Fortuity Quotes

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Fortuity (Transcend, #3) Fortuity by Jewel E. Ann
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Fortuity Quotes Showing 1-30 of 33
“I’ve traveled for eight years and countless miles to get here. Right. Here. It’s my turn to get the girl. I’ve earned it. So … yeah … I call dibs. Dibs. Dibs. Dibs! I will fucking level anyone in this life or the next that tries to steal you from me.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“I’ve traveled for eight years and countless miles to get here. Right. Here. It’s my turn to get the girl. I’ve earned it. So … yeah … I call dibs. Dibs. Dibs. Dibs! I will fucking level anyone in this life or the next that tries to steal you from me.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Life is a celebration. Cake needs no excuse.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“It's okay to hold on to her. It's okay if you never really move on. It's okay if you never find that kind of love again because she was the one, and no one else will ever come close. Take some sage advice from someone who knows... threesomes don't work. If your heart can't let go, then you will take her with you into every new relationship. And even though she's dead and no one can see her... they will feel her.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Before … everything.” She laughs a little. “Before I had the chance to fall in love. I dreamed of you. You didn’t have a face or a name. Your voice was simply a medley of my favorite love songs, the whisper in my head when reading my favorite poems about love. You were the reason I woke up two hours before school to do my hair and makeup in hopes that some boy would give me a second glance. It was you … the idea of you. The dream of you. The promise from my adoring mother that someday I would find my Romeo. When my brain managed to think about something other than hockey or boys … my heart was still thinking of you.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“This is it. This is what it looks like to love someone deeply … madly … to the depths of your soul. So much it rips your fucking heart out of your chest to let go.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“The ending was bittersweet, beautiful, and... perfect.
Maybe not everything in life dies with a final breath.
Maybe some things just... end.
Maybe it's not forever.
Maybe it's for now.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“I love this girl. She’s my world. My hands will release her … set her free. But my heart can’t let go, which means she will rip it from my chest and carry it with her forever. And I will wait for her to return … for my heart to return.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
Hello, Sassenach …” he whispers.
Okay. Not really, but I’d love to hear him say it.
“Hi, I’m Nathaniel Hunt, Morgan’s dad.” His American accent tramples my Scottish fantasies as he holds out his hand.
If I lick his hand, will it be weird? Too desperate? Too personal for a first encounter? Too immature for forty-one?
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“I don’t have the emotional capacity to fall in love with you,” I say, staring at his mouth for a second before dragging my already sluggish gaze to his eyes. “And I just don’t want to. Love hurts too much.”
“Then don’t.” He closes the tiny space and kisses me.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“In just over two months, a stranger and his daughter crawled into our lives and left a permanent mark on all of us. We made each other smile, laugh, and cry. We shared good food, endless days of playing on the beach, and drinking lemonade on the deck at sunset.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“He said he wanted to kiss me.” She shrugs, trapping her lower lip between her teeth, giving me that sexy smile. “And it shook me like a snow globe or maybe more like a martini because after he said it to me, I felt drunk …”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Life dies in a blink, but death … it lives for eternity.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Happiness comes in small packages. It’s not so much a state of mind, but a moment.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“This girl. She’s life. She pumped my heart when I didn’t think it could keep beating. She filled my lungs when I thought I’d taken my last breath. She crawled up my face and showed me I still had a smile.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“I think it’s a misconception that every human needs to have a significant other to be happy.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Death should steal a tiny piece of happiness from the living for approximately eternity. It means that person’s life meant something to someone. I wonder if I will steal a piece of anyone’s happiness when I die?”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Life dies in a blink, but death … it lives for eternity. It’s infected every relationship since him.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“She knows I lost too much. She knows her happiness is my happiness. Every postcard from her is a reminder that I did the right thing. I let go.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“I think your heart will one day be ready to love another man the way you loved Brandon. Hearts are meant to beat and keep us alive. They’re also there to love, not sit on a shelf in timeout, or in your case, a strikeout.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Trust is fragile. You have to be careful with it. It’s easy to break someone’s trust, even if you love them. I’m not saying it’s not an important component of a relationship, but it can’t be everything.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Here’s the thing … you have to love the person more than you hate the lie.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Maybe not everything in life dies with a final breath. Maybe some things just … end. Maybe it’s not forever. Maybe it’s for now. Letting go doesn’t hurt as much as the fear of letting go.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“the most beautiful rainbows come from the harshest storms.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“she will never know true happiness if she doesn’t let the pain into her heart.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Death should steal a tiny piece of happiness from the living for approximately eternity. It means that person’s life meant something to someone.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“To all the heroes “essential workers” who could not stay home during the pandemic because we needed you. Your commitment and sacrifice will never be forgotten.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“Trust is fragile. You have to be careful with it. It’s easy to break someone’s trust, even if you love them. I’m not saying it’s not an important component of a relationship, but it can’t be everything. I was an ornery child, who occasionally got into fights and told many white lies. My parents didn’t always trust me, but they always loved me. They forgave my mistakes and my lies. You have to treat trust like modeling clay that can be broken and repaired a million times, not like a priceless vase that belonged to your dead grandmother.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“I’m going to love him like a mom would love her son. I’m going to give him everything I would have given my own children. This is the most heartbreaking way to come into motherhood, but I’m going to embrace what I’ve been given. I’m going to make you proud.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity
“I love this girl. She’s my world. My hands will release her … set her free. But my heart can’t let go, which means she will rip it from my chest and carry it with her forever. And I will wait for her to return … for my heart to return.”
Jewel E. Ann, Fortuity

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