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Prince Edward Island Dreams #2

Where Two Hearts Meet

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Evocative Contemporary Romance Set in a Charming Inn on Beautiful Prince Edward Island
In her kitchen at the Red Door Inn, executive chef Caden Holt is calm, collected, and competent. But when her boss asks her to show off their beautiful island to impress a visiting travel writer and save the inn, Caden is forced to face a world much bigger than her kitchen--and a man who makes her wish she was beautiful.
Journalist Adam Jacobs is on a forced sabbatical on Prince Edward Island. He's also on assignment to uncover a story. Instead he's falling in love with the island's red shores and Caden's sweets.
When Caden discovers Adam isn't who she thought he was, she realizes that the article he's writing could do more than ruin the inn's chances for survival--it might also break her heart.
Readers will discover hope for the hurting, joy for the broken, and romance for the lonely at the enchanting Red Door Inn.

378 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2016

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Liz Johnson

38 books633 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 188 reviews
Profile Image for Melanie.
2,140 reviews588 followers
October 12, 2017
I can't believe that it took me a year to start Where Two Hearts Meet and then I finished it in a day! Once I started, I didn't want to put the book down and I because engrossed in the story.

I really enjoyed how the MC was a chef; it was fun seeing Caden make dishes and reading all about the food. I also thought that Adam was a great character. He had some difficult choices to make and yet I think he made the right one in the end.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed Where Two Hearts Meet. I think the previous book, The Red Door Inn, is still my favorite, but this was a great continuation. I definitely recommend it if you enjoy contemporary romance.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*
Profile Image for Staci.
2,041 reviews601 followers
March 31, 2017
Where Two Hearts Meet was the second book in the Prince Edward Island Dreams Series. It was a sweet romance between a 27 year old woman insecure with herself and a man running from his past. I enjoyed how their romance very slowly blossomed. The main female character Caden is a bit beyond the weight she'd like to be and doesn't see her own beauty. Adam is a reporter that spent time with the Marines and has scars from that as well as from alcohol abuse.

I found this novel to be much stronger than the first in the series.

My gratitude to Rel of Relz Reviews and Publisher Revell for a complimentary copy of the novel.
Profile Image for Beth.
790 reviews350 followers
February 8, 2017
Where Two Hearts Meet is one of the sweetest, most endearing contemporary romances I have read this year and dare I say, in a long while. It’s not often that I find another contemporary romance author to add to me list. Liz Johnson’s style is reminiscent of Melissa Tagg’s style – who is one of my most favorite contemporary authors. Her writing is similar in tone, but Liz Johnson has a unique element here, in that the setting is Prince Edward Island. I immediately felt at home at the Red Door Inn and, more specifically, in Caden’s kitchen, drawn by a special element that the author has weaved within the pages of this story. Whether it is fragrant French press coffee, sweet cinnamon buns, or a traditional lobster dish, I was so drawn to Caden’s love of cooking – and Adam’s acceptance he found in her kitchen at the Red Door.

The romance is so tastefully done and, in a word, adorable. There is no high drama here, just a simple, touching tale of two people whose worlds appear to be at odds, but their connection somehow crosses those boundary lines in a realistic way that left me cheering for their happily-ever-after. I literally would look up from the page to realize that my face was stretched into a silly grin and a sigh had just escaped my mouth visualizing some of these scenes. The setting provides a charming, fresh backdrop to the story, and the descriptions of the town of North Rustico are a perfect complement.

Caden is a likeable, relatable character. My connection with her was instant. Her confidence in the kitchen is such a great foil to her insecurities in other parts of her life. I could easily empathize with her lack of self-esteem and her tendency to downplay her own accomplishments. Adam is a dear character as well. His past regrets make him a layered character, and he still has a deep sincerity about him, ever more evident the more he and Caden interact. The secondary characters are by turns charming and thought-provoking, whether it was the inn’s proprietor, Marie and her husband Seth, or the sweet, older couple at the inn for an extended summer stay, who have an inspirational story of their own, and whose wisdom and kindness provide a moving addition to the story.

If I have any issues about the story, it’s probably just that I wished for a deeper look at the friendship between Marie and Caden – although this could be partially because I haven’t read Marie’s story (yet), so just felt like I wanted to know her better. Perhaps the high pressure that they both found themselves under due to the Inn’s finances kept this from happening, but there were times that I just wanted them to open up to one another. The other thing, and this isn’t really a complaint, more than it is a wish for closure – but I really wished that Bethany’s character, who is so off-putting throughout the story, was touched on a bit more toward the end. However, there is more to come from this series, so one never knows who might come back in a later book.

All of the elements combined to create one satisfying read – the romance is nearly perfect and the plot is both simple in ways, yet full of life’s complexities, and most importantly, a well-woven, gentle spiritual thread brings all of the pieces together. Liz Johnson is a new author to me, but after finishing Where Two Hearts Meet, I will definitely go back and read the first book in the series and will wait for book three with eager anticipation.

I was provided an advanced copy of this book. The opinions expressed in my review are my own.
Profile Image for Heidi Robbins (Heidi Reads...).
1,622 reviews549 followers
March 19, 2018
So charming. I love the Red Door Inn and the great people in the community on PEI. We met Caden in the first book of the series as the bubbly and friendly baker that brightens Marie's day, so I was thrilled to see that the second book in the series featured her as the main character. There's a lot going on beneath that cheerful mask though- insecurity, vulnerability, and fear. I loved the layers to Caden's personality; even though she has struggles and often feels like a mess, she does have a quiet confidence and is accepting of herself and her flaws. Adam is dealing with some hard stuff, and in the Red Door Inn and Caden's friendship he finds a place to rest his spirit and a safe place to begin to sort things out. Adam is super friendly and appealing to Caden who has never really dated, but his charm didn't win her over so much as his persistence ;) There is great romantic tension that steadily builds and amazing special moments that Caden and Adam share. While this book can easily be read on its own, there is a subplot that is continued from the first book dealing with inn owner Marie and her father and their finances, and reading the books in order will give you a better sense of the history of the inn and Marie and Seth's characters.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)
Profile Image for Hannah.
2,563 reviews1,401 followers
October 22, 2018
A fun, colorful tale set in PEI at a Bed and Breakfast. Lovely setting and interesting characters, including seeing a good bit of Marie and Seth from book 1. I liked Caden in the first book and enjoyed her even more in this one. Adam is a tortured fellow, doing his best to keep on despite a recent blow to his career that him reeling.

The one thing I didn’t care for in this one is that Caden becomes ready to kiss Adam before he makes any sort of recommitment to God.

Fun series from an author I always enjoy reading.
Profile Image for Rachel Brand.
1,043 reviews103 followers
October 23, 2016
I went through a bit of a reading slump this year, but I couldn’t put off reading the next novel in the Prince Edward Island Dreams series. I mean, it’s a romance novel set on Prince Edward Island. And I’m the girl who still owns the complete Anne of Green Gables boxset on VHS. And DVD. And, of course, all nine of the books in the series. This is my thing, even if it takes me over a week to finish a book right now.

I really, really enjoyed the first book in the series, The Red Door Inn. I got totally sucked into all the drama of renovating the inn and enjoyed meeting the secondary characters who resided in North Rustico. I wasn’t desperate to read about Caden, but this book definitely won me over, and I think she may well be my favourite character in this series. Sorry, Marie! Maybe it’s because I’ve been watching a lot of Gilmore Girls lately (for the first time—I know, I’m super late to the fan club) but she reminded me a lot of Sookie, with her bubbly personality that shrouded her hidden insecurities. It was encouraging to read a romance novel with a heroine who wasn’t stick thin or perfectly curvy, but also who wasn’t desperate to lose weight. Caden might have had her doubts at times, but I was relieved that she didn’t spend half the book berating the way she looked. She felt real, and I loved it.

Readers who are returning to this series for the details about the inn will be pleased to find that most of the novel takes place at Rose’s Red Door, albeit mainly in the kitchen. I loved all of the descriptions of Caden’s baking and cooking, especially her cooking classes with the local teenagers, and her attempts to create an amazing dish for the lobster cook-off. I spent most of the novel craving cinnamon rolls and fresh coffee, as well as basically anything else that Caden baked. Although it’s evident to the reader that Caden is fantastic at what she does, she has her worries that she’s not good enough for the inn, and that she might get replaced by someone better if it helps Marie and Seth draw in more customers. At times I wished Caden would just talk to Marie about her fears, but as the story developed, it became clear that that isn’t the kind of thing Caden would do—that she’s the kind of person who dwells over things but isn’t bold enough to face them head-on and possibly cause conflict. So although it bugged me, it felt consistent with her character, and what we learn about Caden’s backstory.

Adam Jacobs also has his own secretive backstory—which is much more mysterious than Caden’s—and again, I did sometimes find myself wishing that he’d just talk to Caden or his brother or anyone about his struggles. Adam was probably even more reserved than Caden, and a lot of the novel is about him figuring out how to deal with his past and move forward while still honouring the people he’s lost. Just like Caden’s desire to prove herself through her cooking, Adam is determined to redeem his past mistakes through his journalistic writing. It was quite interesting learning about the inn and Marie’s connections through Adam’s eyes, even though I knew about most of her secrets from the first book in the series. It was fun to view North Rustico again through the perspective of a newcomer.

The romance between Caden and Adam is incredibly sweet, but not annoyingly or unrealistically so. They were cautiously adorable, and they’re probably one of my favourite couples from this year’s batch of romance novels—and I read a lot of romances. Although they had their arguments over misunderstandings and withheld information, they resolved them pretty quickly and were, on the whole, a really relatable, lovable couple. I rooted from them right from the start, even if I wasn’t sure how they were going to mesh their very different lives together. The growth of both characters was fantastic, in addition to the way that their romance developed.

I don’t really have any major complaints about Where Two Hearts Meet. Bethany’s character felt a tiny bit like a caricature, but I did wonder if she’d be the focus of a future book, and maybe we’d get some insights into why she behaved that way? Marie felt a bit cold and standoffish at times, but I was aware that we were only seeing her through Caden’s eyes and that she was going through a stressful time with keeping the inn financially stable. I did love the other secondary characters who visited the inn, particularly the elderly couple who bestowed so much wisdom on Adam. As with the first book, the setting and additional characters really bring the story to life.

Honestly, I just loved this story. The romance was slow and sweet, but it never felt boring. I really cared about Caden and Adam—both individually and as a couple—and their character arcs kept me thoroughly engaged throughout the entire novel. When I reviewed The Red Door Inn, I mentioned that it didn’t quite have all the elements necessary for (what I consider) an Absolutely Perfect Romance, but Where Two Hearts Meet definitely fulfilled all of the criteria. I can’t wait to see what Liz does with Natalie’s story in the next book in the series. Summer 2017 can’t come soon enough!

Review title provided by Revell.
Profile Image for Michelle.
966 reviews52 followers
October 23, 2016

I am loving this series by Liz Johnson! I have always wanted to visit Prince Edward Island and this book takes you right into the heart of it. I love the inn setting and I really enjoyed Caden's personality. I thought it was fun and also realistic to life. There is some humor that is a great addition and really the characters are what make this story. Great writing I can't wait until the next book!
Five stars.

"Thanks to Revell for the gift of this book. All opinions are my own."
Profile Image for Madison.
1,084 reviews68 followers
October 10, 2016
The day I started reading this book I made a batch of cinnamon (and apple and coffee) scrolls. It was just a coincidence, but a very nice one, especially when the first line of Where Two Hearts Meet is: "There was only one thing better than the smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls in the morning. The taste of freshly baked cinnamon rolls in the morning."

This book made me very hungry - for cinnamon rolls, lobster pasta, muffins, eggs Benedict, you name it. I was reading this just after eating dinner thinking about what meal I could eat next. But it also made me hungry for sea air and small towns, rugged coastlines and good friends.

Caden is the executive chef at Rose's Red Door Inn. She loves her job, but the future of the B&B may be in danger if they don't find a way to increase their bookings. When Marie discovers that a travel writer will be staying at the Inn, she and Caden are sure it is the handsome Adam Jacobs. Marie asks Caden to make sure Adam sees the best of the Inn and Prince Edward Island, and they forge a strong friendship as they spend time in Caden's kitchen and exploring the Island.

Caden is my kind of character. She loves to eat just as much as she loves cooking. She has lived in the same town all her life. She knows everyone and everyone knows her - but maybe too well, because sometimes all they see are her flaws. Her self esteem is extremely low. She's never been kissed, never dated anyone, isn't sure anyone would ever want to date her. But she's not a depressing character to read. Caden is sweet and kind and good natured. She dances and sings in her kitchen. She's fun to be around. And that brings us to Adam, because to Adam, Caden is the light to the darkness that has been clouding him for far too long. She teases him and shares her days (and food) with him. And he sees Caden for the wonderful person that she is - inside and out. Their friendship is beautiful and it was wonderful see them develop that friendship into a romantic relationship.

It was great to return to Price Edward Island and the Red Door Inn. Marie and Seth are secondary characters in this book, Seth especially only makes a couple of appearances but there are plenty of other familiar faces to catch up with, and some new ones too. While the books in this series do have their own story lines, the underlying threads of the story are best understood if the books are read in series order.

The only thing I had a problem with was Adam's guilt about his time with the military which resulted in the deaths of a number of people and yet every time it is mention only one person is the focus of that guilt and grief. Seemed strange he only felt guilty about one of them dying and not so much the other. But aside from that this is a beautiful book, and I am looking forward to continuing the series.

The publishers provided a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Find more reviews on my blog Madison's Library.
Profile Image for Caitlyn Santi.
Author 4 books89 followers
October 23, 2016
I really enjoyed the first book in this series when it released earlier this year, and I must admit that Caden was my favorite character in the first book and I was so looking forward to her story!
And I am thrilled to say that it exceeded every single one of my expectations! I loved this book even more than the first one! I really wish that Caden was real because I would love to have her as a best friend! I related to Caden in so many ways. As a curvy, single, never been kissed, twenty something woman myself this book totally and completely touched my heart, I felt like it was written just for me! I also loved how Caden listened to show tunes while she was cooking! I have read literally a few hundred Christian romance novels over the past few years and I can only recall one other where the heroine was beautifully curvy, rather than a stick figure and super model glamorous. Thank you Liz Johnson for writing a book that featured a beautiful heroine with a healthy and realistic body type, it was such an inspiration to me personally and I really think that every woman should read this book!

I cannot begin to describe how completely I was swept away into this book. I didn't think it would be possible but I think I fell even deeper in love with PEI while reading this book!
I loved every single moment of it, as evidenced by the fact that I finished it in about 24 hours!

I loved the romance in this book, it was so awesome that while there was definitely plenty of physical attraction between Caden and Adam, that was not the main focus of their relationship, I loved that their relationship was not rushed and that they became best friends long before they fell in love and shared their first kiss, and wow, what a kiss it was! :D

Where Two Hearts Meet was just total awesomeness on so many levels, I loved every single thing about it! It's definitely one that will have a permanent spot on my keeper shelf!

I received a copy of this book from Revell publishers. The above is my completely honest review, all thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own.

Profile Image for Brittany .
2,546 reviews179 followers
November 25, 2016
Where Two Hearts Meet was a sweet and touching romance set on beautiful Prince Edward Island. This lovely story had plenty of lighthearted and humorous moments, yet delved into much deeper issues as well. Some of the topics covered were self image, alcoholism,and guilt.

Where Two Hearts Meet is book two in the Prince Edward Island Dreams series, yet can be enjoyed even if you have not read book one. I have read book one, The Red Door Inn, and it was wonderful to catch up with characters from the first book. However, the main story is definitely about Caden and Adam. I really enjoyed learning about their back stories and watching them grow closer together. They both carried some baggage that they had to learn to overcome. Very enjoyable and heartfelt story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

You can read this review on my blog at:
Profile Image for Dawn.
781 reviews82 followers
November 30, 2016
My Thoughts:
When I met Caden in the first book, I wanted to know more about her. So when I saw that her story was going to the be the next book, I was thrilled.

I have to admit that this one was hard for me to get into. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy it, just that I had a hard time getting into the book. Still as the book went along, I was swept away into the beauty of both the story and the setting of Prince Edward Island.

I enjoyed getting to know both Caden and Adam. I loved seeing what came out of Caden's kitchen and watching Adam fall in love with her.

I'm looking forward to the third book in the series.

I received a complimentary copy of the book as a part of the Revell Reads blogger program. I was not required to like the book, only give my honest opinion.

Recommended to fans of women's fiction, Susan May Warren, Julie Klassen, Becky Wade, Melissa Tagg

Rating - 4 stars
Profile Image for Linda Klager.
880 reviews44 followers
May 1, 2018
For anyone who likes L. M. Montgomery books and the scenery of Prince Edward Island, this is the book for you. My daughter bought this book at a local Christian book store. We did not realize that it was book #2 in the series, but I believe that you can read all three of Liz Johnson's books as "stand alone" novels. After my daughter finished reading I was very interested in reading it. We both want to read all three books in this series.

Caden grew up in the PEI area. She has a great love of the land and loves to cook with home grown ingredients. In the beginning of the book she was very shy. I liked how the author developed her character to be the woman God created her to be.

The book was very up to date with what is happening in the world today. Adam had some very difficult things to work through. He had to learn to forgive himself.

I highly recommend this book.

Profile Image for Missy.
58 reviews6 followers
August 10, 2016

4.5 Stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Where Two Hearts Meet was a great addition to the Prince Edward Island Dreams series. I was captivated right away with the characters, plot, and writing. As the second book in Liz Johnson’s debut series, this particular book follows the Red Door Inn’s chef, Caden Holt and her story of finding love, self-acceptance, and most importantly; grace.

After learning her beloved Red Door Inn is facing financial hardships, Caden makes it her mission to help save the bed-and-breakfast. Her boss, Marie, informs her that a travel writer will be visiting the inn and that the good press will be beneficial in saving their business. When a man, Adam Jacobs, arrives and mentions that his editor made his reservations, the two women are convinced that he is the writer that they need to impress. Shy Caden is given the task of showing Adam around in hopes that he will write a glowing review. On top of that, she is stressing over finding the perfect Lobster recipe to prove herself as a chef. Despite her work load, Caden is unexpectedly placing one more task on her agenda; falling in love.

One thing that made me adore this book so much was fact that I related to Caden. Through her, I was able to learn from this book just by witnessing the heroine growing and developing confidence. Adam wasn’t any better off. Plagued with regret and guilt, the journalist had to work on overcoming those grievances in order to put the past behind him. Together, the two were able to grow and find the grace they both desperately needed.

I read Where Two Hearts Meet in one sitting. The combination of romance, mystery, and the gospel, was the perfect blend. While this book can be read as a standalone, to fully understand the origin of the Red Door Inn, I suggest reading the first book in the series, The Red Door Inn. . I look forward to reading the next installments and any additional books Liz Johnson writes.

Sincere thanks to Baker Publishing Group for providing me an ARC copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All thoughts are completely my own and I was not compensated in any way.

Profile Image for Sarita.
1,336 reviews647 followers
February 8, 2019
I enjoyed this sweet romance in the setting of PEI. It sounds idyllic. Not sure if I will ever be able to visit here other than through this series, but would love to be able to visit this beautiful place.

I adored Caden as the female lead. She was realistic and her insecurities are some that most women struggle with. Even though she had this struggles, she was still true to herself and did not want to change herself. There was a few times that her secret thoughts made me chuckle.

Adam I found to be a dashing, broken man that came to PEI to heal. His hunt for the story his editor sent him to the island for was intriguing. I enjoyed his interactions with Caden and how their relationship developed from strangers, to friends to romance.

There was a lot of secondary characters which added to my enjoyment of this story, and the their interactions with Caden and Adam had me smiling a few times, especially the teenagers in Caden's cooking class. The part with the lobster grilled cheese sandwiches was so funny. My favourite secondary characters were the elderly couple, Levi and Esther. I enjoyed them so much. What specifically stood out for me was where Esther told Adam, that if he wants to learn from Levi about his past, Adam need to share his story, specifically where she said it doesn't have to be a fair trade, but just a willingness to open up.

I'm looking forward to the the last book in the series.

*I listened to the audiobook and enjoyed the narrator. She brought the characters to life, especially Caden.
Profile Image for Beth | Faithfully Bookish .
910 reviews249 followers
July 29, 2017
Like many Anne enthusiasts, I've often dreamed of traveling to my dear literary friend's island home yet haven't had the opportunity to make that happen... until now! No, I'm not talking about hopping a plane or hitting the road, my preferred method of travel (less hassle and the price is just right) is through the pages of a good book (actually three in this particular case).

While I didn't pick this series up right away, the rave reviews and the appearance of an auburn-haired lady (and bold green accents) on the cover of the final book expelled all my "too good to be true" hesitations. I had the rare pleasure of devouring the entire series in quick succession and I have to say it made for a lovely PEI literary vacation!

While the Prince Edward Island Dreams series is a great read for all fans of Christian contemporary fiction, it is an extra special adventure for those of us who love Anne, Gilbert, and their island home. I highly recommend this entire series! Once you experience one story, reader friends, you will want to read them all!

I won an ARC of this book in a giveaway. The opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Cara Putman.
Author 61 books1,832 followers
February 3, 2017
Where Two Hearts Meet is Caden Holt's story. A baker and chef, she is as unsure of herself as she is sure that PEI is the only place in the world for her. Adam Jacobs has been sent to the B&B she works at on an enforced vacation. Traumatized by events he experienced while embedded with a military unit in the Middle East, he thinks he doesn't have a choice, while Caden and the rest at Red Door Inn are convinced he's the journalist who will save the inn. The small town charm and characters from the prior book along with a nemesis for Caden and enough sparks to keep romance readers engaged. Caden has to choose whether to believe someone can actually love her for who she is, while Adam has to learn to let go of events he can't control. I thoroughly enjoyed each page of Where Two Hearts Meet.
Profile Image for Becka.
712 reviews41 followers
June 3, 2023
I really enjoyed Caden’s story, even better than the first book of the series. Caden struggles with knowing her self-worth, a common struggle for so many. The themes of grace, faith over fear, and perseverance are well-developed. While the romance plays a major role in the plot, there are other quality plot lines that make it more than just a romance story.

As much as I enjoyed the story, I don’t recommend the audiobook. The narrator misread numerous words, replacing the actual word in the story with another that is visually similar, yet made no sense in the sentences. For some reason, at random times, she would begin to speak with a Southern accent, which also isn’t accurate to the story.
Profile Image for Kate.
1,698 reviews57 followers
February 13, 2019
I really liked how Caden came into her own in this book . . . how she learned that God had plans for her that went beyond what she could have imagined for herself.
I also enjoyed Adam's growth: that he was able to learn the place of grace in his life, rather than constantly trying to atone for his sins and shortcomings.
And, I thought the two of them together was absolutely adorable! I liked how their relationship grew into friendship first, and then, over time, into love.
I look forward to reading the final installment in this series.
Profile Image for Rissi.
453 reviews9 followers
January 15, 2018
Change is just what Adam Jacobs needs. Luck hasn’t been kind to him, and Adam certainly has no time for God in his life. This leads him to a small bed and breakfast on Prince Edward Island. There he meets Caden Holt. On the outside, Caden seems to have it all together. She’s living her dream through her work as executive chef of Red Door Inn, and has a loving family supporting her. But underneath this Caden conceals a person looking for one final achievement, an accomplishment that would put the struggling inn on the map.

As with her debut (Revell) novel, Liz again captures a special kind of magic with Where Two Hearts Meet. The story is pleasant and the writing style suits my reading tastes beautifully. It’s an easy-going style that isn’t difficult to read nor have I ever felt as if I needed to “push” myself to flip the pages. The story is simply there (if this makes any sense), waiting to unfold without forcing itself on its reader.

This follow up novel picks up where The Red Door Inn let off. We catch up with its protagonists, Marie and Seth, as Johnson follows their journey with their passion project, the Red Door. Primarily this is, of course, Caden and Adam’s story, but as a larger picture frame job, this is also a heartwarming series about family. Those you share DNA with and those you establish for yourself. This is such a story and then some. The characters are unforgettable. I loved Caden’s internal struggles as a reader because they’re so relatable; putting on a “together” personality while beneath it all, questions linger. Is this good enough? Am I doing enough? How can I challenge myself, grow, change? Then there is Adam.

Adam is the right man for this story. He’s got a messy history. He’s got a broken history. Two emotional weights that make him a dimensional, complex and curious hero who I wanted to know more about. He won me over without trying, and I respected him all the more for the way he loved Caden. Their story was the perfect one to enjoy when I did.

Another favorite element added to the many other things I loved about Where Two Hearts Meet were the scenes in the kitchen, which were many and fitting for the tale. It was a cozy setting that offered so much insight into Caden’s and Adam’s lives, both separately, and as a couple. Then there was that almost kiss! That’s all I’ll say about that. For obvious reasons.

Where Two Hearts Meet is a special story. It has everything the best contemporary novel should and proves it’s more than a piece of contemporary romantic drama. It proves historical novels aren’t the only genre to have hidden depth. In other words, Johnson’s novel again enchants and entertains without sacrificing its emotional strengths.❤

Sincere thanks to the publisher for providing a complimentary copy of this book.

Review text is © Rissi JC and first appeared on Finding Wonderland (Dreaming Under the Same Moon), RissiWrites.com November 2016!
Profile Image for Amy.
684 reviews40 followers
October 22, 2016
As always when I pick up a book by an author that is 'new to me', I hesitate a little, especially since this is book 2 of thee series. However, the big pull for me is the location. Nothing's better for me than reading a book based in a location I love, and this one is set in the Green Gables shoreline of Prince Edward Island. HELLO?! Yes! Only a little bit obsessed with Anne of GG here!

What we have is a sweet, gentle paced story about two people, so polar opposite, that you'd almost find a connection unbelievable. It works here. Throw in the location, and the rich secondary characters who play such a major role in the development of the 2 main players, while having a minor role in the plot, is well crafted.

Caden Holt, chef for the struggling Red Door Inn (feature of book 1 in the series), can count on one hand the number of days she has been away from PEI. A home girl, with a history of feeling like she's never been important to anyone, has left her with self esteem & confidence issues. She is quite at a loss to how she can help the Inn, and her friends who run it. Not one to over indulge however in her weaknesses, she is quite content, living on the Island, and loves her hometown and its people. Kind, caring and always willing to help another, and talented chef in the Inn's kitchen, it doesn't take long for journalist Adam Jacobs to notice her. Besotted with her cooking, and intrigued by the woman herself, Adam is on PEI on a joint mission to write an article that he hopes will redeem him from extreme guilt, and forced sabbatical by his boss Garrett.

Handsome and self assured, Caden is convinced there's no way in a million years, he'd take one look at her. This story is about redemption, forgiveness, and finding inner courage to step out of the boundaries of your comfort zone.

I loved it. Thank you to Netgalley & Revell for the ARC. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Melissa (Trying to Catch Up).
4,904 reviews2,684 followers
August 22, 2016
Johnson takes readers back to Prince Edward Island and Rose's Red Door Inn. This second installment has a great deal to say about acceptance of yourself and others despite past mistakes and perceived shortcomings. The deeper, more meaningful moments are balanced by humorous events. Caden is a realistic, believable character who many readers will identify with. The delectable food descriptions will make even the most astute reader hungry!
Caden Holt loves her job as chef at the Red Door Inn, but she longs for a bit of romance in her life and is resigned that it might never happen. Inn owners Marie and Seth are concerned when bookings aren't as plentiful as they should be to keep the place running, yet they get wind that a secret travel writer's review will give them the boost they need. Adam Jacobs is a writer who has come to stay at the inn for an extended period of time after a traumatic incident. Caden and Marie are sure that he must be the travel writer and set out to make his stay wonderful. Some attraction between Caden and Adam begins to take root, but neither is sure if this is right or even possible.
Profile Image for Maureen Timerman.
3,031 reviews488 followers
October 21, 2016
This is the second book in the Prince Edward Island Dreams series that I have read, and I enjoyed this one as much as the first, and can’t wait for the next one to come out.
We are back with Marie and Seth, and Caden Holt is their chef, and if I could only eat the words, the food sounds so so good, but an old nemesis is back in town, Bethany, and she wants to take Caden’s job. Of course Caden is insecure, and seems to think that Bethany might be able to steal her job, what can she do?
When Marie asks Caden to show their guest Adam Jacobs around the Island, she has to come out of her shell to try and help save the Inn, but she gets more than she has bargained for.
While Adam fights his demons, he has to come to terms with several deaths that he blames himself for, and there are other visitors to the Inn that might just be able to help him, if he will let them.
Come and enjoy a beautiful area of our World, a bit of romance, and a lot of delicious cooking.
I received this book through Revell Book Blogger’s Program, and was not required to give a positive review.
Profile Image for Joleen.
2,402 reviews1,219 followers
February 28, 2018
Liz Johnson has once again whisked me off to a warm summer on Prince Edward Island, surrounding me with unique characters I could easily see as friends. The smell of cinnamon rolls from the inn's kitchen, and beautiful hikes along the green scenery charms me so much, I'm looking into a visit there this summer. After reading The Red Door Inn nearly a year ago, I knew when I picked this up I'd be just as charmed. And I was!

Brief synopsis for my benefit..

This story was an epic romance, one not readily seen, but grows as their friendship takes on a depth neither expected. Such fun observing how this gentle, handsome man looks beyond her low self esteem, or how residents of this town view her, but can see in Caden her true loveliness. Inspiring!

Normally I'm not drawn to contemporary romances, but I believe I'd read most anything by Liz Johnson. Good book!
Profile Image for Kelly Bridgewater.
1,136 reviews57 followers
July 4, 2018
Contemporary Romance is predictable with a couple that argue and has bumps on the road with emotions flying all across the pages. Where Two Hearts Meet by Liz Johnson does exactly that. I do adore how she dives well into the characters' emotions, just like most good romantic authors do. I enjoyed the plot. It reminded me of a little of Rachel Hauck's story Dining With Joy. I did enjoy spending time with Adam and Caden. Both characters had hurts and realistic flaws I could empathize with. The plot moved at a good pace. It did keep my attention. The only quirk that rubbed me the wrong was the incident where Caden figures a lie from Adam. Didn't really seem like something that was wrong for Caden. It appeared odd and took me out of the story as I shook my head in disbelief. Overall, Where Two Hearts Meet is a predictable contemporary romance with flawed and multi-dimensional characters. Fans of Becky Wade, Melissa Tagg, and Kara Issac might enjoy this novel.
Profile Image for Shannon - wildflowerbookshelf.
120 reviews10 followers
February 26, 2023
My new favorite comfort read! 🥰 this one is going to be reread a lot, I just know it!

There’s something about Liz Johnson‘s writing that just makes me so happy and content while reading. She always transports me right to Prince Edward Island and has made it a mandatory addition to my travel bucket list.💕

Her cast of characters (major and minor) is so relatable and wonderful and people I want to actually meet! Aretha just always is amazing (in book 1 and this one), and Levi and Esther were new perfect additions! 🥰

I just love love love the sweet romance! 🥰 and I REALLY loved Caden and Adam and their relationship! The beginning insecurities(which I TOTALLY related to), the friendship, the romance, the story! I just loved all of it!

Well done Liz! I can’t wait to
Profile Image for Emma.
457 reviews2 followers
February 12, 2023
4.5 stars⭐️ This was such a sweet, cozy book and I enjoyed it so much! I loved the characters and I absolutely loved the setting! I loved the cozy small town feel and reading about the lives of the people living at a cozy inn on Prince Edward Island.

Caden was definitely a kindred spirit. I loved her character and the fact that she was a chef! I related to her a lot. Reading about her sweets definitely made me hungry. I also loved Adam. They were such a cute couple and I love that they became friends before becoming more. I adored them and their story!

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this sweet story! It had such great faith content. I was laughing/smiling basically the whole time but there were also emotional moments too. This was be a perfect book to read in summer. 💗
Profile Image for Melissa aka Melmo.
2,975 reviews
October 8, 2018
This is probably my favorite book of the series. I am 90% done with the last book in the series and while I am enjoying it immensely, this story here with the totally endearing characters of Caden and Adam was truly adorable. I so felt for both these characters. This had a great storyline and I couldn't wait to see what happened. Sweet story.
Profile Image for Loraine Nunley.
Author 27 books98 followers
August 19, 2020
I knew when I met Caden in the first book of this series that I would love her story and I was right! There was no way I was going to be able to resist rooting for such a sweet and down to earth woman. The romance between her and Adam was everything I want to read in a love story. Full review is at my website: LoraineNunley(dot)com
Profile Image for Janet.
2,728 reviews24 followers
April 20, 2019
Character-driven with a lovely setting. This is a beautiful story that readers can easily fall in love with.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 188 reviews

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