Death Quotes

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Death: Before, During & After (In Marathi) Death: Before, During & After by Dada Bhagwan
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Death Quotes Showing 1-30 of 34
“If you happen to get a bad husband or a bad wife even once, it can ruin many lifetimes!”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“To dislike something with egoism has been referred to as renunciation (tyaag). Whereas if dislike arises for something whilst in an egoless state, that is considered as saiyam (a state in which there is absence of anger-pride-deceit-greed and attachment-abhorrence).”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Except for pure Soul (Shuddhatma), the mind, speech, body, intellect is all subject to vyavasthit (energy that runs the world). It is all scientific circumstantial evidences. With 'This is mine' and 'I am (this)', divisions occurred, and that is why all these difficulties exist, intents of false attribution (aropit bhaav) arose. That is why one missed out on one's own form as the Self (swaroop)!”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Aaropit bhaav (false attribution of the belief ‘I am Chandubhai’) is vikalp bhaav (wrong belief that ‘I am Chandubhai’ and all the relative ‘I-ness’ that stems from it), and swabhaavbhaav (the intent as One's inherent nature) is the real intent; it is Parmatmabhaav (the intent as the absolute Self).”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Saiyam (a state free of anger-pride-deceit-greed, attachment and abhorrence) cannot be attained through egoism. Renunciation can take place through egoism. In renouncing, doership is required, there needs to be a doer of the renunciation.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Once the body becomes natural and spontaneous, that is the natural state. There is no unnatural state in that. There is no false awareness of 'I am that.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“The conduct [of today] is ignorance of the past [life] whereas understanding (samjhan) is the stock carried forward from many past lives!”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Vyavasthit (result of scientific circumstantial evidences) has to be kept in your laksha (awareness as the Self). You should not take its support wrongfully. [When] all the efforts are completed and the work gets done; if it [the result] turns out wrong, that is when you should say, "It is vyavasthit."  ”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“By not hurting anyone through one's mind, speech and action, all the vows (vrat) are encompassed in this!”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Humans exercise egoism and nature strikes blows to bring them down. Nature says, "I am the one doing (all this), and what are you doing egosim for?”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“A person who goes along with everything is reffered to as a renouncer [of worldly life] (tyaagi).”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“The very vyavahaar (worldly interaction) that has to be done to eradicate the anger-pride-deceit-greed (kashay), is indeed the same vyavahaar that is giving rise to this kashay!”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Mine’ and ‘yours’, is interaction of the worldly life. If you like the interaction where the other person is being verbally abusive, then you can do the same. Continue the ‘give-and-take’.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Samadhi-maran (blissful death; awareness as 'I am Soul' during death) means there is no memory of anything other than the Self. There is no presence of the mind, the intellect, the chit or egoism at that time. One is only in the Self (the soul).”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“World People (only) forgets when time makes him forget a death. Whereas the enlightened one (gnani purush) will forget (any death) at the same moment. To go out and to die, it is both the same.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Man should become very aware when one third (1/3rd) of his life remains that ‘pictures’ of his next life will be taken now (next life forms will be decided).”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Why worry about that for which there is no solution? There is no solution for death, so does anyone worry about that?”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“જે આખા ગામનો માલ બાળી મેલે છે, પોતાના સ્વાર્થને માટે, એવાં હોય છેને અહીં ? તેને પછી નર્કગતિ આવે. અપકાર ઉપરેય ઉપકાર કરે એવા સુપર હ્યુમન હોય, તે પછી દેવગતિમાં જાય.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During & After…
“Dharma [religion] means to carry out activities [sadhna] to attain the goal [dhyeya].”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“When there is a sense of doership, the planning will come into effect, otherwise the planning will cease to happen.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“A person is rendering service to others, that is the disposition of the prakruti (relative Self); whereas another person is rendering disservice to others, that too is the disposition of the prakruti. In doing that, there is no individual effort being made by any one person but they believe in the mind that, 'I am doing'; that is the wrong belief (bhranti)!”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“This world is so according to rule that no one can do anything, therefore do not be fearful. And no matter what solutions you apply, you will not become free of the fear that is to come your way.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“That which takes one away from religion (dharma) is bad company (kusang).”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“The knowledge that breaks karmic bondage is known as Gnan, and that which prevents any new bondage from occuring is called Vignan!”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“The science of absolutism or liberation (Vitaraag Vignan) begins upon the attainment of samkit (the right belief that 'I am pure Soul').”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“It is due to one’s own mistake that the world continues to be remembered. Whatever keeps coming to memory, that is where the mistakes lie. For a fully enlightened Gnani (One with Knowledge of the Self), the world continues to remain absent from his memory!”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...
“Liberation (moksha) cannot be attained by following a single viewpoint. Religion may be practiced by following a single viewpoint, but the essence of religion cannot be attained.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“Sheel (the highest state of conduct in worldly interaction) is where not even an iota of a wrong intent arises within.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“If one wants to go to moksha, he will indeed have to become (completely) free from sex [nirvishayi].”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...
“This is the path of absolute humility [param vinaya]. What is absolute humility? It does not cause the slightest hindrance; on the contrary it will make room for you to sit here.”
Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During After...

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