Wikidata:Property proposal/ Vascular Plants of Iowa species ID

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Vascular Plants of Iowa species ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Natural science

Descriptionidentifier for a plant species in The Vascular Plants of Iowa website
RepresentsThe Vascular Plants of Iowa: An Annotated Checklist and Natural History (Q122653218)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainitem; taxon (Q16521)
Allowed valuesSPEd1e[0-9]+
Example 1Abutilon theophrasti (Q606369)SPEd1e8457
Example 2Galium tinctorium (Q15456760)SPEd1e11118
Example 3Pinus strobus (Q157230)SPEd1e736
Example 4Abies balsamea (Q428023)SPEd1e724
Example 5jack-in-the-pulpit (Q2716758)SPEd1e12935
Example 6Azolla mexicana (Q16949802)SPEd1e334
Example 7Osmunda cinnamomea (Q19847984)SPEd1e602
Example 8Zigadenus glaucus (Q122654505)SPEd1e14771
Planned useadding to items edited or created
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
Formatter URL$1
Applicable "stated in"-valueThe Vascular Plants of Iowa: An Annotated Checklist and Natural History (Q122653218)



This online database provides a definitive account of the vascular plants of Iowa. The checklist provides an accurate and up-to-date listing of species names and common names, synonyms, distribution, habitat, abundance, and origin; county names are given for very rare species, and the most complete information has been provided for all rare plants and troublesome species. AdamSeattle (talk) 23:51, 17 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

