Wholesome History Reads Group discussion

History Books

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message 1: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
This is a general thread for all history book subjects. if a certain book doesn't fit the genres of the threads below, this is the place to post it!

message 2: by Ethan, Group Founder (last edited Jan 07, 2015 03:49PM) (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
I recently finished the book A Night to Remember by Walter Lord by Walter Lord. It was really a great read! A very edge-of-your-seat, informative book on the sinking of the Titanic from various perspectives of the passengers from the third class steerage passengers to the opulent first class. It is amazing to read the heroics and selfless sacrifices made by some of the passengers. Truly an amazing read.

message 3: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
It's a classic read Ethan and really has not been bettered yet I think.

message 4: by Geevee (new)

Geevee | 145 comments Mod
That's a book I really enjoyed Ethan.

message 5: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
Here is a new book that I have placed an order for:

The Race for Paradise An Islamic History of the Crusades by Paul M. Cobb by Paul M. Cobb

message 6: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
'Aussie Rick' wrote: "Here is a new book that I have placed an order for:

The Race for Paradise An Islamic History of the Crusades by Paul M. Cobb by Paul M. Cobb"

That book sounds interesting! Hopefully it'll be a good read!

message 7: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
I hope so too :)

message 8: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
This book is on my wishlist:

For God and Kaiser The Imperial Austrian Army, 1619-1918 by Richard Bassett by Richard Bassett

message 9: by Ethan, Group Founder (last edited Jan 17, 2015 09:48AM) (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
'Aussie Rick' wrote: "This book is on my wishlist:

For God and Kaiser The Imperial Austrian Army, 1619-1918 by Richard Bassett by Richard Bassett"

That one looks good as well. You always have great suggestions! ;-)

message 10: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
It's just finding the money to buy them and then the time to read them :)

message 11: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
'Aussie Rick' wrote: "It's just finding the money to buy them and then the time to read them :)"

Haha! Yes. Those are two big factors in reading books.

message 12: by happy (last edited Mar 02, 2015 04:41AM) (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments I just completed Dan Jones' look at the Wars of the Roses titled interestingly enough

The Wars of the Roses The Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors by Dan Jones

Good look at the causes and personalities of the multi generational English Civil War.

Currently readikng Chris Skidmore's take on the same time period

The Rise of the Tudors The Family That Changed English History by Chris Skidmore

So far, naturally enough, he has gone into much more detail on the Tudors and their place in the Wars

message 13: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
happy wrote: "I jsut completed Dan Jones' look at the Wars of the Roses titled interestingly enough

The Wars of the Roses The Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors by Dan Jones

Good loo..."

Thanks Happy! Those sound interesting.

message 14: by happy (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments I just finished Robert M. Utley's book on the Texas Rangers

Lone Star Justice: The First Century of the Texas Rangers

Not bad, Mr. Utley looks at the first 100 yrs of the Texas Rangers and how they went from an Indian Fighting Miltia/minute men to a state wide police force.

message 15: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
That book looks great! Thanks happy!

message 16: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
Nice! Thank you for the link. Will definitely check it out.

message 17: by happy (last edited Apr 26, 2015 12:51AM) (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments Just finished Sharan Newman's biography of the first Queen Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem

Defending the City of God A Medieval Queen, the First Crusades, and the Quest for Peace in Jerusalem by Sharan Newman

As a biography, it leaves to be alot to be desired, but it's a decent look at what was going on in the Crusader States in the first half of the 12th century

My rating - 3.25 stars

message 18: by Wanda (new)

Wanda (wanda514) | 79 comments Thank you, happy. I am always interested in the Crusades (both sides). Thanks!

message 19: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
Thanks for the recommendation happy. Sounds great!

message 20: by Anna (new)

Anna (anna-reads) I just finished Bosworth: The Birth of the Tudors which was fantastic and I could not recommend it enough. It provides an unbelievably human account of the wars of the roses distancing itself from becoming yet another description of the period.

message 21: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
Thank you Anna! That book sounds really good. I'll have a look for it!

message 22: by happy (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments I'm currently reading, about 2/3's of the way through, John Julius Norwich's history of Venice

A History of Venice by John Julius Norwich

It's copywrited 1982, but is still been an excellent read

message 23: by Brian (new)

Brian Allen (scholar97) | 4 comments Right now I am reading multiple history works, but one I am eager to finish is Moscow, December 25, 1991 by Conner O'Clery.

message 24: by happy (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments I finished the Venice History - good read! I'll type up my thoughts later when I get the chance. My next read is McCullough's book on the Wright Brothers

The Wright Brothers by David McCullough

message 25: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
@happy Sounds awesome happy! Be sure to let me know how the Wright Brothers book goes. Looks interesting!

message 26: by happy (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments I finally got around to typing up my thoughts on "The History of Venice"


It's an excellent read and Norwich has a very readable writing style. 4.25 stars rounded down

message 27: by happy (last edited Oct 20, 2015 09:40PM) (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments If anyone is interested, I typed up my thoughts on The Wright Brothers


It's an excellent read, but not as in depth as I would have liked. 4 stars

message 28: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
Hey happy! Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Super super busy these days. Sounds great! Thanks for sharing. I always like reading your reviews. ;-)

message 29: by happy (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments No problem

message 30: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
Another great review Happy :)

message 31: by happy (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments I just finished John Guy's biography of St. Thomas Becket,

Thomas Becket Warrior, Priest, Rebel by John Guy

Decent read, he really comes down of Becket's side of the arguement. The portrait Prof Guy paints of Henry II is not flattering in the least

I thought it was a solid 4 star read, I'll type up my thoughts when i get the chance.

message 32: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
Thanks happy! It does look interesting. Fascinating subject!

message 33: by happy (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments I finally got around to typing up my thoughts on Becket


Vivid descriptions and the story of his assassination is very graphic. Other than that, not much that is objectionable.

message 34: by Ethan, Group Founder (last edited Dec 16, 2015 08:53AM) (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
Again, nice review. I'll have to find a copy somewhere. Thanks for sharing!

message 35: by happy (last edited Apr 08, 2016 09:57PM) (new)

happy (happyone) | 198 comments I finally got around to typing up my thoughts on Marc Morris' recent biography of Edward I, Longshanks of Brave Heart infamy.

A Great and Terrible King Edward I and the Forging of Britain by Marc Morris


I thought Prof Morris has written a fairly balanced look at Edward. He is definitely not the Longshanks of Brave Heart.

message 36: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
Great review Happy, me thinks I will have to read my copy pretty soon :)

message 37: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
@Happy Thanks again for the review! The book sounds really interesting!

message 38: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
I'm currently reading this new release by Patrick O'Donnell on a interesting group of men who fought during the Revolutionary War:

Washington's Immortals The Untold Story of an Elite Regiment Who Changed the Course of the Revolution by Patrick K. O'Donnell Washington's Immortals: The Untold Story of an Elite Regiment Who Changed the Course of the Revolution by Patrick K. O'Donnell

message 39: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
@Rick That sounds very interesting. Patrick O'Donnell is a great author. Thanks for sharing and please post your thoughts when you're done! Would love to hear them. Cheers!

message 40: by Geevee (new)

Geevee | 145 comments Mod
Just started this one having spotted it in a bookshop when I was in Northern Ireland a few weeks a go.

Easter 1916 The Irish Rebellion by Charles Townshend Easter 1916: The Irish Rebellion by Charles Townshend

message 41: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
@Geevee That looks like a great book! The Irish Rebellion is a very interesting topic that I think isn't explored enough. Thanks for sharing! I might just have to add it to my TBR list. ;-)

message 42: by Geevee (new)

Geevee | 145 comments Mod
I'll let you know my thoughts when I finish too Ethan.

message 43: by Ethan, Group Founder (new)

Ethan S. (ethanthejames) | 381 comments Mod
Awesome, Geevee! Looking forward to it!

message 44: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
The book has picked up so pretty good reader reviews Geevee so I'll be keen to hear your final thoughts. I have a copy of this book that I purchased in the early 1990's and still haven't read it yet!

Rebels The Irish Rising Of 1916 by Peter de Rosa by Peter de Rosa

message 45: by Geevee (new)

Geevee | 145 comments Mod
Ah and if you get around to that I'll be interested in your views :)

message 46: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
I'll try Geevee but I've had it waiting to be read for over 20 years, but I'll try :)

message 47: by Geevee (new)

Geevee | 145 comments Mod
Ha ha and sounds like many of mine!

message 48: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
I keep on getting distracted by shiny new books, like this one I purchased last month and started reading yesterday:

Britannia A Journey From the Heart of Rome to Hadrian's Wall, C. AD 130 by Bronwen Riley Britannia: A Journey From the Heart of Rome to Hadrian's Wall, C. AD 130 by Bronwen Riley

We have just arrived in Britannia to travel and live amongst the uncouth barbarians of this Island :)

message 49: by Geevee (new)

Geevee | 145 comments Mod
And we've not changed either ;)

message 50: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 1195 comments Mod
It seems that way Geevee :)

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