Sales Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sales-quotes" Showing 1-28 of 28
“One who is hungry for growth, doesn't requires motivation and training.. He just needs an opportunity...”

“In army they say "Shoot to Kill" and in Sales "Pitch to Sell".”

Jonas Caino
“A Rainmaker creates value for the benefit of all through commitment.”
Jonas Caino

Stacey Kehoe
“Create wow moments for your prospects and watch you online sentiment increase.”
Stacey Kehoe

“In business, if you can effectively sell the value of an idea, then it is easier to trade any valuable commodity.”
Wayne Chirisa

“Your employees are your warriors; you are their general. Each sale is a victory.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Sell confidently.
Sell competently.
Sell compellingly.
Sell competitively.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Sell candidly.
Sell courageously.
Sell calculatingly.
Sell contentiously.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Stacey Kehoe
“I don’t understand why some marketers insist on using ridiculous jargon that normal people don’t understand - make it simple and watch the sales role in.”
Stacey Kehoe

Rob Liano
“The quality of a lead is most often in direct proportion to the quality of your sales skills.”
Rob Liano

“The core livelihood of a business revolves on efficient and effective marketing.”
Wayne Chirisa

Loren Weisman
“People are getting very tired of the Yell, Tell, Sell.
Consider honoring the audiences you would like to grow with patient and authentic engagement instead of the daily and hourly attacks of ego, hype, templated content and pushy sales tactics.”
Loren Weisman

Chinmai Swamy
“Apple is highly profitable because they sell ONE product millions of times - you just need ONE $997 product to succeed.”
Chinmai Swamy

“Adapting to a unique market requires innovation, surviving the market pressures requires good business acumen.”
Wayne Chirisa

Aiyaz Uddin
“Marketing is awareness and sales is the solution. Marketing and sales combined are awareness about a solution that goes hand in hand together.”
Aiyaz Uddin

Sijin BT
“Behind every sale there is a smile.”
Sijin Bt

“I never aspire to sell miserable products.
Like we all have greed, fear and strong emotions and supposedly I am creating projects focused on it to get a quick attention.
Sell something that empowers and raises humanity.”
Ankit Samrat

“People buy from people they like and from people who are like them... ;)”

“Ideal methods of sales prospecting generates business growth.”
Wayne Chirisa

“As a Marketer (specifically a Digital Marketer) your job is not to prove the operational or fulfillment side of your company wrong by providing so much activity it proves fundamental flaws in the systems, but rather to ensure the activity you are creating is educated, nurtured and that the internal operational systems are in place to support the operational side of your organization so that it can quickly pivot and learn from the data your activity creates.

A marketer has to be able to market externally, but also systematically utilize that data to change strategies when and if needed internally. How and what to do with the activity's data is a responsibility that falls with production\fulfillment AND marketing\sales.

"I brought you 1,000 inbound leads it's not my fault we couldn't fulfill them" is no longer acceptable.”
Leland Dieno, Socialize Your Small Business: Internet Marketing For Small Business

Frank  Sonnenberg
“If you sell strictly on price, it’ll cost you dearly.”
Frank Sonnenberg, The Path to a Meaningful Life

“Fear is an indication that something about what lies ahead is outside our comfort zone.”
Stacey Hall, Selling from Your Comfort Zone: The Power of Alignment Marketing

Anubhav    Srivastava
“Traditionally, salespeople have been taught that they should not share the price of the product/service until as long as possible or mention an extremely low price to attract consumers.

The philosophy behind this approach is that you want to get as many prospects as possible and not scare away anyone up front. Then in the end, when you have them interested and eager, you then share the price and people will buy because now they are interested.

But this is a silly approach. It’s almost like in online dating some people try to hide what they really look like for as long as possible, hoping they build an emotional connection first, while in reality the other party will often judge them eventually on the basis of what they look like!”
Anubhav Srivastava, UnLearn: A Practical Guide to Business and Life

Rob Liano
“If you worry about taking care of the customer, you’ll never have to worry about making money.”
Rob Liano