meaning may be used. Eg coast (beachfront) or coast (moving without effort) etc

Please post all entries, updates, final posts and questions in this thread.

If you are one of those super-cray-cray/OCD/overly ambitious/organised or bored readers who wish to find words from PRIOR months that are missing in addition to the current month's words, you may use an additional three (3) words per book. These can only be allocated to prior month words.

So you may allocate three words per book to the current month's words, AND three words per book if those words are from PRIOR months' and have been carried forward.

Examples for 'Reversal'
Reverse - Laser Visions √ 15 May
p50-51 : There were a couple of bands Tam had that this person didn't, but none in the reverse.

Reversing - Sunset √ 10 Jul
p204 : Reversing his grip on his katana, he held it out to Nick.

message 2: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Example post:

Word Hunt - January
1 Jan - 31 Jan 20xx

Word found: 10/10
Book completed: 7

Merry Gentlemen √ 1 Jan
Undertow √ 4 Jan
bartender, king, mourning
Heart of the Warrior √ 7 Jan
champagne, molasses
Obernewtyn √ 9 Jan
Inestimable Blessings √ 9 Jan
Starfish and Coffee √ 12 Jan
Dom Wars: Round One √ 12 Jan

1. BARTENDER - Undertow √ 4 Jan
p113 - (Which was Sunday and Monday - Saturday was a busy night on the bartender/club scene.
2. CHAMPAGNE - Heart of the Warrior √ 7 Jan
p180-181 - The doorman greeted him inside the foyer and waved his past - no need to check the guest list for his name - and he grabbed a glass of champagne from a tray and looked around.
3. BOWL Merry Gentlemen √ 1 Jan
p11 - "Another hippy bloke selling hand-turned bowls and crap like that."
4. KING - Undertow √ 4 Jan
p48 - Roan was the king of the jungle, and he should have no problem subduing cats; it was shat he did, sometimes without intention.
5. DREAM - Dom Wars: Round One √ 12 Jan
LOC 756: I'd never have dreamed just holding a person's hand could be such a turn on.
6. MOURN - Undertow √ 4 Jan
p262 - Because, come to think about it, you could confuse remorse for mourning, especially in a naturally depressed person.
7. GRANDMOTHER - Starfish and Coffee √ 12 Jan
p98-99 - "... He put your grandmother on a pedestal until the day she died. ..."
8. DIARY - Obernewtyn √ 9 Jan
p231 - Alexi took the diary, opened it, and held it in front of my eyes.
9. MOLASSES - Heart of the Warrior √ 7 Jan
p217 - "You move like molasses, my pet."
10. BLOOD - Inestimable Blessings √ 9 Jan
p46-47: Lee shivered, overwhelmed by the attraction simmering in his blood.

message 3: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Tips for finding words - courtesy of Jennifer ♔Princess Penguin♔

Using Google books:
~Go here
~Type in the name of your book
~Select your book
~On the left about midway down there will be a search bar, type your word in there.

Couple of things you need to know...
~you need to check every variety of the word you want so, let's say GROUP doesn't show up you would also need to type in GROUPS/ED/ING
~Unfortunately, 99% of the books on Google does not list page numbers (at least in my experience)

Using Amazon:
~You search for your book
~Once on your book page make sure you are on a version that is paperback or hardcover (Kindle editions will not work)
~On the left there will be a picture of your book and it should have "Search Inside" above it
~Click on the book and the search bar will be inside

You will not need to search separately for plurals but you will still need to search separately for -ed and -ing

You can also search for words in all the books loaded on your Kindle.

On the home page, use the 'search' function.
~ type in the word and select 'search my items'.

message 4: by Jane (PS), Moderator (last edited Jun 20, 2019 05:35PM) (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Monthly Word Hunt
1 - 31 July 2019



bonus bonus

message 5: by Georgina (last edited Jul 13, 2019 12:25AM) (new)

Georgina Parkin (geosbookblog) | 307 comments Words read: 10/10 | bonus read: 6/6 | books read: 7/7

LOC 1596 “...she might have missed the slight tremor that lay beneath the bold words.” Linger 9/7
casino: P19 “There’s this new club at the Cavendish casino.” Bad Things 13/7
dove: LOC 3525 “He dove in after her, then yanked her naked slick body to him, pressing her close.” If You Desire 6/7
coyotes: LOC 3547 “A pack of coyotes?” Linger 9/7
hairless: LOC “... their skin smooth and hairless, unlike their males.” Reverse Abduction 3/7
honey: LOC 369 “You like my wings, honey?” Still Life with Strings 2/7
intruder: LOC 256 “You just defined intruder.” Reverse Abduction 3/7
mundane: LOC 59 “... fantastical surprise standing upon the mundane street.” Still Life with Strings 2/7
warp: LOC 1330 “Have the years warped your mind?” If You Desire 6/7
viper: LOC 221 “The Incredibly Deadly Viper...” The Reptile Room 11/7

Bonus -
LOC 2106 “Do you deny assiduously avoiding everyone but my father?” If You Desire 6/7
cadaver: LOC 1025 “I’ll probably also freak out the first time that I face a cadaver in med school.” One Tiny Lie 10/7
charismatic: P146 “His father could be callous, but… so charismatic.” Bad Things 13/7
gateway: LOC 1582 “Pleasure is the gateway to emotion.” Linger 9/7
mythical: LOC 1529 “A mythical creature turned to stone in the White Witch’s courtyard in Narnia.” Still Life with Strings 2/7
aquatic: LOC “... faintly smiling as the aquatic creatures within nibbled her fingers.” Reverse Abduction

message 6: by CB (last edited Jul 22, 2019 05:02PM) (new)

CB (cb33) | 1312 comments Monthly Word Hunt - July 2019

Regular 10/10
Bonus 3/5
Bonus Bonus 0/1

Regular words
bold - Mafia Protection by A.A. Lee (7/4/19) 1.5⭐️
They were bold and beautiful under the setting sun, giving her a sense of independence. Page 42

casino - Mafia Protection by A.A. Lee
A casino. Page 79

dove - The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan (7/14/19) 5⭐️
The sky was bright and fine, and a soft breeze up the valley brought him the scent of deer and rabbits, quail and dove, a thousand distinct smells, of water and earth and trees. Page 460

coyotes - Kincaid by Marie James (7/7/19) 3.5⭐️
“I’d rather not have to fight off the coyotes and snakes that will be making an appearance soon.” LOC 2035

hairless - The Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan (7/21/19) 4.5⭐️
Both men were barefoot, and Juilin was stripped to the waist, lean and hairless-chested. Page 512

honey - The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan (7/1/19) 4.5⭐️
“I’ll mix you some honey and sulphur, lad, for that throat.“ Page 450

intruder - Mafia Protection by A.A. Lee
These men were like her father, and they did not take intruders lightly. Page 78

mundane - The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan
-and the Tower had to be aloof from mundane struggles to face that. Page 27

warp - The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan
The warp and the woof of the weave. Page 214

viper - The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan
It moved like a viper, sinuous and deadly, black sword quick as lightning, but he was Young Bull. Page 62

assiduously - The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan
That was the latest fashion among the younger lords, and Reimon chased the latest fashion as assiduously as he chased women. Page 52


charismatic - Tony by Maryann Jordan (7/14/19) 3⭐️
When Hernando had moved to the neighborhood, it was hard not to notice the charismatic man. Page 159

gateway - The Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan
A gateway, Asmodean called it. Page 144


Bonus Bonus

Mafia Protection (Tomassi Series Book 1) by A.A. Lee The Shadow Rising (Wheel of Time, #4) by Robert Jordan Kincaid (Cerberus MC, #1) by Marie James The Fires of Heaven (Wheel of Time, #5) by Robert Jordan The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time, #3) by Robert Jordan Tony (Alvarez Security #2) by Maryann Jordan

message 7: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Will get the words into the post in about 12 hours. Sorry, I ran out of time this afternoon 🙂

message 8: by Maritza (last edited Jul 31, 2019 12:09AM) (new)

Maritza (spanishwhispers) | 568 comments Hi guys.

Monthly Word Hunt 1 - 31 July 2019

0-3 words : better luck next time
3-5 words : warming up
6-8 words : getting hotter
9-10 words : CHAMPION hunter!

WORDS FOUND - 8 of 10, 1 of 5 Bonus, of 1 Bonus Bonus

bold, The Rumor 07/16 - ,BOLD enough to pick it up. (loc 3538)
dove, Vengeance Road 07/05 - Lana DOVE into the water, pg 247)
hairless, Bone Dry 07/26 - , soothed his HAIRLESS head. (loc 992)
honey, Vengeance Road 07/05 - "Steele, HONEY, I don't need saving." (pg 75)
intruder, Boo Buried Cupcakes 07/09 - ... a much scarier situation of possibly surprising an INTRUDER. (pg 32)
mundane, Mason 07/19 - She tried to focus on the MUNDANE issue of clothes. (loc 576)
warp, Boo Buried Cupcakes 07/09 - I can see those wheels turning at WARP speed. (pg 125)
viper, The Rumor 07/16 - ...I don't want Tash to think I've landed in a nest of VIPERs. (loc 2717)

cadaver, Bone Dry 07/26 - , a CADAVER. (pg 156)


Vengeance Road (Torpedo Ink #2) by Christine Feehan Boo Buried Cupcakes (Black Cat Cafe #11) by Lyndsey Cole The Rumor by Lesley Kara Mason (SEALs of Honor, #1) by Dale Mayer Bone Dry (Gina Mazzio, #1) by Bette Golden Lamb

message 9: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 3838 comments My spot.

message 10: by Andrea (last edited Jul 15, 2019 10:28AM) (new)

Andrea | 101 comments 10/10 words in 7 books

bold - Exorcising the Exes - Jul1 - 4*
Pos 513 - "Having a guy sound insecure about Dan made him bold, it seemed."
casino - Jordan vs. All the Boys - Jul3 - 5*
Pos 2388 - "And in some cases, realize that maybe you shouldn't be in a casino and change the venue entirely"
dove - Exorcising the Exes - Jul1 - 4*
Pos 1613 - "Dan's dad came into the kitchen, drinks were poured, then his mom shooed them to the table and they dove into dinner."
coyotes - Longing for Shelter - Jul5 - 5*
LOC 1981 - "You think we should let them loose to take their chances with the coyotes?"
hairless - Clickbait - Jul8 - 4*
LOC 2366 - "Alex trailed one enormous hand over Gideon's chest, his calluses rough against hairless skin..."
honey - Exorcising the Exes - Jul1 - 4*
Pos. 632 - "Oh honey, you're cute and all, but not that cute"
intruder - Counting Fence Posts - Jul9 - 3*
LOC 835 - "A scratching noise intruded upon his sleep, matching the endless steps of some useless dream journey."
mundane - Galaxies and Oceans - Jul11 - 5*
LOC 471 - "Unless it's about mundane things like, have you seen the penguins and seals or do you like your fish grilled or fried?"
warp - Clickbait - Jul8 - 4*
LOC 3165 - "Nothing bust shifting gray mist, the occasional flash of clarity warped by lack of context, as likely to be false as true?"
viper - A Model Escort - Jul12 - 4*
LOC 1749 - "He wasn't merely grinning like a snake, he was one - a viper waiting to strike."

charismatic - Electric Sunshine - Jul15 - 4*
LOC 466 - "I could easily find something interesting or charismatic about people"


message 11: by Rissa (last edited Jul 22, 2019 05:48PM) (new)

Rissa | 692 comments Mine! :)

Monthly Word Hunt
1 - 31 July 2019

July Finished 10/10!

bold - Prickly Business - LOC 934 - "Dylan’s tank top put the bold, dark lines of his tattoos on full display." - 7/8/2019

casino - Devouring Flame - LOC 62 - "And since the casino was demon owned and operated, the bets at his table weren’t cash, precious metals, or gemstones." - 7/3/2019

dove - Devouring Flame - LOC 2077 - "Smith grabbed Hashim’s hand and together they dove into the crowd." - 7/3/2019

coyotes - Prickly Business - LOC 1111 - "Some, like wolves and coyotes, were more commonplace than others." - 7/8/2019

hairless - Family Matters - LOC 6246 - "Azeban let his fingers trail down to Charon's chest, frost-pale and hairless." - 7/21/2019

honey - Southernmost Murder - LOC 1139 - "I added drizzled honey, raspberries, blackberries, all of the avocado, and a sprinkle of sea salt." - 7/10/2019

intruder - Southernmost Murder - LOC 2492 - "Just having a gun would scare off any potential intruder." - 7/10/2019

mundane - Damned If You Do - LOC p64 - "After what had felt like a momentous admission, it was a surprisingly mundane response. “What does that mean?”" - 7/1/2019

warp - Ravensong - LOC 7250 - "I looked up at the door, and between my hands, between the pinpricks of light, the wood began to warp outward." - 7/16/2019

viper - Damned If You Do - LOC p76 - "Abaddon waited, and eventually, Seth cleared his throat and spoke. “‘And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand. And the barbarians said among themselves, no doubt this man is a murderer who vengeance suffereth not to live. But Paul shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. And they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds.’”" - 7/1/2019

Bonus Finished 5/5!

assiduously - Family Matters - LOC 5103 - "Charon glanced over the list and found himself searching the birthdates more assiduously the second time through." - 7/21/2019

cadaver - All's Fair: Complete Collection - LOC 7514 - "They had conducted a major search of those woods with cadaver dogs but come up empty." - 7/14/2019

charismatic - Love in Spades - LOC p198 - "They were charismatic, charming, and genuinely good men with an insurmountable expanse of knowledge and experience beneath their belts, making it easy for Colton to put his trust in them." - 7/6/2019

gateway - Ravensong - LOC 5624 - "A gateway to a small mountain town." - 7/16/2019

mythical - Love in Spades - LOC p220 - "Colton entered the pool like some sensual mythical creature, and Ace followed as if under his spell." - 7/6/2019

and a bonus bonus Finished 1/1!

aquatic - All's Fair: Complete Collection - LOC 5277 - "“About halfway. They just took part in the 1969 aquatic invasion of Fort Lewis as part of the GI-Civilian Alliance for Peace, and they’re debating whether—or more exactly, how—to drop a bomb on a military target, but they can’t agree on a target.”" - 7/14/2019

message 12: by Nicole (last edited Aug 08, 2019 05:37AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments 2019 July Word Hunt

Regular Words: 10/10 found
✓ Bold: The Secret by Julie Garwood (01/07) ★★
"It was a bold question to ask." Page 142

✓ Casino: Nightchaser by Amanda Bouchet (04/07) ★★★
"Not to the casino , though, right?" Page 122

✓ Dove: The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss (02/07) ★★
"...and the cooing of the dove in the cote." Page 54

✓ Coyotes: Open Season by Linda Howard (06/07) ★★★
"...had to pay in full before the coyote would take them across..." Page 4

✓ Hairless: The Catalyst by Chris Reher (04/07) ★★
"The natives were pale-skinned and hairless and Nova studied them..." Page 45

✓ Honey: Wicked by Jill Barnett (02/07) ★★
" that dripped with honey and came..." Page 112

✓ Intruder: Overload Flux by Carol Van Natta (03/07) ★★
"...she discovered the intruder alarm had been tripped..." Page 69

✓ Mundane: Wicked by Jill Barnett (02/07) ★★
"...did not feel routine or mundane ." Page 189

✓ Warp: Overload Flux by Carol Van Natta (03/07) ★★
"...explained away or lost in the bureaucratic warp ." Page 78

✓ Viper: The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss (02/07) ★★
"You vicious little viper ." Page 167

The Secret (Highlands' Lairds #1) by Julie Garwood Nightchaser (Endeavor, #1) by Amanda Bouchet The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss Open Season by Linda Howard The Catalyst (The Targon Tales, #1) by Chris Reher Wicked (Medieval Wedding Trilogy Book 3) by Jill Barnett Overload Flux (Central Galactic Concordance #1) by Carol Van Natta

Bonus Words: 4/5 found
✓ Assiduously: If You Desire by Kresley Cole (25/07) ★★★
"Do you deny assiduously avoiding everyone but my father?" Page 165

2. cadaver
✓ Charismatic: Rescue Me by Christy Reece (08/07) ★★★
"Jordan was a handsome, charismatic man..." Page 37

✓ Gateway: The Catalyst by Chris Reher (04/07) ★★
"A single gateway between the two sectors..." Page 32

✓ Mythical: Overload Flux by Carol Van Natta (03/07) ★★
"...and possibly mythical , forecaster named Ayorinn." Page 56

If You Desire (MacCarrick Brothers, #2) by Kresley Cole 2 Rescue Me (Last Chance Rescue, #1) by Christy Reece The Catalyst (The Targon Tales, #1) by Chris Reher Overload Flux (Central Galactic Concordance #1) by Carol Van Natta

Bonus Bonus
✓ Aquatic: Christmas Delights by Heather Hiestand (29/07) ★★
"At least the men weren't building an aquatic vessel to fire torpedoes..." Page 173

😭 Orphans 😭
1. Lackadaisical

✓ Devotee: The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye (11/07) ★★★★
"There had only been one devotee there that day..." Page 198

3. Holistic

The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye

message 13: by Calila (last edited Aug 02, 2019 07:06PM) (new)

Calila | 2746 comments Dibs

11/16 + 4/12
Bold - Desire and the Deep Blue Sea 07/04/19 ★★★
LOC 1355: "He descended into her arms and took her mouth, and her plush lips opened to him, all sweetness and bold need."
Casino - Real World 07/22-23/19 ★★★
LOC 773: "She left on a bus tour to that casino in Louisiana, honey."
Dove - Home Improvement 07/06/19 ★★★★
LOC 597: "A wave of heat and that scent like some kind of spice Gabe loved in apple cider filled his nose, fogged his brain, and dove like a spark of electricity to his balls."
Coyotes - Rocks & Railways 07/7-10/19 ★★★★★
LOC 730: "Coyotes would at least be smaller if they shifted, but they still bite just the same."
Hairless - Rocks & Railways 07/7-10/19 ★★★★★
LOC 1733: "It was similar to that of a wolf, but was hairless all over."
Honey - Home Improvement 07/06/19 ★★★★
LOC 191: "Honey, this is amazing."
Intruder - The Geek and His Bad Boys 07/03/19 ★★★
LOC 2048: "With the headlights still glaring in our faces, it was hard to keep looking at the intruders, but he pulled his hand away from his face anyway, trying to make eye contact."
Mundane - Point of Contact 07/15/19 ★★★★★
LOC 4499: "Other than laundry and other mundane things, I actually spent most of my time cleaning out the garage."
Warp - Rocks & Railways 07/7-10/19 ★★★★★
LOC 2261: "The echo warped their voices slightly, but as Mack neared, he could hear them plain as day."
Viper -
Assiduously -
Cadaver -
Charismatic -
Gateway - Home Improvement 07/06/19 ★★★★
LOC 1831: "By the time they'd walked the big front yard a few times, they'd conceived a Japanese-looking gateway with a stone path edged by boulders and shrubbery that wound between the trees."
Mythical - Desire and the Deep Blue Sea 07/04/19 ★★★
LOC 1463: "All wildlife seems mythical and exotic to me."
Aquatic -
Hymn -
Celery -
Degenerative -
Calculator - The Ongoing Reformation of Micah Johnson 07/07-08/19 ★★★
LOC 339: "I thought I'd left my calculator in here."
Lackadaisical - Ramen Assassin 07/24-25/19 ★★★★
LOC 2814: "But mostly, it showed me how lackadaisical I've become."
Accomplice - The Wolf at Bay 07/29-30/17 ★★★
LOC 45: "There was, of course, that whole unwitting accomplice to a psychotic serial killer hell-bent on destroying the entire werewolf species thing four months ago."
Chivalrous -
Mohawk -
Rambunctious -
Knotty -
Squalid - Ramen Assassin 07/24-25/19 ★★★★
LOC 35: "He just couldn't tell that to the kids he'd pulled out of a squalid shack not more than an hour before."

message 14: by Tammie (last edited Jul 18, 2019 07:51AM) (new)

Tammie | 1963 comments Monthly Word Hunt
Read: 10/10
Bonus: 2/5
Bonus-Bonus: 0/1
Carry Over: 1/2

7/5 bold - The Chance, pg 19 of 348, "..., try not to make them too bold so you're able to return them to their original color when you move out."

7/1 casino - Midnight Rainbow, loc 3328 of 3418, The elegant casino was buzzing, and the chandeliers rivaled in brilliance the diamonds...

7/10 coyotes - Angels Fall, pg 227 of 440, The ..., but it was her first sight of a coyote on its slinking lope over the flats...

7/12 dove - The Pagan Stone, pg 257 of 301, One of the bullets plowed into Cal's sternum, took him down even as Gage and Fox dove at Cy.

7/5 hairless - Tarnished Knight, loc 1020 of 1652, Smooth hairless skin met her gaze, the colour of honey.

7/5 honey - The Chance, pg 66 of 348, "At least one more date, honey," he said.

7/16 intruder - Dry, pg 164 of 401, " Intruder alert," I say, realizing that sounds far more sci-fi than I mean it to.

7/1 mundane - Midnight Rainbow, loc 2884 of 3418, After what she'd been through, the Mexico City traffic looked mundane.

7/1 warp - Midnight Rainbow, loc 2162 of 3418, ...making her feel as if she had emerged from a time warp.

7/14 viper - Free, pg 104 of 561, "You stepped into a viper's den that also has a pissed-off lion."


7/12 gateway - Blood Brothers, pg 332 of 336, He hoped to use that gateway to talk her into the backseat of his ancient VW bug.

7/12 mythical - The Pagan Stone, pg 67 of 301, --their bloodstone--a fragment of some larger whole, some mythical, magickal power source?



7/10 knotty - Angels Fall, pg 176 of 440, ..., elk, moose and mule deer adorned the knotty pine paneling, along with what...

The Chance (Thunder Point, #4) by Robyn Carr Midnight Rainbow by Linda Howard Angels Fall by Nora Roberts The Pagan Stone (Sign of Seven, #3) by Nora Roberts Tarnished Knight (London Steampunk, #1.5) by Bec McMaster Dry by Neal Shusterman Free (Chaos, #6) by Kristen Ashley Blood Brothers (Sign of Seven #1) by Nora Roberts

message 15: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Words have been updated into msg 1!!

message 16: by Becky (last edited Jul 29, 2019 07:36PM) (new)

Becky (fibrobabe) | 1450 comments 16/16

bold The Governess Game- loc 1328- His tongue stroked hers in a bold, suggestive rhythm, and she couldn't catch her breath. 7/1-7/2
casino Stripped- loc 2140- Mark, our sound master and DJ, is trying to find the right angle with the photographer The Royal Hotel and Casino sent over. 7/5-7/7
dove Terms of Service- page 18- He dove into the mayhem of the ER with renewed dedication. 7/3
coyotes Stripped- loc 413- I'd hop up on top of the bar and invite a handful of girls to bring along with me, like Coyote Ugly and shit. 7/5-7/7
hairless Terms of Service- page 122- He didn't shave his groin or head, but the entire rest of his body was hairless, kept smooth in order to minimize drag in the water. 7/3
honey Once Upon a Marquess- loc 684- A familiar taste, herbs and honey, bloomed on his tongue. 7/4-7/5
intruder The Governess Game- loc 206- "I'm clearly intruding." 7/1-7/2
mundane Terms of Service- page 26- "But every so often, some random, mundane event almost kills you, like realizing you have nobody to share popcorn with at the movie, or that the container of his favorite yogurt in the fridge is two months past the best-by date." 7/3
warp Stripped- loc 345- A terribly distorted memory surfaces, like seeing something behind warped glass. 7/5-7/7
viper Omega for Rent- loc 249- I was headed into the vipers' nest -- aka the "loving" embrace of my father's and stepmom's hospitality -- and I needed to pull my shit together. 7/9-7/10


assiduously Counting on a Countess- loc 2305- As the lord of the house and holder of the title, by right Kit should find himself behind that desk-- reviewing letters, petitions, or whatever pieces of paper that titled men read assiduously, wearing a pair of spectacles and being Important. 7/27-7/29
cadaver Counting on a Countess- loc 5883- Her uncle had the waxy appearance of a cadaver. 7/27-7/29
charismatic Once Upon a Marquess- loc 570- Up until that moment, he had looked precisely as she had expected Christian to look: confident, charismatic, and far too attractive. 7/4-7/5
gateway Once Upon a Marquess- loc 3118- And somehow, that one discovery had been a gateway to all the things that hadn't hurt. 7/4-7/5
mythical The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics- loc 1911- She turned to her pencil box and pulled free a small card with the image of a mythical beast, half lion and half eagle. 7/23-7/24

Bonus Bonus

aquatic Something Stinks at the Spa- loc 334- I'm no traveling aquatic engineer, but it didn't take much common sense to figure out that this particular pump tapped directly into the Spring Falls hot spring. 7/27

message 17: by Becky (new)

Becky (fibrobabe) | 1450 comments Jane, just to double check, are we looking for charistmatic or charismatic?

message 18: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Becky wrote: "Jane, just to double check, are we looking for charistmatic or charismatic?"

Oops 'charismatic' - will fix the error now :)

message 19: by JoAnne (last edited Aug 01, 2019 08:48AM) (new)

JoAnne (joannemwct) | 464 comments The maximum number of words for each book is THREE. There is no page limit.

9-10 words : CHAMPION hunter!

Read 8/10 words; read 2/5 bonus words; read 0/1 bonus bonus word

Orphan words
June: read 1/2 bonus words; 0/1 bonus bonus word
May: read 1/2 bonus words
April: read 1/2 bonus words; 0/1 bonus bonus word

July words:
bold - Kindle location 109 - She was the bold one, not as eager to please him.
High Tide (Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances, #4) by Michelle Mankin High Tide (Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances, #4) by Michelle Mankin 7/3/19 4stars

casino ; Kindle location 2627 - "When the casino realized she had a problem, they fired her."
Home at Chestnut Creek / Wild Cowboy Ways by Laura Drake Home at Chestnut Creek (Chestnut Creek #2) by Laura Drake 7/5/19 5stars

dove - Kindle location 228 - The rim of the horizon is the color of a dove; sunrise is minutes away.
Home at Chestnut Creek / Wild Cowboy Ways by Laura Drake Home at Chestnut Creek (Chestnut Creek #2) by Laura Drake 7/5/19 5stars

coyotes - Kindle location 877 - "Must be nice to be safe together when it's cold, and the coyotes howl."
Home at Chestnut Creek / Wild Cowboy Ways by Laura Drake Home at Chestnut Creek (Chestnut Creek #2) by Laura Drake 7/5/19 5stars


honey - Kindle location 2332 - "Excuse me, honey."
High Tide (Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances, #4) by Michelle Mankin High Tide (Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances, #4) by Michelle Mankin 7/3/19 4stars

intruder (intruded) - Kindle location 2628 - "I'm sorry they found you and intruded on your birthday."
High Tide (Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances, #4) by Michelle Mankin High Tide (Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances, #4) by Michelle Mankin 7/3/19 4stars

mundane - Kindle location 2306 - Why on earth would Darren lie to me about something as mundane as whether or not he watched a foodball game?
Murder By Muffin (Whispering Bay Mystery Book 3) by Maria Geraci Murder By Muffin (Whispering Bay Mystery Book 3) by Maria Geraci 7/18/19 4stars

warp - Kindle location 6434 - And like that, in the blink of any eye, Irene was off in another time warp.
Wild Cowboy Ways (Lucky Penny Ranch, #1) by Carolyn Brown Wild Cowboy Ways (Lucky Penny Ranch #1) by Carolyn Brown 7/5/19 5stars


For our over-achievers who just need some extra words because the above weren't enough...

Unlike with the 10 words above - you must find the EXACT word to claim these bonus words, and I try to make them hard.


cadaver - Kindle location 3030 - "We have cadaver dogs on the property now,...
Love's Truest Hope by Laura V. Hilton Love's Truest Hope by Laura V. Hilton, Rachel J. Good, Mary Alford 7/8/19 4.5stars



mythical - Kindle location 6767 - ...standing there like a mythical god with pajama pants riding low on his hips, a wife beater shirt stretched out across his muscular chest, and barefoot.
Wild Cowboy Ways (Lucky Penny Ranch, #1) by Carolyn Brown Wild Cowboy Ways (Lucky Penny Ranch #1) by Carolyn Brown 7/5/19 5stars

and a bonus bonus

June orphan bonus words - must be exact!

mohawk - PB page 64 - "Let's just say the mohawk look wasn't flattering on any of them."
All Roads Lead to You (Stay, #3) by Jennifer Probst All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3) by Jennifer Probst 7/15/19 4.5 stars

and a bonus bonus

MAY Orphan Bonus must be exact
calculator - Kindle location 474 - As Lucy talked about what she wanted to see he made notes occasionally, frowned, tapped on a calculator, and then promised to work up estimates.
Spring House by Mary Ellen Taylor Spring House by Mary Ellen Taylor 7/31/19 4stars


orphans from April must be exact

devotee - Kindle location 224 - A vaudevillian devotee to the core he tipped the edge of the box back a fraction so that only he could peek inside,
Spring House by Mary Ellen Taylor Spring House by Mary Ellen Taylor 7/31/19 4stars

Bonus bonus

To prove that you have found the word, please quote the page, percentage or LOC (Kindle) and include the sentence in which it appears.

You must find the actual word or the word's root word must be at the core with the meaning essentially remaining the same ~ just turned into a noun, adjective, adverb etc. No prefixes or hyphenated extensions. An extension is allowed where it is often the accepted spelling eg goodbye or good-bye.

Where a word has more than one meaning, either meaning may be used. Eg coast (beachfront) or coast (moving without effort) etc

Please post all entries, updates, final posts and questions in this thread.

If you are one of those super-cray-cray/OCD/overly ambitious/organised or bored readers who wish to find words from PRIOR months that are missing in addition to the current month's words, you may use an additional three (3) words per book. These can only be allocated to prior month words.

So you may allocate three words per book to the current month's words, AND three words per book if those words are from PRIOR months' and have been carried forward.

message 20: by Pam from Maine (last edited Jul 28, 2019 06:37PM) (new)

Pam from Maine | 377 comments July
bold Survival of the Richest by Skye Warren 7/9 LOC pg 4 "The one that gleams the brightest, with Liquid Assets in bold letters."

casino Luscious by Amanda Usen 7/18
LOC pg 18 "He ran the local casino as well as several other questionable businesses in town."

dove Whiskey When We're Dry LOC pg 60 "I awoke to a mourning dove sitting on the overturned table."

coyotes Whiskey When We're Dry LOC pg 45 "I had lost the hog to coyotes while burying Pa."

hairless Reverse Abduction Loc Pg 20 " "Their bodies below the were >b>hairless and smooth."

HONEY The Light Between Oceans 7/1 LOC pg 243 "Honey-eaters and wagtails chirupped outside."

INTRUDER The Light Between Oceans
7/1 LOC pg 78 "Lucy's fury drover her up the path, ready to banish the intruder from her instrument, from her body, from her home>"

mundane The Evolution of Man by Skye Warren
LOC pg 84 " I don't bother with anything so mundane as permission."

viper The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen Woodiwiss LOC pg 23 "You vicious little viper!" he choked.

warp Survival of the Richest by Skye Warren 7/9 Loc pg 218 " He operates on his own code of honor, which is warped and broken but comes from a good place."

For our over-achievers who just need some extra words because the above weren't enough...

Unlike with the 10 words above - you must find the EXACT word to claim these bonus words, and I try to make them hard.
assiduously A Week to Be Wicked by Tessa Dare LOC pg 204 " But this far, he had assiduously worked to keep the two social spheres separate."

cadaver One Tiny Lie by K. A. Tucker
LOC pg 76 " I'll probably also freak out the first time that I face a cadaver in med school."

charismatic Cooper's Charmby Lori Foster LOC 6 "Surrouded by beautiful scenery, friendly colleagues and a charismatic boxx, Phoenix is slowly inching her way back.."

gatewayThe Shack by William Paul Young LOC pg 33"Wallowa Lake is the gateway into the Eagle Cap Wilderness Area..."

mythical The Evolution of Man by Skye Warren 7/10 LOC pg 259 " I'm a she-devil, a siren, a mythical creature.."

and a bonus bonus
aquatic Reverse Abduction Loc pg "...and trailed her fingers along the raised pond, smiling faintly as the aquatic creatures within nibbled on her fingers>"

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 1166 comments Monthly Word Hunt
1 - 31 July 2019



bonus bonus

message 22: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 31, 2019 06:30AM) (new)


Regular 8/10
1. BOLD - Love and Lists by Tara Sivec - p. 10: "He smoothes out a crumpled piece of paper on my countertop and writes in big, bold letters across the top: How to Make Charlotte Bang Me." - 7/15
2. CASINO - At the Corner of Rock Bottom & Nowhere by L.A. Witt - p. 8: "Nobody sees them, but they're here, all along the Strip - the destitute people who've given their last dime to the casino gods and have nothing left." - 7/11
3. DOVE - Illegal Contact by Santino Hassell - loc 3843: "He half dove off the side of the bed to grab his phone, but I grabbed his wrist before he could tap the screen." - 7/28
4. COYOTES - Misadventures of a Curvy Girl by Sierra Simone - loc 258: "Sometimes the coyotes will even give the cows trouble." - 7/19
5. HAIRLESS - Troubles and Treats by Tara Sivec - p. 193: "In just a few seconds, my fingers slide over perfectly smooth, hairless skin." - 7/13
6. HONEY - Raid by Kristen Ashley - p. 17: "He called me honey in that rumbling voice." - 7/2
7. INTRUDER - Nerdboobs by T.M. Grinsley - p. 47: "Taking a sip of water to cleanse my mouth from the intruder, I saw Ryan smack both of them on the back of the head and walk off." - 7/14
8. MUNDANE - American King by Sierra Simone - p. 76: "Embry is gone, and his leaving is now so permanent and acknowledged that it's almost mundane." - 7/24

Bonus 5/5
1. ASSIDUOUSLY - Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb - p. 9: "I'll bet you could name five truly difficult people off the top of your head right now - some you assiduously avoid, others you would assiduously avoid if they didn't share your last name." - 7/1
2. CADAVER - Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb - p. 84: "We were in gross anatomy, the traditional first-year human-dissection course, and each student team at Stanford worked on the cadaver of a generous person who had donated his or her body to science." - 7/16
3. CHARISMATIC - Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston - p. 84: "It was a bold new plan: three attractive, bright, charismatic, marketable millennials..." - 7/31
4. GATEWAY - Looking for Alaska by John Green - loc 1141: "God, 'I love you' really is the gateway drug of breaking up." - 7/01
5. MYTHICAL - The Smallest Part by Amy Harmon - loc 1653: "Being with her was like...being with a mythical princess." - 7/22

Bonus Bonus 1/1
AQUATIC - The Guilty River by Wilkie Collins - p. 40: "The boat-house had been built, many years since, by a rich retired tradesman with a mania for aquatic pursuits." - 7/9

1. JUNE '19 - CHIVALROUS - Pucked Up by Helena Hunting - 70% (audio): "My first thoughts are not the chivalrous kind." - 7/6
2. JUNE '19 -KNOTTY -
4. APRIL '19 - PUCE

message 23: by ~Teresa (last edited Jul 31, 2019 02:07PM) (new)

 ~Teresa | 348 comments July Monthly Word Hunt
Completed: 9/10

Regular Words ~

bold ~ Saving Brooksie ~ Loc. 1280 ~ ... sun and it’s projected dust-ballet spoke a BOLD statement to him ... ~ 7/6/19
casino ~ The Matchmakers of Minnow Bay ~ Page 127 ~ When I picked you up in that CASINO I thought, I don’t know, I guess ... ~ 7/31/19
dove ~ Saving Brooksie ~ Loc. 2261 ~ Eddie ducked the wild punch and then DOVE onto the bed. ~ 7/6/19
coyotes ~ Fourth of July at Barbecue Corral ~ Loc. 1320 ~ ... guardians against stray dogs, lone COYOTES, or even bobcats ...
hairless ~ Undertakers, Harlots and Other Odd Bodies: Inspired by True Events and Smothered in Blarney ~ Page 10 ~ ... Gertie worked on the second HAIRLESS little rabbit. The room took on a ... ~ 7/28/19
honey ~ The Forever Summer ~ Page 123 ~ Marin burst into tears. “Oh, HONEY! Was it something I said?” ~ 7/3/19
intruder ~ Fourth of July at Barbecue Corral ~ Loc. 664 ~ “Gus would lick an INTRUDER to death, but he does a ferocious sounding bark ... ~ 7/7/19
mundane ~ The Forever Summer ~ Page 252 ~ ... part of a normal couple, reveling in the MUNDANE happiness of being in love. ~ 7/3/19
warp ~ Can You Keep a Secret? ~ Page 334 ~ ... precious secret in the world of a morally WARPED, revenge-weakened ... ~ 7/11/19

Bonus Words ~

cadaver ~ Undertakers, Harlots and Other Odd Bodies: Inspired by True Events and Smothered in Blarney ~ Page 78 ~ ... business of murder, butchery and CADAVER sales. The legendary horror of their crimes ... ~ 7/28/19
charismatic ~ Cooper's Charm ~ Loc. 6 ~ ... scenery, friendly colleagues and a CHARISMATIC widowed boss ...
mythical ~ The Forever Summer ~ Page 184 ~ ... that Sandra had turned her MYTHICAL Siren into a Disney character. ~ 7/3/19

Bonus-Bonus Word ~


The Forever Summer by Jamie Brenner Saving Brooksie by Scott McElhaney Fourth of July at Barbecue Corral by Irene Onorato Cooper's Charm (Summer Resort, #1) by Lori Foster Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella Undertakers, Harlots and Other Odd Bodies Inspired by True Events and Smothered in Blarney by Mege Gardner The Matchmakers of Minnow Bay by Kelly Harms

message 24: by Claire (last edited Jul 31, 2019 05:48PM) (new)

Claire (proud-mum) | 86 comments July Word Hunt

1. Bold(ly) The Bride Test by Helen Hoang She boldly stroked him... LOC: 2049 READ: 7/26/19
2. Casino Call Him Mine by Tim MacGabhann 'In Uruguay, the casino ATMs feed out dollars,'. LOC: 1747 READ: 7/22/19
3. Dove The Bride Test by Helen Hoang ...she dove in for the kill. LOC: 351 READ: 7/26/19
4. Coyotes
5. Hairless
6. Honey
7. Intruder
8. Mundane The Bride Test by Helen Hoang It was a regular mundane task. LOC: 1780 READ: 7/26/19
9. Warp Call Him Mine by Tim MacGabhann ...that had already started to warp. LOC: 802 READ: 7/22/19
10. Viper


1. Assiduously
2. Cadaver
3. Charismatic
4. Gateway
5. Mythical

Bonus Bonus


Orphan Words (September)

Bonus Bonus Word

1. Ladybug

Orphan Words (October)


1. Demonic
2. Pimp

Bonus Bonus

1. Pharaoh

Orphan Words (November)

Bonus Bonus

1. Bovine

Orphan Words (December)

1. Blubber
2. Elf


1. Cartel Call Him Mine by Tim MacGabhann ...against the notoriously brutal Zetas cartel. LOC: 294 READ: 7/22/19
2. Hymn
3. Scrooge

Bonus Bonus

1. Cinder Call Him Mine by Tim MacGabhann and Carlos on a cinder beach in Uruguay... LOC: 343 READ: 7/22/19

Orphan Words (January)

1. Beanie


1. Cycling Call Him Mine by Tim MacGabhann Cycling, Forest walks. The beach. LOC: 540 READ: 7/22/19
2. Neighborly
3. Pixie

Bonus Bonus

1. Stupendous

Orphan Words (February)

1. Carriage
2. Lavish The Bride Test by Helen Hoang ...they strode down the hotel's lavish halways, LOC: 1064 READ: 7/26/19
3. Nondescript
4. Straw


1. Acoustics
2. Blot
3. Lumpy
4. Rhyme
5. Smelly

Bonus Bonus

1. Squalid

Orphan Words (March)

1. Bonus
2. Cracker
3. Flock
4. Handy
5. Paddle
6. Pray
7. Rigging
8. Sheep
9. Steer(ed) The Bride Test by Helen Hoang That was exactly why he steered clear of romantic relationships. LOC: 340 READ: 7/26/19
10. Warning


1. Blistering
2. Ephemeral
3. Grape
4. Senile
5. Tramp

Bonus Bonus

1. Smallpox

Orphan Words (April)

1. Candy The Bride Test by Helen Hoang eat the spicy tamarind candy she'd found in the checkout aisle. LOC: 1116 READ: 7/26/19
2. Cord
3. Curfew
4. Dire
5. Hive
6. Husky
7. Knot
8. Lottery
9. Prayer
10. Vulture


1. Abrasive
2. Biblical
3. Degenerative
4. Devotee
5. Dolphins

Bonus Bonus

1. Puce

Orphan Words (May)

1. Betray
2. Drone
3. Frantic
4. Gloss
5. Hazy
6. Lamb
7. Puzzle
8. Radiate
9. Rain
10. Raspy (rasp)


1. Breezy
2. Calculator
3. Lackadaisical
4. Painstaking
5. Propaganda

Bonus Bonus

1. Holistic

Orphan Words (June)

1. Aftermath
2. Applaud
3. Dock
4. Furtive
5. Grey / gray
6. Guitar
7. Inject
8. Milk
9. Ornate
10. Toothbrush


1. Accomplice
2. Chivalrous
3. Clover
4. Mohawk
5. Rambunctious

Bonus Bonus

1. Knotty

message 25: by fleurette (last edited Jul 28, 2019 11:36AM) (new)

fleurette | 284 comments Word Hunt - July

bold - Forbidden 1 Jul
(p.225) "But just for the record, way to be bold and exciting."
casino - The Quick Red Fox 1 Jul
(p.139) "Casino employee slain in Las Vegas."
dove - Ruckus 5 Jul
(p.211) He flung the balled fabric behind his shoulder and dove down...
hairless - The Witching Hour 24 Jul
(p.1005) "His smooth hairless chest was narrow as her chest had been in childhood..."
honey - Forbidden 1Jul
(p.147) "Honey, anyplace that’s not here is the Big Easy in my book."
intruder - Cronin's Key 14 Jul
(p.209) "His eyes were wide as he looked between the four intruders..."
mundane - Forbidden 1Jul
(p.217) "I think it’s a little more mundane, but probably equally uncommon."
warp - Cronin's Key 14 Jul
(p.228) "...his body clock now completely warped..."
viper - Halo 28 Jul
(p.1) “Viper?” Killian, TBD’s bassist and my longtime friend...

assiduously - Forbidden 1Jul
(p.217) "And if his usual pattern is to be outside, but he’s avoiding the sun so assiduously, he probably has to have a good reason."
cadaver - The Witching Hour 24 Jul
(p.390) ...but as the first of these horrid cadavers came into my path...
charismatic - Ruckus 5 Jul
(p.205) ...Dean said something funny or asked her a question, or was just generally his charismatic, engaging self.
gateway - The Witching Hour 24 Jul
(p.851) "Old trellises had been righted so that they once again defined the gateways."
mythical - The Witching Hour 24 Jul
(p.838) ...this seemingly mythical and impossible place, beneath the southern stars.
*aquatic - The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way 25 Jul
(p.75) ...such pairs are mouth/oral, book/literary, water/aquatic,...


chivalrous - The Quick Red Fox 1 Jul
(p.155) "There is a chivalrous reluctance to hit a woman."
mohawk - The Quick Red Fox 1 Jul
(p.33) "blond - has left the Valley - try Mohawk Lodge near Speculator"
rambunctious - The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way 25 Jul
(p.164)..surprising number of them have survived: hornswoggle, cattywampus, rambunctious...

Forbidden (Southern Comfort #2) by Lisa Clark O'Neill The Quick Red Fox (Travis McGee #4) by John D. MacDonald Ruckus (Sinners of Saint, #2) by L.J. Shen Cronin's Key (Cronin's Key, #1) by N.R. Walker The Witching Hour (Lives of the Mayfair Witches, #1) by Anne Rice The Mother Tongue English and How It Got That Way by Bill Bryson Halo (Fallen Angel, #1) by Ella Frank

message 26: by Anabell (last edited Jul 24, 2019 02:31AM) (new)

Anabell | 32 comments Regular: 10/10 Bonus: 3/5 BB: 0/1 Orphans: 7/14 (Love the new ruling)

bold The Sweetest Thing
Page 104 ''bold. Ballsy.Probably she'd gotten a double whammy of both thise things from the gene pool.''

casino Appealed
Page 90 '' While they hit the casino''

dove A Week to Be Wicked
Page 132 ''she dove under the bed linens and turned her face to the wall.''

coyotes Simply Irresistible
14% ''She hoped those coyotes and bears stayed up there and kept away from the beach.

hairless A Night to Surrender
Page 149 '' a matching band of hairless skin circled his upper calf.''

honey Simply Irresistible
5% 'Which one are you, honey? The Wild Child, the Steel Magnolia, or the Mouse?''

intruderThe Sweetest Thing
Page 57 ''.. and pushed open the door to face her sevy-as-hell intruder doing god-knew-what in her kitchen.''

mundane A Night to Surrender
Page 87 ''...needy peaks out of mundane habits.''

warp The Sweetest Thing
Page 95 ''You are one seriously warped man.''

viper Sustained
Page 177 ''I address the blond viper.''

assiduously A Week to Be Wicked
Page 204 '' But hus far, he'd assiduously worked to keep the two social spheres seperate.''


gateway A Night to Surrender
Page 49 '' Bram walked to the gateway and was relieved to see the wagons approaching.''

mythical Simply Irresistible
25% ''Okay, so Neytiri was a mythical creature, not to mention animated, but still.''

bonus bonus

aftermath A Night to Surrender
Page 142 ''I haven't forgotten ho excited you were in the aftermath of the blast.''

applaud A Night to Surrender
Page 71 ''The only person in the tavern not applauding was Thorne.''

furtive A Week to Be Wicked
Page 233 ''They whispered to each other , shooting furtive glances at Colin and Minerva.''

guitar Beautiful Secret
Page 256 ''It was drums and bass and raw guitar layered together in a way that could only be described as pure beauty.''

ornate A Night to Surrender
Page 312 ''She entered a square, ornate garden bounded by hedges on all sides.''

toothbrush Beautiful
Page 145 ''I shoved my toothbrush in my mouth and began vigorously brushing.''


rambunctious At Last
62% ''The music was loud, the sounds in the bar joyous and rambunctious

Bonus bonus




The Sweetest Thing (Lucky Harbor, #2) by Jill Shalvis Appealed (The Legal Briefs, #3) by Emma Chase A Week to Be Wicked (Spindle Cove, #2) by Tessa Dare Simply Irresistible (Lucky Harbor, #1) by Jill Shalvis A Night to Surrender (Spindle Cove, #1) by Tessa Dare Sustained (The Legal Briefs, #2) by Emma Chase Beautiful Secret (Beautiful Bastard, #4) by Christina Lauren Beautiful (Beautiful Bastard, #5) by Christina Lauren At Last (Lucky Harbor, #5) by Jill Shalvis

message 27: by Carly (last edited Aug 02, 2019 09:42PM) (new)

Carly (car88) | 65 comments JULY 2019 - WORD HUNT
·Post 28 *FINISHED*

BOLD - #3 (loc 29, 4%)
Nope, her rescue was lime-green. Or yellow. A lime yellow-green? Whatever color it happened to be, she was more concerned with the bold, black type and cute cartoons that encouraged her to donate plasma. For money. Mooon-eeeey. Was she really considering selling her plasma?
CASINO - #1 (loc 2582, 19%)
"If I apologize for running just a normal background check on the casino instead of crazy, paranoid, conspiracy background check on it, will that change the situation we find ourselves in?" T-Bone asked. "Not really. Make me feel superior though. It's nice not being the dumbass for once."
COYOTES - #1 (loc 4447, 33%)
"His sister is the Queen of the Coyotes," Welf muttered some more, falling down to sit in a chair like the world had lost all sense. Veronica sat down half on his lap, giving him a pat on his shoulder like he was some three-year-old who had just discovered Santa was fake.
DOVE - #2 (loc 409, 19%)
"Are these mini bird cages? No," Noel states, holding up one of the metal cages with a cringe. "You could use them instead of the Mason jars on every table. But you're right, it's too much. I'll call the pet shop and cancel the order for fifty doves, one to put in each of them. Whatever you want, dear," Bev tells her with a smile. I have no idea why Bev is suddenly being so agreeable with Noel and I don't like it. This feels like the calm before the storm.
HONEY - #5 (loc 1155, 48%)
Her soft, warm lips welcomed him hungrily, and he lost himself in her sweet musk, warm skin, and honeyed taste. He didn't want to leave; he wanted to spend the rest of his life making love to her on the beach. He wanted to feel his skin presses against hers and for her to run her fingers through his hair before scraping her nails down his back. He wanted to take her every way he could imagine, until they lay spent and panting on the beach, until nothing but their entwined bodies and souls remained of their world. If he stayed, he'd lose her forever.
INTRUDE(R) - #4 (loc 2916, 96%)
"You know, we mortals have real lives, too, or do you Immortals assume we're all just sitting around waiting to have our lives intruded upon by the likes of you?" she snapped. She whirled around and marched to a closet, wrenching it open. Despite her ordeals, she still had her spark. He wasn't sure if he liked that or not about her.
MUNDANE - #6 (loc 579, 14%)
Thanks to this baby, she'd been reduced to practically mundane status. Beaching herself like a whale with her pile of contraband junk food in the multimedia room and electronically killing stuff, it was practically all that was keeping her sane.
VIPER - #1 (loc 9582, 71%)
Suppose that will do the job. I stumbled over to it. Behind me, Mini screamed out this time, a serrated cacophony of metal and shock. I looked back again. Rojas was gone. But there was a two-hundred-pound green pit viper in his place, ripping pieces of the GOB off limb by limb.
WARP - #6 (loc 4311, 77%)
Maat. He prayed desperately to his Goddess to interfere, to save her. He gripped the railing so hard the metal warped. Every instinct he had was to rescue Riya, but jumping over and falling to his own death would have been a futile gesture. Still, he must have made some instinctive move because Rafe's hand clamped down on his shoulder, keeping him locked in place.

MYTHICAL - #1 (loc 2904, 22%)
She seemed more solid than she had been before. She wasn't that mythical girl who had gotten away. That mix of Boomworm the most awesome friend and and the coolest girl at the school, and Isabel-as-Val, that sex crazed nightmare who could drive me to insanity at any moment. Now, she was real…she was, or had been, a part of my life. Wonder if I'll look back on this Val as a fake recollection of nostalgia one day? I hoped not.


RAMBUNCTIOUS - #6 (loc 3424, 62%)
"Don't worry, I'll have it fixed in no time. To think, you might have completely spilled out the top without me, talk about a double nip slip faux pas." Marcus, who had returned to lean against the wall, choked on his whisky slightly. Riya was handling Belinda with all the gentleness of a rambunctious toddler patting a baby chick. Belinda was definitely going to have some bruises come the morning. "I…you…stop…ouch, did you just stick me?" "Sorry." Riya sing-songed. "But I warned you about staying still."

The Foul Mouth and the Mancy Martial Artist (The King Henry Tapes) (Volume 5) by Richard Raley The Firework Exploded (The Holidays, #3) by Tara Sivec Love Bite by Celia Kyle Katie's Hellion (Rhyn Trilogy, #1) by Lizzy Ford Rhyn's Redemption (Rhyn Trilogy, #3) by Lizzy Ford To Fight A Fate (Southern Sanctuary, #11) by Jane Cousins
(view spoiler)

message 28: by D.K. Daisy (last edited Aug 08, 2019 07:42AM) (new)

D.K. Daisy (kuucina) | 32 comments Monthly Word Hunt
1 - 31 July 2019

July: 7/10
(view spoiler)

Bonus: 2/5
(view spoiler)

Bonus Bonus: 0/1
(view spoiler)

Leftover: 1/4
(view spoiler)

Books read: 9
Him (Him, #1) by Sarina Bowen Collide (Blackcreek, #1) by Riley Hart Fake Out (Fake Boyfriend, #1) by Eden Finley Trick Play (Fake Boyfriend, #2) by Eden Finley Kayson (Kennedy Ink., #1) by Jenny Wood IRL In Real Life (After Oscar, #1) by Lucy Lennox Milo (Finding Home, #2) by Lily Morton His Boy by Bink Cummings Breathe (Sea Breeze, #1) by Abbi Glines

message 29: by Chan (last edited Jul 28, 2019 03:20PM) (new)

Chan | 4987 comments I missed a couple of months. Got a lot to make up

bold - Marrying Winterborne | July 1
Page 72: the angles of his face were bold

casino - The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie | July 2
Page 149: She wanted to go to the casino

dove - Marrying Winterborne | July 1
Page 187: My dove

coyotes - Consumed by Fire | July 19
Page 90: abandon him to the coyotes


honey - Marrying Winterborne | July 1
Page 130: honey to be gathered

intruder - The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie | July 2
Page 240: an intruder breaking in

mundane - Poison Study | July 7
Page 159: I'd rather use mundane methods

warp - Poison Study | July 7
Page 218: It will warp and damage the power



charismatic - My Not So Perfect Life | July 27
Page 125: They could only see charismatic, charming, rogue-ish Mick

gateway - I Owe You One | July 27
Page 166: Your gateway to serenity


Jan Bonus
1. celery - Perfectly Broken | June 25
Page 61: bell peppers, onions, and celery

Feb Bonus
1. acoustics

March bonus
1. blistering - A Brother's Honor | May 1
Page 71: ear blistering retort

2. ephemeral
3. senile

April Reg
curfew - Perfect Chemistry | July 12
Page 91: parents won't respect a girl without a curfew

dire - A Brother's Honor | May 1
Page 63: in such a dire state

hive - Poison Study | July 7
Page 229: Queen bee of the hive

lottery - Defy | June 29
Page 32: I wanted to hit the lottery jackpot

April Bonus
biblical - Bet Me | July 6
Page 8: In the biblical sense


May Reg
betray - Defy | June 29
Page 105: Jaime never betrayed anyone

drone - Perfectly Broken | June 25
Page 273: listening to me drone on and on

frantic - That Guy | May 14
Page 116: Our movements frantic

gloss - Seducing Cinderella | May 13
Page 44: her strawberry lip gloss

hazy - That Guy | May 14
Page 109: hazy with lust

lamb - A Brother's Honor | May 1
Page 330: Willing to be the sacrificial lamb

puzzle - Seducing Cinderella | May 13
Page 202: trying to solve the puzzle

radiate- Seducing Cinderella | May 13
Page 32: his body heat radiating into her back

rain - The Chase | June 30
Page 22: It was pouring rain

raspy - Hot Zone | June 27
Page 167: calluses rasping along her sunburn skin

May Bonus
breezy - Forever Too Far | June 23
Page 123: It was breezy but sunny

calculator - Hot Zone | June 27
Page 140: implanted a calculator in her palm

lackadaisical - Badd Motherf*cker | July 18
Page 187: reflected an easy-going, lackadaisical, party boy

painstaking - Consumed by Fire | July 19
Page 213: in such painstaking detail

propaganda - Hot Zone | June 27
Page 296: compulsion to share their propaganda

June Reg
aftermath - Rescuing Emily | May 17
Page 320: dealing with the aftermath

applaud - Rescuing Emily | May 17
Page 175: I applaud that

dock - Forever Too Far | June 23
Page 127: rows of docked boats

furtive - The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie | July 2
Page 295: giving Ian furtive glances

gray - Rescuing Emily | May 17
Page 72: The plane at Robert Gray Army Airfield

guitar - Forever Too Far | June 23
Page 171: picked up my guitar

inject - The Chase | June 30
Page 181: an air bubble injected into my IV

milk - Defy | June 29
Page 73: You forgot the milk

ornate - Bet Me | July 6
Page 329: patting her ornate chignon

toothbrush - Perfectly Broken | June 25
Page 42: It's got a toothbrush

June Bonus
accomplice - The Chase | June 30
Page 171: You had an accomplice

chivalrous - That Guy | May 14
Page 134: I discover a chivalrous side to Jake


rambunctious - Badd Motherf*cker | July 18
Page 319: Caanan and Corin's rambunctious cover

A Brother's Honor (The Grangers, #1) by Brenda Jackson Seducing Cinderella (Fighting for Love, #1) by Gina L. Maxwell That Guy by Kim Jones Rescuing Emily (Delta Force Heroes, #2) by Susan Stoker Forever Too Far (Rosemary Beach, #3; Too Far, #3) by Abbi Glines Perfectly Broken by Prescott Lane Hot Zone (Elite Force #2) by Catherine Mann Defy (Sinners of Saint, #0.5) by L.J. Shen The Chase (Fox and O'Hare, #2) by Janet Evanovich The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie (Mackenzies & McBrides, #1) by Jennifer Ashley Marrying Winterborne (The Ravenels, #2) by Lisa Kleypas Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie Poison Study (Study, #1) by Maria V. Snyder Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry, #1) by Simone Elkeles Badd Motherf*cker (Badd Brothers, #1) by Jasinda Wilder Consumed by Fire (Fire, #1) by Anne Stuart I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella

message 30: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments OMG - good luck Chan!!

message 31: by Chan (new)

Chan | 4987 comments Jane (PS) wrote: "OMG - good luck Chan!!"

LOL...thanks Jane. I need it :o)

message 32: by Barbara ★ (last edited Aug 02, 2019 05:27PM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3838 comments July Word Hunt

READ: 12/16

✔ bold - All Together Dead - Charlaine Harris 7/11
(has a bold nose), p35

✔ casino - Dragon Bites - Allison James 7/2
(afterward we hit the casino), loc97

✔ dove - Trojan Odyssey - Clive Cussler 7/28
(Dirk dove down and began exploring), p64

✔ coyotes - Dragon Bites - Allison James 7/2
(coyotes aren't as afraid of humans), loc30823

hairless -

✔ honey - Louisiana Long Shot - Jana Deleon 7/31
(zoomed in on Melvin and his honey), p181

✔ intruder - Trojan Odyssey - Clive Cussler 7/28
(finding an intruder in their midst), p477

✔ mundane - Dragon Bites - Allison James 7/2
(which had been refreshingly mundane), loc139

✔ warp - Seriously Wicked - Tina Connolly 7/6
(warp them to their wicked wills), p15

✔ viper - Wicked Waves - Sharon Kay 7/5
(doused with viper venom), p7

assiduously -
cadaver -

✔ charismatic - Trojan Odyssey - Clive Cussler 7/28
(timeless wisdom and is spiritual and charismatic), p562

✔ gateway - Operation: Endgame - Pip Ballantine / Tee Morris 7/13
(this town is simply a gateway), p147

✔ mythical - The Trouble With Vampires - Lynsay Sands 7/4
(you mean like the mythical centaur), p103

aquatic -

Dragon Bites (Stormwalker, #6) by Allyson James The Trouble With Vampires (Argeneau #29) by Lynsay Sands Wicked Waves (Solsti Prophecy #2) by Sharon Kay Seriously Wicked (Seriously Wicked, #1) by Tina Connolly All Together Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, #7) by Charlaine Harris Operation Endgame (Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, #6) by Pip Ballantine Trojan Odyssey (Dirk Pitt, #17) by Clive Cussler Louisiana Long Shot (Miss Fortune Mystery, #1) by Jana Deleon

message 33: by Chris (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 133 comments Monthly Word Hunt
1 - 31 July 2019



For our over-achievers who just need some extra words because the above weren't enough...

Unlike with the 10 words above - you must find the EXACT word to claim these bonus words, and I try to make them hard.


and a bonus bonus

message 34: by LaurLa (last edited Jul 31, 2019 06:02PM) (new)

LaurLa | 4659 comments July Word Hunt
July 2019

My Word Hunt (msg 35)

10 of 10 Words Found
6 of 6 Bonus Words
8 of 8 Books Read

July Words

Faith of the Heart (Damaged Heroes, #4) by Sandy James Crazy for Her (K2 Team, #1) by Sandra Owens The Mystery Man of Whitehorse (Whitehorse Montana, #3) by B.J. Daniels Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #3) by J.R. Ward Stranger in Town (Dundee, Idaho, #5) by Brenda Novak

bold ~ The condemning voice grew bolder as a few more joined (loc: 353.0)
🔹Faith of the Heart ~ Sandy James ~ 07.03 ★★★

casino ~ some pictures of Doug at the casino. (loc: 471.9)
🔹Faith of the Heart ~ Sandy James ~ 07.03 ★★★

dove ~ You do not wish it, you only think so, little dove. (loc: 406.2)
🔹Crazy for Her ~ Sandra Owens ~ 07.27 ★★★★

coyotes ~ A coyote howled, making her jump. (loc: 216.9)
🔹The Mystery Man of Whitehorse ~ B.J. Daniels ~ 07.14 ★★★

hairless ~ running her fingertips up and down his smooth, hairless skin. (loc: 326.7)
🔹Lover Awakened ~ J.R. Ward ~ 07.05 ★★★★

honey ~ a combination of honey and acid flooding her veins. (loc: 484.3)
🔹Lover Awakened ~ J.R. Ward ~ 07.05 ★★★★

intruder ~ After he heard the report that an intruder had breached the wall, (loc: 649.4)
🔹Lover Awakened ~ J.R. Ward ~ 07.05 ★★★★

mundane ~ Forcing his mind to the mundane and practical, (loc: 231.2)
🔹Stranger in Town ~ Brenda Novak ~ 07.22 ★★★

warp ~ The floor of the foyer was a little warped, (loc: 69.2)
🔹Faith of the Heart ~ Sandy James ~ 07.03 ★★★

viper ~ it was almost time to enter the viper’s nest. (loc: 427.1)
🔹Crazy for Her ~ Sandra Owens ~ 07.27 ★★★★

Bonus/Bonus Bonus Words

Everything I Know About Love I Learned from Romance Novels by Sarah Wendell The Mystery Man of Whitehorse (Whitehorse Montana, #3) by B.J. Daniels Stranger in Town (Dundee, Idaho, #5) by Brenda Novak Love and Lists (Chocoholics, #1) by Tara Sivec The Wilde Side by Janelle Denison

assiduously ~ The hero who remains assiduously dedicated to his preference (loc: 248.0)
🔹Everything I Know About Love I Learned from Romance Novels ~ 07.29 ★★★★

cadaver ~ Bridger followed the cadaver dog. (loc: 239.4)
🔹The Mystery Man of Whitehorse ~ B.J. Daniels ~ 07.14 ★★★

charismatic ~ He’d been larger than life, talented, charismatic, (loc: 40.8)
🔹Stranger in Town ~ Brenda Novak ~ 07.22 ★★★

gateway ~ The plate is registered to a company called Gateway, (loc: 179.8)
🔹Crazy for Her ~ Sandra Owens ~ 07.27 ★★★★

mythical ~ switched from a majestic, mythical bird to a fire-breathing dragon (loc: 78.5)
🔹Love and Lists ~ Tara Sivec ~ 07.06 ★★★

aquatic ~ headed toward the master bath for some aquatic therapy (loc: 158.3)
🔹The Wilde Side ~ Janelle Denison ~ 07.31 ★★★★

message 35: by LaurLa (last edited Jun 30, 2019 06:19AM) (new)

LaurLa | 4659 comments Jane, I want to understand the NEW RULING. If I'm interpreting it right, if use Book A for 3 three words on July's list, I can still use it for up to 3 words from prior month lists?

message 36: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments That’s right LaurLa 😊

message 37: by Jodie’s guilty pleasures (last edited Jul 16, 2019 05:54PM) (new)

Jodie’s guilty pleasures (dubious_ks) | 38 comments July Word Hunt: 7 / 10

✔️bold: Real Men Howl (Real Men Shift, #1) by Celia Kyle , 7/13/19, 3.5*
“...parents’ ashes sat proudly on the fireplace mantle, a bold reminder...” (ch5, loc427, 17%)

✔️casino: Bad Dad by Sloane Howell , 7/6/19
“Is that the one where they rob the casino?” (Ch5, loc525)

✔️dove: Heartache Falls (Eternity Springs, #3) by Emily March , 3.5*, 7/4/19
“more. He took the stairs two at a time, changed clothes quickly, and dove into the pool a few minutes later.” (ch13, p236)

coyotes: (ch loc , %)
hairless: (ch loc , %)

✔️honey: Heartache Falls
“Are you sure about this, honey?” Mac asked, his brow knitted with concern.” (Ch1, p4)

✔️intruder: Real Men Howl
“Perfect. You’re an intruder and a horn dog.“ (ch6, loc583, 24%)

✔️mundane: Against Me (Cedar Tree #3) by Freya Barker , 7/16/19, 3.5*
“She's not going waste time worrying about mundane things like that, not anymore.” (Epilogue, p323)

✔️warp: Bad Dad
“The strongest force in the universe that could warp time” (ch10, loc1125)

viper: (ch loc , %)

Bonus... (ch loc , %)

✔️gateway: Against Me
“He doesn't want to lose the gateway for his drugs into the states.” (P272)


bonus bonus...

message 38: by Wealie (last edited Jul 31, 2019 04:58AM) (new)

Wealie | 517 comments Monthly Word Hunt: Jul 2019 - Read: 11

Single words - Found: 10/10

(view spoiler)

Bonus - Found: 5/5
(view spoiler)

Bonus, bonus - Found: 1/1
(view spoiler)

Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, #1) by Larissa Ione Siren (Siren, #1) by Tricia Rayburn The Cad and the Co-Ed (Rugby, #3) by L.H. Cosway Love to Hate You by Jo Watson Brazen (B-Squad #1) by Avery Flynn Tempest Rising (Tempest, #1) by Tracy Deebs Persuasion by Jane Austen Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson, #5) by Darynda Jones Between Heats by Laney Castro Full Blooded (Jessica McClain, #1) by Amanda Carlson Kiss of Crimson (Midnight Breed, #2) by Lara Adrian

message 39: by D.K. Daisy (new)

D.K. Daisy (kuucina) | 32 comments Does it count if a word is used as a name of the place? I have a leftover "clover" and a book with a place called ''Clover Vale''?

message 40: by Maritza (new)

Maritza (spanishwhispers) | 568 comments Dace wrote: "Does it count if a word is used as a name of the place? I have a leftover "clover" and a book with a place called ''Clover Vale''?"

I believe so as mine was a name of a person.

message 41: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Yes - doesn’t matter the meaning. Just that it is spelt right 😊

message 42: by Suzanne (last edited Jul 12, 2019 12:05PM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2244 comments Romance Readers Reading Challenges
2019 July Word Hunt
1 - 31 July 2019

Progress: 5 out of 10
3-5 words : warming up
6-8 words : getting hotter
9-10 words : CHAMPION hunter!

This challenge is to see if you can find all the words listed below within your reading for the month. You do not need to preselect a level.

The maximum number of words for each book is THREE. There is no page limit.


"Written in large block letters with bold red marker was a message that Dare read aloud: “Still feel so forgiving?” " Page 270
When You Dare by Lori Foster - *** - 7/7/2019 - 448 Pages


Coyotes: "For a fee, the coyotes can usually give me information I can't uncover otherwise.” Page 48
When You Dare by Lori Foster - *** - 7/7/2019 - 448 Pages


Honey: "As wiped the honey mustard off of her lips, she spoke to me about her third husband and the healing power of crystals.” Page 46
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky - ***** - 7/11/2019 - 213 Pages
Intruder: "Now that he knew there weren't any intruders still lurking about, he realized that Molly's regular wardrobe included a lot of provocative stuff." Page 260


Warp: "I decided not to tell my sister this, and she and her boyfriend had to go on stage and try to dance the Time Warp." Page 171
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky - ***** - 7/11/2019 - 213 Pages


For our over-achievers who just need some extra words because the above weren't enough...

Unlike with the 10 words above - you must find the EXACT word to claim these bonus words, and I try to make them hard.


and a bonus bonus


When You Dare (Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor, #1) by Lori Foster (mundane, viper, charismatic), The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

To prove that you have found the word, please quote the page, percentage or LOC (Kindle) and include the sentence in which it appears.

Audiobooks are allowed so long as you can quote the page/%/LOC and the sentence. (Eg Using whispersync or finding that sentence in some other way.)

You must find the actual word or the word's root word must be at the core with the meaning essentially remaining the same ~ just turned into a noun, adjective, adverb etc. No prefixes or hyphenated extensions. An extension is allowed where it is often the accepted spelling eg goodbye or good-bye.

Where a word has more than one meaning, either meaning may be used. Eg coast (beachfront) or coast (moving without effort) etc

Please post all entries, updates, final posts and questions in this thread.

If you are one of those super-cray-cray/OCD/overly ambitious/organised or bored readers who wish to find words from PRIOR months that are missing in addition to the current month's words, you may use an additional three (3) words per book. These can only be allocated to prior month words.

So you may allocate three words per book to the current month's words, AND three words per book if those words are from PRIOR months' and have been carried forward.

Examples for 'Reversal'
Reverse - Laser Visions √ 15 May
p50-51 : There were a couple of bands Tam had that this person didn't, but none in the reverse.

Reversing - Sunset √ 10 Jul
p204 : Reversing his grip on his katana, he held it out to Nick.

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

This month's words are kicking my ass. LOL! Well done, Jane!! :)

message 44: by Calila (new)

Calila | 2746 comments Calila wrote: "0/16 + 0/12

My rollover list is almost as long as the new words list. *cries*

I will not be beaten!

message 45: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Oh dear - I was hoping the first 10 words would be a bit easier... I know the bonuses will be awkward ;)

message 46: by Georgina (last edited Jul 13, 2019 01:06AM) (new)

Georgina Parkin (geosbookblog) | 307 comments Finished on post #5

message 47: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Georgina wrote: "Finished on post #7"

Congrats Georgina!!

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

Well, I found "hairless" but I'm not sure how I feel about putting that sentence up here in public. 😳 😂

message 49: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Cyndee wrote: "Well, I found "hairless" but I'm not sure how I feel about putting that sentence up here in public. 😳 😂"

LOL!!!! Perhaps a spoiler but I'll bet we've all read something along the same lines ;)

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

Jane (PS) wrote: "Cyndee wrote: "Well, I found "hairless" but I'm not sure how I feel about putting that sentence up here in public. 😳 😂"

LOL!!!! Perhaps a spoiler but I'll bet we've all read something along the sa..."

Well, it was Tara Sivec writing a Brazillian waxing scene so if you're familiar with her rom-coms, you know it's at least hilarious. :)

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