Life Problems Quotes

Quotes tagged as "life-problems" Showing 1-30 of 42
“If you meet the darkest moment of life, strive valiantly through it with courage and never retreat, for you shall surely meet light afterwards. If you meet the muddy stream of life, swim across it with tenacity to the very end for there is a clearer stream that shall wash your dirt away afterwards. If all people reject you in the mid of the arduous race of life, dare to smile and move on for there are people who await you to embrace you in the end”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“You can also make your flaws work for you.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“When you meet the real problems of life, think of the real lessons of life for the real lessons of life are in the real problems of life”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Joyce Rachelle
“Be thankful when you find yourself worrying about the smallest things, for it often means there aren't any bigger things to truly worry about.”
Joyce Rachelle

Lani Lynn Vale
“If it has tires or testicles, it's going to give you problems.”
Lani Lynn Vale, Rusty Nail

Mehmet Murat ildan
“In life, the passage from one second to another is always critical because every second contains infinite possibilities that can change or end your life in every way possible!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Debasish Mridha
“Fear not! In life, problems are there to make you stronger.”
Debasish Mridha

“This is one of the subtle things to be understood. We are always wise if we have to advise others but when we are in the same trap, with the same problem, the same crisis, we are not so wise. If somebody else comes to you with a problem, you will give him good advice and the advice may be right. But if you have the same problem you will not be able to give yourself the same advice. Why? Because when it is somebody else’s problem you are detached.”
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, When the Shoe Fits: Stories of the Taoist Mystic Chuang Tzu

“Life is really simple; we ourselves create the circumstances that complicate it.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Marilynne Robinson
“I have decided the two options for me are (1) to torment myself or (2) to trust the Lord. There is no earthly solution to the problems that confront me. But I can add to my problems, as I have believe I have done, by dwelling on them.”
Marilynne Robinson, Gilead

“Life is not what happens to us is how we react to what happens to us.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Vizi Andrei
“How do you solve a delicate life problem? It depends. On what? On many variables.
The person who offers a straightforward solution to a delicate life problem is imprudent. There's no straightforward solution when it comes to choosing your career, to finding a good enough life partner, to discovering happiness or, let's say, peace of mind.”
Vizi Andrei, Economy of Truth

Giridhar Alwar
“Most of the problems in this world raise because of not minding one's own business.”
Giridhar Alwar, My Quest For Happy Life

Abhijit Naskar
“Every storm is a reminder to the value of life.”
Abhijit Naskar

Andrew Sean Greer
“They knew trouble would come but expected it in degrees. Life so often arrives all of a sudden. And who knows which side you will find yourself on?”
Andrew Sean Greer, Less

“Struggles not only make us into stronger, better and wiser people, they also let us learn more about ourselves and our purpose in life.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“Everybody is fighting a hard battle that you know nothing about, never give up with yours.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“The road to overcoming your fears could lead you to unbearable places but sometimes such gives you an edge than nothing else could give.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“If it takes you more time to clean your makeup than to watch a movie… you already have a problem.”

“It’s sad that most of our real life problems that affect us daily, don't make it as breaking news on facebook. They are not trending on twitter or not glamorous enough for instagram and those problems are the ones that take away our happiness. The problems that other people don't know about. The ones we fight alone everyday and every night.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Mm, there was no need, but that s how the mind goes on working. The mind goes on creating troubles which are not needed at all. If some trouble is inevitable, it’s okay, it is understandable. But ninety-nine troubles are just creations, they can be avoided easily. Just to see the point.... If you ask how, you have already accepted the trouble. Just see the point, that this is futile, and in seeing it let it drop. Don’t try to drop it. If you are trying to drop it that means you have not understood it, hence the ’how’.

How always arises out of non-understanding. A man of understanding has no how’s – he simply sees the thing: that this is a wall and he cannot go through it. If he tries he will hit his head and will be wounded, so he simply goes through the door. He does not ask how to go through the door and how not to go through the wall. There is no how, you simply see: this is the door and this is the wall....
Always read what is written on the door; sometimes it is pull, sometimes it is push!...
You start doing things without reading! When it is written ’pull’ you may be pushing; it won’t open. Things are very simple – just a little observation and everywhere there are written signs inside you, everywhere there are hints. Just read rightly.”
Osho, Let go!: A darshan diary

“Everyone wishes to be happy but in this quick fix, fast paced world it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be truly content. While we assume that happiness depends on external factors, it actually has a lot to do with our attitude and perspective.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Jae Lee
“Nothing describes the feeling of absolute dependence better than religion. The only time people turn to it is when they can't handle their own problems.”
Jae Lee, Hellshock

“The problem is not that we have problems.

The problem is that we don't have problem with our problems.”
Live Life Essence

“A problem is an expectation gone wrong.

Expectation is the mother of all problems.”
Live Life Essence

“So many good things are over far too quickly.”
Jeffrey Calhoun, The October Amaryllis

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Sometimes people who take such a calm stance towards life's problems have witnessed that life's problems just touch and pass like the wind!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Abhijit Naskar
“Nothing about life is straightforward,
Life is messy - disaster one after another!
Only way we can survive this cataclysmic mess,
Is with extreme cruelty or unyielding character.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Ehsan Sehgal
“Do not complain about life problems; decide life problems since you are the authority, no one else.”
Ehsan Sehgal

“You become stronger by facing the problems not by avoiding them.”
Garima Soni - words world

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