Beef (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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Wtf did I just watch
camelliarosesteph9 April 2023
Saw this on the top of Netflix and ended up watching it all in one sitting.

I am obsessed with this show. I don't think I've ever watched anything like it. Steven Yuen was amazing, especially as I'm a walking dead fan.

The twists and turns and the constant train crashes that happen are insane. But also it looks at a more deeper level of the rawness of humans and really delves into some scary truths about happiness and never knowing yourself. One of my favourite shows this year, loved everything and don't really have anything negative to say.

Honestly watch it and I promise. You won't be disappointed!
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The dark side of Asian America
dsohn77 April 2023
On the surface, the premise of BEEF can happen to anyone, of any background, but to center the story around Asian Americans was the right move. We are born into a life of impossibly high standards and the immense pressure to uphold an image of success, to pay off our immigrant parents' sacrifices, to have our sht together.

But as human beings, the pressure comes with the most stubborn pride, and the shame of our shortcomings metastasizes into rage. This show may not be every Asian American's experience but this exploration feels authentic, uncomfortably honest, and revolutionary.

Even those rice cookers were such a funny and jarring clash of Asian and American culture. This series is comedic but it gets dark and these characters are messssssy. Episode 9 had my jaw on the floor.

Ali Wong was perfect for the role. Steven Yeun's Danny is completely different from his role as the father in Minari, yet the suffocating pressure stems from the same place and it bridges the generational gap.
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Don't do it Netflix
Nevergivea107 April 2023
This was a really good series. I sat down to watch one episode and I wound up on my butt for 5 hours until it was over. I think I would describe it as a dark comedy. I don't like anything but I liked this one. Although almost the entire cast is asian, there is no casting of non-Asians as bad. (I wrongfully assumed this was the direction this series would take.).

Now here's the part that scares me: as Netflix does, when they get a popular series they come back with a season 2, 3, 4, and maybe 5. DON'T DO IT!! There's very few places for a second season to go. If you do you're going to destroy the series.
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sunnyn-586808 April 2023
I came into this completely blind. Never saw the trailer but knew it was going to be Asian American centered. I thought it was going to be a comedy since Ali Wong is in it! I was very wrong.

This is a gripping drama about two people living parallel lives in different circumstances. Money, status, and mental health are key topics covered in this series with a unique Asian American cultural twist. Steven Yeun delivers, as always, but I was also very pleasantly surprised by Ali Wong's performance! She excelled in this serious role.

I loved watching the unraveling of the two main character's lives as their lives become increasingly worse. Of course, they have been miserable for a long time, but the collision serves as an effective catalyst for these two who have completely "had it" with their lives. They have met their match in each other and use each other as punching bags as an outlet, even though they're experiencing similar issues. Something as trivial as a road rage incident evolves into worse and worse situations for the both of them.

The writing is effective and well paced. The viewer gets a great sense of why these people are the way they are. There is no clear cut hero and villain archetype but rather two humans dealing with more than they can manage - something everyone can relate to.
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Fking Masterpiece
melodyso9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This TV show is out of this world. The twists and turns are crazy. You can find all the genre in one single series: romance, horror, comedy, criminal. There are so many layers to the stories. Characters are presented in such raw and three dimensional way. You see their flaws but can relate to them as just a helpless human. I'm in awe at the writing, acting, cinematography and staging of it. I'm so hooked and invested from the jump and watched it in one go. This art is so powerful gives me such an intense emotional roller coaster. At the end, it really gets me thinking about the damage of anger and the beauty of connection. That being said, I still enjoyed the grumpy cynical aspect of the show.
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Entertaining Enough
Supermanfan-132 May 2023
Beef was actually a pretty good show. I didn't know much about it but saw it as the #1 show on Netflix and thought the trailer looked pretty funny too. Then after reading the mostly positive reviews from both critics and audiences I was sold. It currently has a 99% on Rotten Tomatoes. This series not only met my expectations but surpassed them in every way. I don't necessarily think this is strictly a comedy, it's equal parts comedy and drama. The one thing it is though is addicting. I couldn't stop watching. The episodes are only around 30 minutes apiece so it's an easy show to binge. If you're looking for a new show try this one. You won't be disappointed.
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He who angers you, controls you
mariarammstein8 April 2023
This is an amazing series. A must watch, and you can't really stop watching.

Sometimes a gem like this pops up and makes you see the art of creating amazing television. Great acting by the entire cast, it has a bit of an "Atlanta" feel (another gem in the history of television): funny, poignant, realistic, relatable, ridiculous and binge-worthy.

Plus, I am a sucker for a good soundtrack.

The trailer sets the story, how the entire "thing" starts but as you get pulled in the more out of hand it gets. It's one of those shows you keep thinking about and, if you're a roadrager as are a lot of people, you see how stupid you really are.
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Overcooked Beef
berndgeiling28 April 2023
Most episodes were really fun to watch, until they decided to overturn all dramatic screws until the whole thing got totally exaggerated, overboard and unbelievable. With the final episodes I felt a bit overstuffed as if I had eaten too much of everything: they change the genre, the tone and the mood in almost every episode, from situation comedy, comedy of manners, psychological drama, violence, melodrama, satire, thriller, screwball comedy, horror, crime, action, even romance, and back from the start. Just too much of everything for my taste, which made me loose interest over the second half of this series. Production value is nevertheless great, as well as the acting is.
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HumbleMensa9 April 2023
I had no idea whatsoever about this series, didn't recognize the actors, didn't like the name of the series, yet it kept being shown to me in my suggested "watch next" lists and sometimes they get it right. This is a fabulous series, it's all about being human in so many ways I can't begin to explain it. It's centered around an Asian American cast and there are a few things I suspect I didn't get but generally you can be any walk of life and totally appreciate this drama. I loved it and have recommended it to several friends if they haven't watched it yet. Very real life dialogue, some quirky "nothing but everyday life" moments, the actors are great. I can't recommend this more. Know ahead of time there is some sarcasm which I know some people don't appreciate, but it works well. Watch this now. DRAMA. It's not a comedy!!! Lighthearted drama though and great messages in this flick.
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Binged the whole thing in a day
radstark9 April 2023
I haven't seen something like this in a long time. Really loved it. The characters are crazy , broken , unique and the actors do an amazing job of portraying it.

The tempo was beautifull , every episode kept me hooked and i honestly couldn't figure out what was going to happen next. I knew where this was going to end . But just the journey keeps you going.

It's nice to see netflix finally bring out a good series. It has all the elements , comedy , drama , action. I had some moments when i actually giggled and for me that's rare.

Loved seeing steven yeuen again. Absolutely love him. He nailed this role.

I reccomend this 100%.
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Fun premise, but far too stretched out
Ankhenaten919 April 2023
Why are so many Netflix shows like that joke "this could have been an email."

The premise is entertaining, but each and every episode delves deeper and deeper into a story that just keeps getting further and further from what the original story was, and like any series with a thin premise, it needs to keep raising the stakes to keep you engaged.

I wanted to like this more, but I just keep coming back to the realization that this could have been a limited series and been so much more effective and enjoyable. More and more characters come into play, themes come into play late in the series seemingly out of nowhere.

The performances by the leads are fine, the show is well done, it's just too much show and ultimately just doesn't feel worth my time after watching 10 episodes.
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Completely unrelatable
codysydney18 April 2023
I couldn't finish it. Characters that didn't resonate, doing things that didn't seem logical or that they didn't have motivation to do. Maybe if I was American, or Asian, or extremely rich, or a complete prat, or an ex-con, or the kind of person who'd hold their hand on a horn for an obnoxiously long time, or the kind of person who'd get triggered by that, I could relate to one of the characters and it would start to make sense. I must be missing something because the general consensus is, the show is amazing. But I've somehow completely missed whatever it is that makes it so attractive to so many.
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Rob133110 April 2023
Beef is about two strangers that are unhappy in their lives until one day they both reach their boiling point in a road rage incident. What follows is absolute chaos. Each episode just gets more and more ridiculous at the lengths these two are willing to go. It stars Steven Yeun and Ali Womg. The one reason I was hesitant about watching this is I didn't think those two could lead a series...I was wrong. They both do an incredible job. It goes to show how ridiculous road rage can be and will probably make you think twice about honking your horn at some stranger. Don't be surprised to see see this show get a few nominations during award season.
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Rip the heart from a Millennial's chest
justsixblack8 April 2023
First of all, if you're a film fanatic like me, all I have to say is, "A24." Once I see that in the opening credits, I'm 100% sold and I'm NEVER disappointed. I want to watch weird, insane, mind bending, heart punching entertainment-and I know I'll be left WOWED if it's an A24 Production.

Now, about the series itself: anyone and everyone can enjoy this series because it explores who we are and what it is to be human. But most specifically, if you're a Millennial like me (born 1985 here), it will feel like it was made just for you-and just just because of all the 90s and 2000s songs we ALL know by heart that play at all the right moments! Our generation have a very unique experience on this earth and I INSTANTLY recognized the feeling portrayed in this show. If you know, you know.

I went into this just being a big fan of Ali Wong, got super hyped to find A24, and ended with sorrow, hope, love, faith, despair, and joy all rolled into a SPECTACULAR ending. I'm refraining from reviewing the actual story, characters, etc. Because I don't want to spoil a single thing for anyone. This is a series to be experienced organically and uninterrupted. It deserves your undivided attention and your whole heart. If not, you'll definitely miss flash moments that tie the story together. Just pay attention and hold on because you're in for an F'n ride! Storytelling at its finest!
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Anyone dissing the soundtrack obviously isn't a 90s kid
katieannecoombs1 May 2023
I'm rating this 10/10 just for using the soundtrack they did - the music literally had my fiancé and I in stitches because it's all from our youth and it would come on at the most random but perfect timing. We would get along with whoever chose the soundtrack to this amazing show. It's a dark comedy/drama it's going to be silly at some points and the soundtrack lightens the mood and brings in the comedy which is so refreshing to me! Well done.

Besides the soundtrack the show itself is still really really well done and deserves the high ratings! It's a little outlandish but that's the point. I haven't finished this serious but I got triggered when someone dissed the soundtrack so here we are.

10/10 would recommend if you have a sense of humour.
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Beefed up dramedy
hazard1116 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great watch especially for the average adult. It just hits you different. It makes it somehow relatable, at least to me it did.

The comedy is serious gets you with the scenes and not one off jokes or like slapstick (which isn't bad but depends on people, I prefer mine like this). Not light hearted. This show gets dark. I felt like I started questioning myself watching this. The drama pairs well with it too. Since the 'gravity' of their life situations just pushes them to do not so smart choices that lead to absurd moments. You don't know what happens next.

As for the characters they make you feel both sorry for them the longer you watch as the layers of why they act the way they do makes more sense but also you know their actions aren't exactly something applaudable. It makes it feel real since they're not hollow but complex. They're broken people just wanting to live.

It somehow feels like Everything Everywhere All at Once with the existential crisis and chaos of relationships except this one isn't fantasy. But anyway I highly recommend. There's some lull in the early half but it gets wilder as you go so I suggest to continue watching. It's worth it.

It's a resolved open ending, not a cliffhanger so if you're worrying on that part. Warning there's some blood and brief nudity.
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a-deards18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Please don't make another series. This series became more bizarre the further it went and I am saying nothing about the ending.

Certainly the premise and the start is well done but like so many series what starts as a good idea then gets stretched and what should have been 4 episodes of quality become a drawn out 10.

Can't understand why the reviews are so high and I have only given it a 6 for the start of the series.

The acting is fine but some of the scenarios created lack all forms of credibility.

I would say the star of the show is the young daughter Junie who dies not have a care in the world. But make your own mind up.
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Totally Enjoyed it. 8/10
seyievikopeseyie6 April 2023
This show is about two complete strangers who get involved in a road race incident. And because of their inability to make better choices, chaos ensues and they end up creating havoc in their lives.

I wasn't sure if I would like it when Episode 1 began. But with each episode, it just got better and better.

The characters frustrated you with their choices. But they weren't one dimensional. And because of that, you found yourself rooting for them to do the right thing just once, in the hopes that they would have happy endings.

Both Ali Wong and Steven Yeun were wonderful in their respective roles. I also enjoyed the performances of the supporting cast members like Young Mazino, Joseph Lee and Justin H Min.

Please give this show a chance. You will not be disappointed.
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Questionable 9-10 star reviews
Boxer_00715 April 2023
After seeing the positive reviews I was really looking forward to a quality dark comedy and/or drama that incapsulates this generation's anger management issues (aka road rage). The cast seemed good (albeit racially homogenous which would be controversial if it were all-white). Nevertheless, it seemed to mimic a lot of the current trends from shows such as White Lotus or films such as Parasite where the viewer gets a close look at unravelling existential crises among a diverse group of characters.

My problem was that it was far too stretched out. Exciting at times, but also shallow & slow pretty frequently. It felt a bit more wacky and exaggerated as the show progressed, especially the last 2 episodes. Was it watchable? Sure. Was it a masterpiece like some others here claim? Absolutely not.
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Just. WOW!
scotrep11 April 2023
Don't know where to start!?

Thought this started as a comedy. Then it became drama. Then it went REALLY dark. Then ended up with comedy and some deep stuff!

I've never seen anything like this. I also want more, but really hope there isn't a Season 2 because I don't know where it could go. It was a delicious rollercoaster ride from start to finish.

Every actor is so good in this and the characters are fully realised in Episode 1. Ali Wong has some serious acting chops! I've only ever watched her comedy specials (and that attitude breaks out occasionally). Cannot recommend this highly enough.
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Great premise, excellent acting but has no reason to have more than 5 episodes
abhyuday-tandon9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The show is very entertaining with a well written script and has very few dull moments. However I strongly felt that the show simply stopped making sense beyond episode 6. The beef between Amy and Danny initially felt genuine and somewhat justified but after a point it went way too far. At multiple instances in episodes 6-10 i felt the two will finally reconcile their differences after realising the damage they've done to each other. Instead the writers keep taking things one notch higher at which point it feels like lazy writing. Episode 10 was quite the stretch and the ending was somewhat disappointing. Nevertheless, it is a good show for casual viewing.
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good start... but soon it becomes very unconvincing
zagreb-boris17 April 2023
The beginning is promising - the first three episodes introduce viewers to the story... but already in the fourth episode, the screenwriters start to lose their way - the plot becomes unconvincing, the behavior of the characters has nothing to do with their previous character. It's getting harder and harder to get into the story... until I finally gave up on watching the fifth episode. The main problem with the script is the author's desire to insert something unexpected into the series at any cost. This often turns out to be very unconvincing, and at times even irritating, because the characters lack consistency in their behavior. In this way, it is possible to make 100 episodes, the actions of which can even be interesting, but viewed as a whole it is bad, because it is impossible to empathize with such characters.
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mofs128 April 2023
Superb!! I am still shook by that finale, it was a wild and emotional ride; the beauty and rage on each episode, the complexity and raw showcasing of real human emotions. The longing for companionship and the fear to be discovered, to be seen, unearthed, our feelings like cadavers, bloated and misshapen, just waiting to see ourselves in somebody else. This is a story like I've never seen before, with characters that transcend race, age, sex, class, and everything else that separates us from one another.

I hope the show gets what it deserves , they deserve an Emmy both of them Ali Wong and Steven Yeun .

A must watch .!
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The beef is cooked perfectly
paudieconnolly11 April 2023
Kicking off Quickly, The smallest of interactions. Escalates into A full-scale beef very well paced. First episode makes you wonder will they be able to keep it up for the series. The beef is cooked perfectly lots of twists and turns. Netflix often have these filler episodes just to make 10. This doesn't feel like it has any filler with the new angle each episode and a cliff hanger making it tough to not binge watch the next one. This is a strong offering from Netflix with Steven Yeun from the walking dead and A lady, I formally known as a comedian Ali Wong proving to be quite the actress with a strong supporting cast one of the best things I've seen on Netflix for awhile.
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Best one off series in years !!!
elhamfirmino12 April 2023
Binge watched the whole series in its debut day. A24 studios is a powerhouse studio for room of creativity & crossing genres into something spectacular. Beef is an incredible drama series. I loved the grounded story from the start. I had a great feeling when the first clip was revealed. There are some crazy exciting characters in the show I had a lot of sympathy for. It gave me the feeling to root for everyone. They managed to strengthen the two main characters so well that you can't tell whose antagonist or protagonist. The series deals a lot with traumas, shattered dreams, cultural aspect which I can relate to, sorrows & regrets. Fabulous cast, spectacular camera working & super pacey plot. Please ignore those rude low ratings, those are haters who definitely didn't watch the series. Turn off your smartphones and watch BEEF you'll enjoy it. I made a story about this series and made a handful of friends watching it because of that. They were all grateful for my recommendation. This show deserves all accolades ! 10/10 no doubt !!!
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