Quotes tagged as "2021" Showing 1-30 of 35
“Let your new energy, new thoughts, new attitude, new routine & new outlook make this time most sacred, memorable & beautiful for you & others. Let you also begin to see greater in everything & believe in unexplainable possibilities. Let you grow in ways which you never knew was possible.

Darling listen – Don’t let the magic in the air get swallowed up by someone’s nonsensical thoughts, words, comments & by any kind of pressure in the air.

I wish & pray that these last few days of this year be the best part of this year for you & everyone!

Stay Healthy, Happy & Meaningful! Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal

“The beauty of their silence was in everything that they heard around them.”
Aimée Craft, Treaty Words: For As Long As the Rivers Flow

“By having the sun rise every day, the earth and the sky are renewing their commitment to work together. And we in turn honor that relationship and directly benefit from it.”
Aimée Craft, Treaty Words: For As Long As the Rivers Flow

“2021: Happy New Year!

Me: ...

2021: What's wrong?

Me: I'm not sure I'm going to be happy this year.

2021: You will.

Me: ”
Chinthia Indah

Donald J. Trump
“In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.”
President Donald J. Trump

“Art of making an era with clear facts.
-Before 2020

Art of making tact without letting it to-be-fact.
-Post 2020”

Anthony T. Hincks
“Don't drag your feet in 2022. Drag a corpse instead. It's the only way to kill off 2021.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“I think I have a pretty deep understanding of what Money actually is on a practical day to day basis because of paypal. right now, the money system for practical purposes is really a bunch of heterogeneous mainframes running old COBOL. Literally.”
Elon Musk

Hopal Green
“This year no one can stop me.
I am here to conquer and strive!
I am here to put my best foot forward!
I will be disciplined!
I will be dedicated to my mission!
I will turn my obstacles into opportunities!
I will achieve my goals!
2021 here I come!”
Hopal Green

Bohdi Sanders
“Rise from the ashes of the old year like the phoenix and become the person you truly want to be. Bohdi Sanders”
Bohdi Sanders, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior

Donald J. Trump
“Peacefully, and patriotically make your voices heard.”
President Donald J. Trump

“It also made her think of the sounds of ceremony: the eagle whistles, the drum, the shakers. It made her think that we really are replicating the sounds of nature through our music and celebrations, all of which help heal us.”
Aimée Craft, Treaty Words: For As Long As the Rivers Flow

“With the help of Creator, our grandfather sun and grandmother moon agreed to work together with our mother, the earth, to create life. Then other beings of Creation were placed on the earth and in the sky. We, humans, Anishnaabe, were the last to be placed here. This is why we refer to ourselves as the younger brothers and sisters to the rest of beings in Creation.”
Aimée Craft, Treaty Words: For As Long As the Rivers Flow

“Pump and Dump' that is 2021.”
Marcel Ray Duriez
tags: 2021

Dmitry Dyatlov
“Everything in my LinkedIn is rainbow colored today. Do you actually Have to be Gay to get a job these days?”
Dmitry Dyatlov

“,We all were moving levels in 2021-

1, 2, 3,.....”

“COVID19 in India 2020.
Pfizer in India 1966.
Yet we weren't getting Pfizer vaccine even in 2021?”

R.J. Intindola
“A heart can be broken numerous times and completely repaired by one soul.”
R.J. Intindola

Ramsey Nasr
“We doen het - we doen wat we kunnen, maar we kunnen helemaal niets met deze regering.”
Ramsey Nasr, De fundamenten

“Despite a lot of cultlike futurist notions about “third wave electronic cottages” in which after breakfast white-collar employees contentedly slip into their basement cockpit module, turn on the video display terminal, and get to work without ever leaving home, the computer shows no sign of reducing the alienation of industrialized service-and-information workers in the foreseeable future.”
Marvin Harrisis

Roland Barthes
“But if one fears or despises so much the philosophical foundations of a book, and if one demands so insistently the right to understand nothing about them and to say nothing on the subject, why become a critic?”
Roland Barthes, Mythologies

Rollo Tomassi
“you're gonna have to jump through all these hoops, Mr Beta.”
Rollo Tomassi

Steven Magee
“2021 was the year we were being told COVID-19 was coming to an end due to vaccination and the year finally ended with a huge global outbreak of COVID-19!”
Steven Magee

Anthony T. Hincks
“Don't let 2022 be your 2021.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Steven Magee
“In 2021 we learned that Texas had the electrical power grid of a third world country.”
Steven Magee

“El amor es el gozo del alma.”
rubén3k (3k)

Dmitry Dyatlov
“if people cannot, with undistorted communication, come to a mutually acceptable agreement about how to produce more people, and the other alternative is FALLING IN LOVE, and THEN torturing each other AND your kids…. FOR DECADES. shit. I just think this is all kind of…. perpetuating insanity. Why?”
Dmitry Dyatlov

“From what I can tell, most people are stuck in a developmental stage prior to critical thinking, where social and psychological factors are the ultimate reason for their ideas. Gaining popularity and social acceptance are usually higher goals than figuring out the truth, especially if the truth is unpopular.”
Steve Patterson

R.J. Intindola
“Forever, does not exist; unless one is referring to, till death do us part.”
R.J. Intindola

Steven Magee
“I spent 2021 through to 2023 on Hawaii Island defining the new classification of altitude sickness and developing the supplements that treat it.”
Steven Magee

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