The Frowny Face Cow Quotes

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The Frowny Face Cow The Frowny Face Cow by Tom Althouse
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The Frowny Face Cow Quotes Showing 1-30 of 51
“Let go and go beyond living the dream, by dreaming the reality, into a reality beyond the dream.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“In these times where it has seemed dark indeed
where integrity appears solely buried in legend and lore,
it is an opportunity in contrast to the shadows,
to create miracles...
by choosing first courage,
then diligence,
opening our mouth
and speaking the truth that in rare moments,
may ignite the light.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“Sure all life's highways at some point must end,
so I plan to ride it in style and plummet in a swan dive
when the pavement runs out...
And hopefully leave behind artistically
that which may make other roads
an even better ride...”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“No matter how busy we may believe we are, we have the wonderful opportunity presently of investing time with loved ones. For those are the great investments we will be glad we made, when time begins to slow and the ability to tend turns tender.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“You know you are truly alive, when you care for every living thing. One day soon, it will be the norm to view others not as competition, but gifts to share this gorgeous planet with, and we will not be able to imagine the loss of but one.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“We are puzzle pieces, bragging about being puzzle pieces, rather than being the picture.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“When we are still,
all settles into place.
We take time to see the beauty.
We take time to see the heart.
And we naturally gravitate
to others
that resonate that inner calm.
When we are still.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“More and more obstacles seem to be other people's issues that form in the way of a hand to block one, to take notice of them? Sometimes noticing ahead of time, and taking the time to notice them, makes the hand part of an arm that embraces you. The obstacles become bridges for both to cross over, even if in opposite directions.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“A friend is a companion for the journey,
never a means to our own.
What we take we take together,
the joy we reap, we have sown.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“If the pen is mightier than the sword, a sharpie must be plain deadly!”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“My goal is not to upset the apple cart, but to make it more accessible.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“The monster is only scary while it is in the closet.
Once in the light,
you can see its many flaws
and weaknesses.

And often,
we end up laughing,
at what we shield our eyes from
no more.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“When fear no longer takes hold, the possibilities are endless.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“Life follows a rhythm and we hold the drum.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“We are the reflections for the stars to gaze upon, upon a sea of glass.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“The only way I could conceive of waving a white flag,
would be during the process of folding it,
so to be used as a napkin later,
at our victory dinner.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“These days, a sling of truth, still can make Goliath fall.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“Cats, tea and candles,
is all the therapy,
I will ever need.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“Doing what you love, with those you love, is an adventurous type of success. The kind that can not be taken away, often discovered by those who have had much taken away, and saw it as an opportunity to re-access their path, and reset from the crucible of shared and beneficial dreams.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“Their greatest fear is you may step forward without fear.
Because your courage may become contagious.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“If life were a highway, I would still look for the footpath, for walking that, I would learn about us, enjoying the extra time to do so.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“Family we cannot always choose, but it sure is fun to try and make them laugh during dinners. Especially when they are trying to eat their soup.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“When the silence comes and the echoes of former life fades, what will have mattered will be, one made the world a bit better ‘fore their de-berthing. Writing, needs none, but the initial push of heart and passion, enabling the story to take flight, doves to clouds, clouds to doves, then to faithfully follow its unfolding through the quill transcribed, this self-perpetuating engine once born, with no further fuel required, to lift others in the journey, through time, for all time.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“Genius does not need to be validated, it just needs a legal pad and a pen.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“Across our country, rather than slavery having ended, it has spread horridly.

So that no matter our color of skin, our creed or persuasion, or our just labors - our industry, our security, our very lives of our sons and daughters, are being taken from us, as our families are harmed, by a small group of elite and power hungry persons.

And those institutions, established for our protection, are employed now, in this very country, for our subjugation, right down to local police. Well paid and infiltrated by the powers wielding unthinkable agendas.

Let my family and its journey of hardship be living proof, that those of us that stand up for all, currently suffer the stones of those that stand only for themselves, and who now stand with hand on triggers, having silenced all but a few voices, who have paid the ultimate price for daring to speak.
For daring to "face down", the few that have systematically and immorally bought, and criminally raised, this specter of a most vile, ancient and hated institution, once more, upon us.

When elections come, know they are being held on a broken wagon, whose wheels need fixed, and safeguards restored, that the precious innocents of all races, all persuasions, all lives, may finally have safety, peace, protection and most of all justice.

We are being told now we have won, but my family still feels the sting and the weight of the chains. We vow as we break ours, to free others. To use what we may gain in restitution, to the freeing and restoring of others yet bound.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow
“I never dreamed this day would come,
or imagined this would manifest,
but now that this is my reality,
that we can change a world,
I embrace the dream.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow

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