Edge Quotes

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Edge Edge by Jeffery Deaver
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Edge Quotes Showing 1-30 of 85
“That's the past for you. Not only does it come back at the most unexpected, and inconvenient, times but it's set in stone.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“It's becoming apparent that I like bad boys. That's one of my problems. They've all been bad boys. You're one too. You're a bad boy. But, I think you're a good bad boy.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“I liked old time music but what i meant by that was the period from the 1930s through the 60s, nothing before and little after.
 Performers like fats waller, Sinatra, billie holiday, louis armstrong, rosemary clooney, ella, sammy Davis Jr, dean martin... If the lyrics weren't stupid. Words were important.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“It's a tough life, she'd said. "It's the little things that get us through the day.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“But it works that way if it works.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“At the front door I spit on the hinges to keep them from squealing and we eased it silently open.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“I was disappointed. Voice analysis can tell a lot about the caller: gender, most of the time, national and regional roots, illnesses, even reasonable morphological deductions can be made about the shape of the nose, mouth and throat. But at least we had a confirmed spelling of the principal’s name, which was a plus.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“Remember that this is a game of defense as well as offense and be prepared to protect the areas which you occupy. —FROM THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BOARD GAME RISK”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“I returned to our surveillance. The houses around us reminded me of Ryan Kessler’s place. About every fifth one was, if not identical, then designed from the same mold. We were staring through bushes at a split-level colonial, on the other side of a dog-park-cum-playground. It was the house of Peter Yu, the part-time professor of computer science at Northern Virginia College and a software designer for Global Software Innovations. The company was headquartered along the Dulles “technology corridor,” which was really just a dozen office buildings on the tollway, housing corporations whose claim to tech fame was mostly that they were listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. I”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“He tapped his pistol. “I’m loaded with Glasers.” Safety bullets. Powerful rounds that can kill, but they won’t penetrate Sheetrock and injure bystanders. They’re called suburb slugs.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“Henry Loving stimulates the amnesia gene. But it’s also true most people are simply extremely unobservant. Freddy”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“I want to say something,” I told her. “It’s important.” “Under these circumstances,” she said, with a dark grin, “one wouldn’t really expect unimportant, now, would one?”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“People want to avoid the past. I suppose that's natural. When we tally up all we've said and done over the years, despite the wonderful memories, the regrets may be fewer but stand out more prominently, glowing coals that we can never quite extinguish, try though we might”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“When innocent people find themselves in situations that require the presence and protection of people like me, their reaction more often than not is as much bewilderment as fear. Mortality is tough to process. But”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“His rules were unencumbered by my constraints—the Constitution and the laws promulgated thereunder. Still,”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“Whatever else you could say about Jason Westerfield, grass didn’t grow under the man’s feet. A”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“Everyone stared at me now. I’d studied linguistics a long time ago. A little philology too, the study of languages from analyzing texts. Mostly for the fun of it, but the subject came in useful sometimes. Ellis”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“Report!” Freddy shouted. His fellow agents called back about their condition. They were all accounted for. One had a slight burn and another had been cut, breaking through a window to flood the basement with water from a garden hose—a futile effort, of course. There were no serious injuries, however. No, the only victim here was Henry Loving’s past. I rubbed my stinging eyes, wondering if, as I’d speculated, this had in fact been a trap all along. I was alive but this round of our game was a decided loss for me. Scissors”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“The best part about Omar was that he wasn’t simply a decoy. Surrounding the robot was a grid of ultraviolet and microwave beams. When Loving or his partner, presumably from some distance, took up position and fired the typical three-burst round into Omar’s head, empty and inexpensively replaceable, a computer would instantly correlate trajectory, speed and GPS coordinates and indicate on our handhelds where the shooter was, down to three feet. Would”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“You know what he was telling me just the other day?” “What?” “Korea, right, you’d think it was tea, tea, tea. Like China and Japan. But the last emperor of Korea, his name was Sunjong, the nineteen twenties, he loved the West and always had coffee at the palace. He and his father would sit around drinking coffee and talking about world affairs. Word got around and the citizens began to drink coffee. They liked to do what their emperor does. There’re more coffee drinkers in Korea than any other Asian country. They even have coffee shop hookers. Dabang girls, they’re called.” He”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“My opponent . . . what is he going to do? In game theory analysis the followers of eighteenth-century statistician Thomas Bayes hold that the world is made up of constantly changing knowledge, and in determining the probability of an event—what Zagaev was planning, in this case—you have to continually readjust your predictions as you learn new bits of information. The odds that he’ll play rock, as opposed to paper or scissors, change from 331/3 percent, for instance, if you learn that your opponent has a muscle problem that makes it painful for him to form a fist. But”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“I pressed the ignition button and the engine came to life. Our cars have special mufflers to deaden the exhaust sound but there’s nothing you can do about a starter. Carter”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“She jotted this down in her ubiquitous notebook.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“We have to assume Loving’s found your account. If you read messages or send any, it’s possible for him to correlate time with router and server traffic in the area here.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“A long moment of debate. I looked at Zagaev’s amulet, Alexander II with his impressive mustache. Though arguably the most liberal of the tsars, the emancipator of the serfs, he was assassinated by revolutionaries.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“Which one I like better?” “That’s the question, Mr. Tour Guide.” I felt suddenly awkward, like I was being tested on something I hadn’t studied for. I didn’t really know which one I liked more. The only photos I looked at regularly were surveillance and crime scene shots. Aesthetics didn’t count. Finally,”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“The young woman shrugged, walked to her computer, picked it up. She flopped down on the couch and scanned through it. This was something else I’d noticed that my principals had done more and more recently, in the safe house and halfway motels: withdrawn into their cyberwombs. Joanne”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“Accordingly, the occupant of the car was not Aslan Zagaev, nor was it one of the tactical agents. It was Omar, essentially a robotic head and torso, with a few servo motors inside that let him—well, it—mimic pretty well the movement and gestures of a human being. You could program the system so that Omar would act bored or drunk or—the most-used setting—nervous and fidgety. The features weren’t as good as Disney animatronics but inside a vehicle or in the dark, he could usually trick a shooter. Omar—and Omarina (brunette or blonde and 36D)—came in white, black and Latino.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“I’m not a bad person.” Zagaev looked up at me with imploring eyes. Claims of ethical purity are a common strategy in games like this. But they’re paper, forever losing to scissors.”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge
“Joanne’s federal government employment history had been hidden very efficiently, of course. DuBois hadn’t found anything specific about what the woman or her coworkers did. But you could deduce their mission from what my protégée did uncover: the group’s funding (lavish and murkily channeled through nonexistent government agencies) and jurisdiction—in the U.S. only (office leasing and travel authorizations). Its history was enlightening too. The organization was created two weeks after the first Trade Towers bombing in New York in the 1990s, and their budget and personnel were doubled after the African embassy bombings and tripled after the attack on the Cole. After”
Jeffery Deaver, Edge

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