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The 100 #4


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Centuries after nuclear war destroyed our planet, humanity struggles to rebuild. It’s been a month since the dropships landed and the Colonists joined the Hundred on the ground. The teens, once branded juvenile delinquents, are now leaders among their people.

The Colonists and the Earthborns are celebrating their first holiday together when, to everyone’s horror, they’re attacked by a group of strangers whose unusual battle cries fill the air. The newcomers kill scores of people, seize prisoners, and pillage crucial supplies. When hotheaded Bellamy and his analytical girlfriend Clarke discover that Wells, Octavia and Glass have been captured, they vow to get them back at all costs. But as they go after their new enemies, Bellamy and Clarke find themselves increasingly at odds, unable to agree on a plan to save their friends.

Meanwhile, Wells, Octavia, and Glass are being slowly brainwashed by their captors, religious fanatics with one goal: to grow their ranks and “heal” the war-ravaged planet… by eliminating everyone else on it.

But centuries of radiation exposure have taken their toll, forcing the cult to take drastic steps to survive. And unless the rescue party arrives soon, the teen captives will face a fate more terrifying than anything they could imagine. In this thrilling fourth installment, the hundred fight to protect the people they love on the dangerous planet they always dreamed of calling home.

352 pages, Paperback

First published December 6, 2016

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About the author

Kass Morgan

19 books4,917 followers
Kass Morgan studied literature at Brown and Oxford, and now resides in Brooklyn, where she lives in constant fear of her Ikea bookcase collapsing and burying her under a mound of science fiction and Victorian novels.

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Profile Image for ✨    jami   ✨.
726 reviews4,197 followers
December 24, 2016
UNBELIEVABLE. I'm so irritated


FIRST OF ALL: don't tell me this is a trilogy and then make it a quad ? ilogy

SECOND OF ALL: why the fuck are you using tv covers for the boosk full time now
it is bc the author herself has accepted the books don't even compare to their tv adaptation and that somehow tv is absolutely slaying this series while the books ... are not

ANYWAY now I gotta hurl this series out of the "completed" list unbelievable.
I mean, I'm going to read this bc I'm a mindless consumer and I suck and I HATE TO HAVE THIS SERIES UNFINISHED WHEN KNOWING I HAD IT DONE GAVE ME SO MUCH SATISFACTION

but anyway what the fuck
Profile Image for Julie.
997 reviews278 followers
February 11, 2017
(This review contains spoilers that I haven't hidden with a cut, because I don't give a damn! Consider this yr warning.)

Anyway, hi! I'm back, still stubbornly reading this series! The fourth book was a surprise, because I expected it to end as a trilogy -- but I do think this must be the last of the series, considering how Morgan ties it all off with a pretty, idyllic bow at the end. Overall 2.5 stars, and (surprisingly) maybe the best of the series. But it's still incredibly shallow and superficial, and still has plot holes that you could drive a truck through.

This kind of truck.

The overarching conflict centers around some of our colonists being kidnapped by a dystopian cult called the Protectors, who revere the Earth, and who have somehow been roaming all over the country and killing/kidnapping/assimilating Earthborns, and yet no one has ever heard of them. Their entire society is supposedly written to sound eerie and creepy (down to ritualistic call-and-responses that reminded me of Hot Fuzz more than anything else, and men kneeling and having their heads patted like dogs by their ruler), but their brainwashing is just unbelievable instead, and the whole setup reads like a completely absurd, poor man's version of The Handmaid's Tale. Everyone was just so one-note and brainwashed and cultish that it was impossible to see any of the antagonists as human beings, or to properly fear them as a result, because they were too cartoonish.

So once again, let's itemise these plot holes:
1) The Protectors somehow swan into the camp, into the colony's most fortified and protected building, steal every single one of their weapons, and nobody notices:
At the edge of the clearing stood the newly built watchtower, where the guards kept their weapons. It was the most fortified building in the camp.

One of the younger guards, Willa, emerged from the tower, yawning. "Do you have the next shift, Luke?" she called, breaking into a slow jog as she made her way toward them. "It's completely dead. No signs of activity. There aren't even weapons to look after."

Luke's brow furrowed slightly. "What do you mean?"

"I guess they moved the weapons out?" Willa shrugged. "I left my rifle on the rack but now it's gone."

How in the heck did they steal all the guns??? Even the slightest attempt at explaining how this was accomplished would have been good; let alone glossing over it and making the colony behave like such complete ninnies in the process that they don't even notice it's happened. Everyone's guard is so let down, despite the fact that they're in dangerous, unknown territory and should be on alert. It's not like they had just survived a brutal onslaught by another violent faction or anything. (Oh, wait. They did.)

2) Seriously though, no one is taking proper precautions. Once again at the end, after the Protectors' leader is killed:
"They'll regroup," Luke said, his voice tight. "We should expect a skirmish as soon as we start back west--"

"I doubt it," Glass cut in quietly. "They don't have anyone commanding them anymore. It'll take them longer than a few hours to figure out how to start thinking for themselves. They'll have to find their way back to other groups of Protectors, and there aren't other settlements near here, at least not from what I'd gathered. I don't think we'll have to worry about them again."

HOW DO YOU KNOW, GLASS???? SHE IS JUST SO FIRMLY CONVINCED OF THIS. It gave me such terrible flashbacks to her being convinced in a previous book that eloping with Bellamy's executioner would throw the evil vice chancellor into a tizzy and thus postpone Bellamy's execution for a few days (rather than, yanno, the vice chancellor simply picking another executioner from his 20 other guards). I hate to keep making comparisons to the TV show, but in the show, they make the mistake of letting a single Mountain Man escape, which as a decision still comes back to bite them in the ass (as it should). Here, it's an entire trained faction of militaristic men running off into the usnset. Sure, they're leaderless for now, but that alone isn't enough to guarantee anyone's safety from them tbh, considering what psychopaths they've been this whole way through.

3) The kidnapped characters have only been with the cult for FOUR DAYS, and within that period, the cultists immediately start trusting them, leaving them alone (where they can conspire with each other), even giving them guns (!), and letting them have access to boats that they could use to row away. Brainwashing takes longer than that, y'all. It is completely unbelievable that they run their society like this.

4) Ugh, Paul. This guy exists to hit on Clarke and create more artificial friction/tension/jealousy on Bellamy's end. He's also so intolerably smug and cowardly that he doesn't read like a multi-layered person at all: he's just a shallow semi-antagonist.

5) Our heroes, while scouting out the enemy's fortress, conveniently have the ground open up below their feet and drop them right into the enemy's armoury, filled with all of the Protectors' guns and grenades. I sincerely wish I was kidding. They LITERALLY, PHYSICALLY FALL INTO THE ARMOURY. This is such a ridiculous deus ex machina that eradicates any need to strategise or plan or... do.... anything, instead letting them immediately overpower all of the enemy, and swoop in and rescue everyone with no losses on their end during the rescue.

7) Once again, Bellamy and Clarke experience such immediate emotional 180s, going from complete cooperation, to fighting with each other, to making up and marriage proposals. (Sigh.) I'm all about this ship, but their relationship is filled with such unsubtle whiplash rather than any slow development.

8) Wells' inspirational speech to his fellow recruits inciting them to rebellion ends with all of them SHOUTING AND CHANTING IN AGREEMENT. Shouldn't they be a bit more discreet, considering their cultist guards could be right outside the door??? Jesus fucking christ.

9) The big ~*reveal*~ at the end of the previous book was that Clarke's parents were miraculously alive, having been secretly sent to Earth, survived entirely on their own, and then eventually intercepted her radio message and made their way to Mount Weather and the radio room and walked in on her there. (Yes, I know.) And so they're present in this book, but just to...... You know what, I don't know. They serve literally no function in this narrative, apart from getting a Griffin family heirloom to Bellamy so he can use it as an engagement ring. This might seem like a small quibble, but it's a constant irritation of mine with Morgan's writing throughout this series, that subplots get thrown in here for no apparent reason and that no point to them. Why strain the very limits of plausibility to have them survive, if they're not going to play any role in the narrative afterwards?

10) My only bit of positivity: yay Octavia/Anna though! More F/F relationships! That was a nice touch.


tl;dr: These books are still very sub-par YA. There is so much better YA out there. Go read Michael Grant's Gone series instead if you'd like a good ole meaty YA with diverse characters, teenagers having to form their own societies, struggling to survive in apocalyptic scarcity, and being faced with painful moral dilemmas. Or go watch The 100's TV show (almost entirely unrelated to the book series) for, again, moral ambiguity and tough decisions and compelling antagonists and inter-faction conflict.

My reviews:
- The 100 (#1)
- Day 21 (#2)
- Homecoming (#3)
Profile Image for Ricky.
Author 8 books179 followers
January 4, 2017

Behold, another book of The 100!

I think I was just as surprised as anyone else in this fandom when I learned that Kass Morgan was giving us a fourth book - because it came almost a full two years after Homecoming, and I think we were all under the impression Morgan was ending things with the trilogy (even if it was pretty open-ended.) Turns out she wasn't out of ideas - and this latest idea of hers, while a little more divergent from the CW series (they'll never adapt this book at this point because its cult-themed story would be perceived as too similar to Season 3's ALIE storyline), is her best one yet, with some of the highest stakes to match the series.

Also, unlike the series, at least in the books, Bellarke shippers like myself can be guaranteed some satisfaction.

But back to those stakes. Escaping a doomsday cult (kinda redundant post-apocalypse, no?) proves increasingly challenging for our beleaguered survivors, especially when some of them start to fall under the cult's spell. Thankfully, they soon come to their senses after seeing how diabolical the cult's intentions truly are.

No spoilers, of course. Just suffice it to say that though I've long preferred the TV series, this is the first book of The 100 that I've found to match the show's stellar quality.
Profile Image for ZohreH.
174 reviews
July 9, 2023
امیدوارم بانو کاس مورگان تصمیم نگیره که جلد 5 رو استارت بزنه

سخت ترین جلد 4م عمرم رو خوندم. بی دلیل ترین، لوس ترین، همین طوری حالا بنویسیم ترین و خیلی ترین های این مدلی دیگه
نوشتنش اصلا ضرورتی نداشت

یه تیکه کوچیک فقط میگم و سخن و کوتاه می کنم
فرض کنید با یکی از هم تیمی هاتون رابطه عشقولانه دارید و به قول جناب حاجی زاده مرتب و راه به راه بهش علاقه های طولانی نشون می دادید حالا یهو سر مسایل استراتژیک رابطه تون شکرآب شده و یه مدته با هم حرفم نزدید

بعد فرض کنید یکی دیگه از هم تیمیها که رفیقتونم هست می فرستید به هوای مذاکره تو دل یه فرقه ای که اصلا ایده ای ندارید چی هستن! بعد اون فرقه سر هم تیمی شمارو می برن و می ذارن روی بدن یه مترسک و ولش می کنن وسط جنگل(حالا اصلا بماند که مثلا باید این فرقه مخوف و بیرحم به نظر برسه، اما بیشتر خنده دارن تا ترسناک و اصلا چیزایی که نويسنده تعریف می کنه با چیزی که نشون میده همخونی نداره، حداقل به نظر من )

یهو دارید اون وسطا راه میرید که به سر بریده هم تیمی تون برخورد می کنید، همزمان اون هم تیمی دیگه تون که عشقتونم هست با صدای جیغ شما خودشو می رسونه. بعد همون جا همو بغل می کنید و قربون صدقه هم میرید و از خوبی های هم میگید و اینکه چقدر شگفت انگیز هستید شماها

اگه من هم تیمی مو توی اون شرایط ببینم، حتی اگه خیلی هم سرسخت و قوی و مسلط به نفس باشم، حداقل واکنشی که نشون می دم بُهت و سکوت طولانیه تا ببینم باید چه خاکی تو سرمون بریزیم. نمی پرم بغل عشقم و قربون صدقش برم

شما رو به خدای بزرگ می سپارم

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Profile Image for Evoli.
263 reviews103 followers
April 24, 2024
I definitely preferred the beginning of this series over that fourth book...
Well, kind of not really shocked / disappointed because it was an expected turn of events.
It certainly seems like this was originally planned to be a trilogy. The story wraps up neatly at the end of the third book, and the fourth feels more like a stand-alone.

Nevertheless, I do believe that the TV series is worth watching!!!
Profile Image for ˙⋆✮ Anny ✮⋆˙.
502 reviews300 followers
September 18, 2019
3.5 stars
Before I begin my review, let me make one thing clear: THE 100 TV SHOW IS MY LIFE. So YES, I'm biased concerning this book. So of course when I found out there was a 4th book to the series, I had to read it, even though I like the show better than the books.

First, it felt super strange to get back to reading a The 100 book because the characters are quite different. Clarke, Bellamy and Octavia are the only ones that are the same in the books as in the tv show. And I love all these characters. I especially enjoyed the chapters written from Bellamy's perspective, he's such an interesting character! Ohh, and Bellarke of course. This book gave me some serious Bellarke feels and I loved it!! (Am I weird for not shipping them in the show but totally shipping them in the books?!)

I think this book is really more about the characters than about the plot. It was interesting enough to always keep reading (and it was a very quick read), but there wasn't really happening that much. In the beginning and in the last third, there was some action happening, but in between it was just making plans. We got to know the characters and their relationships, but regarding how much they were talking about getting their captured friends back, the actual rebellion in the end was over again pretty soon.

Also, after reading the synopsis, I would've expected the people of the so-called cult being a bit more...well, crazy maybe, or even terrifying. But maybe here again my expectations were higher because of the tv show (Mount Weather or Sanctum in the recent season 6).

So all in all this wasn't a bad book. Actually it was a good book, a fast and entertaining read and I enjoyed it. It just wasn't something special that I would rate full 4 stars. But still, reading this felt a bit like coming home because I met Clarke, Bell and Octavia again. And (yeah, ok, also because of the tv series) I had these pictures in my head while reading it. Felt good to be back ❤
Profile Image for Chelsea.
1,149 reviews585 followers
July 5, 2017
This book is pretty much exactly what I expected; a completely unnecessary addition to a completed trilogy. I didn’t hate it enough to give it one star, but this book adds nothing to this series.

After everything has wrapped up, the story follows the characters after a new group of people kidnap a few of the group. The story is almost 300 pages of this random kidnapping plot that feels so irrelevant compared to the plot of the original series.

There’s no denying that the reason a fourth book was ordered is because the name of the wildly popular TV show brings in money. Frankly, I’m rather disappointed with the show after the third season, but the books are still at a much lower quality.

The characters feel so immature for their supposed ages. The writing is dull and has no flair.
I’ve read fanfiction of the show better than this. To be honest, this is just fanservice for Bellarke shippers (I don’t even ship it anymore tbh).

Hopefully this is the real end to the series, as I doubt I will continue if it is extended again. If you enjoyed the first three books you might enjoy this one as well, but if you’re happy with how the trilogy wrapped up this isn’t really worth it.
Profile Image for Mohamed Metwally.
634 reviews86 followers
May 12, 2024
As I expected after finishing the third book, there was no more to the story to be told, and if the series stopped there it would've been OK. Actually, I was half epecting the final epsiode to tell the story of Clark's parents, where have they been hiding, and how did they get access to radio equipment, and what was their purpose in using it, since they already have met and parted with the existing earthborn colony? this is an area that needed some more light and was left unanswered and can fill an entire book on its own that can be placed as book 2.5. As for this book, it can be considered as a seperate book from the original story line. For me this is book 3.1 not book 4...

Profile Image for sandra ☕️.
39 reviews33 followers
July 25, 2018
I did enjoy this book but it was just too short.
This could've easily become the best book in this series because the idea behind this one was by far the best. This should've been longer, a lot longer.

What I probably loved the most about this book is Octavia's development. She's one of my favorites in the TV Show and I was kind of sad that she was just an unimportant character in the previous book. I still think she should've played a bigger part in this series. But I can say that I enjoyed her character a lot more in this book than in the previous ones.

I liked Glass's and Well's chapters a lot more than Clarke's and Bellamy's. I felt like they were being a bit overdramatic.

As I said, I liked the idea behind this book. It was thrilling and I couldn't put the book down during some parts. I just don't understand why the author didn't make this book longer.

What I didn't like at all was the ending. I'm sorry but that was just too cheesy for me. I really think it could've been done better.

To sum up: It's not a bad book, don't get me wrong, I just feel like the author could've made more out of this idea.

Rating: 3.25 stars
Profile Image for Rowan.
498 reviews31 followers
November 27, 2017
Ik heb weer zo genoten van dit boek 😍 spanning, avontuur, mysterie en romantiek: alles waar ik van hou zat in het verhaal!
Profile Image for AMadalenaDivaga.
223 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2017
Not as disappointing as the last one, but I still think these books had so much more potential to them! I really like the idea behind the plot and the characters are amazing, but I just feel that the story is too basic and predictable. If this series continues, I'll keep reading it because 1) I don't like leaving series unfinished, and 2) despite all the plot flaws, I like the characters and I would like to see what happens to them.
However, if I had to choose between the book series and the TV series, I would pick TV.
Profile Image for Rissa.
1,461 reviews45 followers
April 11, 2018
Rebellion 3.5⭐️
Its weird reading the final book after i watched the entire series up til now because the show has took on a world of it own (but are really good and i dont their changes at all) but the books are still amazing just confusing reading Wells perspective when well, you know.
Profile Image for Elyse.
2,763 reviews139 followers
March 24, 2018
Are we done with this series yet? I feel like it could've stopped at book 3. And then all of a sudden there's a book 4. I fee like there was a real conclusion so hopefully we're done here. I don't even know how she can keep writing, knowing the TV show has surpassed the books by a long shot. The first book wasn't even out for a year when the show premiered!! lol. They're vastly different beasts (they kind of always have been) but I could see Kass being influenced by the show. There's just so much more excitement in the show than the books. This book was okay but please, let's be done!
Profile Image for jordan.
272 reviews38 followers
January 1, 2022
i adore bellarke and am, therefore, obsessed with the ending. however, the series feels incomplete. i have so many questions that went unanswered and there are a bunch of loose ends that were never tied up. the protectors were a good change in speed for the narrative but overall it’s just weak. anyway, 5 stars for bellarke and bellarke only.
Profile Image for Kalina Mincheva.
461 reviews97 followers
June 10, 2018
Уау! Не мога да повярвам колко различни истории представляват книгите и сериалът едни от други. Което е направо супер, защото така получавам двойна порция приключения с моите любимци Стоте. Сюжетът в книжната поредица е крайно различен от екранизацията, както са и самите герои. Кларк, Белами, Октавиа и Уелс, макар и да споделят еднаква основа, надграждат коренно различни характери в двата типа истории. Поредицата на Кас Морган със сигурност става следващото ми любимо книжно четиво и определено ще чакам с нетърпение пълният й превод на български език. Все пак сега, когато знам как приключва всичко, мога спокойно да дочакам издаването на поредицата у дома :)
Profile Image for HippieWitch.
241 reviews39 followers
July 2, 2019
Nooooooooooooooooo!!!! I’m not ready for the series to end, especially the way it ended. I need more!! Now I guess I should watch the TV series :)
Profile Image for Izzy..
155 reviews23 followers
August 8, 2022
okay this is definitely my favorite book of the 100 series books. bellamy and clarkes relationship is literally everything. this book also flowed much better i think plot wise. i don’t know if i liked the whole protectors cult thing tho. in the end, i definitely like the show better still, but i don’t think that the books are bad either.
Profile Image for Joana (Miss Known).
115 reviews2 followers
August 18, 2021
I think this book could be another trilogy.

The first three books in this series (The 100, Day 21, Homecoming) follow one plotline. What's introduced in the first book is only concluded in the third. And Rebellion introduces a new plot with new characters. Although, one book doesn't allow much room to explore this new storyline to a point of satisfaction.

The pace of the story is more rushed than normal, but it had to have everything condensed. In one moment Glass is "feeling at home", and in the next, she just wants to run away. If this story was told between multiple books then she could go on these different moods and not feel rushed.

Something that annoyed me was Wells forgetting about Sasha. In the beginning, she doesn't leave his mind but then, not a single mention. These changes are quite noticeable because the story is so small. Give me two more books and I have zero problems.

I wish there was an epilogue to say what all the characters are going. Clark and Bellamy have their ending, but Wells, Glass and Luke didn't have one. And I wish I knew. I love them all and I want to know what life has in store for them.

No matter if these are good or bad books, every time I finish reading one I want to crawl back in again. It feels like a warm hug when I think back on this series, and I'm sad it's over.
Profile Image for Samantha ♡ ( Percy’s Version ).
123 reviews138 followers
July 25, 2024

Although I enjoyed this book well enough I will stand by the fact that it should have stayed a trilogy. This just felt unnecessary and a cash grab. They were doing well when the last book ended off and then you just introduce this new faction out of nowhere and not mention anything about them in the previous 3 books. At least with the Earthborns they were present through the books.
Profile Image for Céline.
475 reviews20 followers
January 12, 2020
Een van mijn voornemens voor het nieuwe jaar was meer boeken lezen uit eigen kast. En zo besloot ik om eerst alle niet afgelezen series te vervolledigen. Zo begon ik vol moed aan deel 3 met aansluitend deel 4 van The 100-serie van Kass Morgan. Als ik eerst de boeken had gelezen en daarna de serie had gezien, had ik waarschijnlijk al bij het eerste deel van deze boekenserie afgehaakt. Ik lees absoluut niet graag boeken over de ruimte en van dystopische boeken algemeen. Buiten wat uitzonderingen uiteraard maar over het algemeen sta ik niet te springen om deze te kopen. Maar toen ik de serie uitkeek op Netflix begon ik toch wel nieuwsgierig te worden naar deze boekenserie en wonder boven wonder las ik alle vier de delen uit. Was het fenomenaal net als de serie? Neen. Was het slecht? Neen. Maar ik was wel redelijk teleurgesteld. Ik had echt enorm veel actie verwacht en er gebeurde maar niets. Het derde deel vond ik het beste uit de reeks maar zelfs de ontknoping vond ik echt teniet doen aan het concept. Maar ik moet wel zeggen dat het erg leuk was om mij nog eens onder de personages te begeven en uiteindelijk ben ik wel blij dat ik deze serie uitlas. De serie blijft voor mij het beste en bewijst even het tegendeel dat boeken beter zijn dan de verfilming. Hierbij was de verfilming in mijn ogen beter.
Profile Image for Jessica {Litnoob}.
1,264 reviews99 followers
December 30, 2016
While I feel like my opinion is 500% biased and everyone should know that going in, I also feel like this book, like the others in the series was awesome. True I adore this world and the characters and they are very clearly my happy place but still I think anyone could find enjoyment in this world with these people. We get to see a threat facing our favorite survivors and it's one they haven't dealt with before. It opens their world up even more and gives them new challenges, a new foe and one it's so much harder to fight against. There's trials and tribulations but the pacing is so quick you feel like a survivor just trying to make it through alive which I love. My only complaint is not getting a POV from Luke or Octavia... I'd love to be in their heads a bit. Totally recommend and while I hope there's more in the series If it does even here then it's such a satisfying close (even if I hope for more lol)
Profile Image for Kirra.
516 reviews18 followers
December 19, 2016
I read the first three books of this series early last year when I fell in love the show (in the early seasons) and then this book came out so I was actually pretty confused when I started reading this book and I basically couldn’t remember a thing that had happened in the last book! It was also really surprising that this book even came out because everyone assumed that was the end because there were three books and the third book ended fairly rounded but I guess the popularity of the show fueled this one. I’m not complaining because I was very sad when I realized there were only three books but I do feel like this one didn’t really fit into the world Kass Morgan had formed in the books before.

This book seemed in one word- rushed. The book started off with everyone setting up for the Harvest Feast and in a happy mood but Bellamy has concerns that they’re being watched and thinks the feast is the perfect time for someone to attack them. Then that very thing happens pretty soon after! It was clear it would happen but it was still creepy when it did because these new villains in this book are totally messed up. Then it seems like it spirals quickly from then on with action, action, action and emotions everywhere!

I think the ending was the most rushed part of the book but I still absolutely loved the ending of this book because it was sweet and good and it does seem like it’s actually the end now but of course, I’d read whatever else she wrote for this series as well. It was also an incredibly quick read because it was only 300 pages and it was told in the perspectives of Bellamy, Clarke, Wells and Glass so on average they all only had about 75 pages each! I also feel like Clarke had the least involvement in this book so I was disappointed about that but it could have been purposeful to give Wells and Glass more action in this book. I do feel like it ended up fitting with the series towards the end of the book when it really felt like a great group of people working together to survive and thrive. Overall, it was an absolutely engaging read and the pages completely melted away like the words couldn’t write themselves quick enough for me to read if that makes sense!

Favourite Quotes…

- “We’re the Protectors.”

- “Nothing I like more than a killer with a red ribbon in her hair.”

- “You’re never going to trust me, will you?”

- “I love all of you, Bellamy Blake.”

“Welcome home.”

*Spoilers Below*

Profile Image for Christie K.Rowling.
594 reviews125 followers
September 15, 2020
Esta reseña sirve como opinion del tercer y cuarto libro de la tetralogía "los 100" ya que en sí, estos libros no dan para más.

Creo que la historia partía, en un inicio, de una base bastante atractiva que la autora no ha sabido aprovechar y ha llenado las hojas con bobadas y romances empalagosos e innecesarios.

Son libros sosos y terriblemente decepcionantes.

Una pena.
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421 reviews28 followers
February 21, 2021
Ik hou van de boekenserie van de 100. Deze had ik alleen nog nooit eerder gelezen. Maar wat is dit deel weer geweldig! Stiekem hoop ik dat er nog een deel aankomt.
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