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TPEx FactSet SC Climate NZ Elite TR Index

1. Introduction

  • Name: TPEx FactSet SC Climate NZ Elite TR Index
  • Base Date: 2022.12.30
  • Base Value: 5,000
  • Index Code: IR0203
  • Bloomberg:IR0203:IND
  • Refinitive:.OIR0203

2. Ground rules

3. Index Constituents

4. Today Quotes

5. Index Info

6. Historical Info

7. Licensing

All rights in the co-compiled indices vest in TPEx and /or its index partners. Any unauthorized use of the index is strictly prohibited. All information provided is for information purposes only and no warranty is made as to its fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality or otherwise. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information given is accurate, but no responsibility or liability (including in negligence) can be accepted by TPEx and /or its index partners for errors, omissions or for any losses arising from the use of this information. All the co-compiled indices data requires license. Please contact us for more information.

Taipei Exchange Trading Department

15F, No.100, Sec.2, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan, 10084

Tel: +886-2-2369-9555

Fasimile: +886-2-2369-9551