Testicles Quotes

Quotes tagged as "testicles" Showing 1-16 of 16
Lance Armstrong
“If there was a god, I'd still have both nuts.”
Lance Armstrong

Marjane Satrapi
“I asked him what his work was. He answered that he devoted all his time to his political activities... He was undoubtedly busy with the diplomatic relations between his testicles and women's breast.”
Marjane Satrapi, Embroideries

Trey Parker
“I have maggots in my scrotum.”
Trey Parker, The Book of Mormon

James Joyce
“So beautiful of course compared with what a man looks like with his two bags full and his other thing hanging down out of him or sticking up at you like a hatrack no wonder they hide it with a cabbageleaf”
James Joyce, Ulysses

Larry Niven
“The State has a superfluity of testicles, Peersa said with no particular emphasis.”
Larry Niven, A World Out of Time

Norman Mailer
“I must purchase this eunuch from You," she said to Ptah-nem-hotep, Who smiled agreeably. "Are they not delightful?" He asked, and looked at the dark bodies of these five slaves with the same love I had seen my great-grandfather give to a team of matched horses or twin bulls, and indeed, since the slave wore nothing, one could see not only their plump and muscular haunches, but the shiny stump where their testicles had been and this gave them a nice resemblance to geldings.”
Norman Mailer , Ancient Evenings

Lani Lynn Vale
“If it has tires or testicles, it's going to give you problems.”
Lani Lynn Vale, Rusty Nail

Sandhya Menon
“Picking up my spoon, I dip it into the broth, making sure to get pieces of the small, fatty meat. I close my eyes and eat my spoonful, marveling at the rich, savory flavors. It's like beef broth, only heartier, and the meat has this really interesting texture. Before I know it, I've devoured half the bowl.
"You like Soup Number Five?"
I look up to see Lola Simeona, the old woman from earlier, standing by my table, watching me. "Oh, yes," I say, patting my mouth with a napkin. "It's delicious! What is this meat? It's like nothing I've ever tasted. And I feel more... energetic already, sort of like I can take on anything." Like Prem.
She smiles knowingly. "Yes, yes, Soup Number Five is magical." After a pause, during which her smile morphs into what I can only be described as a mischievous grin, she says, "The meat is bull testes."
I stare at her for a long moment as her words filter into my brain. I set my spoon down carefully and take a sip of water. "Bull... testes?" I ask in the most neutral way I can.
"Yes! It's an aphrodisiac!" She pats my shoulder and walks off to another table. I think I can hear her cackling.
I look down into my bowl. I just ate a bunch of chopped-up bull balls. For a moment I wonder, in a very detached way (is this what being in medical shock feels like?), if I'm going to throw up. But then the moment passes, and I realize they're really delicious. And Soup No. 5 works. I can feel the potent mixture wending its way through my system, infusing my blood with confidence and desire. I eat another big spoonful.”
Sandhya Menon, Hungry Hearts: 13 Tales of Food & Love

Rin Chupeco
“It was Lola Simeona who served their bestseller: Soup No. 5 was a horrifying concoction of bull testes and spices, yet still was the best broth this side of the city, a popular meal for the adventurous and for those who prize umami above all. Occasionally a new customer would stagger out, pale and green all at once, because Lola Simeona was never shy about telling them exactly what they were eating, and in great detail. If it tasted good, she liked to say, then why would knowing this change anything?
Lola sold Soup No. 5 regular at nearly all hours, closing at two a.m., only to begin again at nine the next day. Soup No. 5 regular was a picker-upper, a mood brightener. Soup No. 5 regular put people in cheerful temperaments, ready to face the day with optimism- a surprising side effect, given the cantankerous nature of the chef.”
Rin Chupeco, Hungry Hearts: 13 Tales of Food & Love

Steven Magee
“The big difference that I see with the sexes is men carry their cell phones on their body next to their testicles, whereas women carry their cellphones off their bodies in handbags.”
Steven Magee

“The Beaver is an amphibious creature: by day it lives hidden in rivers, but at night it roams the land, feeding itself with anything that it can find. Now it understands the reason why hunters come after it with such eagerness and impetuosity, and it puts down its head and with its teeth cuts off its testicles and throws them in their path, as a prudent man who, falling into the hands of robbers, sacrifices all that he is carrying, to save his life, and forfeits his possessions by way of ransom. If however it has already saved its life by self-castration and is again pursued, then it stands up and reveals that it offers no ground for their eager pursuit, and releases the hunters from all further exertions, for they esteem its flesh less. Often however Beavers with testicles intact, after escaping as far away as possible, have drawn in the coveted part, and with great skill and ingenuity tricked their pursuers, pretending that they no longer possessed what they were keeping in concealment.”
Aelian, Historical Miscellany

Cornelius  Moore
“Edwyn can almost feel his testicles crawling up his ass.”
Cornelius Moore, The Club

“Better to leave with achy testicles, I suppose, than wrapped in a tarp.”
Josh Sabarra, Porn Again

“Тільки коли на твої яйця сідає комар, розумієш, що завжди є шлях до розв’язання проблеми без застосування сили.”

Steven Magee
“You, me and testosterone!”
Steven Magee

Jeanette Winterson
“I was glad I didn't have testicles. They sounded like intestines only on the outside, and the men in the Bible were always having them cut off and not being able to go to church. Horrid.”
Jeanette Winterson, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit