Ruxandra Grrr’s Reviews > The Centre > Status Update

Ruxandra Grrr
Ruxandra Grrr is on page 138 of 320
oops: 'English, for me, sadly, is the default. The neutral. It’s the language that I generally operate in, the one I dream and think in, and the one I feel most comfortable expressing myself in.'
Sep 24, 2023 08:37AM
The Centre

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Ruxandra Grrr’s Previous Updates

Ruxandra Grrr
Ruxandra Grrr is on page 263 of 320
'I wondered if he felt embarrassed about showing vulnerability in front of me and whether I should have been more delicate in reassuring him. Men often want to be comforted without feeling as if they’re being comforted. He opened his mouth as if to say something and then shook his head.'
Oct 01, 2023 02:14AM
The Centre

Ruxandra Grrr
Ruxandra Grrr is on page 216 of 320
‘Do I dare ask how much?’ Arjun said.
George tutted and shook his head. ‘The money was for the children.’
‘For the museums,’ Eric corrected. ‘The gala was raising money for the museums, not the children.’
‘Oh yes. The museums then.’
Oct 01, 2023 01:09AM
The Centre

Ruxandra Grrr
Ruxandra Grrr is on page 114 of 320
I'm very in, so far, but I wonder: does it really pay that well to be a translator?
Sep 24, 2023 07:58AM
The Centre

Ruxandra Grrr
Ruxandra Grrr is on page 39 of 320
This is one of those books that I feel personally attacked by and I am all her for that!

'Sometimes, it felt like, at the core of it, I was still yearning for those ten blissful months when the two of us had shared a body, before I was shocked by the cold and the distance upon being yanked out of her. I chided myself for longing, even in my mid-thirties, for this imaginary, perhaps idealized, maternal love. '
Sep 24, 2023 05:37AM
The Centre

Ruxandra Grrr
Ruxandra Grrr is starting
Oh no! Am I reading this book or is it reading me to filth?

'You see, a kind of listlessness had been brewing in me for some time, the kind that threatened to tip over into despair, leaving me just sitting there, solitary and stuck, forever, in the middle of my living room.'
Sep 24, 2023 04:50AM
The Centre

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