Rachelle J. Christensen's Blog

June 7, 2024

Book Review: Whittington by Alan Armstrong

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

I read this middle grade book to my 9 year old son and we enjoyed it. It’s an older book, written in a style that has nearly disappeared from our children’s literature nowadays with more description and narrative.

This book centers around a tomcat named Whittington and his remarkable story and heritage from hundreds of years ago. The cat tells his story in an effort to help two young children who live on the farm. Ben has dyslexia and is struggling in school and his sister Abby is trying to help him. Through the adventures of Whittington the children learn ideas of how to help Ben read, stay determined, courageous, and strong in the face of adversity.

Because I have 2 children with dyslexia I cringed a few times at the situations presented with Ben’s challenges–mostly centered on other children in his class making fun of him if he needed to have specialized help and be pulled from the class. Again, this is an older book so I’ve seen things handled differently in schools currently, thank goodness.

My son and I enjoyed the story, but some parts were difficult as a read-aloud book because of the way words and letters were presented as a visual. Because of my son’s dyslexia, he would only be able to experience this book if I read it to him. Despite those few issues, it was still a good book.

The book is made up of lots of little vignettes that create the story. The main plot is held together by the tomcat telling his story.

Here’s more about the book:

This Newbery-Honor winning tale introduces Whittington, a roughneck Tom who arrives one day at a barn full of rescued animals and asks for a place there. He spins for the animals—as well as for Ben and Abby, the kids whose grandfather does the rescuing—a yarn about his ancestor, the nameless cat who brought Dick Whittington to the heights of wealth and power in 16th-century England. This is an unforgettable tale about the healing, transcendent power of storytelling, and how learning to read saves one little boy.

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Published on June 07, 2024 04:41

May 31, 2024

Book Review: Highcliffe House by Megan Walker

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

I have been very happy with the previous novels I’ve read by Megan Walker and this new one didn’t disappoint. I loved meeting the characters of Anna Lane and Graham Everett set in 1813, Brighton, England.

This was a fun, clean romance set to the enemies to lover’s trope. Anna despises Graham mostly because she thinks he takes too much attention from her father. It’s interesting to see Graham’s point of view and how he’s working to make business deals to provide for his family. His character is instantly endearing and as I read, I kept hoping that Anna could see truly who Graham was.

Of course, as the story developed, there were many opportunities for Anna to learn about his true character. A fun twist happens when Anna has to go with Graham to Brighton to help be the deciding factor in a business investment for her father. There, she gets to see another side of Graham and learn that there is much more than meets the eye.

The interactions between characters was so well done. Graham’s sisters and mother provided great contrasts and fun ways for Anna and Graham to start building a friendship that later turned into more.

I like how the author showed some of the challenges of the times for women, marriage, and business. It was very difficult for Anna to trust her heart with anyone because of her father’s wealth and her large dowry. The friendship and romance that develops between her and Graham is beautiful because of what they faced together.

Highcliffe House another proper romance you won’t want to miss!

Here’s more about the book:

Love ignites when two rivals vie to secure a possible fortune at the seaside town of Brighton.

Brighton, England, 1813

When a romantic entanglement leaves her humiliated and reeling, Anna Lane wants nothing more than for her father to whisk her away from the gossip of the ton. Unfortunately, he has obligations elsewhere, leaving her stuck in London.

Graham Everett’s financial security depends on an investment with Mr. Lane, his long-time friend and business partner. He’ll do just about anything to secure it for his family, even if it means fighting spoiled, embittered Anna for her father’s attention.

Luckily, Mr. Lane concocts a plan that will give everyone what they want, with one stipulation: Anna must accompany Graham to Brighton in her father’s stead and make a decision to invest—or not—based on a thorough report.

But it will take more than a day at the beach for these two headstrong hearts to admit that they’ve been wrong about each other. If they are willing to invest a little time working out their differences, they might have a chance at real love.

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Published on May 31, 2024 04:58

May 10, 2024

Book Review: The Orchids of Ashthorne Hall by Rebecca Anderson

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

I love reading all of the Proper Romance books and am always intrigued by the different types of stories I find. The Orchids of Ashthorne Hall felt quite different to me as it is more of a gothic romance so the story is a little darker. It took me a bit longer to get into the storyline because of that, but I pushed through and enjoyed the outcome.

Hyacinth Bell loves all things that grow and is especially skilled at caring for orchids. She travels to the Cornwall Coast in 1887 to a mysterious haunted Ashthorne Hall to take up residency. While caring for orchids, Hyacinth stumbles upon a mystery, a handsome man, a nefarious plot, and more!

I enjoyed the elements of a ghost story and a mystery for the main character to solve. I especially liked learning about a certain historical event that took many lives and led to a very ghastly and ghoulish outcome which I can’t reveal because it’s a spoiler.

Here’s more about the book:

1887, the Cornwall coast

For years, rumors have flown through the village of Suttonsbury about Ashthorne Hall—that its occupants hoard pirate treasure, that a ghost walks its halls—but botanist Hyacinth Bell only cares about the estate’s extensive, one-of-a-kind orchid collection. As an independent woman, she is eager to focus on her career, even if it means waiting to pursue a romantic relationship. After all, love—like an orchid—must be nurtured and tended before it can bloom.

What she doesn’t expect is to be swept away by Lucas Harding, the manor’s caretaker, upon their first meeting. He is handsome and charming, and the connection between the two is nearly instantaneous. Hyacinth is certain this autumn will be the season that everything good in her life takes root

But then strange things start happening in the seemingly empty halls of the estate: unexplainable noises, items appearing then disappearing from her room, threatening messages, and glimpses of a woman in white who vanishes into the dark. Lucas dismisses Hyacinth’s worries, insisting that there is no ghost at Ashthorne Hall, but she suspects he is withholding information and decides to investigate the mystery herself.

Armed with little more than her instincts and her courage, Hyacinth must venture deep into the shadows of Ashthorne Hall to uncover the truth Lucas is keeping secret before she herself falls victim to the dangers hidden in the estate.

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Published on May 10, 2024 04:12

April 9, 2024

Book Review: Followed by Frost by Charlie N. Holmberg

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

Wow! Followed by Frost was so well-written that I was sad when it was over. I loved reading the transformation of Smitha’s character as she suffers from an icy curse and learns to love. Smitha’s curse is that everything she touches freezes and she is followed by a never-ending snowstorm. This presents a unique environment for her to learn to connect and care about others.

I enjoyed the fantasy touches and world-building of this novel and the action and clean romance. The author did an excellent job of creating a character that I cared for as well as many obstacles to overcome. I haven’t read any books by Charlie Holmberg that weren’t fantastic so I guess it’s time to pick up another one!

Here’s more about the book:

Seventeen-year-old Smitha’s wealth, status, and beauty make her the envy of her town—until she rejects a strange man’s marriage proposal and disastrous consequences follow. Smitha becomes cursed, and frost begins to encompass everything she touches. Banished to the hills, hunted by villagers, and chilled to the very core of her soul, she finds companionship with Death, who longs to coax her into his isolated world. But Smitha’s desire for life proves stronger than despair, and a newfound purpose gives her hope. Will regrets over the past and an unexpected desire for a man she cannot touch be enough to warm Smitha’s heart, or will Death forever still it?

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Published on April 09, 2024 04:55

April 2, 2024

Book Review: Charming Artemis by Sarah M. Eden

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

Charming Artemis by Sarah M. Eden brings together the saga of the Jonquil family and Lancaster family. If you’re like me then you’ve been fortunate enough to read over a dozen novels about these families. If not, then I highly suggest you go and read those first. It isn’t necessary, but you’ll have so much more fun checking in on all of the characters from the previous novels. There are so many different characters in this book that I’m tempted to go back and read all of the novels again to be reminded of the nuances in each of those romances.

Artemis Lancaster and Charlie Jonquil are sworn enemies, but in this enemies to lovers trope you will laugh, swoon, and maybe cry at the antics of the unlikely couple. There is a lot going on in this story and dozens of characters to follow. The Lancaster and Jonquil families are made up of wonderfully spirited and unique individuals. I enjoyed reading the banter between certain family members, (ahem, Adam and Phillip). I also enjoyed reading the kind, loving encounters between others and the way they solved problems together.

Artemis and Charlie have a careful, slow courtship after their marriage that will be sure to bring a smile to your face and warm your heart!

Here’s more about the book:

Charlie Jonquil is mild-mannered and kind—except when it comes to his one true adversary, Artemis Lancaster. Though Charlie has a brilliant mind for mathematics, Artemis poses a problem he can’t seem to comprehend: how can one be so lovely and so infuriating? A party in London brings him into the company of the maddening young lady, and it is clear that Charlie’s disdain is mutual. But when an unfortunate incident between the pair involving Charlie’s jacket and a glass of raspberry shrub leads to scandal, the sworn enemies are left with only two options: be ruined or be married.

So it is that Artemis finds herself in a most outrageous predicament: she must wed a gentleman she’s hated for years—and she pledges to avoid him at all costs. But it is only when they enter into this mockery of a marriage that Charlie and Artemis learn things are not as simple as they once appeared. As their tentative ceasefire leads to friendship, it seems their marriage born of desperation might lead them to a love that was destined to be.

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Published on April 02, 2024 04:46

November 28, 2023

Book Review: The Bachelor and the Bride by Sarah M. Eden

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

Another fabulous addition to the Dread Penny Society books from one of my favorite authors, Sarah M. Eden! I enjoyed reading this story about Dr. Barnabus Milligan and his marriage of convenience to Gemma Kincaid. This was a fun twist on the classic trope because we enter the story to discover that the marriage took place some time ago. A supposed bachelor, Dr. Milligan is actually married and working hard behind the scenes to rid London of crime, but his wife is in hiding from her family.

When new developments require Gemma’s assistance, she returns to aid Dr. Milligan hoping that he wants to make their marriage something more. She is disappointed to learn the real reason behind his request for her to return to his home, but doesn’t lose hope. Gemma’s personality is wonderfully developed and I loved the nuances of her upbringing trying to find footing in Dr. Milligan’s world. The ever-present danger and intrigue of her crime family ties brings a solid mystery to the plot.

The mystery of the Dread Penny society combined with the romance of a secret marriage make this book a page-turner. Familiar characters from other books made appearances but I think The Bachelor and the Bride could be read as a stand-alone.

Here’s more about the book:

London, 1866

Dr. Barnabus Milligan has always felt called to help people, whether that means setting a broken bone or rescuing the impoverished women of London from their desperate lives on the streets as part of his work with the Dread Penny Society.

Three years ago, he helped rescue Gemma Kincaid by secretly marrying her to protect her from her family of notorious grave robbers.

But six months after Gemma and Barnabus exchanged vows, she realized her love for her new husband was unrequited. To protect her heart, she left, telling Barnabus to contact her if his feelings for her ever grew beyond a sense of duty.

When Barnabus sends a letter to Gemma inviting her to return home, she hopes to find a true connection between them. But unfortunately, he only wants her help to foil the Kincaids, who have been terrorizing the boroughs of London, eager to gain both money and power.

Heartbroken, Gemma agrees to help, but she warns Barnabus that she will not stay for long, and once she goes, he’ll never see her again.

Yet as the couple follows the clues that seem to connect the Kincaids to the Mastiff, the leader of London’s criminal network, Gemma and Barnabus realize they might make a better match than either of them suspected. Perhaps the marriage that had once saved Gemma’s life might now save Barnabus—and his lonely heart.

But before the once-confirmed bachelor can properly court his secret bride, they’ll need to evade the dangerous forces that are drawing ever closer to the hopeful lovers and the entire Dread Penny Society itself.

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Published on November 28, 2023 04:40

November 21, 2023

Book Review: Under the Java Moon by Heather B. Moore

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

I love it when I read historical fiction and discover parts of history that I never knew happened. This book based on the Dutch East Indies or Indonesia is one such gem. Based on the true story of Rita, the narrative takes the reader inside WWII and the horrible conditions Dutch residents had to endure under Japanese rule on the islands.

Rita and her family endured heartache, abuse, and life-threatening conditions as they shared rooms in squalid conditions for years. All of the women and children were separated from the men and Rita’s family didn’t know if her father was alive. The narrative switches perspectives between Rita and her mother to George Vischer, Rita’s father. He was alive and through a series of harrowing events also put into a prison camp.

Moore is an incredible writer and her skill at mining historical details to paint an accurate portrait of history is one of the reasons I try to read every book she writes. The characters are strong, vivid, and fully enmeshed in a setting that really did exist. At times the book was difficult to read because the conditions these poor prisoners had to endure was depressing. But their determination and grit was also inspiring and I feel that I’ve experienced something remarkable by being able to read about the Vischers and their life.

Here’s more about the book:

Based on a true story, this gripping WWII novel captures the resilience, hope, and courage of a Dutch family who is separated during the war when the Japanese occupy the Dutch East Indies.

Java Island, 1941

Six-year-old Rita Vischer cowers in her family’s dug-out bomb shelter, listening to the sirens and waiting for a bomb to fall. Her charmed life on Java—living with other Dutch families—had always been peaceful, but when Holland declares war on Japan and the Japanese army invades Indonesia, Rita’s family is forced to relocate to a POW camp, and Rita must help care for her little brother, Georgie.

Mary Vischer is three months pregnant when she enters the Tjideng women’s camp with thousands of other women and children. Her husband, George, is somewhere on the Java Sea with the Dutch Navy, so she must care alone for her young children, Rita and Georgie, and her frail mother-in-law. The brutal conditions of the overcrowded camp make starvation, malaria, and dysentery a grim reality. Mary must do everything she can to keep her family alive.

George Vischer survives the bombing of his minesweeper but feels little hope floating on a small dinghy in the Java Sea. Reaching the northern tip of the Thousand Islands would be a miracle. Focusing on of the love of his life, Mary, and his two children, he battles against the sea and merciless sun. He’ll do whatever it takes to close the divide between him and his family, even if it means risking being captured by the Japanese.

Under the Java Moon highlights a little-known part of WWII history and the impact of war on Indonesia, its people, and the more than 100,000 Dutch men, women, and children who were funneled into prison camps and faced with the ultimate fight for survival.

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Published on November 21, 2023 04:14

September 19, 2023

Book Review: Better Than Happy by Jody Moore

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

Learn how to recognize the thoughts that influence your actions

I’m a huge fan of Jody Moore and all that she teaches as a life coach. Better Than Happy is excellent! I love the premise: Connecting with divinity through conscious thinking.

Jody Moore teaches how we can reframe the way we look at things. With a slight shift in perspective, we can become aware of our thoughts and then ask if they are serving us or not. Rather than stay stuck in limiting beliefs and thoughts, we can break free from old patterns and embrace a better version of life that is better than happy.

This book has real-life examples, anecdotes, great resources, links to examples of coaching, and so much more. It’s a self-improvement book, but so much more because as you read you’ll feel like you’re sitting down with a good friend and brainstorming how to understand your own thoughts better!

Here’s more about the book:

Our unconscious thought patterns determine our relationships, our spiritual life and our connection to God to a much greater extent than we know. That’s an alarming thought, because the subconscious mind is a mysterious realm that is really difficult to access and influence…right? No. It’s really not! And it’s the most urgent and impactful thing we can do. This book will show you how.

How do I choose faith over fear when my loved ones are making poor choices?
Why don’t I feel happier if I’m reading and praying like I’ve been taught?
How can I stop feeling like I’m just not good enough?
What am I to do when my spouse is judgmental of me?
How do I trust in Christ when everything seems to be falling apart?

Get answers to these and other tough questions in the context of Christ-centered principles throughout this book.
Jody Moore is a Master Certified Life Coach who has taught and coached tens of thousands of women through her in-person and online workshops and podcast. She brings her characteristic clarity, wisdom, humor and disarming honesty to this groundbreaking book.

In Better Than Happy, Jody shows how a simple 5-step model she uses in every session with her clients can reveal the unconscious patterns of thoughts that keep us from deeper and healthier connection with ourselves, with our loved ones and with God. Jody then shows how, once we clear the debris of our unconscious patterns of thought, new streams of understanding of Christ’s teachings begin to flow.

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Visit Rachelle’s Book Review Page to see all reviews HERE.

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Published on September 19, 2023 04:55

September 12, 2023

Book Review: I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906 by Lauren Tarshis

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

Powerful story packed into a quick read

I read this book aloud to my kids and they loved it. I loved reading it because it is rare to find an early middle-grade novel written with such excellent description and a moving storyline. The author did a wonderful job of dropping the reader right into the earthquake of 1906. We were riveted and my boys were begging me to read more each night.

It’s a quick read with fascinating facts. The I Survived books are great and my 12 year old son was so impressed that he went hunting on our bookshelf and found another book in this series to read on his own. Now I call that a win!

Here’s more about the book:

The terrifying details of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake jump off the page!

Ten-year-old Leo loves being a newsboy in San Francisco — not only does he get to make some money to help his family, he’s free to explore the amazing, hilly city as it changes and grows with the new century. Horse-drawn carriages share the streets with shiny new automobiles, new businesses and families move in every day from everywhere, and anything seems possible.But early one spring morning, everything changes. Leo’s world is shaken — literally — and he finds himself stranded in the middle of San Francisco as it crumbles and burns to the ground. Does Leo have what it takes to survive this devastating disaster?The I SURVIVED series continues with another thrilling story of a boy caught in one of history’s most terrifying disasters!

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Visit Rachelle’s Book Review Page to see all reviews HERE.

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Published on September 12, 2023 04:42

September 5, 2023

Book Review: Swimming in a Sea of Stars by Julie Wright

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

The Must-Read Novel About Suicide You Must Read

When I picked up Swimming in a Sea of Stars my daughter said, “Are you sure you want to read that one?” I said, “Yes, I love everything Julie Wright writes!” But I knew where her hesitation came from. This book is about a suicide attempt and as a survivor of suicide I was well aware that it might be difficult for me to read. I’m so glad that I mustered the courage to read it. Julie Wright has crafted a beautiful, original story that touches the heart, inspires the mind, and moves us to understand this devastating issue that is not going away just because we try to ignore it.

I devoured this book. I cried. I highlighted passages. I felt like Julie Wright had peeked inside my soul and understood the pain I feel because my husband died by suicide. I imagine that every person reading this book will have a different experience, but for sure they will experience something that will change the way they see the world. I also imagine that in a couple years when I read this book again I will cry in different parts and feel my heart warmed in others.

I sobbed over this line from the book:

“That was the thing I realized when it was almost too late. If I had succeeded, it wouldn’t have just been something I did to myself. It would also have been something I did to everyone who cared about me.”

Suicide is a problem that happens because of mental illness and we need to talk about it. Read this book, share this book, talk about this book, pass this book along. Please. Let’s give people the words they don’t know how to speak or understand–they are written here by Julie Wright for all of us.

Here’s more about the book:

Journal entry: Heading to school. I know what everyone will say. There goes the girl who tried to kill herself.

Addison is no stranger to feeling stressed, insecure, and sad. Her therapist recommended she keep a journal to help her understand those feelings better, which she really needs today. It’s her first day back to school, several weeks after she survived her suicide attempt. She knows there are rumors about why she did it: A lousy home life? Bullying? Heartbreak? None of them are true, but it doesn’t matter because Addison still feels like she’s drowning. She still holds secrets she’s not ready to share.

During the school day, Addison encounters four other students struggling with their own secrets:

Booker is anxious about seeing Addison. They were sort of a couple until he tried to kiss her. She fled and then tried to end her life. Those two things couldn’t be related, could they?

Celia feels trapped by her mother’s abusive boyfriend. She can guess why Addison did what she did.

Damion is TikTok-famous and thinks befriending Addison could boost his followers. But what no one knows is he needs the world to remember him since his sick mom doesn’t anymore.

Avery is considered a loner and doesn’t know Addison, but they have neighboring lockers. With Avery’s older brother in jail for dealing drugs, Avery is desperate for meaningful human connection.

Swimming in a Sea of Stars is a poignant and gripping novel about how we’re all interconnected, like the stars in the night sky that form constellations and map out the universe, and if even one star goes missing, the effect is profound.

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Visit Rachelle’s Book Review Page to see all reviews HERE.

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Published on September 05, 2023 04:06