Workplace Wisdom Quotes

Quotes tagged as "workplace-wisdom" Showing 1-30 of 40
Mary Hoffman
“How can you tell when a piece is finished?'I asked.

'You can't,' he said flatly. 'All you can tell is when you can't do any more to it. And then you need to stop because if you don't, you will spoil it.”
Mary Hoffman, David

Lee Child
“Webster lapsed into silence. Started thinking hard. He was a smart enough bureaucrat to know if you can't beat them, you join them. You force yourself to think like they think.”
Lee Child, Die Trying

Nino Cipri
“My boss, Tricia, always said tat we were a family. I should have realised she meant that I would have to put up with constant bullshit.”
Nino Cipri, Finna

“When absorbing the sadness of the loss, we must concentrate on bad guys to demonize, or black holes of sympathy in which we get to play the cosmic victim of terrible circumstances. Demonizing and victimizing are the sources of those stories in which we can get so woefully stuck”
John P. Schuster

“I don't know what came first, the brown-nose worker or the arrogant boss; I simple hate it and I won't be part of it.”
Rodolfo Peon

Stephanie Lahart
“Imagine if ALL employers treated ALL of their employees with the same respect no matter what their job title was. Imagine going to work every day knowing that you and your work were valued. Unfortunately, we live in a society where some people allow their job titles to go to their head. I encourage you NOT to be one of those people. No matter what your position is, at the end of the day, EVERYBODY matters in the workplace, and every position serves a purpose. I firmly believe that how you treat others is a direct reflection of who you REALLY are. Personally, I choose integrity!”
Stephanie Lahart

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet of Human Resources

There is no blue collar, no white collar, just honor.
And honor is defined by character not collar.
There is no CEO, no janitor, just people.
Person's worth lies, not in background, but behavior.
Designation is reference to expertise, not existence.
Respect is earned through rightful action, not label.
Designation without humanity is resignation of humanity,
For all labels without love cause nothing but trouble.
The term human resources is a violation of human rights.
For it designates people as possession of a company.
Computers are resources, staplers are resources, but people,
Aren't resources, but the soul of all company and society.
I'm not saying, you oughta rephrase it all in a civilized way.
But at the very least, it's high time with hierarchy we do away.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

“The suffering that started off challenging our being and our ideas of what life is and should be ends up opening our heart, expanding our identity, and connecting us forever to the human family and life.”
John P Schuster, The Power of Your Past: The Art of Recalling, Reclaiming, and Recasting

Christopher Creel
“In hierarchies, social engagement is optional; in the Adaptive model, it is required.”
Christopher Creel, Adaptive: Scaling Empathy and Trust to Create Workplace Nirvana

Abhijit Naskar
“In modern society we often try to separate our personal and professional life. But this separation needs to be erased. People work better when they are accepted for who they are, living as a whole human being.”
Abhijit Naskar

Enamul Haque
“Colleagues are like the secret ingredients in your recipe of success – sometimes sweet, sometimes spicy, but always necessary for the perfect flavour.”
Enamul Haque

“I don't care what came first, the brown nose worker or the arrogant boss; I simply hate it, and I won't be part of it.”
Rodolfo Peon

Jitendra Attra
“Retire at 40! Grave should be the only place for retirement”
Jitendra Attra, chakravyuh The Land of the Paharias

Rahul Shrivastava
“If you feel it, tell it.”
Rahul Shrivastava

Rahul Shrivastava
“Optimal and timely output is better than perfect and late output.”
Rahul Shrivastava

Stewart Stafford
“If the manager of a company can put the needs of their staff ahead of their own ego, then that business has a good chance of prospering.”
Stewart Stafford

“If you're earning the same income today from the last five years, you are not growing.”
Mac Duke The Strategist

Germany Kent
“If you want to be an effective leader, get comfortable fostering Fostered a culture of innovation, inclusion, collaboration and creativity.”
Germany Kent

“The art of live communication and relationship building remains critically important no matter what industry you work in. In today’s global economy, it’s typically not the smartest, hardest-working, or most technically savvy who succeed. Even those who have complete mastery over the technical aspects of their jobs need to communicate and relate to others effectively and strategically to earn the respect, trust, and admiration of their colleagues—indeed, in order to succeed. The ability to communicate well is often the most important precursor to success in the workplace.”
Jodi Glickman, Great on the Job

Tan France
“Don’t ever ask an employee to do something you wouldn’t be willing to do yourself. Did I clean the office myself? Yes, I sure did. Your employees aren’t your servants; they’re your employees. Treat them well, and they’ll work hard for you because they respect you. Don’t be that fuckwit boss who makes the employees’ lives hell. There’s nothing strong and powerful about that. If you do that, you’re just a tool.”
Tan France, Naturally Tan

Germany Kent
“Talking about diversity and inclusion in the workplace is one of the most important conversations you will ever have with your employees.”
Germany Kent

Abhijit Naskar
“The day a CEO breaks bread with the janitor, that is the day a company truly becomes human.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“A place where people are accepted for who they are, is where they think better, feel better, work better, and above all live better.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“There is no blue collar, no white collar, just honor. And honor is defined by character not collar.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“The term human resources is a violation of human rights. for it designates people as possession of a company. Computers are resources, staplers are resources, but people aren't resources, but the soul of all company and society.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“Call it skill resources, call it expertise resources,
but don't call it human resources. Because the term
‘human resources’ compares humans with commodity,
which is nothing but a new age slavery.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Steven Magee
“The thing I remember about my company management course was how to get the workplace productivity up. I have no recollection of being taught how to keep the workers happy.”
Steven Magee

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