Wikidata:Property proposal/ISCED Attainment

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ISCED Attainment


This property was requested after extensive consultation with the Wikidata community and experts on ed tech, OER, global and national curriculum, education policy, and digitization. Over the two rounds of the consultation, we received input from 31 individuals representing various global perspectives and areas of expertise to aid in the full implementation of the Wikidata for Education project.

Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

   Not done
Descriptionlevel of completed education at a particular stage per the International Standard Classification of Education
Data typeItem
Domainproperty in education (Q8434)
Example 1Year 8 of Tanzania (Q117764051)ISCED-Attainment-1 (Q117312647);
This means that a student in Tanzania who is currently in year 8 which usually have different names in different countries has finished/completed Primary School Education that is the educational attainment of such a student.
ISCED Attainment
Preferred rank ISCED-Attainment-1 (Q117312647)
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Example 2tenth grade (Q3269996)ISCED-Attainment 2 (Q117312669);
This means that a student who is going through the 10th grade in France which usually have different names in different countries has completed lower secondary education 
ISCED Attainment
Normal rank ISCED-Attainment 2 (Q117312669)
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Example 3Level 100 (Q117771332)ISCED-Attainment 3 (Q117312628);
This means that a student who is going level 100 in the University which usually have different names in different countries has completed a'Upper Secondary education' by the ISCED Standard
ISCED Attainment
Normal rank ISCED-Attainment 3 (Q117312628)
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Planned useThis property will be used to show the last finished level of a student and would be part of the ISCED level. Read more about WD4E Data Model Document v1.0.Check out how it is used in the test environment Q224201.
Wikidata projectWikidata for Education



ISCED Attainment is a way of measuring how much education someone has completed. It is based on the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) and uses a scale from 0 to 8 to classify different levels of education. The scale starts at level 0 for pre-primary education, such as kindergarten, and goes up to level 8 for doctoral or equivalent level education. The ISCED Attainment level is based on the highest level of education that a person has completed. For example, someone who has completed high school would have an ISCED Attainment level of 3, while someone who has completed a bachelor's degree would have an ISCED Attainment level of 6. ISCED Attainment is used by organizations such as the United Nations to monitor global trends in education and to assess the educational attainment of populations in different countries. It can also be used by employers and educational institutions to evaluate the qualifications and skills of job candidates or prospective students.

This property will be applied on items that has educational year (Q10291405) as a value for the property instance of (P31).

ISCED Attainment refers to the level of education or qualification that an individual has achieved. It is based on the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) and provides a standardized way to categorize and compare educational attainment across countries and regions.

Having a Wikidata property for ISCED Attainment would enable us to more easily and accurately record and share information about individuals' educational attainment. This would be particularly useful for research and analysis purposes, as well as for educational planning and policy development.

Moreover, such a property would align with Wikidata's goal of providing comprehensive and accurate information on a wide range of topics. By including ISCED Attainment as a property, we can help ensure that educational attainment information is consistently recorded and available for use in a variety of contexts. For more information about ISCED, Please check International Standard Classification of Education 2011 (from page 25 to page 59), for further details, check this document


  • The property is not ready because it currently does not have valid examples. The examples don't tell us which item is supposed to get a statement to refer to which other item. ChristianKl09:27, 23 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    @ChristianKl Thank you for drawing our attention to it. It has been corrected now and you can take look. Dnshitobu (talk) 14:08, 23 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  • Will this be used for more than just a few items(10?)? Could another property like complies with (P5009) do the trick instead? Abbe98 (talk) 13:50, 5 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]
    @Abbe98 Yes, it will be fewer than 10 but the complies with (P5009) is not related to education, hence not a good fit. However, if we can tweak that property to be acceptable inan educational domain, that will really be very helpful. In the meantime, this request is important Dnshitobu (talk) 11:20, 28 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment We appreciate the efforts and the time you spent reviewing the proposed properties. We are reviewing all your comments and some collated pieces of advice and would update the proposals soon and reply accordingly to all question. Dnshitobu (talk) 16:03, 6 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  • It's literally called International Standard Classification of Education. We should be using subclass of (P279). Lectrician1 (talk) 07:04, 24 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Oppose too specific BrokenSegue (talk) 00:20, 31 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Oppose this property proposal needs to be heavily refactored. The examples are not clear and need to be in the other direction. I also don't understand if this property is meant to be used on particular schools, for particular grades in specific countries, or for the general classes you listed as examples. It should be one of those. Lectrician1 (talk) 23:40, 24 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    @Lectrician1, @BrokenSegue, @ChristianKl We are very happy you have spent sometime reviewing this property request, a few changes have been made to it and we would be happy if you could take a look, comment or recommend on best practices so that we get this done and we all can move on. Thank you for your support all this while. Dnshitobu (talk) 11:42, 27 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]
     Oppose There's no reason to have a specialized property for this. Linking a level to an archivement of that level is a general concept that's nnot specialized to ISCED. Secondly, code and label seem questionable.
    If you want to contribute to Wikidata, it makes sense to look at how Wikidata handles similar contexts. ChristianKl11:54, 27 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    @ChristianKl (A), Thank you for spending time reviewing our proposals. This is a pilot project and we are looking at how Wikidata can handle school curricula from different countries by its linked data structure.  In response to your query:
    It is very important to have a special property for the ISCED Attainment. ISCED attainment  provides a standard way of measuring and comparing educational attainment across different countries and educational systems. Since this is a pilot project, we envision a property that will help to compare educational curriculum in different countries because of the difference in naming conventions. It is used as a key indicator of the level of education of people and provides valuable information for policy makers, researchers, and educational institutions.
    By standardizing the levels of education attainment, ISCED enables comparisons of education systems at a global level mapped to local education levels, allowing policymakers to make informed decisions about education policy and resource allocation. For example, it can help identify areas where there may be a need for more investment in education, or where educational opportunities are lacking.
    Again, ISCED attainment is a key factor in determining eligibility for certain jobs or opportunities, such as admission to higher education institutions, eligibility for certain jobs, and in some cases, immigration requirements.
    Finally, ISCED attainment is crucial for evaluating educational attainment, understanding the distribution of education across different countries, and making informed policy decisions related to education.
    Please have look at the following queries:
    Five uploaded curricula data
    Science Curriculum data on Listeria
    Social Studies curriculum for Basic 7
    ISCED attainment has codes and names to provide a standardized and universal way of identifying and categorizing educational qualifications across different countries and education systems. The codes and names are part of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) framework, which is developed and maintained by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). You can read more here on page 23-28 and page 71-73 Dnshitobu (talk) 16:46, 3 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    What's the difference between an ISCED attainment and level? They look like the same thing. Lectrician1 (talk) 12:30, 27 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    @Lectrician1, Thank you for spending time reviewing our proposals. In response to your query:
    ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) is a framework used to classify educational programs and their levels of complexity. Within this framework, there are two key concepts: ISCED attainment and ISCED level.
    ISCED attainment refers to the level of education a person has completed, and it is measured based on the completed educational qualifications. It is a way of measuring the level of knowledge and skills a person has acquired through education.
    However, ISCED level refers to the complexity and broadness of the educational content that is being studied. It is a way of categorizing education programs and qualifications based on their level of complexity, and it is used to help compare education systems across different countries.
    In sum, ISCED attainment is a measure of what a person has achieved in terms of education, while ISCED level is a measure of the complexity of the education program or qualification being studied. Dnshitobu (talk) 16:50, 3 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Not done, no consensus of proposed property at this time based on the above discussion. Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 19:20, 1 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]