Scoring Wilder Quotes

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Scoring Wilder Scoring Wilder by R.S. Grey
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Scoring Wilder Quotes Showing 1-30 of 43
“She believed she could, so she did.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“If only we actually were in Harry Potter. I’d totally Crucio her ass. Yeah, that’s right, I’d use one of the Unforgivable Curses. Come at me, Ministry of Magic.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“He bent down so I could hear him over the music. "What are you doing here?" he asked with a hard tone.

Okay. Not the best first line. Something like, you look beautiful, have my babies would have been a little bit better.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“More than Peanut M&Ms,”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“His hand had been resting two inches above my shorts. Which is about five inches above my vagina. So... yeah, he was basically touching my vagina.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Thank you, Josh. Thank you for ruining my capacity to trust so that any guy that comes after you will automatically have the cards stacked against him.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Cue dream sequence of Liam running slowly on a beach carrying me in his arms. I love how he's strong enough to carry me with one arm while using the other arm to feed the seagulls. He's such an animal lover like that.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“His cologne was practically hijacking my ovulation cycle and I had to fight the urge to let my face collapse onto his shirt and inhale.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Dude! If you scream in my ear again I will punch you in the uterus.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“I was supposed to be Nancy Drew, and instead I was Nancy Draw-the-blinds-and-put-it-in-me. Wait, what?”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“That’s not surprising to hear. Your daughter is definitely in love with me, Mrs. Bryant. She hasn't told me yet, but she will soon.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“I thought he jaunted around on yachts and baptized babies all day. Babies that would one day grow up to be swimsuit models, thanks to his touch.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Kinsley Grace Bryant, you crazy beautiful loon, marry me so we can make hundreds of little soccer prodigies.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“I'm not playing around with you, Kinsley. I want to be with you," he whispered in my ear before releasing my arm. I stumbled into the hallway, trying to gather my wits.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Kinsley, I'v never liked any girl more than I like M&Ms."
"Am I getting close?" I joked.
"I'd say I like you more than regular M&Ms, but you're going to have to really step it up if you want to beat out peanut M&Ms.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
tags: humor
“Oh, oops, how'd we get into this adorable position? Strategic planing, my friend.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Being alone with him was a bad idea, like playing around water when you can’t swim.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“He was the northern star. I had no choice but to become enveloped in his brightness and let it coax me toward him. Wanting him was an unconscious impulse, like taking my next breath.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Cheat on me once, shame on him. Cheat on me twice... what the actual fuck is going on?”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“I know, I know. They should make a hallmark card for that experience since it’s so cliché: “Whoops, sorry your high school boyfriend can’t keep it in his pants… here’s a cute puppy wearing a bowtie.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“He seemed like the type that kept people at arm's length, maybe out of arrogance or maybe from personal choice- either way, I wanted to know him so that those eyes were narrowed and focused solely on me.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Oh weird… I was there with Leonardo DiCaprio. He must have been in the bathroom when Sofie was spying on me," I”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“I know what it means to value the person you're with.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Can I say I’m a reformed bad boy without sounding like a tool?”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Fiiiine, but don't forget to use protection... you don't want your computer getting a virus,”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“We’ll take as long as you want. We can be engaged until you turn ninety-nine and you can’t even walk down the aisle. I’ll carry you or wheel you down. Just tell me you’ll marry me.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“No, I assure you. I have yet to have a relationship in real life, but I've read lots of Cosmo and I used to take a ton of those quizzes about love." "Wow... that's really reassuring. NOT.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Little did they know I wasn’t above backing over nasty reporters. Spoiler: the rest of this story takes place from a jail cell.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“When I was with him, there were no consequences”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder
“Was I willing to glue on a vijay toupee for him?”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder

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