The Lost Challenges discussion


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message 1: by Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos), Group Creator (new)

Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos) | 3564 comments Mod
I need help finding something for a 9,8,and a 11 year olds to read. The 9 and 11 year old are boys and the 8 year old is a girl. The 9 year old is Dyslexic. So can yall help?

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) I have a 9 year old girl she liked the fairy books by Daisy Meadows, there are a ton of them. Sorry I am no help with the boys.

message 3: by Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos), Group Creator (new)

Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos) | 3564 comments Mod
Thanks Dawn

message 4: by Lisa Kay (new)

Lisa Kay (lisakayalicemaria) How about the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. Liz? What age level is that? I just bought some at Barnes and Nobel for orphan children Christmas gifts for boys... I think that was the age range.

message 5: by Dana (new)

Dana (erato) The hardest part with children is that their age doesn't tell you much since children all read at such different levels. I do this kind of stuff all day long at the library C= and it is really hard for people to determine what would suit and what does not.

I've got lots of things to recommend but don't know if they would be appropriate. If you see them frequently enough to ask them about the last few books that they each read that they really liked and felt was challenging but not hard, it would be a big help.

Kids between 8-12 really get into series reading. The fairy books by Meadows are a great one Dawn! And if she likes that kind of thing there are a couple of other series that have that theme.

Here are some ideas for series:

Percy Jackson
The Kane Chronicles
The Heroes of Olympus
Rangers Apprentice
Septimus Heap
Artemis Fowl
The Magic Thief
Redwall (more for the 11 yo)
Jeronimo Stilton
Matt Cruise
Bloody Jack
Ralph Mouse (and lots of others by Cleary)
The Prydian Chronicles
Lemony Snicket
The Chronicles of Narnia
Captain Underpants
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
A Wrinkle in Time
Encyclopedia Brown
Hardy Boys
Nancy Drew
Boxcar Children
Cam Jansen
39 Clues
Magic Treehouse
Trixie Belden
Leven Thumps
13 Treasures

I'm going to stop now...I went a little crazy here. There are fantasy, fairy, adventure, pirates, magic, mystery, humor, etc. in this list. Do they have preferences?

Also, 12 is usually the 'start age' for YA stuff so if the 11 yo is reading above his level at all then the entire YA world is open...

Cindy (eclecticfirefly) (eclecticfirefly) I loved The Boxcar Children when I was a kid. Glad to know they are still around eons later!

I was a voracious reader even at a young age. By third grade I was reading the Little House on the Prairie books, the Tarzan books, the Happy Hollisters. A couple of years later I went thru all the Black Stallion books, Doctor Doolittle, etc. I loved series books cuz then I knew what to read next!

message 7: by Kristen (last edited Dec 23, 2011 06:26AM) (new)

Kristen  (k10bentley) My son is quite a reluctant reader, he's eight. The child with dyslexia will probably have an easier time with a graphic novel, too.

My son read every single one in these series and there are titles for boys and girls (I just included one title from each series so you can get the link):

It's a Wrestling Mat, Not a Dance Floor (Victory School Superstars) by Scott Nickel Warrior's Refuge (Manga Warriors Graystripe, #2)  by Erin Hunter Kickoff Blitz (Sports Illustrated Kids Graphic Novels) by Blake A. Hoena

My daughter LOVED this series: Babymouse Queen of the World! (Babymouse, #1) by Jennifer L. Holm

My daughter is 10 and her favorite book EVER is: The True Meaning of Smekday by Adam Rex . The audio book is the best one we've ever listened to.

message 8: by Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos), Group Creator (new)

Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos) | 3564 comments Mod
Thank you everyone

I'm going to see if the library has some of the books but they all look good. I might even read lol.

message 9: by Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos), Group Creator (new)

Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos) | 3564 comments Mod
I'm going to talk to them tomorrow about what books they like to read and thanks again for everyones help

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