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Book cover for The Mother of All Questions
To which I’d like to append a variation on Lewis’s Law (“all comments on feminism justify feminism”): the plethora of men attacking women and anyone who stands up for women in order to prove that women are not under attack and feminism has ...more
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Peter S. Beagle
“My mother, sometimes she says that everybody in the world is a donkey with the heart of a lion. Everybody. Only most people don’t ever discover it—they don’t have to, they get along all right just being donkeys. But it’s there, always, if you really need it. If you really want to find it. If you look for it.”
Peter S. Beagle, I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons

“No matter the problem, no matter the actions of an aggressor, the fault is mine. Regardless of the politics or life experience of the person I am talking to, the answer comes like clockwork. I guess if you hate it that much, you should just lose weight. But despite its ubiquity in conversations about fatness and fat people, that is the logic of abuse. You made me do this. I wouldn’t hurt you if you didn’t make me. Just because we are accustomed to hearing it doesn’t make it healthy, productive, humane, or helpful. Its functions are threefold: One, to absolve us of any responsibility to address a widespread social problem. Two, to free us from having to re-examine our own beliefs and biases. And three, to silence and isolate fat people, to show us that any complaint we lodge and any issue we raise will be for naught, and may even cost us relationships, respect, comfort, and safety.”
Aubrey Gordon, What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat

Dahlia Lithwick
“The threat of “Lock her up”—so chilling to women who heard it hurled at Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Christine Blasey Ford—is the threat that what looks like law will become the mechanism for undoing the law. For the millions of American women who witnessed Ford’s testimony and Kavanaugh’s response, the icy realization that male entitlement, threats, and fury could still outrun and overmaster the truth, even in a process that purported to surface the truth, was another earthquake in the Trump years. Law or the trappings of law could be used to silence and sideline women. That isn’t a fight about equality; it’s a fear of retribution.”
Dahlia Lithwick, Lady Justice: Women, the Law, and the Battle to Save America

“The battle over government is not about the size of government, but the role of government. Republicans want the government to serve as a bulwark against the growing political and economic power of a diversifying America they view as an existential threat to their primarily white, Christian base. The Republican narrative depends on reinforcing lies and fear of the government.”
Dan Pfeiffer, Battling the Big Lie: How Fox, Facebook, and the MAGA Media Are Destroying America

Patrick   Stewart
“Reading 1: What is the narrative, the story? Reading 2: What is the play about? Reading 3: What does my character say about himself? Reading 4: What do other characters say about my character when he is present? Reading 5: What do other characters say about my character when he is absent? Reading 6: What is true in the play? Reading 7: What is false in the play? Reading 8: What does the character actually do?”
Patrick Stewart, Making It So: A Memoir

15336 fiction files redux — 297 members — last activity Oct 10, 2022 09:43AM
this is a literary love-in, baby . . . books, literature, fiction of all shapes and sizes, these things we discuss . . . make yourself at home, check ...more
11608 Persephone Books — 1343 members — last activity Sep 13, 2024 07:01AM
Persephone Books specializes in rediscovering 20th century novels, neglected women writers, twentieth century women writers and out of print books. Th ...more
26156 Virago Modern Classics — 353 members — last activity 6 hours, 21 min ago
But once a woman stole the initiative, plundered the perquisites and took the lead, what happened to the globe? The fabric cracked [Daphne du Maurier] ...more
220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 255387 members — last activity 0 minutes ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
16765 Between the Wars — 154 members — last activity Apr 15, 2017 06:31PM
The purpose of this group is to create a list of books about or set during the 1920s and 1930s. This includes fiction and history as well as biographi ...more
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