Sustainable Development Goals Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sustainable-development-goals" Showing 1-30 of 42
Mohith Agadi
“Oceans are no one's property to destroy; They are everyone's responsibility to protect.”
Mohith Agadi

Mohith Agadi
“Forests are no one's property to destroy; They are everyone's responsibility to protect.”
Mohith Agadi

Mohith Agadi
“Teaching to care for the Environment is teaching to value Life.”
Mohith Agadi

“Sustained growth is required, particularly in the poorest regions, to catch up with decent living standards and to live a life of dignity, opportunity and hope.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Mohith Agadi
“Reusing and repurposing is one of the most effective ways to contribute to environmental sustainability.”
Mohith Agadi

Santosh Kalwar
“Corruption is the most pervasive and pernicious source of evil in public institutions. People's distrust of public organizations is so profound that they have little faith in their ability to collaborate with them and achieve sustainable development objectives.”
Santosh Kalwar, Why Nepal Fails

“Humanity should not suffer from hunger, if we grow enough food to feed the growing populations.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“By getting clarity about things like customers, revenue model and resources, you get to an understanding of what makes your business different.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“Define a clear direction for your brand by setting its vision, values and personality.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“Defining a clear persona helps you guide your brand and business efforts so that they meet your customer's needs.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“A business with a clear sense of purpose will use its strategy to help shape the decisions it makes.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“It is essential for a sustainable economy to see natural resources as an asset, and wasteful or harmful use of those resources as risks.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“No matter how good we get at solving environmental problems, it’s not enough to create a truly sustainable economy unless we address the social challenges that imperil sustainability. Foremost among those challenges are inequality and poverty.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Belinda Smetana
“Fashion in Africa has always been Sustainable for decades. We just didn’t use the catchy buzzwords”
Belinda Smetana

“People are significant resource of the world that deserve to live in a safe and healthy environment. Thereby corporates need to maneuver conservative and strategic sustainable development principles to meet the demands of business in the present without compromising the needs of future civilization.”
Henrietta Newton Martin - Legal Counsel & Author

Abhijit Naskar
“Where there is simplicity, there is sustainability. Donde hay simplicidad, hay sostenabilidad. A materialistic and self-absorbed world chasing after the so-called sustainable development goals is like a superobese dog chasing after its own tail.

In a self-absorbed world sustainability is a myth. In a simple and gentle world sustainability is the norm. So let's forget about sustainability. Let's forget about sustainable development goals. These are all gimmick. I’ll tell you why.

Sustainable development goals is actually the privileged lot's code for ‘let's screw this world with our narcissistic shenanigans, then we can make TV shows on us pretending to fix the world's problems that we continue to create with our lavish, self-centric lifestyle.’ It's not a global goal, it's a global scam, sold by the rich to the rich at the expense of everybody else - at the expense of the working people of planet earth.

Am I being too harsh? Perhaps I am, but then again, this planet has never been the home of the human race, it has always been the home of the rich and privileged, while the rest of humanity slave their butt off, barely scraping by on hand-me-downs and leftovers. The privileged screw the world, then the privileged pretend to fix the world. What a joke!

So instead of focusing on intellectual pomposities like sustainable development goals, the next time you indulge in a luxury, ask yourself, is it a luxury you really need – if not, how many lives you could lift with the resources spent on that particular luxury!

Let me put it into perspective. One fancy apple watch could feed a family of four in the developing parts of the world for half a year. So, stop talking about sustainable development goals, and start practicing sustainable habits.”
Abhijit Naskar, Find A Cause Outside Yourself: Sermon of Sustainability

“Zero hunger means there should be no hungry people. This can be achieve through enhancing agriculture in every continent.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Cooperation for a common cause is the engine for development in any country.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Abhijit Naskar
“Without the green of heart, what green apes, what oil apes - all energy leads to but one color - the color of blood - red!”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

Abhijit Naskar
“Energy used to sustain the same old paradigm of greed, control and disparity, is anything but clean - no matter what it says on the label.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

Abhijit Naskar
“Treat greed first, you fools - treat greed first! Then you won't need to make a ton of empty promises and winded policies for a sustainable future - because where there is no greed, sustainability flows like spring water. Treat greed first, then I shall call you humankind - until then, you are nothing but apekind. Without the green of heart, what green apes, what oil apes - all energy leads to but one color - the color of blood - red! Energy used to sustain the same old paradigm of greed, control and disparity, is anything but clean - no matter what it says on the label.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

Abhijit Naskar
“Humanitarian Arithmetic (Sonnet 1354)

If it takes $300bn to end world hunger,
and 7 trillion to fund the next AI wonder,
how many people have to starve to death,
to feed the appetite of the cyberworld?

If Britain's NHS costs about $200bn,
and US military costs 800 billion dollars,
how many have to suffer from sickness,
for the tribal chiefs to feel secure?

If it takes $20bn to end homelessness
in the US, and trillions to colonize Mars,
how many have to sleep in cardboard boxes,
for heirs of billionaires to breed on Mars?

You don't need to be a Ramanujan or Euler,
to solve this simple arithmetic equation.
But you do need a living human heart,
to take responsibility for the solution.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“If it takes $300bn to end world hunger,
and 7 trillion to fund the next AI wonder,
how many people have to starve to death,
to feed the appetite of the cyberworld?”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Henri Swan
“One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done". - Two Nobel laureate Marie Curie

"Green tech could be the largest economic opportunity of the 21st Century". by John Doerr, of Kleiner Perkins, Venture Capital, and early backer of Google and Amazon. The largest donor to the newly launched Stanford University School of Sustainability.”
Henri Swan

“Before we extol the virtues of intellectual property for Sustainable Development Goals, we must first ensure gender equality and accessibility within the IP system.”
Kalyan C. Kankanala, Fun IP, Fundamentals of Intellectual Property

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