The King Quotes

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The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12) The King by J.R. Ward
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The King Quotes Showing 1-30 of 121
“Rhage raised his hand " Pastor Ass-hat, I have a question." "Yes my son, you are going to hell”
J.R. Ward, The King
“There was a sniffle from the crowd. At which point, Rhage’s voice hissed, “What. This is beautiful, ’kay? Fuck all y’all.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“If I got to you once, I can do it again. And maybe next time I won’t waste my breath trying to prove the fact that I’m your equal.”
“I am the King, you realize.”
“And I’m the daughter of a deity, motherfucker.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Knock her dead, my man."
"Oh no." Xcor shook his head."That shan't be necessary. This one I like.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Wait, wait, wait.” V waved his hand-rolled around. “I’m the son of a deity and she picked you?”
J.R. Ward, The King
“I’m not strong enough for this,” he whispered in her ear—like he didn’t want anyone to hear that coming out of his mouth. Ever. Running her hands up his powerful back, she held him just as hard. “But I am.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Rhage raised his hand. "Pastor Ass-hat, I have a question." "Yes, my son, you ARE going to hell." Lassiter made the sign of the cross and then looked around.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“After shoving his former clothes inside, Xcor found himself bowing at the waist. "Your assistance has been much appreciated." Antoine raised his palm like he was getting ready to do a clap on the shoulder again. But once more, he caught himself and smiled instead. "Knock her dead, my man." "Oh, no." Xcor shook his head. "That shan’t be necessary. This one I like.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“What kind of look are you going for?” he asked instead.
J.R. Ward, The King
“Sometimes, you didn’t get what you wanted. But if you had all you needed? Life was good.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“When he got quiet again, she assumed he was done talking. Instead, he spoke up one last time: “I only have one other secret.” “What’s that?” “Don’t tell anyone . . . but I like that goddamn cat of yours.” Tilting her head to the side, Beth smiled at the Shadow. “I have a feeling . . . he’s pretty fond of you, too.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Okay, so, Beth, follow me. 'I, Beth, a totally awesome chick ...'"

Beth barked out a giggle. "I, Beth ..."

"Where's the 'awesome chick' part? What? Come on, I have a license from the Internet. I know what I'm doing."

Wrath nodded at his leehan. "He's right. You are, in fact, awesome. I think we need to hear it."

"Can I get an amen!" Lassiter shouted.

"Ammmmmmmmmen!" echoed throughout the mansion.

"Fine, fine, fine," she said. "I, Beth, a totally awesome chick ..."

"'... take this meathead, Wrath ...'"

"... take this meathead, Wrath ..."

"'... as my husband to have and to hold from this day forward...”
J.R. Ward, The King
“A soooooooooooooooooooooon! I'm having a sooooooooooooooooooooooooon!”
J.R. Ward, The King
“By the power vested in me thanks to Google, I know pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Wrath - Beth x Overnight = Psycho-hose Beast”
J.R. Ward, The King
“I can smell you,” he groaned against her ear as he ran his fangs up her throat. “The most beautiful thing in the world—except for your taste.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“You love it right?" Lassiter asked, holding his Bible high. "I mean, you told me to go on the internet. I did. I even printed out my diploma or whatever the hell it's called." Opening the cover of the King James version, he took out a piece of paper and waved it around. "See? Nice and legal-like" Beth leaned in "Wow". "I know right? Just like Harvard" "Impressive" "I'm totally framing that shit, wha-what.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Rough times." Qhuinn shrugged. "And I'm not interested in saints."

"Really? You're in love with one," Layla chimed in.

As Qhuinn glanced over at Blay, his mismatched eyes narrowed.

"Damn straight I am," he said softly.

As the redhead turned red--natch--that connection between the two males became positively tangible.

Love was such a beautiful thing.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“When were you going to tell me?"
He demanded. "Tell you what? That you can be a real asshole? How about right now.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“This is going to be a really long couple of months if we worry about ever little twinge."

"You just tried to throw up your liver."

"I did not."

So you were working on your pancreas?”
J.R. Ward, The King
“You have given me something ... I didn't even know I needed. It's the greatest gift I will ever receive--it's, like, completing me already in places I wasn't aware were empty. And yet ... in spite of all that? I don't love you one bit more. You are as important to me as you've always been." He curled down and pressed a kiss to the loose shirt she was wearing--it was one of his, actually, and wasn't that great. "I was wholly bonded to you before this, and will be after this--and forevermore."

"You're going to make me cry again."

"So cry. And let me take care of you. I got this.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“They are as empty without a young as we are empty without them”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Good, glad you agree,” Wrath muttered as he cued George. The dog signaled that they’d come up to a barrier by halting, and Wrath reached out, his palm finding a sheet that was stiff and thick. Dropping his hold on the halter, he used two hands to pull it aside so he didn’t tear it from its tethers above. The voices stopped immediately. Except for one that breathed, “Holy . . . shit.” All at once there was a clattering, as if tools were being dropped to the floor—and then a rustling. Like seven males of some size had just gone down on their knees. For a moment, Wrath’s eyes teared up behind his wraparounds. “Evening,” he said, trying to be all casual. “How’s the work going?” No answer. And he could smell the stunned disbelief—it was like sautéed onions, not entirely unpleasant. “My lord,” came a low greeting. “It is a great honor to be in your presence.” He opened his mouth to blow that off . . . except as he inhaled, he realized that was the truth. For each and every one of them. They were honestly in awe and overcome. In a hoarse voice, he said, “Welcome to my home.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“I love you. It was the tie that bound, even across the divides of death and time.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Holy shit." Rehv shook his head and muttered, "Now we know what the zombie apocalypse looks like.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“She was pretty sure that if she had been, though, none of the hypotheticals would have resembled this in the slightest: surrounded by vampires, possibly pregnant, with a fallen angel in an Elvis costume mangling the ceremony from the Book of Common Prayer.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“You can call me Pastor-and before Mr. Sox Fan gets his panties in a wad, I want everyone to know I'm legit. I went online, took a minister's course in under an hour, and I'm ordained, baby.”
J.R. Ward , The King
“Then I, Wrath, son of Wrath, do take you as my shellan, to watch over and care for you and any begotten young we may have, sure as I would and will my kingdom, and its citizenry. You shall be mine fore’ermore—your enemies are mine own, your bloodline to mix with mine own, your dusks and your dawns to share only with me. This bond shall ne’er be torn asunder by forces within or without—and”—here he paused—“there shall be one and only one female for all mine days, and you shall be that only queen.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Sitting down beside her, he found her lower belly with his hand. "I love this."

"Love What?"

"This bump thing you got going on." He smiled. "That's our young.”
J.R. Ward, The King
“Because that’s what the Brotherhood and their families were. Close as siblings, tighter than blood because they were chosen.”
J.R. Ward, The King

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