Jilly's Reviews > At Peace

At Peace by Kristen Ashley
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Just shoot me. This fucking book! I wanted to murder the main guy. He is an alpha asshole for the alpha asshole museum. And, the book was 1,400 pages on my e-reader. That's a long time to hate someone. I think my blood pressure took a hit during this reading. I need wine.

Okay, so we have Violet, a widow with two teenage daughters, and Joe, an asshole who lives next door. They have a not-so-nice meeting where Joe acts like a total jerk. Later, he comes up to her at the local bar while she's drunk and decides to take advantage of that fact. You know how you read these romances and the lead male character is all noble and shit and refuses to sleep with the drunk girl? Yeah, this guy isn't noble at all. Even when she says she's not on the pill, and he doesn't have condoms, he says, "Fuck it" and has sex with this drunk woman who can barely stand up anyway.

What a hero! How romantic! Isn't he awesome?

After a couple of nights of booty calls, he cuts her loose in the most humiliating way possible. After this happens, she avoids him - you know, like a normal human would do. And, she's pissed off - again, a human-like reaction. So, good old Joe calls her a bitch. Yup, he's that awesome. I know what you are thinking, girls, "Where can I find a great guy like this?" I'm thinking you can go to any prison or biker bar and find guys of this caliber.

This guy might be available. And, he's better than Joe.

So, Violet moves on and meets another guy, Mike. Mike is normal. He asks her on a date. He gives her time to see where her head is at. He treats her with decency and doesn't even cuss her out. What a loser!! So, of course she goes back to screwing Joe.

They've got a great situation worked out. Mike takes Violet out on nice dates and drops her off at home with a goodnight kiss, then she goes over to Joe's house and has sex with him. Joe is cool with this arrangement. He doesn't have to do the work, but gets the payoff. Violet is cool with this. She's obviously a low-class slut. Mike.... well, Mike doesn't actually know about this. What Mike doesn't know won't hurt him, right?

So, at this point I'm thinking Violet deserves Joe. They are both a couple of assholes.

Two for one special here!

Aside from the horrible horrible couple in this book, it was also just waaaay too long. It dragged on and on with angst and break-ups and fights and dramatic bullshit until I wanted to burn the world down just to get rid of this book. Seriously. I considered the Witness Protection Program to get out of this buddy-read.

But, my friends at BBB make the torture of these KA books worth it, so of course I will be ready for our next book. I'm such a masochist!
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Reading Progress

May 13, 2016 – Started Reading
May 13, 2016 – Shelved
May 13, 2016 – Shelved as: buddy-read-with-bbbs
May 15, 2016 – Shelved as: alpha-asshole
May 15, 2016 – Shelved as: contemporary-fiction
May 15, 2016 – Shelved as: romance
May 15, 2016 – Shelved as: hated-it
May 15, 2016 – Shelved as: characters-i-want-to-torture-maim
May 15, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 70 (70 new)

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Awwww man, sooooo bummed you didn't like this! lol But well said homie :))

Jilly Val⚜Shameless, Bitchy, Skanky, & Not Sorry⚜ wrote: "Awwww man, sooooo bummed you didn't like this! lol But well said homie :))"

Sorry, girl! I know you love Joe. You can have him and I'll take Mike or Benny. ;D

Camila (previously the opinionated Catruler) But BUT the first one was really good by Kristen Ashley standards. I was excited about this. Now me iz sad, me iz disappointed.

message 4: by εllε (new)

εllε Lol, great review. Sounds like something I'd never read. I considered once starting this series, but you just convinced me not to. So, thanks :)

message 5: by Sarah (new)

Sarah OMG this one sounds horrendous! This is why I'm scared to join the KA buddy reads LOL. I've read one of her books (it was a biker one so I actually liked it because I expected the hero to be a bit of an arsehole!) but I see such mixed reactions to her other series that I think her guys might just be too OTT alpha idiots for me.

Jilly Camila, I know you would hate this guy! We seem to have the same distaste for OTT alpha assholes. :)

Jaela - I'm really one of the only ones who hated it so much. Most of my buddy-readers loved the book. But, you have to like assholes to enjoy it. ;)

Sarah - It's actually pretty fun to be in the KA buddy read group even though I hate all of the books. lol! I get to have lots of people to complain to. ;D But, yeah, KA's guys are very OTT!

Camila (previously the opinionated Catruler) This doesn't please me. I know I'll still read it because I can't quit KA, but it sucks that I can't even pretend I may not hate the ML.

Jilly Camila, the opinionated Catruler wrote: "This doesn't please me. I know I'll still read it because I can't quit KA, but it sucks that I can't even pretend I may not hate the ML."

At least you can have the joy of ripping him to shreds in your reviews. :P

Camila (previously the opinionated Catruler) Oh, yes. That just brightened my morning. :D

message 10: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Camila, the opinionated Catruler wrote: "Oh, yes. That just brightened my morning. :D"

Hahaha! We snarky girls understand each other! ;)

message 11: by Jessica's (new)

Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession lol Guess I am not the only one having bad KA luck!! Great review Jilly :)

message 12: by Lakshmi (new)

Lakshmi C This author has been recommended, but I have been nervous about reading her books....:(

message 13: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Jessica's wrote: "lol Guess I am not the only one having bad KA luck!! Great review Jilly :)"

Thanks, Jessica!! :)

message 14: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Lakshmi wrote: "This author has been recommended, but I have been nervous about reading her books....:("

You will like her writing if you are into alpha male lead characters. She is famous for them. :)

Choko Jilly, I think it is me and you on this one - I hate Joe with passion!!! I was wondering if it is because of my funky mood, but I think I feel exactly the same way You do, do it is not just me... Thank you, sister wife!!!

message 16: by Maria (new)

Maria Dimitrova Oh my God! This review is soooooooooooooooo good! I laughed out loud (Like really not just a little smile) a couple of times. I'm sorry you had to suffer through that but boy am I glad I decided I can't take anymore of her delicious, perfect and adorable alphas. Or the women that can have such perfection in their lives.

message 17: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Choko- Oh, It wasn't your funky mood. Unless by "funky mood" you meant "reasonable expectations". Joe is a world-class asshole! Only my sister wife understands me! ;)

Maria - Thanks, girl! You are way too reasonable by not reading these alpha assholes anymore. I am a masochist! ;)

Choko Masochist am I as well... You know I will be reading the rest of them too...

message 19: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Choko wrote: "Masochist am I as well... You know I will be reading the rest of them too..."

and I'll be joining you in that pain-fest! ;)

message 20: by Maria (new)

Maria Dimitrova Jilly wrote: "Maria - Thanks, girl! You are way too reasonable by not reading these alpha assholes anymore. I am a masochist! ;)."

RL satisfies my masochistic side damn well lately. I don't need to read about assholes I have to deal with them on a daily basis.

message 21: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Maria wrote: "RL satisfies my masochistic side damn well lately. I don't need to read about assholes I have to deal with them on a daily basis. t..."

Bummer, Maria! I am lucky to have no assholes in my life at this time. Knock wood!

message 22: by Maria (new)

Maria Dimitrova Jilly wrote: "Maria wrote: "RL satisfies my masochistic side damn well lately. I don't need to read about assholes I have to deal with them on a daily basis. t..."

Bummer, Maria! I am lucky to have no assholes..."

Enjoy it! You're lucky one :)

message 23: by Santy (new) - rated it 1 star

Santy OMG! Your review just hit every single thought I had on this book on the head... I'm currently reading this book and I'm in hell literally... Joe is a jackass and Violet, not much better... And to compound issues, it just draaaaags

message 24: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Asantewah wrote: "OMG! Your review just hit every single thought I had on this book on the head... I'm currently reading this book and I'm in hell literally... Joe is a jackass and Violet, not much better... And to ..."

I feel your pain, sister! ;)

message 25: by Irie❤Life (new) - added it

Irie❤Life "You will like her writing if you are into alpha male lead characters. She is famous for them. :) "

I don't know about that. I love a good alpha book, but to me there's a difference between an alpha and an asshole. You can be controlling, possessive, or whatever without being cruel and inconsiderate to your h. I've read several KA books, and there are things I like about them, but I don't like that for at least a portion of the book, the H is usually an ass. Also, I don't like that the women become simpering idiots. I like a submissive h, but not a doormat. I think the most used line by a KA heroine is "I- um- I- insert hero's name several times." Motorcycle man I had to try to finish 3 times because of this...annoying as hell. I don't like books where the H uses/demeans the h purposefully, so I've no desire to read this book.

Sandra And why doesnt he let her talk its always him cutting her off or saying 'shut up buddy'

message 27: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Lisa wrote: ""I don't know about that. I love a good alpha book, but to me there's a difference between an alp..."
Don't do it, Lisa!!! Just save yourself the anger and frustration! ;)

Sandra wrote: "And why doesnt he let her talk its always him cutting her off or saying 'shut up buddy'"
Silly girl, women don't have anything important to say! That's why we need men to mansplain graciously guide us in what to think and how to feel. ;)

message 28: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly katie_editor4u wrote: "I didn't even finish it and know I'd effing hate it. Her Dream Man & Colorado series (most of them) were awesome! This series, after this second attempt, is a dnf for me. What a shame...since I bou..."

I wish I had DNFed it. It was like being tortured in some sort of medieval dungeon. That is not an exaggeration at all. ;)

message 29: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly You say tough, I say dumb. You were definitely the smart one in this situation! lol!

Malinda I can't blame you...I hated him for the first half of the book. :P

message 31: by Camille (new) - added it

Camille Fortunately I DNF-ed this

message 32: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Camille wrote: "Fortunately I DNF-ed this "
Smart girl! :D

Malinda wrote: "I can't blame you...I hated him for the first half of the book. :P"
I was able to hold on to my hate for the entire book, and beyond! lol!

message 33: by edge of bubble (new)

edge of bubble wow. you read that motivation for murder to the bitter end. I don't know whether to admire you or enjoy your misery =p

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

OMG I hate the "hero" already and I haven't even read the book!
Great review Jilly! I'll stay away from this one :)

message 35: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly edge of bubble wrote: "wow. you read that motivation for murder to the bitter end. I don't know whether to admire you or enjoy your misery =p"
We both know the answer to that question! Enjoy bathing in my misery! ;)

Lucila ~LiteraturaExpress~ wrote: "OMG I hate the "hero" already and I haven't even read the book!
Great review Jilly! I'll stay away from this one :)"

Yes! Run away - far away! ;)

Saray ( I Read And Paint ) oh my god. Thank you ! I was scrolling through the reviews thinking " god, what is WRONG with everyone ?!"

message 37: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Saray ( I Read And Paint ) wrote: "oh my god. Thank you ! I was scrolling through the reviews thinking " god, what is WRONG with everyone ?!""

Haha! I know, right? I've been trying to convince people that I am the voice of reason and always right for years! ;D

Leila bibliofagos loved LOVED your review.

message 39: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Thanks, Leila! :)

Leila bibliofagos "So, at this point I'm thinking Violet deserves Joe. They are both a couple of assholes."

Is it bad that I was kind of with the bad guy in the end?
Like, I wouldn't have minded if they were both shot in the head. Does that make me a mean person?

Aziadée I have to admit, your review is quite funny 😂. But I also have to admit, that I'm a sucker for KA's books. I just love em.

message 42: by h o l l i s (new)

h o l l i s I think my new fetish is going to be reading your angry one-star KA reviews.

also, the funniest part is seeing all my friends' five star reviews after reading yours ahahaha.

message 43: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly Leila - No, not at all. I would have helped you supply the bad guy with a gun. It's not mean - it's a public service. Less assholes in the world. ;)

Aziadee - I'm glad you can laugh, even if you disagree. I have a lot of friends who love KA, and I still love them. Even if they are crazy. ;P

Hollis - Oh, I get super stabby when reading KA. A while back I had read Rock Chick and liked it, which led to me buddy-reading a bunch of KA books with some friends. Oh, the pain! For everyone else listening to me bitch the whole time.... I had to eventually quit the buddy read after my doctor recommended it because of my blood pressure. Also, I was becoming a danger to myself and others. ;D

Aziadée Thats why I love books and readers ! I think it's truly amazing how everyone have a different point of view of your favorites books !! Also, I'm not ashamed to say that Im a bit crayzy :)

message 45: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly True! I always feel bad when I write a rave review and then one of my friends hates the book. Oops, my bad?

Aziadée If you can hate some of my book, I can hate some of yours... it goes both ways I guess. We're not all the same, that's what makes good discussion topics too!! 🤘🏻🙌🏻🙆🏻

message 47: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly True dat, Lilia! Some of my besties on here hate half of what I read. lol! ;)

message 48: by h o l l i s (new)

h o l l i s Jilly wrote: "Hollis - Oh, I get super stabby when reading KA.."

yeah, I'm with you. I read one of her MC books, hate it, and then suffered through her Fantasyland books which were an up and down adventure in potential ruined by all the awful KA'ness. so I feel you on the stabby. I'm the one generally hating what my friends read and love, too, hahah.

message 49: by Jilly (new) - rated it 1 star

Jilly I would never try the MC books. Well, maybe someday when I need to go out and fight the man for some reason. Then I'll read one to get me in the zone. ;)

Lori¸¸¸.•*❀Ɍɛɑɗs̱LɪƙɛIʈs̱H̱ɛɍJɔɓ  유❤유 I have ended up taking several months trying to get through Lady Luck because I am bored to tears, but I don't know if I could take the crap your talking about in this book. Love your reviews, though!

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