Scoreless Game is almost here…

Once upon a time, LA Witt and I got an idea for a hockey romance. That was Rookie Mistake. Halfway through writing that book, we knew Julien and Isaac’s teammates, Elias and Nisha, were going to have a book of their own. Scoreless game is that book.

We knew their romance wouldn’t be easy, and boy, it was not. They love each other so much, but are completely oblivious to the other’s adoration. There are reasons for this, of course. The book is also an exploration of how the events of Roo...

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Published on February 27, 2023 15:47
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message 1: by Northie (new)

Northie I think you (or LA Witt) said the audio version would be some time later. Any idea when that might be? Looking forward to this very much.

message 2: by Anna (new)

Anna Northie wrote: "I think you (or LA Witt) said the audio version would be some time later. Any idea when that might be? Looking forward to this very much."

We're not sure yet. It's going to cost quite a bit to produce the audio, even splitting that between us, so we need to see how well the book does and what our finances look like, basically.

message 3: by Northie (new)

Northie Anna wrote: "Northie wrote: "I think you (or LA Witt) said the audio version would be some time later. Any idea when that might be? Looking forward to this very much."

We're not sure yet. It's going to cost qu..."

I'll buy the hard copy and hope... 🤞

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