My Life on the Road Quotes

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My Life on the Road My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem
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My Life on the Road Quotes Showing 1-30 of 477
“You're always the person you were when you were born," she says impatiently. "You just keep finding new ways to express it.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“I myself cried when I got angry, then became unable to explain why I was angry in the first place. Later I would discover this was endemic among female human beings. Anger is supposed to be "unfeminine" so we suppress it -until it overflows. I could see that not speaking up made my mother feel worse. This was my first hint of the truism that depression is anger turned inward; thus women are twice as likely to be depressed. My mother paid a high price for caring so much, yet being able to do so little about it. In this way, she led me toward am activist place where she herself could never go.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“You should write about take no-shit women like me. Girls need to know they can break the rules" p.79”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Laughter is a rescue. p.204”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“As Robin Morgan wrote so wisely, "Hate generalizes, love specifies". That's what makes going on the road so important. It definitely specifies.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Sometimes I think the only real division into two is between people who divide everything into two and those who don't.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“When humans are ranked instead of linked, everyone loses.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Decisions are best made by the people affected by them.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“If you find yourself drawn to an event against all logic, go. The universe is telling you something.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Also, one of the simplest paths to deep change is for the less powerful to speak as much as they listen, and for the more powerful to listen as much as they speak.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Long before all these divisions were opened between home and the road, betweens a woman's place and a man's world, humans followed the crops, the seasons, traveling with their families, our companions, animals, our tents. We built campfires and moved from place to place. This way of traveling is still in our cellular memory. Living things have evolved as travelers, Even migrating birds know that nature doesn't demand a choice between nesting and flight.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Remember: "For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost, for want of a horseshoe, the horse was lost, for want of a horse, the battle was lost, for want of a battle, the war was lost." This parable should be the mantra of everyone who thinks her or his vote doesn't count.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“If you want people to listen to you, you have to listen to them. If you hope people will change how they live, you have to know how they live. If you want people to see you, you have to sit down with them eye-to-eye.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Swiftboating enters the English language as a verb that means attacking strength instead of weakness. In feminist and other social justice contexts, this has long been called trashing, attacking leaders for daring to write, speak, or lead at all. Taking away the good is even more lethal than pointing out the bad. p.189”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“We might have known sooner that the most reliable predictor of whether a country is violent within itself—or will use military violence against another country—is not poverty, natural resources, religion, or even degree of democracy; it’s violence against females. It normalizes all other violence.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“I began to see that for some, religion was just a form of politics you couldn’t criticize.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“No wonder studies show that women's intellectual self-esteem tends to go down as years of education go up. We have been studying our own absence.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Altogether, if I'd been looking at nothing but the media all these years, I would be a much more discouraged person-especially given the notion that only conflict is news, and that objectivity means being evenhandedly negative.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“The road is messy in the way that real life is messy. It leads us out of denial and into reality, out of theory and into practice, out of caution and into action, out of statistics and into stories—in short, out of our heads and into our hearts.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“I wonder: If you think of someone you love, do you become a little more like them? I would like to think so.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“It’s said that the biggest determinant of our lives is whether we see the world as welcoming or hostile. Each becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Anybody who is experiencing something is more expert in it than the experts.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“After all, hope is a form of planning.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“I was angry because young men in politics were treated like rising stars and young women were treated like - well - young women. {...}
I was angry about the human talent that was lost just because it was born into a female body, and the mediocrity that was rewarded because it was born into a male one.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“The root of oppression is the loss of memory.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“As novelist Margaret Atwood wrote to explain women’s absence from quest-for-identity novels, “there’s probably a simple reason for this: send a woman out alone on a rambling nocturnal quest and she’s likely to end up a lot deader a lot sooner than a man would.”3 The irony here is that thanks to molecular archaeology—which includes the study of ancient DNA to trace human movement over time—we now know that men have been the stay-at-homes, and women have been the travelers. The rate of intercontinental migration for women is about eight times that for men.4”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Even the dictionary defines adventurer as “a person who has, enjoys, or seeks adventures,” but adventuress is “a woman who uses unscrupulous means in order to gain wealth or social position.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Instead of either/or, I discovered a whole world of and.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Not even in a movie had I ever seen a wife with a journey of her own. Marriage was always the happy end, not the beginning. It was the 1950s, and I confused growing up with settling down.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road
“Before she leaves, my new friend tells me to look out of the big picture window at the parking lot.

"See that purple Harley out there—that big gorgeous one? That's mine. I used to ride behind my husband, and never took the road on my own. Then after the kids were grown, I put my foot down. It was hard, but we finally got to be partners. Now he says he likes it better this way. He doesn't have to worry about his bike breaking down or getting a heart attach and totaling us both. I even put 'Ms.' on my license plate—and you should see my grandkids' faces when Grandma rides up on her purple Harley!"

On my own again, I look out at the barren sand and tortured rocks of the Badlands, stretching for miles. I've walked there, and I know that, close up, the barren sand reveals layers of pale rose and beige and cream, and the rocks turn out to have intricate womblike openings. Even in the distant cliffs, caves of rescue appear.

What seems to be one thing from a distance is very different close up.

I tell you this story because it's the kind of lesson that can be learned only on the road. And also because I've come to believe that, inside, each of us has a purple motorcycle.

We have only to discover it—and ride.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road

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