User:Wostr/Food additives

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Functional classes of food additives are properly situated in the food additive (Q189567) classification tree using subclass of (P279), this classification tree is a basis of classification of food additives. Other classes of food additives are situated in this tree using subclass of (P279) if necessary.
Items about food additives have proper has use (P366) statement with one or more of the functional classes as a value. Previous instance of (P31), subclass of (P279) and subject has role (P2868) statements should me modified accordingly. Items about food additives have proper instance of (P31) and/or subclass of (P279) statements that situate these items in the relevant classification tress, as e.g. chemical compound (Q11173), mixture (Q169336), group of chemical entities (Q56256086), etc.
The source of most edits is CXG 36-1989: Class names and the international numbering system for food additives, 2019 English revision (Q99670399).
Problems with functional classes
Some are generic, not limited to food additives.
Some classes are missing.
There are classes in the tree that are misplaced or inaccurately described, e.g. Q2382377, Q4321427, sugar substitute (Q626292), sweetener (Q4368298).
Classification tree
food additive (Q189567): substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste, appearance, or other qualities
  1. acidity regulator (Q898753): food additive which controls acidity or alkalinity
  2. anticaking agent (Q726460): additive placed in powdered or granulated materials to prevent the formation of lumps
  3. antifoaming agent (Q904035): chemical additive that reduces and hinders the formation of foam in liquids
  4. antioxidant (Q133948): molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules
  5. bleach (Q11587): any chemical product used to remove color, whiten, or disinfect, often via oxidation
  6. bulking agent (Q49105304): type of food additive which contributes to the bulk of a food without contributing to its available energy value
  7. carbonating agent (Q49107215): type of food additive used to provide carbonation in a food
  8. carrier (Q49110989): food additive used to dissolve, dilute, disperse or otherwise physically modify a food additive or nutrient without altering its function
  9. food coloring (Q753009): substance that imparts color when it is added to food or drink
  10. colour retention agent (Q1396438): substances added to foods to prevent the colour from changing
  11. food emulsifier (Q60449171): emulsifier used as an additive in food products, which rearranges proteins in order to prevent fat separation
  12. emulsifying salt (Q49118792): food additive which rearranges proteins in order to prevent fat separation
  13. firming agent (Q1408496): substance which makes or keeps tissues of fruit or vegetables firm and crisp, or interacts with gelling agents to produce or strengthen a gel
  14. flavour enhancer (Q898745): chemical food additive to modify taste
  15. flour treatment agent (Q469842): substance added to flour or dough to improve its baking quality or colour
  16. food foaming agent (Q60449682): food additive used for the formation and stabilization of foam in a food product
  17. gelling agent (Q27862636): substance which forms a gel or gel-like substance when combined with liquid
  18. glazing agent (Q334582): substance which imparts a shiny appearance or provides a protective coating to the external surface of food
  19. humectant (Q911854): hygroscopic substance used to keep things moist
  20. packaging gas (Q2252243): gas used to pack sensitive materials such as food into a modified atmosphere environment
  21. food preservative (Q6509670): substance capable of inhibiting, retarding or arresting the process of fermentation, acidification or other deterioration of foods
  22. Propellant
  23. raising agent (Q908833): substance which liberates gas and thereby increases the volume of a dough or batter
  24. sequestrant (Q905648): food preservative that acts by chelating with metal cations (particularly those of copper, iron and nickel) that catalyse the oxidation of fats in food.
  25. food stabiliser (Q7595716): food additive that helps preserve structure
  26. sweetener (Q4368298): substance added to food to give it the basic taste of sweetness
  27. food thickener (Q60449655): a food additive used for thickening a food product
List of food additives

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?label ?number WHERE { ?item wdt:P628 ?number SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "pl,en" . ?item rdfs:label ?label } } ORDER BY ?number LIMIT 1000
E label/en label/pl item instance subclass use role
978-0-8213-6972-2 The Little Data Book On Africa The Little Data Book On Africa Q123517579 book
E100 curcumin kurkumina Q312266 type of chemical entity turmeric food coloring
food additive
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
enzyme inhibitor
Pan-assay interference compounds
flavour enhancer
E1000 cholic acid kwas cholowy Q287415 type of chemical entity bile acids
(4R)-4-[(1R,3aS,3bR,5aS,7R,9aS,9bS,11S,11aR)-4,7,11-trihydroxy-9a,11a-dimethyl-tetradecahydro-1H-cyclopenta[a]phenanthren-1-yl]pentanoic acid
food additive
E1001(i) acetylcholine acetylocholina Q180623 type of chemical entity monocation
quaternary ammonium cation
choline derivative
acetate ester
biogenic amine
medication vasodilator agent
cholinergic agonist
primary metabolite
E1001(iii) choline chloride chlorek choliny Q2964153 type of chemical entity salt
riboflavin witamina B2 Q130365 type of chemical entity pteridine food coloring
food additive
vitamin B
essential medicine
primary metabolite
E101 E101 E101 Q16024295 group of chemical entities food coloring
E101a flavin mononucleotide mononukleotyd flawinowy Q376061 type of chemical entity flavin nucleotide food coloring vitamin B
primary metabolite
E102 tartrazine tartrazyna Q407158 type of chemical entity azo dye food coloring
food additive
E103 alkannin alkanina Q418237 type of chemical entity 2,6-dimethyloctane monoterpenoid
biogenic naphthochinone
food coloring
E104 disodium 2-(1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl)quinoline-6,8-disulfonate żółcień chinolinowa Q420123 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
food additive
E105 Fast Yellow AB żółcień trwała AB Q996659 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E106 riboflavin 5'-phosphate sodium riboflavin 5'-phosphate sodium Q1248985 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E107 Yellow 2G Żółcień 2G Q424528 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
food coloring
E110 sunset yellow FCF żółcień pomarańczowa FCF Q410095 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
food additive
E1100 alpha-amylase α-amylaza Q106951023 group or class of enzymes amylase
food enzyme
food additive
E1101 peptidase proteazy Q212410 group or class of enzymes hydrolase
protein-modifying enzyme
E1101(ii) industrial papain industrial papain Q98496200 mixture food enzyme
E1101(iii) bromelain bromelina Q415756 group or class of enzymes cysteine protease
cysteine-type endopeptidase
E1101(iv) ficain Ficyna Q3071401 group or class of enzymes cysteine protease
E1102 glucose oxidase Oksydaza glukozowa Q419321 group or class of enzymes alcohol oxidoreductase
hexose oxidase
food enzyme
E1103 beta-fructofuranosidase inwertaza Q419189 group or class of enzymes
protein family associated with domain
hydrolase, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds food enzyme
E1104 lipases Lipazy Q380967 group or class of enzymes digestive enzyme
carboxylic ester hydrolases
E1105 Lysozyme Lizozym Q21114915 protein
E1105 lysozyme family Lizozym Q24779410 protein family
group or class of enzymes
Glycoside hydrolase, family 22
E111 food orange 2 oranż GGN Q929052 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
food additive
E120 carmine karmin Q320617 type of chemical entity biogenic anthraquinones food coloring
food additive
E120 carminic acid kwas karminowy Q416860 type of chemical entity carmine
food coloring
E1200 polydextrose polydextrose Q424616 type of chemical entity polysaccharide food thickener
food additive
E1201 polyvinylpyrrolidone Poliwinylopirolidon Q413433 excipient
nitrogen heterocycle
Vinyl polymer
pharmaceutic aid
plasma substitute
E1202 polyvinylpolypyrrolidone polyvinylpolypyrrolidone Q3003746 type of chemical entity polymer drug excipient
E1203 polyvinyl alcohol poli(alkohol winylowy) Q146339 polymer
synthetic resin
structural class of chemical entities
Vinyl polymer
E1204 pullulan pullulan Q419779 polysaccharide
food additive
E1205 basic methacrylate copolymer basic methacrylate copolymer Q60921771 methacrylate copolymer food additive
E1206 neutral methacrylate copolymer neutral methacrylate copolymer Q18967252 methacrylate copolymer food additive
E1207 anionic methacrylate copolymer anionic methacrylate copolymer Q60921832 methacrylate copolymer food additive
E121 Citrus Red 2 Citrus Red 2 Q2653981 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring carcinogen
E122 carmoisine azorubina Q409676 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E123 amaranth amarant Q421074 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
indicators and reagents
E124 Ponceau 4R czerwień koszenilowa A Q384709 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E125 Scarlet GN szkarłat GN Q934310 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E126 Ponceau 6R pąs 6R Q596946 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E126 Acid Red 41, tetrasodium salt Acid Red 41, tetrasodium salt Q110755414 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E127 erythrosine erytrozyna Q420101 type of chemical entity fluoresceins
organoiodine compound
food coloring
E128 Red 2G czerwień 2G Q417819 type of chemical entity (EZ)-azophloxine food coloring
E129 Allura Red AC czerwień allura AC Q419895 type of chemical entity azo dye food coloring
E130 indanthrene Błękit indantrenowy RS Q185929 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E131 Patent Blue V błękit patentowy V Q420087 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E132 indigotindisulfonate sodium indygokarmin Q410120 type of chemical entity chemical compound pH indicator
redox indicator
food coloring
E133 brilliant blue FCF błękit brylantowy FCF Q420093 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E140 chlorophyll Chlorofile Q43177 group of chemical entities magnesium porphyrin
E140 chlorophyll b chlorophyll b Q1943387 group of stereoisomers heterocyclic compound
primary metabolite
E140 chlorophylls and chlorophyllins chlorophylls and chlorophyllins Q26806091 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions food additive
E140 chlorophylls and chlorophyllins, copper complexes chlorophylls and chlorophyllins, copper complexes Q59543114 mixture food additive
E140(ii) chlorophyllin copper complexes, potassium and sodium salts chlorophyllin copper complexes, potassium and sodium salts Q59543147 mixture food additive
E1400 dextrin Dekstryny Q191978 structural class of chemical entities alpha-D-glucan
E1401 acid-treated starch skrobia modyfikowana kwasami Q18967250 modified starch food emulsifier
food thickener
food stabiliser
E1405 Enzyme treated starch skrobia modyfikowana enzymatycznie Q18967222 modified starch food additive
E141 copper-containing complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins copper-containing complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins Q1792828 chemical substance
food additive
copper complexes of chlorophylls Kompleksy miedziowe chrolofili Q18967203 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions food additive
E1410 monostarch phosphate Fosforan monoskrobiowy Q59555990 modified starch food additive
E1411 distarch glycerol glicerol diskrobiowy Q18967214 modified starch food thickener
E1412 distarch phosphate fosforan diskrobiowy Q10474540 modified starch food additive
E1413 Phosphated distarch phosphate Fosforowany fosforan diskrobiowy Q7187438 modified starch food additive
food thickener
E1414 acetylated distarch phosphate acetylowany fosforan diskrobiowy Q11684206 modified starch food additive
E142 Green S zieleń S Q420143 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E1420 acetylated starch skrobia acetylowana Q9338177 type of polymer modified starch food additive
E1422 acetylated distarch adipate acetylowany adypinian diskrobiowy Q2824457 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
food thickener
E143 Fast Green FCF Fast Green FCF Q898299 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E1440 hydroxypropyl starch skrobia hydroksypropylowa Q1640437 modified starch food additive
E1441 Hydroxy propyl distarch glycerine (Stabilizer (food)stabiliser) Hydroxy propyl distarch glycerine (Stabilizer (food)stabiliser) Q18967235
E1442 hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate hydroksypropylofosforan diskrobiowy Q10528966 modified starch food thickener
anticaking agent
food stabiliser
E1443 Hydroxy propyl distarch glycerol Hydroxy propyl distarch glycerol Q18967237
E1450 Starch sodium octenyl succinate sól sodowa oktenylobursztynianiu skrobiowego Q16608956 modified starch food additive
E1451 acetylated oxidised starch acetylowana skrobia utleniona Q2633813 modified starch food thickener
E1452 starch aluminium octenyl succinate sól glinowa oktenylobursztynianu skrobiowego Q18967287 modified starch food additive
E14XX E14XX E14XX Q29515503 class
E150 caramel color barwnik karmelowy Q227816 food coloring food additive
food coloring
E1502 butylene glycol 1,3-butanodiol Q161496 group of stereoisomers alkanediols
E1503 castor oil olej rycynowy Q337492 seed oil
crude drug
herbal medicinal product
E1504 ethyl acetate octan etylu Q407153 type of chemical entity biogenic acyclic ester
carboxylate ester
E1505 triethyl citrate cytrynian trietylu Q418057 type of chemical entity chemical compound excipient
E150a plain caramel karmel prosty Q51893364 caramel color food coloring
E150b caustic sulphite caramel karmel siarczynowy Q11735908 caramel color food coloring
E150c ammonia caramel karmel amoniakalny Q11735907 caramel color food coloring
E150d sulfite ammonia caramel karmel amoniakalno-siarczynowy Q13081740 caramel color food coloring
E151 Brilliant Black BN czerń PN Q420079 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E1517 glyceryl diacetate glyceryl diacetate Q904648 mixture food additive
E1518 triacetin triacetyna Q83253 type of chemical entity biogenic acyclic ester
food additive
E1519 benzyl alcohol alkohol benzylowy Q52353 type of chemical entity aromatic alcohol
phenyl compound
local anesthetic
E152 carbon black carbon black Q764245 chemical substance
flammable solid
occupational carcinogen
E1520 (RS)-propylene glycol (RS)-propano-1,2-diol Q161495 group of stereoisomers propanediol
fatty alcohol
antifreeze solvent
pharmaceutical vehicle
food additive
E1521 polyethylene glycol poli(tlenek etylenu) Q410083 type of polymer polyether
organic polymer
Conservation and restoration of waterlogged wood
E1522 calcium lignosulfonate calcium lignosulfonate Q29550807 polymer food additive
E1525 hydroxyethyl cellulose hydroksyetyloceluloza Q1053114 group or class of chemical substances cellulose derivative
E153 vegetable carbon wegiel roslinny Q59557415 carbon black food additive
E154 brown FK Brąz FK Q425437 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E155 Brown HT brąz HT Q424541 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E160a β-carotene β-karoten Q306135 type of chemical entity vitamin A
food additive antioxidant
primary metabolite
biological pigment
E160b annatto annato Q425902 mixture body painting
food coloring
E160c paprika oleoresin paprika oleoresin Q61002164 extract
food ingredient
food coloring
capsanthin kapsantyna Q425431 type of chemical entity carotenoid food additive
E160c(ii) capsorubin kapsorubina Q15633290 type of chemical entity carotenoid food additive
E160d lycopene likopen Q208130 type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
food coloring antioxidant
radiation protection agent
primary metabolite
E160e apocarotenal β-apo-8′-karotenal Q274972 type of chemical entity apocarotenoid food coloring
E160f Food orange 7 β-apo-8′-karotenian etylu Q423869 type of chemical entity apocarotenoid food coloring
E161a flavoxanthin flawoksantyna Q605574 type of chemical entity biological pigment
food coloring
E161b lutein luteina Q422067 type of chemical entity xanthophyll
food coloring primary metabolite
E161c cryptoxanthin kryptoksantyna Q392062 type of chemical entity carotenoid provitamin
primary metabolite
E161d rubixanthin rubiksantyna Q2063702 type of chemical entity carotenoid food coloring
E161e violaxanthin wiolaksantyna Q607883 type of chemical entity heterocyclic compound
food coloring primary metabolite
biological pigment
E161f rhodoxanthin rodoksantyna Q2479965 type of chemical entity carotenoid food coloring
E161g canthaxanthin kantaksantyna Q385657 type of chemical entity carotenoid food coloring antioxidant
E161h zeaxanthin zeaksantyna Q169337 type of chemical entity carotenoid food coloring primary metabolite
E161i citranaxanthin cytranaksantyna Q763802 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E161j astaxanthin Astaksantyna Q413740 type of chemical entity carotenoid food coloring
E162 Betanin betanina Q420138 type of chemical entity betalain
4-[2-[2-Carboxy-6-hydroxy-5-[3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxy-2,3-dihydroindol-1-yl]ethenyl]-2,3-dihydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid
food coloring
E163 anthocyanins antocyjan Q262547 structural class of chemical entities flavone
biological pigment
E163a cyanidin cation cyjanidyna Q417606 type of chemical entity ion
cyanidine derivative cation
biological pigment
E163b delphinidin chloride Delfinidyna Q367258 type of chemical entity biological pigment
E164 gardenia yellow gardenia yellow Q21693153 extract food coloring
E165 gardenia blue gardenia blue Q29555359 extract food additive
E170 calcium carbonate węglan wapnia Q23767 type of chemical entity calcium salt
carbonate salt
medication antacid
E171 titanium dioxide tlenek tytanu(IV) Q193521 type of chemical entity titanium oxide food coloring
biocompatible material
occupational carcinogen
E172 iron oxide tlenek żelaza Q721849 structural class of chemical entities inorganic compound
iron compound
E172 iron oxides and iron hydroxides tlenki żelaza i wodorotlenki żelaza Q2980171 group of chemical entities iron compound food additive
E172(i) iron oxide, black iron oxide, black Q59542888 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E172(ii) iron(III) oxide tlenek żelaza(III) Q419170 type of chemical entity iron oxide food additive
E172(iii) ferric oxide yellow ferric oxide yellow Q27277405 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E173 aluminium glin Q663 chemical element
post-transition metal
building material
combustible powder
simple substance
E174 silver srebro Q1090 chemical element noble metal
transition metal
period 5
precious metal
food additive
E175 gold złoto Q897 chemical element
metallic material
precious metal
noble metal
E180 Lithol Rubine B Czerwień litolowa B Q427230 type of chemical entity chemical compound food coloring
E180 D&C Red 7 czerwień litolowa BK Q27095541 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E182 orcein orcein Q425645 type of mixture of chemical entities mixture
food additive
food coloring
E200 sorbic acid kwas sorbinowy Q407131 type of chemical entity unsaturated fatty acid food additive
food preservative
E201 sodium sorbate sorbinian sodu Q420152 type of chemical entity sorbate salt food additive
E202 potassium sorbate sorbinian potasu Q410744 type of chemical entity sorbate salt
potassium salt
E203 calcium sorbate sorbinian wapnia Q425183 type of chemical entity sorbate salt
E210 benzoic acid kwas benzoesowy Q191700 type of chemical entity benzoic acid medication
food preservative
primary metabolite
E211 sodium benzoate benzoesan sodu Q423971 type of chemical entity benzoic acid salt food preservative antifungal
E212 potassium benzoate benzoesan potasu Q413611 type of chemical entity benzoic acid salt food additive
E213 calcium benzoate benzoesan wapnia Q414509 type of chemical entity benzoic acid salt food preservative
E214 ethylparaben paraben etylu Q229976 type of chemical entity parabens food additive
E215 ethylparaben sodium ethylparaben sodium Q3963917 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E216 propylparaben paraben propylu Q511627 type of chemical entity allergen
pharmaceutical preservatives
E217 sodium propyl para-hydroxybenzoate sodium propyl para-hydroxybenzoate Q18967279 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E218 methylparaben paraben metylu Q229987 type of chemical entity parabens food additive
pharmaceutical preservatives
E219 methylparaben sodium methylparaben sodium Q3963920 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E220 sulfur dioxide dwutlenek siarki Q5282 type of chemical entity sulfur oxide food additive air pollutant
E221 sodium sulfite siarczyn sodu Q407806 type of chemical entity sodium salt
inorganic sulfite salt
food additive
E222 Sodium hydrogen sulfite wodorosiarczyn sodu Q407891 type of chemical entity sodium salt
inorganic sulfite salt
acid salt
local anti-infective agent
E223 sodium metabisulfite Pirosiarczyn sodu Q284549 type of chemical entity chemical compound Bronchoconstrictor Agents
E224 potassium metabisulfite Pirosiarczyn potasu Q417881 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E226 calcium sulfite siarczyn wapnia Q899410 type of chemical entity inorganic sulfite salt
calcium salt
E227 calcium bisulfite wodorosiarczyn wapnia Q419619 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E228 Potassium hydrogen sulfite wodorosiarczyn potasu Q412524 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E230 biphenyl bifenyl Q410915 type of chemical entity polycyclic compound
aromatic hydrocarbon
biphenyl compound
food preservative
industrial fungicides
E231 2-phenylphenol 2-fenylofenol Q209467 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
industrial fungicides
anti-infective agent
E232 sodium ortho-phenylphenate sodium ortho-phenylphenate Q6581446 type of chemical entity chemical compound carcinogen
E234 nisin nizyna Q415798 group of stereoisomers peptide antibiotic
food preservative
E235 natamycin natamycyna Q248466 type of chemical entity polyene macrolide food additive
local anti-infective agent
essential medicine
E236 formic acid kwas mrówkowy Q161233 type of chemical entity straight chain fatty acids
alkanoic acid
short-chain fatty acid
primary metabolite
E237 sodium formate mrówczan sodu Q409209 type of chemical entity formate salt
sodium salt
E238 calcium formate mrówczan wapnia Q221123 type of chemical entity calcium salt
formate salt
food additive
E239 methenamine urotropina Q71969 type of chemical entity chemical compound food preservative
urinary anti-infective agents
E240 formaldehyde formaldehyd Q161210 type of chemical entity alkanal fixative disinfectant
primary metabolite
occupational carcinogen
E242 dimethyl dicarbonate diwęglan dimetylu Q416985 type of chemical entity ester
E243 ethyl lauroyl arginate ethyl lauroyl arginate Q27276710 type of chemical entity Ethyl 5-(diaminomethylideneamino)-2-(dodecanoylamino)pentanoate food additive
E249 potassium nitrite azotyn potasu Q409179 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E250 sodium nitrite azotyn sodu Q339975 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
indicators and reagents
food preservative
essential medicine
E251 sodium nitrate azotan sodu Q184373 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive carcinogen
E252 potassium nitrate azotan potasu Q177836 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
explosive chemicals
nitrogen fertilizer
E260 acetic acid kwas octowy Q47512 type of chemical entity straight chain fatty acids
short-chain fatty acid
food additive
indicators and reagents
essential medicine
primary metabolite
E261 potassium acetate octan potasu Q409199 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E262 sodium acetate octan sodu Q339940 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E263 calcium acetate octan wapnia Q409251 type of chemical entity calcium salt
acetate salt
medication chelating agent
E265 dehydroacetic acid kwas dehydrooctowy Q920725 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E266 Sodium dehydroacetate dehydrooctan sodu Q7553316 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E270 DL-lactic acid kwas DL-mlekowy Q161249 group of stereoisomers alpha hydroxy acid
hydroxy fatty acid
fatty alcohol
acidity regulator
E280 propionic acid kwas propionowy Q422956 type of chemical entity carboxylic acid
straight chain fatty acids
short-chain fatty acid
primary metabolite
E281 sodium propionate propionian sodu Q420130 type of chemical entity sodium salt
propionate salt
E282 calcium propionate propionian wapnia Q417394 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E283 potassium propionate propionian potasu Q416435 type of chemical entity chemical compound food preservative
E284 orthoboric acid kwas borowy Q187045 type of chemical entity mineral acid
boron oxoacid
food preservative
fire-prevention agent
E285 borax tetraboran sodu Q5319 type of chemical entity borate flux
Fire retardant
buffer solution
food additive
E290 carbon dioxide dwutlenek węgla Q1997 type of chemical entity acidic oxide
food additive
vasodilator agent
raising agent
greenhouse gas
primary metabolite
E296 DL-malic acid kwas DL-jabłkowy Q190143 group of stereoisomers dicarboxylic acid
alpha hydroxy acid
fatty alcohol
fatty acid
acidity regulator
E297 fumaric acid kwas fumarowy Q139857 type of chemical entity fatty acid acidity regulator
primary metabolite
E300 DL-ascorbic acid kwas DL-askorbinowy Q193598 group of isomeric entities γ-lactone
ketoaldonic acid
food additive vitamer
E300 vitamin C kwas L-askorbinowy Q199678 type of chemical entity tetronic acid
DL-ascorbic acid
food additive
free radical scavengers
E301 sodium ascorbate askorbinian sodu Q424551 type of chemical entity chemical compound free radical scavengers
E302 calcium ascorbate calcium ascorbate Q283033 type of chemical entity calcium salt
E303 1-(5-isobutyl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-3-yl)-N-methyl-N-(quinolin-4-ylmethyl)methanamine 1-(5-isobutyl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-3-yl)-N-methyl-N-(quinolin-4-ylmethyl)methanamine Q2252299 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E303 potassium L-ascorbate askorbinian potasu Q56410901 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E304 ascorbyl palmitate palmitynian askorbylu Q424521 type of chemical entity L-Ascorbyl palmitate food additive
E305 ascorbyl stearate stearynian askorbylu Q286793 type of chemical entity Ascorbyl stearate food additive
E306 tocopherol tocopherol Q910277 group of chemical entities vitamin E food additive
alpha-tocopherol α-tokoferol Q158348 type of chemical entity tocopherol
rel-alpha-Vitamin E
medication free radical scavengers
primary metabolite
E308 γ-tocopherol γ-tokoferol Q155753 type of chemical entity DL-γ-tocopherol antioxidant
primary metabolite
E309 δ-tocopherol δ-tokoferol Q155751 type of chemical entity tocopherol
primary metabolite
E310 propyl gallate galusan propylu Q608726 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E311 octyl gallate galusan oktylu Q2317929 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
food preservative
E312 dodecyl gallate galusan dodecylu Q418209 type of chemical entity chemical compound antioxidant
food additive
E313 ethyl gallate galusan etylu Q4532976 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E314 gum guaicum gum guaicum Q5618003 natural gum
natural resin
E315 erythorbic acid erythorbic acid Q424531 type of chemical entity tetronic acid antioxidant
E316 sodium erythorbate erytrobinian sodu Q417003 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E318 Calcium erythorbate Calcium erythorbate Q5018831 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E319 tert-butylhydroquinone tert-butylhydroquinone Q662443 type of chemical entity chemical compound antioxidant
food additive
enzyme inhibitor
E320 butylated hydroxyanisole butylowany hydroksyanizol Q409401 mixture food additive carcinogen
E321 butylated hydroxytoluene butylowany hydroksytoluen Q221945 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E322 lecithin lecytyny Q241595 group or class of chemical substances mixture food emulsifier surfactant
E323 anoxomer anoxomer Q4770452 polymer
E324 ethoxyquin etoksychina Q1657816 type of chemical entity quinoline food additive
E325 sodium lactate DL-mleczan sodu Q418235 group of stereoisomers lactate salt
sodium salt
food additive essential medicine
E326 potassium DL-lactate DL-mleczan potasu Q411342 group of stereoisomers lactate salt
potassium salt
food additive
E327 calcium DL-lactate DL-mleczan wapnia Q419693 group of stereoisomers food additive
lactate salt
calcium salt
E328 ammonium DL-lactate DL-mleczan amonu Q663358 group of stereoisomers medication
lactate salt
ammonium salt
acidity regulator
E329 DL-magnesium lactate DL-mleczan magnezu Q594836 group of stereoisomers acidity regulator
lactate salt
magnesium compound
E330 citric acid kwas cytrynowy Q159683 type of chemical entity fatty alcohol
fatty acid
tricarboxylic acid
food additive
acidity regulator
Добавки и приправы вкусовые (ОКП 91 9940)
calcium chelating agents
primary metabolite
E331 sodium citrate cytrynian sodu Q102349762 group of chemical entities citrate
organic sodium salt
E331i monosodium citrate cytrynian sodu Q4179018 type of chemical entity sodium citrates food additive
E331ii disodium citrate cytrynian disodu Q4177124 type of chemical entity sodium citrates food additive
E331iii trisodium citrate cytrynian trisodu Q409728 type of chemical entity sodium citrates food additive
acidity regulator
flavour enhancer
E332 potassium citrates potassium citrates Q59543257 group of chemical entities food additive
E332(i) potassium dihydrogen citrate potassium dihydrogen citrate Q59543289 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
tripotassium citrate cytrynian tripotasu Q419921 type of chemical entity chemical compound acidity regulator
E333 calcium citrate cytrynian wapnia Q420280 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E333i monocalcium citrate Cytrynian monowapniowy Q482498 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E334 tartaric acid kwas DL-winowy Q194322 group of stereoisomers aldaric acid
fatty acid
acidity regulator
E334 L-tartaric acid kwas L-(+)-winowy Q18226455 type of chemical entity (S)-tartaric acid
E335 sodium tartrates winiany sodu Q58641683 group of chemical entities food additive
E336 Potassium hydrogen tartrate wodorowinian potasu Q18745 group of stereoisomers chemical compound food additive
E336 dipotassium L-tartrate Winian dipotasowy Q418064 type of chemical entity potassium tartrate acidity regulator
E337 potassium sodium DL-tartrate DL-winian potasu sodu Q303489 group of stereoisomers tartrate salt
sodium salt
potassium salt
E337 Potassium sodium L-tartrate tetrahydrate L-winian potasu sodu czterowodny Q72501980 type of chemical entity sodium salt
potassium salt
tartrate salt
food additive
E338 phosphoric acid kwas fosforowy Q184782 type of chemical entity inorganic phosphorus oxoacid
triprotic acid
food additive
acidity regulator
dental material
E339 sodium phosphates fosforan sodu Q3249706 structural class of chemical entities phosphate salt
sodium salt
food additive
E339(i) monosodium phosphate Fosforan monosodowy Q415877 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E339(ii) dibasic sodium phosphate wodorofosforan sodu Q418448 type of chemical entity sodium phosphates
acid salt
food additive
E339(iii) trisodium phosphate fosforan trisodu Q409501 type of chemical entity ternary compound acidity regulator
E340 potassium phosphate fosforan potasu Q3381491 group of chemical entities food additive
E340(i) monobasic potassium phosphate diwodorofosforan potasu Q415049 type of chemical entity dihydrogenphosphate food additive
E340(ii) dibasic potassium phosphate wodorofosforan potasu Q403721 type of chemical entity phosphate salt
potassium salt
acid salt
food additive
E340(iii) tribasic potassium phosphate fosforan potasu Q423852 type of chemical entity potassium salt
food additive
E341 calcium phosphate fosforan wapnia Q426664 structural class of chemical entities
Wikimedia disambiguation page
calcium salt
phosphorus compound
oxygen compound
food additive
E341(i) monocalcium phosphate diwodorofosforan wapnia Q414673 type of chemical entity calcium phosphate
food additive
E341(ii) dicalcium phosphate wodorofosforan wapnia Q414619 type of chemical entity phosphate salt
calcium phosphate
acid salt
food additive
E342 ammonium phosphates ammonium phosphates Q59557624 group of chemical entities food additive
E342(i) monobasic ammonium phosphate monobasic ammonium phosphate Q419087 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E342(ii) dibasic ammonium phosphate wodorofosforan amonu Q418889 type of chemical entity phosphate salt
ammonium salt
acid salt
food additive
E343 magnesium phosphate fosforan magnezu Q6731399 type of chemical entity magnesium phosphate
E343 magnesium phosphate fosforan magnezu Q59557836 group of chemical entities food additive
E343(i) monobasic magnesium phosphate diwodorofosforan magnezu Q4161317 type of chemical entity dihydrogenphosphate food additive
E343(ii) dibasic magnesium phosphate wodorofosforan magnezu Q14325507 type of chemical entity phosphate salt
magnesium compound
acid salt
food additive
E344 lecitin citrate cytrynian lecytyny Q13081794 structural class of chemical entities citrate salt food additive
E349 ammonium malate ammonium malate Q4747303 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E350 sodium malates maleinian sodu Q5322393 group of chemical entities food additive
sodium malate Jabłczan sodu Q836788 group of stereoisomers chemical compound food additive
E350ii Sodium hydrogen malate Wodorojabłczan sodu Q42807545 mixture food additive
E351 dipotassium malate dipotassium malate Q408755 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E352 calcium malate calcium malate Q1356722 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E353 metatartaric acid kwas metawinowy Q17997708 type of chemical entity polymer food additive
E354 calcium L-tartrate L-winian wapnia Q416767 type of chemical entity calcium tartrate
E355 adipic acid kwas adypinowy Q357415 type of chemical entity fatty acid
dicarboxylic acid
acidity regulator
E356 sodium adipate adypinian disodu Q423296 type of chemical entity adipate salt acidity regulator
E357 potassium adipate adypinian dipotasu Q931445 type of chemical entity adipate salt acidity regulator
E359 diammonium adipate adypinian diamonu Q473446 type of chemical entity adipate salt
E363 succinic acid kwas bursztynowy Q213050 type of chemical entity dicarboxylic acid
fatty acid
E365 monosodium fumarate monosodium fumarate Q27196930 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E366 potassium fumarate potassium fumarate Q723321 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E367 calcium fumarate calcium fumarate Q836445 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E368 ammonium fumarate ammonium fumarate Q2882202 type of chemical entity But-2-enedioic acid--ammonia (1/2)
E370 D-glycero-D-gulo-heptono-1,4-lactone D-glycero-D-gulo-heptono-1,4-lactone Q27282913 type of chemical entity 3,4-dihydroxy-5-(1,2,3-trihydroxypropyl)oxolan-2-one food additive
E380 tribasic ammonium citrate cytrynian amonu Q473480 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E381 ammonium ferric citrate cytrynian amonu żelaza(III) Q473522 type of chemical entity organic salt
E383 calcium 2-glycerophosphate calcium 2-glycerophosphate Q4119838 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E384 1-isopropyl citrate 1-isopropyl citrate Q27236756 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E384 2-isopropyl citrate 2-isopropyl citrate Q27279237 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E385 sodium calcium edetate wersenian wapniowo-disodowy Q9189390 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive essential medicine
E386 edetate disodium wersenian disodu Q4532977 type of chemical entity Disodium;2-[2-[bis(carboxymethyl)amino]ethyl-(carboxymethyl)amino]acetic acid food additive chelating agent
E387 oxystearin oksystearyna Q13081802 mixture antifoaming agent
food emulsifier
E388 thiodipropionic acid thiodipropionic acid Q2823309 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E389 dilauryl thiodipropionate dilauryl thiodipropionate Q26840985 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E390 distearyl thiodipropionate 3,3′-sulfanodiylodipropanian dioktadecylu Q13081806 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E391 phytic acid kwas fitowy Q409679 type of chemical entity inositol hexaphosphate xanthine oxidase inhibitor
primary metabolite
E392 Rosmarinus officinalis rozmaryn lekarski Q122679 taxon
E392 extracts of rosemary extracts of rosemary Q42807504 extract food additive
E392 Rosemary extract Rosemary extract Q113835664 antioxidant
E399 lactobionic acid lactobionic acid Q6138969 type of chemical entity disaccharide
E400 alginic acid kwas alginowy Q422092 mixture heteropolysaccharide excipient
biocompatible material
radiation protection agent
E401 sodium alginate alginian sodu Q1187513 type of chemical entity sodium salt
food additive
E402 potassium alginate alginian potasu Q1122863 type of chemical entity alginate food additive
E403 ammonium alginate alginian amonu Q9147958 type of chemical entity alginate food additive
E404 calcium alginate alginian wapnia Q2034064 type of chemical entity alginate food thickener
E405 propylene glycol alginate alginian hydroksypropylu Q2474785 type of chemical entity alginate food additive
E406 agar agar-agar Q177998 mixture material nutriment
food additive
food substitute
E407 carrageenan Karagen Q421991 polysaccharide
food ingredient
polymer network
food thickener
E407a Eucheuma Eucheuma Q288867 taxon
E408 bakers yeast glycan bakers yeast glycan Q59559749 mixture food additive
E409 arabinogalactan Arabinogalaktan Q4783458 type of chemical entity polysaccharide
E410 locust bean gum guma karobowa Q221391 natural gum
food emulsifier
food stabiliser
food thickener
E411 oat gum oat gum Q14851340 gum food additive
E412 guar gum guma guar Q422071 group or class of chemical entities galactomannan food thickener
E413 Tragacanth tragakanta Q423901 rubber glue food thickener excipient
E414 gum arabic guma arabska Q535814 natural gum food additive
painting material
E415 xanthan gum Guma ksantanowa Q410768 gum food thickener food additive
E416 gum karaya Guma karaya Q421167 gum bulk-forming laxative
food thickener
E417 tara gum guma tara Q15089452 gum food additive
E418 gellan gum Guma gellan Q416694 group or class of chemical entities gum food thickener
E419 gum ghatti guma ghatti Q18967232 natural gum carrier
food emulsifier
food stabiliser
food thickener
E420 D-sorbitol sorbitol Q245280 type of chemical entity glucitol food additive
indicators and reagents
E421 D-(-)-mannitol mannitol Q407646 type of chemical entity carbohydrate
food additive
osmotic diuretics
essential medicine
E422 glycerol gliceryna Q132501 type of chemical entity triol
primary metabolite
E423 Octenyl succinic acid modified gum Arabic guma arabska modyfikowana kwasem oktenylo-bursztynowym Q18967257 gum food additive
E424 curdlan curdlan Q616242 type of chemical entity (1->3)-beta-D-glucan
E425 konjac flour konjac flour Q59543463 mixture food additive
E425 konnyaku konnyaku Q125002715 processed food
E425(i) konjac gum konjac gum Q29555507 glucomannan food additive
E425(ii) konjac glucomannan konjac glucomannan Q29555500 glucomannan food additive
E426 soybean hemicellulose hemiceluloa sojowa Q18967285 hemicellulose food additive
E427 cassia gum cassia gum Q3110379 gum
food thickener
E428 gelatin żelatyna Q179254 mixture polymer network gel nutriment
food thickener
animal glue
E429 peptone Peptony Q424323 mixture
E430 polyoxyethylene (8) stearate polyoxyethylene (8) stearate Q59560004 polymer food additive
E431 polyoxyethylene (40) stearate polyoxyethylene (40) stearate Q41874783 polymer food additive
E432 Polysorbate 20 polisorbat 20 Q413616 group of chemical entities polysorbate excipient
E433 Polysorbate 80 polisorbat 80 Q420358 mixture emulsifier
E434 polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate Q1413823 type of chemical entity chemical compound surfactant
E435 polysorbate 60 polysorbate 60 Q2103104 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E436 polysorbate 65 polisorbat 65 Q2103107 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E440 pectin pektyny Q188154 structural class of chemical entities polysaccharide thickener
gelling agent
E442 ammonium phosphatide fosfatyd amonu Q695975 mixture food additive
E443 brominated vegetable oil brominated vegetable oil Q4164502 vegetable oil
food emulsifier
E444 sucrose acetate isobutyrate sucrose acetate isobutyrate Q410537 type of chemical entity disaccharide
E445 glycerol ester of wood rosin Estry glicerolu i żywicy roślinnej Q836765 mixture food additive
E446 succistearin stearyna sukcynowa Q18601547 mixture food additive
E450 pyrophosphate anion anion difosforanowy Q290828 type of chemical entity tetraanion
diphosphate anion
E450 diphosphate difosforan Q55506489 structural class of chemical entities phosphorus compound
oxygen compound
food additive
E450(i) disodium pyrophosphate disodium pyrophosphate Q418498 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E450(ii) trisodium diphosphate difosforan trisodu Q17333553 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E450(iii) sodium pyrophosphate difosforan sodu Q418504 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E450(iv) dipotassium dihydrogen pyrophosphate dipotassium dihydrogen pyrophosphate Q42807552 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E450(v) potassium pyrophosphate difosforan tetrapotasu Q2575439 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
calcium pyrophosphate calcium pyrophosphate Q4363460 type of chemical entity chemical compound acidity regulator
E450(vii) calcium acid pyrophosphate calcium acid pyrophosphate Q27273740 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E451 sodium tripolyphosphate trifosforan sodu Q29145 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E452 polyphosphate polifosforan Q11867365 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions polyphosphate food additive
E452(i) sodium polyphosphates polifosforan sodu Q42807515 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions polyphosphate
sodium salt
food emulsifier
E452(ii) potassium polyphosphates polifosforan potasu Q42807555 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions polyphosphate
potassium salt
food emulsifier
calcium sodium polyphosphate polifosforan sodu wapnia Q18967200 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions polyphosphate
calcium salt
sodium salt
food emulsifier
food stabiliser
calcium polyphosphate polifosforan wapnia Q18967198 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions polyphosphate
calcium salt
food emulsifier
ammonium polyphosphate polifosforan amonu Q2770473 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions polyphosphate
ammonium salt
food emulsifier
E458 gamma cyclodextrin gamma cyclodextrin Q27225754 type of chemical entity GDSRMADSINPKSL-KFWIRYAQSA-N food additive
E459 Betadex Betadex Q27077120 type of chemical entity polysaccharide
food additive sequestering agent
E460 cellulose celuloza Q80294 flammable solid
raw material
primary metabolite
food additive
cellulose fiber
combustible matter
raw material
powder explosive
E460(i) microcrystalline cellulose Celuloza mikrokrystaliczna Q417374 polymer food additive
E460(ii) powdered cellulose powdered cellulose Q42807558 cellulose food additive
E461 methyl cellulose metyloceluloza Q416312 type of polymer cellulose glue
wallpaper paste
food additive
Stabilisator (Lebensmittelchemie)
special effects
food thickener
E462 ethyl cellulose ethyl cellulose Q420113 polymer
sclerosing agent
E463 Hydroxypropyl cellulose Hydroxypropyl cellulose Q724426 type of chemical entity chemical compound medication excipient
E464 hypromellose hypermyloza Q423846 type of chemical entity polysaccharide food thickener
E465 Ethyl methyl cellulose etylometyloceluloza Q18579463 polymer food emulsifier
food foaming agent
food thickener
E466 carboxymethyl cellulose karboksymetyloceluloza Q411030 type of chemical entity cellulose derivative food additive
E466 sodium carboxy methyl cellulose sól sodowa karboksymetylocelulozy Q21012207 polymer food additive
E467 Ethulose Ethulose Q5404436 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E468 croscarmellose sodium croscarmellose sodium Q5188058 excipient
food additive
carboxymethyl cellulose food stabiliser
E468 Crosslinked sodium carboxy methyl cellulose Crosslinked sodium carboxy methyl cellulose Q18967204 food additive
E469 enzymatically hydrolysed carboxymethylcellulose enzymatically hydrolysed carboxymethylcellulose Q10485123 polymer food additive
E470a potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids Q43303959 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions food additive
E470b magnesium salts of fatty acids sól magnezowa kwasu tłuszczowego Q18967241 structural class of chemical entities carboxylate salt
magnesium compound
food additive
E471 mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids mono i diglicerydy kwasów tłuszczowych Q416711 mixture food additive
food emulsifier
E472a acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids mono- i diglicerydy kwasów tłuszczowych estryfikowane kwasem octowym Q26806065 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions food additive
E472b Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids mono- i diglicerydy kwasów tłuszczowych estryfikowane kwasem mlekowym Q18967238 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions food additive
E472c Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids mono- i diglicerydy kwasów tłuszczowych estryfikowane kwasem cytrynowym Q18967202 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions food additive
E472e Mono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Mono- i diglicerydy kwasów tłuszczowych estryfikowane kwasem mono- i diacetylowinowym Q409406 mixture food additive
food emulsifier
E472f Mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Mono- i diglicerydy kwasów tłuszczowych estryfikowane mieszaniną kwasu octowego i winowego Q18967248
E473 sugar ester ester węglowodanu Q32418 structural class of chemical entities carbohydrate derivative
E473 sucrose esters ester kwasu tłuszczowego i sacharozy Q11308266 structural class of chemical entities sugar ester food additive
E474 sucroglyceride sucroglyceride Q10659930 type of mixture of chemical entities mixture food additive
E475 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids estry kwasów tłuszczowych i poliglicerolu Q4037764 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions fatty acid ester food additive
E476 polyglycerol polyricinoleate polirycynooleinian poliglicerolu Q168686 group of stereoisomers chemical compound food additive
E477 Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids Q18944660
E478 lactylated fatty acid esters of glycerol and propylene glycol lactylated fatty acid esters of glycerol and propylene glycol Q59560157 group of chemical entities food additive
E479b Thermally oxidised soya bean oil interacted with mono­ and diglycerides of fatty acids termoutleniony olej sojowy z mono- i diglicerydami kwasów tłuszczowych Q18967295 oil food additive
E480 docusate sodium Dokuzynian sodu Q2815334 type of chemical entity chemical compound essential medicine
E481 sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate 2-stearoilomleczan sodu Q416058 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E482 calcium stearoyl lactylate calcium stearoyl lactylate Q788535 type of chemical entity chemical compound food emulsifier
E483 Stearyl palmityl tartrate Stearyl palmityl tartrate Q673260 type of mixture of chemical entities mixture food additive
E484 stearyl citrate stearyl citrate Q59560189 mixture food additive
E485 Sodium stearoyl fumarate Sodium stearoyl fumarate Q18967283
E486 calcium stearoyl fumarate calcium stearoyl fumarate Q59560207 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E487 sodium lauryl sulfate laurylosiarczan sodu Q422241 type of chemical entity sulfate ester
organic sodium salt
household chemicals
E488 Ethoxylated Mono- and Di-Glycerides Ethoxylated Mono- and Di-Glycerides Q18967225
E489 Methyl glucoside-coconut oil ester Methyl glucoside-coconut oil ester Q18967245
E491 sorbitan monostearate Monostearynian sorbitolu Q907898 type of chemical entity ester of sorbitan
E492 Sorbitan tristearate Sorbitan tristearate Q1416224 group of stereoisomers ester of sorbitan
E493 Sorbitan monolaurate Sorbitan monolaurate Q12642435 group of stereoisomers ester of sorbitan
E494 sorbitan monooleate sorbitan monooleate Q2303156 type of chemical entity ester of sorbitan surfactant
E495 sorbitan monopalmitate palmitynian sorbitanu Q1300070 type of chemical entity ester of sorbitan food additive
E496 sorbitan trioleate sorbitan trioleate Q27287216 type of chemical entity ester of sorbitan food additive
E497 Polyoxypropylene-polyoxyethylene polymers Polyoxypropylene-polyoxyethylene polymers Q18967266
E498 partial polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids of castor oil partial polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids of castor oil Q59560231 mixture food additive
E499 stigmasterol-rich plant sterols stigmasterol-rich plant sterols Q59504902 mixture food additive
E500 sodium carbonates węglany sodu Q43303956 group of chemical entities food additive
sodium carbonate węglan sodu Q190227 type of chemical entity chemical compound ceramic flux lachrymatory agent
E500(ii) sodium bicarbonate wodorowęglan sodu Q179731 type of chemical entity bicarbonate
sodium salt
acid salt
food additive
raising agent
intravenous sodium bicarbonate
cleaning product
buffering agent
E501 Potassium carbonates węglany potasu Q16024674 group of chemical entities carbonate salt
potassium salt
acidity regulator
potassium carbonate węglan potasu Q379885 type of chemical entity Potassium carbonates additive
Trennmittel (Schalung)
thawing agent
raising agent
food additive
ceramic flux
E501(ii) potassium hydrogen carbonate wodorowęglan potasu Q410529 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
ammonium carbonate węglan amonu Q204873 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E503(ii) ammonium hydrogen carbonate wodorowęglan amonu Q421123 type of chemical entity chemical compound acidity regulator
E504 magnesium carbonates magnesium carbonates Q59562085 group of chemical entities food additive
magnesium carbonate węglan magnezu Q407931 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E504(ii) magnesium bicarbonate wodorowęglan magnezu Q6731380 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E505 iron(II) carbonate węglan żelaza(II) Q4214595 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E507 hydrochloric acid kwas solny Q2409 aqueous solution hydrohalic acid food additive
acidity regulator
E508 potassium chloride chlorek potasu Q184630 type of chemical entity salt
binary compound
food additive
salt substitute
essential medicine
E509 calcium chloride chlorek wapnia Q208451 type of chemical entity chloride medication
E511 magnesium chloride chlorek magnezu Q265414 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E512 stannous chloride chlorek cyny(II) Q204964 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E513 sulfuric acid kwas siarkowy Q4118 type of chemical entity mineral acid
diprotic acid
sulfur oxoacid
E514 sodium sulfates sodium sulfates Q59562205 group of chemical entities food additive
sodium sulfate siarczan sodu Q211737 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E514(ii) sodium bisulfate wodorosiarczan sodu Q411103 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E515 potassium sulfates potassium sulfates Q59562238 group of chemical entities food additive
potassium sulfate siarczan potasu Q193054 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E515(ii) potassium bisulfate wodorosiarczan potasu Q411108 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E516 calcium sulfate siarczan wapnia Q407258 type of chemical entity sulfate salt
calcium salt
food additive
dental material
E517 ammonium sulfate siarczan amonu Q191831 type of chemical entity nitrogen fertilizer
E520 aluminium sulfate siarczan glinu Q421857 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E521 sodium aluminium sulfate sodium aluminium sulfate Q413559 type of chemical entity alum
E522 aluminum potassium sulfate dodecahydrate siarczan glinu potasu dwunastowodny Q26840944 type of chemical entity hydrate
double salt
E523 ammonium aluminium sulfate siarczan amonu glinu Q419370 type of chemical entity alum
E523 ammonium alum dodecahydrate siarczan amonu glinu dwunastowodny Q27261814 type of chemical entity hydrate
E524 sodium hydroxide wodorotlenek sodu Q102769 type of chemical entity alkali hydroxide acidity regulator
drain cleaner
corrosive substance
E525 potassium hydroxide wodorotlenek potasu Q132298 type of chemical entity alkali hydroxide food additive
indicators and reagents
E526 calcium hydroxide wodorotlenek wapnia Q182849 type of chemical entity hydroxide salt
calcium compounds
food additive
bone cement
E527 ammonia solution woda amoniakalna Q421888 type of mixture of chemical entities aqueous solution acidity regulator
cleaning product
household chemicals
E528 magnesium hydroxide wodorotlenek magnezu Q407548 type of chemical entity hydroxide salt flame retardant
acidity regulator
E529 calcium oxide tlenek wapnia Q185006 type of chemical entity chemical compound dental material
E530 magnesium oxide tlenek magnezu Q214769 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E535 sodium ferrocyanide heksacyjanidożelazian(II) sodu Q418474 type of chemical entity hexacyanidoferrates(II)
sodium salt
E536 potassium hexacyanidoferrate(II) żelazocyjanek potasu Q422017 type of chemical entity salt
E537 ferrous hexacyanomanganate ferrous hexacyanomanganate Q18602070 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E538 calcium ferrocyanide heksacyjanożelazian(II) wapnia Q1026348 type of chemical entity chemical compound anticaking agent
E539 sodium thiosulfate tiosiarczan sodu Q339866 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E541 sodium aluminum phosphate sól glinowa i sodowa kwasu fosforowego Q72507680 group of chemical entities sodium salt
aluminium compound
phosphate salt
food additive
E541(i) sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic Q42807537 mixture food additive
E542 bone phosphate bone phosphate Q59562657 mixture food additive
E551 silicon dioxide ditlenek krzemu Q116269 type of chemical entity covalent network solid
silicon oxide
food additive
E552 Calcium silicate Calcium silicate Q416365 type of chemical entity calcium salt
E553a synthetic magnesium silicate synthetic magnesium silicate Q906088 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E553b talc talc Q108584660 type of chemical entity chemical compound excipient antiperspirant
E554 Sodium aluminosilicate glinokrzemian sodu Q724424 type of chemical entity chemical compound anticaking agent
E555 potassium aluminium silicate glinokrzemian potasu Q1722299 structural class of chemical entities chemical compound anticaking agent
E556 calcium aluminosilicate glinokrzemian wapnia Q1103434 type of chemical entity chemical compound anticaking agent
E557 hemimorphite Hemimorfit Q408008 mineral species sorosilicates
E558 bentonite bentonite Q27273576 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E559 aluminium silicate krzemian glinu Q1284687 type of chemical entity silicate
ternary compound
E560 potassium silicate krzemian potasu Q419390 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E561 vermiculite Wermikulit Q194358 mineral species smectite mineral group
clay minerals
E562 sepiolite Sepiolit Q414096 mineral species sepiolite group
food additive
E563 sepiolitic clay sepiolitic clay Q59556547 food additive
E565 lignosulfonates lignosulfonates Q417184 polyelectrolytes
E570 fatty acid kwas tłuszczowy Q61476 structural class of chemical entities monocarboxylic acid
aliphatic compound
fatty acyl
food additive
E572 magnesium stearate stearynian magnezu Q416713 type of chemical entity magnesium salts of fatty acids primary metabolite
E574 D-gluconic acid kwas glukonowy Q407569 type of chemical entity fatty acid
gluconic acid
sugar acid
E575 gluconolactone glukonolakton Q114174 type of chemical entity Hexose-1,5-lactone acidity regulator
meat curing agent
E576 sodium D-gluconate D-glukonian sodu Q264552 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E577 potassium gluconate D-glukonian potasu Q1122870 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E578 calcium gluconate glukonian wapnia Q413739 type of chemical entity carbohydrate essential medicine
E579 iron(II) gluconate glukonian żelaza(II) Q421291 type of chemical entity iron compound
carboxylate salt
E580 magnesium gluconate magnesium gluconate Q6731392 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E585 iron(II) lactate DL-mleczan żelaza(II) Q836793 group of stereoisomers lactate salt
E586 2-quinazolinone 2-chinazolinon Q18608850 type of chemical entity quinazolinones
E599 perlite perlit Q655819 volcanic glass
E620 DL-glutamic acid kwas DL-glutaminowy Q181136 group of stereoisomers alpha-amino acid
dicarboxylic acid
food additive
E621 monosodium L-glutamate L-glutaminian sodu Q179678 type of chemical entity chemical compound flavour enhancer
E622 monopotassium glutamate monopotassium glutamate Q3029787 type of chemical entity chemical compound flavour enhancer
E623 calcium diglutamate calcium diglutamate Q591440 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E624 monoammonium glutamate monoammonium glutamate Q8213959 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E625 magnesium diglutamate magnesium diglutamate Q1821120 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E626 guanosine monophosphate guanozyno-5′-monofosforan Q422473 type of chemical entity purine nucleotides flavour enhancer primary metabolite
E627 disodium 5'-guanylate guanozyno-5′-monofosforan disodu Q905776 type of chemical entity chemical compound flavour enhancer
E628 dipotassium 5'-guanylate dipotassium 5'-guanylate Q5280047 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E629 Calcium guanylate 5′-guanylan wapnia Q5018832 type of chemical entity chemical compound flavour enhancer
E630 inosinic acid kwas inozynowy Q255933 type of chemical entity purine nucleotides flavour enhancer
E631 disodium 5'-inosinate inozynian disodu Q905782 type of chemical entity inosinate flavour enhancer food ingredient
E632 dipotassium inosinate 5′-inozynian dipotasu Q18608832 type of chemical entity inosinate flavour enhancer
E633 calcium 5'-inosinate 5′-inozynian wapnia Q725037 type of chemical entity inosinate flavour enhancer
E634 calcium 5'-ribonucleotides 5′-rybonukleotydy wapnia Q1026332 mixture flavour enhancer
E635 disodium 5'-ribonucleotides 5′-rybonukleotydy disodu Q18967210 mixture flavour enhancer
E640 glycine Glicyna Q620730 type of chemical entity proteinogenic amino acid
amino acid
dispensable amino acids
primary metabolite
E640 Glycine and its sodium salt Glycine and its sodium salt Q18967228
E650 zinc acetate octan cynku Q204639 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E702 chlortetracycline chlorotetracyklina Q417948 type of chemical entity CYDMQBQPVICBEU-UHFFFAOYSA-N medication antibiotic
protein synthesis inhibitor
tetracycline antibiotic
E703 oxytetracycline oksytetracyklina Q411646 type of chemical entity 4-(dimethylamino)-3,5,6,10,12,12a-hexahydroxy-6-methyl-1,11-dioxo-4,4a,5,5a-tetrahydrotetracene-2-carboxamide medication protein synthesis inhibitor
tetracycline antibiotic
developmental toxicant
E704 oleandomycin oleandomycin Q1076248 type of chemical entity macrolides
E705 benzylpenicillin benzylopenicylina Q258450 type of chemical entity (2S,6R)-3,3-Dimethyl-7-oxo-6-(2-phenylacetamido)-4-thia-1-aza-bicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylic acid medication antibiotic
essential medicine
E706 Penicillin G sodium Penicillin G sodium Q18967264
E707 penicillin G procaine penicylina prokainowa Q3435660 type of mixture of chemical entities combination drug medication essential medicine
E708 benzathine benzylpenicillin benzylopenicylina benzatynowa Q868435 type of chemical entity Benzylpenicillin Benzathin essential medicine
E710 spiramycin Spiramycyna Q422265 group of stereoisomers macrolides antibiotic
macrolide antibiotic
E711 virginiamycin group virginiamycin group Q3560696 class of chemical entities with similar source or occurrence
group of isomeric entities
streptogramin group A
protein synthesis inhibitor
E712 Bambermycin Bambermycin Q16837500 group or class of chemical substances
E713 tylosin tylosin Q411462 type of chemical entity polyketide
E714 monensin monenzyna Q3493048 type of chemical entity carboxylic acid
(2S,3R,4S)-4-[(2S,7S,8R,9S)-2-[(2S,2'R,3'S,5R,5'R)-2-ethyl-5'-[(2S,3S,5R,6R)-6-hydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-3,5-dimethyloxan-2-yl]-3'-methyl-[2,2'-bioxolan]-5-yl]-9-hydroxy-2,8-dimethyl-1,6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decan-7-yl]-3-methoxy-2-methylpentanoic acid
Sodium Ionophores
Proton Ionophores
E715 avoparcins avoparcins Q2783854 group or class of chemical substances glycopeptide antibiotic
feed additive
E716 salinomycin Salinomycyna Q411909 type of chemical entity carboxylic acid
2-[6-[6-[3-(5-Ethyl-5-hydroxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl)-15-hydroxy-3,10,12-trimethyl-4,6,8-trioxadispiro[]pentadec-13-en-9-yl]-3-hydroxy-4-methyl-5-oxooctan-2-yl]-5-methyloxan-2-yl]butanoic acid
E717 avilamycin avilamycin Q29463703 group of stereoisomers antibiotic food additive
E900 polydimethylsiloxane poli(dimetylosiloksan) Q411955 type of polymer inorganic polymer
food additive
E901 beeswax wosk pszczeli Q143739 animal product
food additive
hot-melt adhesive
E902 Candelilla wax Kandelila Q898937 wax food additive
E903 carnauba wax carnauba Q839494 wax food additive
E904 shellac szelak Q429659 painting material
insect dye
French polishing
food additive
E905 paraffin parafina Q177540 mixture combustible matter
wax crayon
food additive
E905a mineral oil Oleje mineralne Q583582 oil
non-drying oil
combustible matter
transformer oil
cutting fluid
hydraulic fluid
E905b petroleum jelly wazelina Q457239 gel
Ointment Bases
microcrystalline wax Wosk mikrokrystaliczny Q579764 wax food additive
E906 benzoin resin Styraks Q793163 natural resin
E907 crystalline wax wosk krystaliczny Q18967207 wax glazing agent
E908 Rice bran wax Rice bran wax Q725234
E909 spermaceti Spermacet Q369682 chemical substance wax
E910 wax ester ester woskowy Q3010324 structural class of chemical entities fatty acid ester
E913 lanolin lanolina Q911098 wax cosmetics
E914 oxidised polyethylene wax utleniony wosk polietylenowy Q18608846 wax humectant
food additive
E914 polyethylene wax wosk polietylenowy Q30098107 wax food additive
E916 calcium iodate Jodan wapnia Q2185998 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E917 potassium iodate Jodan potasu Q414599 type of chemical entity chemical compound antifungal
E918 nitrogen oxide tlenek azotu Q424418 structural class of chemical entities oxide
nitrogen compound
air pollutant
E919 nitrosyl chloride chlorek nitrozylu Q419266 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E920 L-Cysteine L-cysteina Q186474 type of chemical entity proteinogenic amino acid
L-amino acid
dispensable amino acids
baking additive
E922 potassium persulfate Nadsiarczan potasu Q415226 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E923 ammonium persulfate Nadsiarczan amonu Q412085 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E924b calcium bromate bromian wapnia Q416861 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E925 dichlorine dichlor Q1904422 type of chemical entity homonuclear diatomic molecule
simple substance
chemical warfare agent
E927a (E/Z)-azodicarbonamide (E/Z)-azodikarbonamid Q415646 type of chemical entity azodicarbonamide flour treatment agent immunosuppressive drug
anti-HIV agents
E927b urea mocznik Q48318 type of chemical entity organic compound flour treatment agent
nitrogen fertilizer
primary metabolite
E929 acetone peroxide nadtlenek acetonu Q329022 type of mixture of chemical entities mixture explosive chemicals
E930 calcium peroxide nadtlenek wapnia Q94770 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E938 argon argon Q696 chemical element
atmophile element
noble gases food additive
E939 helium hel Q560 chemical element
atmophile element
noble gases
lifting gas
food additive
E940 dichlorodifluoromethane dichlorodifluorometan Q423021 type of chemical entity per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
E941 nitrogen azot Q627 chemical element
atmophile element
diatomic nonmetal
food additive
E942 nitrous oxide tlenek diazotu Q905750 type of chemical entity nitrogen oxide refrigerant
nitric oxide donors
inhalational anaesthetic
non-opioid analgesic
greenhouse gas
female reproductive toxicant
developmental toxicant
E943a butane butan Q134192 type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
E943b isobutane izobutan Q407225 type of chemical entity butane refrigerant
E944 propane propan Q131189 type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
E945 chloropentafluoroethane chloropentafluoroethane Q419702 type of chemical entity chlorofluorocarbon
E946 octafluorocyclobutane octafluorocyclobutane Q413079 type of chemical entity per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
carbocyclic compound
E948 oxygen tlen Q629 chemical element
group 16
oxidizing agent
food additive
E948 dioxygen ditlen Q5203615 type of chemical entity diatomic oxygen
allotrope of oxygen
simple substance
free radical scavengers
primary metabolite
E949 hydrogen wodór Q556 chemical element
atmophile element
nonmetal food additive
E949 dihydrogen wodór molekularny Q3027893 simple substance fuel gas combustible matter
lifting gas
E950 acesulfame potassium acesulfam K Q132037 type of chemical entity 6-Methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxide potassium salt flavour enhancer
E951 aspartame aspartam Q182040 type of chemical entity dipeptide food additive
sugar substitute
sugar substitute
E952 cyclamate or cyclamic acid cyklaminian lub kwas cyklaminowy Q15992388 group of chemical entities sugar substitute
cyclamic acid kwas cyklaminowy Q2130929 type of chemical entity monoprotic acid
organic acid
E952(iii) potassium cyclamate cyklaminian potasu Q27236650 type of chemical entity potassium salt
food additive
E952(iv) sodium cyclamate cyklaminian sodu Q407786 type of chemical entity salt
food additive
sugar substitute
E953 isomalt izomalt Q412068 equimolar mixture sugar-free candy
sugar sculpture
food additive
sugar substitute
E954 saccharin sacharyna Q191381 type of chemical entity monoprotic acid
organic acid
sugar substitute
E954(ii) calcium saccharate cukrzan wapnia Q27289374 type of chemical entity organic salt
E954(iii) saccharin potassium saccharin potassium Q27281856 type of chemical entity chemical compound food additive
E954(iv) saccharin sodium saccharin sodium Q27094367 type of chemical entity organic salt
sodium compound
food additive
sugar substitute
E955 sucralose sukraloza Q410209 type of chemical entity organochlorine compound
carbohydrate derivative
sugar substitute
E956 alitame alitame Q424676 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E957 Thaumatin family Taumatyna Q24775038 protein family protein
E958 glycyrrhizin glycyrrhizin Q418705 type of chemical entity LPLVUJXQOOQHMX-RQJCKTROSA-N
E959 neohesperidin dihydrochalone Neohesperydyna dihydrochalkon Q424595 type of chemical entity [[Q27189575|1-[4-[[(2S,4S,6R)-4,5-dihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-3-[[(2S,3R,4R,5R,6S)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-methyl-2-oxanyl]oxy]-2-oxanyl]oxy]-2,6-dihydroxyphenyl]-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-1-propanone]]
E960 steviol glycoside glikozyd stewiolowy Q2805600 class of chemical entities with similar source or occurrence glycoside sweetener
E961 neotame Neotam Q415698 type of chemical entity dipeptide food additive
sugar substitute
E962 aspartame-acesulfame salt Sól aspartamu-acesulfamu Q409847 type of chemical entity organic salt sugar substitute
E963 keto-D-tagatose keto-D-tagatose Q414089 type of chemical entity ketohexose (open form) iron chelating agent
E964 polyglycitol syrup syrop poliglucitolowy Q2188368 mixture food additive
E965 maltitol maltitol Q423882 type of chemical entity disaccharide food additive
E966 lactitol lactitol Q415020 type of chemical entity disaccharide sweetener cathartic
E967 xylitol ksylitol Q212093 type of chemical entity pentane-1,2,3,4,5-pentol food additive
primary metabolite
E968 erythritol Erytrytol Q421873 type of chemical entity Butane-1,2,3,4-tetrol vasodilator agent
E969 advantame advantame Q16886625 type of chemical entity chemical compound
E999 Quillaia ekstrakt Quillaia Q118843 extract food emulsifier
food foaming agent
End of automatically generated list.