Book Review: Charming Artemis by Sarah M. Eden

Book Thoughts by Rachelle

Charming Artemis by Sarah M. Eden brings together the saga of the Jonquil family and Lancaster family. If you’re like me then you’ve been fortunate enough to read over a dozen novels about these families. If not, then I highly suggest you go and read those first. It isn’t necessary, but you’ll have so much more fun checking in on all of the characters from the previous novels. There are so many different characters in this book that I’m tempted to go back and read all of the novels again to be reminded of the nuances in each of those romances.

Artemis Lancaster and Charlie Jonquil are sworn enemies, but in this enemies to lovers trope you will laugh, swoon, and maybe cry at the antics of the unlikely couple. There is a lot going on in this story and dozens of characters to follow. The Lancaster and Jonquil families are made up of wonderfully spirited and unique individuals. I enjoyed reading the banter between certain family members, (ahem, Adam and Phillip). I also enjoyed reading the kind, loving encounters between others and the way they solved problems together.

Artemis and Charlie have a careful, slow courtship after their marriage that will be sure to bring a smile to your face and warm your heart!

Here’s more about the book:

Charlie Jonquil is mild-mannered and kind—except when it comes to his one true adversary, Artemis Lancaster. Though Charlie has a brilliant mind for mathematics, Artemis poses a problem he can’t seem to comprehend: how can one be so lovely and so infuriating? A party in London brings him into the company of the maddening young lady, and it is clear that Charlie’s disdain is mutual. But when an unfortunate incident between the pair involving Charlie’s jacket and a glass of raspberry shrub leads to scandal, the sworn enemies are left with only two options: be ruined or be married.

So it is that Artemis finds herself in a most outrageous predicament: she must wed a gentleman she’s hated for years—and she pledges to avoid him at all costs. But it is only when they enter into this mockery of a marriage that Charlie and Artemis learn things are not as simple as they once appeared. As their tentative ceasefire leads to friendship, it seems their marriage born of desperation might lead them to a love that was destined to be.

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Published on April 02, 2024 04:46
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