Hyde and Seek Quotes

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Hyde and Seek (Hyde, #1) Hyde and Seek by Layla Frost
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Hyde and Seek Quotes Showing 1-30 of 37
“Piper, stop," he said in that firm, bossy voice.
I stopped.
I don't get how those guys can ignore that tone.
"Turn around."
I turned around.
"Fuck," he murmured.
Why can't that be an order?
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Love’s anarchy. There are no rules, no rhyme or reason. You can’t control it. You can fight to keep it and lose. Or fight to keep it away and lose. Or win, depending. Love’s chaos. It’s mayhem.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Okay, too much heavy. Piper looks like she needs a drink, and as her doctor, I’m saying she gets one, stat,” Lily said. “You aren’t a doctor,” Marcy pointed out the obvious. “No, but I have a naughty nurse outfit, and that’s basically the same thing. Now, booze, stat!”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“My general vibe screamed ‘introvert!’ Actually, I don’t think you can scream introvert, but it definitely mumbled it.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Sometimes the road to happily ever after isn’t smooth and easy. You have to fight through trials and obstacles to get there. There are dragons and big, bad wolves in disguise to defeat. Riding in a carriage with a prince wouldn’t get you over those bumps and twists. Sometimes the road to your happily ever after is on the back of a bike with a badass knight that would kick the prince’s ass if he came near you.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“I got more fuckin’ money than I know what to do with, but I still worked seven days a week. I had the kinda fun that meant I spent each night alone in a fuckin’ crash pad. I was livin’, but I wasn’t alive. I wasn’t breathin’. I was fuckin’ color-blind, tastin’ nothin’ but sour and bitter.” Even in the dim moonlight, I could see the intensity in his eyes. “You brought me sweetness. Brought me color and brightness. You’ve got me breathin’ deep and doin’ it easy. Lovin’ life. Not just enjoyin’ it. Fuckin’ lovin’ it.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“I wanna bring you down low to my level. I get off picturin’ makin’ you so dirty, so wild, so fuckin’ bad that it has to be good,”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Happy endings don’t always happen. In fairy tales, the hero and heroine go through obstacles and trials, but their happily ever after always comes. It’s kinda the whole point of the story. Real life doesn’t offer that same guarantee. Time passes and the pages turn, but there’s only obstacles and trials, followed by more obstacles and trials with no happily ever after in sight. Sometimes people never find their grand romance. Sometimes people lose their grand romance before their life is over, leaving them with regrets and heartache. And sometimes, people lose their lives.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Did I just trip his dick alarm?”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“I should go get the cereal and milk, and eat breakfast out of the vee of his pelvic muscles.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Be a drummer,’ everyone said. ‘You’ll get all the girls,’ everyone said. Everyone was wrong. Shoulda taken a fuckin’ shop class,” Jet sighed dramatically.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Do you love her?”

“Fuck no. What the hell would make you ask that?”

“Do you want to take her home tonight instead of me?”


“Then I don’t care.”

Jake backed me into the bar, his arms at my sides holding onto the ledge. “I love you.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“You brought me sweetness. Brought me color and brightness. You’ve got me breathin’ deep and doin’ it easy. Lovin’ life. Not just enjoyin’ it. Fuckin’ lovin’ it.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Way to go, Piper. You remembered your name, and were even able to talk this time. Now let’s see if we can’t start sounding less like a wannabe phone sex operator, hmm?”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“My general vibe screamed ‘introvert!’ Actually, I don’t think you can scream introvert, but it definitely mumbled it. I”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“I took a deep breath and exhaled, letting everything go. I couldn’t control how other people felt. I could, however, control how I dealt with it.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Fuck, really wanna kiss those lips again, but then we won’t be leavin’ at all.” “Okay,” I repeated. I’m sure there’s some appeal to leaving, but I can’t for the life of me remember what. Maybe we should stay here until I figure it out.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“liked to bake. Really liked it. Which meant I occasionally went overboard. Just sometimes. Rarely, really. It almost never happened. It totally happened all the friggin’ time.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Hmm. Gotta leave for dinner,” he whispered in my ear, his lips teasing as they grazed. “Mmhhmm.” “Don’t wanna go. I’d rather stay here and eat you ‘til you scream.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Sometimes the road to your happily ever after is on the back of a bike with a badass knight that would kick the prince’s ass if he came near you.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Love is anarchy. It’s mayhem. You fight for it. Live for it. You hold tight and push through the ugly times, ‘cause without them, you wouldn’t fully appreciate the beauty.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“I just felt like it confirmed that I was a dirty old man who had no business makin’ you dirty too.” “Sex isn’t dirty.” I lost my breath as his eyes darkened with a new intensity and his rough voice deepened. “It is the way I do it.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Good luck on tour, not that you’ll need it.” I ended on a yelp when Jet grabbed me, lifting me in a full hug. “Holy shit, she smells like cake.” “I know. Now put her down,” Jake said. “But she’s so little.” “I am not!” I huffed. “Okay, you’re fun-sized.” “That I’ll accept.” “Great, we’re in agreement. Now put her down,” Jake ordered, his voice losing some of its amusement.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“As soon as I got within arm’s reach, he pulled me to him. Grabbing my ass, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. One of his hands weaved into my hair as his mouth crashed down on mine. It wasn’t until Jake pulled up and gently lowered me to my feet that I registered the comments, catcalls, and whistles. His hand curved around my neck and his thumb pressed my chin up. “It wasn’t my place to tell you how to handle your business.” “Thank you for that. I’ll talk to Rhys about working through him. Next time, though, please ask me, don’t tell me. Deal, Mr. Bossy Pants?” “Deal. But don’t leave without kissing me again. Yeah?”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“For the rest of my life, Piper. You’ll be mine for the rest of my fuckin’ life. And I’ll be addicted to this pussy ‘til the day I die.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“When I turned around with a grin, it was Jake’s turn to smile as he continued toward me. And if you listen carefully, you can hear the subtle whoosh of panties dropping and bras unhooking themselves.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“My lips,” he whispered, his lips brushing against mine as he spoke. He brought his mouth to my neck before continuing, “My neck.” His mouth moved to the spot behind my ear. “My sweets.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“But you know I’m yours. I’ve told you that over and over.” “When?” “During sex.” “Yeah, exactly. While my dick’s in you and I’m makin’ you come. Even then I’m promptin’ you to say it. Not once have you said it on your own. And then you wonder why I’d think I was a replaceable dick to you. I’m not a mind reader either.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Jake ignored my question. “Who was that first guy you were talkin’ to?” “James. You met him at my house before.” “Why were you talkin’ to him?” “He stopped me to say hi. Why?” “He touched you.” “He tucked my hair behind my ear. It isn’t like it was obscene.” “Not like what Green wanted to do to you. Why the fuck were you talkin’ to him?” His jaw clenched as his body tensed further. “He stopped me. I was politely excusing myself and trying to get away from him.” “That didn’t seem to be workin’, did it? You like what he was sayin’ to you, babe? Like hearin’ him talk about your sweet cunt? Were you thinkin’ about how it would be?” Jake asked crudely, his voice low and rough. “No, what? How what would be?” “Fuckin’ a rock star. Slummin’ it with the lowly mechanic not doin’ it for you anymore?” I stared up at him in wide-eyed disbelief. Fuck it. Poke the bear. I glared at him, my temper rising. “Why are you being a jerk? I’m here with you.” “Oh, so if I wasn’t around? I could leave if that’d make it easier for you to work the room.” He lowered his hands and stepped back. His shoulders were tight as his fists clenched by his sides. “You’re being an ass. Come find me when you calm down.” I shifted to leave but Jake moved back into my space. “James,” he sneered, “tucked your hair behind your ear. Do you know how intimate that is? How it felt to watch that? And Blake? I can’t even go there again. You stood there and let them touch you, Piper. Why?” His hands slammed back on the wall, punctuating the word as his body pressed close to mine. “Jake, I didn’t—” “You don’t care when we don’t see each other. I called you yesterday, fuckin’ hatin’ that I had to cancel, but you were totally fine with it. Christ, you couldn’t even call yourself my woman on the way here. Obviously, you’re still free and available to do what you want.”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek
“Mine,” Jake rumbled, as looking into my eyes. “You understand, baby?” I shook my head. “This pussy, squeezing’ my dick so tight, is mine. No one else’s. No one touches you but me. You’re mine, Piper. Got it?”
Layla Frost, Hyde and Seek

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