Yun's Reviews > The Maid

The Maid by Nita Prose
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's review

it was ok

Not gonna lie, The Maid was a disappointment. After all the praises heaped on it, I'm not sure I read the same book as everyone else.

Molly loves order and cleanliness. It's a good thing she works as a maid at the Regency Grand Hotel, ensuring that every room is meticulously made up to her high standards. When she finds a dead body in one of her rooms, she's immediately the prime suspect. I mean, who would have more to gain from the death of a customer than a lowly maid?

If you're confused by this premise, you're not alone. It doesn't make any sense. Why would the maid be the prime suspect? But let's move on, because that seems to be the least of my problems with this book.

Where to even start? Clearly, Molly is supposed to be on the autistic spectrum. She has problems understanding social cues and reading others and is obsessed with cleanliness. Except she doesn't read like a fully-formed autistic person so much as a neurotypical author's fantasy of what a cutesy, loveable one should be.

She is depicted as essentially a precocious but dumb child. She is naïve to the point of incredulity. She is unable to understand the simplest of interactions, even when the other person is being direct. She bumbles around, sticking her foot in her mouth and acting as strange as possible to forward the plot of story. However, that's only when it suits the story. Other times, she has more insight than anyone else, even when it comes to things unsaid. Inconsistent much?

It's clear that the author cherry-picked the autistic characteristics that would best serve her story, then exaggerated them to the point of making Molly seem infantile, and created a whole plot out of it. So what's the problem? Well, there's something off about a neurotypical author crafting an adorably stupid but inauthentic autistic character, all for the sake of entertaining a predominantly neurotypical audience. In fact, it feels decidedly icky.

But it's not just Molly who is depicted as a dumb brick. What is up with Juan Manuel? Just because he's an immigrant doesn't mean he's stupid, but the book seems to equate the two. *facepalm* In fact, there is a simplicity and one-dimensionally, not to mention stereotyping, of every character in here that grated on my nerves.

I also have a problem with the story in general. It was so slow and hardly anything happens, I was bored most of the time. There is so much filler, with lots of passages on cleaning and reminiscing of the past. Every development is spelled out in so much detail, just in case the reader is dumb too. The actual plot is straightforward and probably could've been told in 50 pages. And the end was just ludicrous, with a few "twists" thrown in for shock factor, even though they don't make sense for the story or the characters.

However, not all is bad. Every time someone wrongs Molly and she figures it out, she'll wish evil things on them in the most creative and explicit fashion. And those few gems totally made me chuckle. So I'll give an extra star for that.

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Comments Showing 1-50 of 377 (377 new)

Kat (Books are Comfort Food) Excellent review, Yun. There were many accolades for this book, but it’s obviously not for everyone. You brought up excellent points. I hope whatever you just picked up to read is a terrific read. ☘️☘️☘️

Seneca Oh wow this sounds super cringey! Excellent and honest review, Yun! Hope your next read is better!

R.J. Sorrento Uh oh! This one has been on my radar but now I’m nervous. I always appreciate your reviews.

message 4: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Kat (Books are Comfort Food) wrote: "Excellent review, Yun. There were many accolades for this book, but it’s obviously not for everyone. You brought up excellent points. I hope whatever you just picked up to read is a terrific read. ..."
Thanks, Kat! No book is for everyone, that's for sure. I'm looking forward to my next read! ☘️💚

message 5: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Seneca wrote: "Oh wow this sounds super cringey! Excellent and honest review, Yun! Hope your next read is better!"
Thanks, Seneca! Cringey is a good word for this haha. :)

message 6: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun R.J. wrote: "Uh oh! This one has been on my radar but now I’m nervous. I always appreciate your reviews."
Thanks, R.J.! When you get to it, I hope you fare better than I did. Will be curious to see where you land! :)

message 7: by Cara (new)

Cara great review, Yun!! I hope your next book is way better:)

Sheena Totally agree with you! I don’t think we read the same book as everyone else lol

Sasha Ugh thats disappointing, I'm currently in the middle of this book

message 10: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Cara wrote: "great review, Yun!! I hope your next book is way better:)"
Thanks, Cara! :)

message 11: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Sheena wrote: "Totally agree with you! I don’t think we read the same book as everyone else lol"
Ha! Glad it's not just me, Sheena! :)

message 12: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Sasha wrote: "Ugh thats disappointing, I'm currently in the middle of this book"
I thought the beginning was ok, but it got more and more silly as it went on. But hopefully you have better luck than I did lol! :)

Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) Great review Yun, hope you enjoy your next one! 🌷

message 14: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Maureen ( NOT GETTING NOTIFICATIONS) wrote: "Great review Yun, hope you enjoy your next one! 🌷"
Thanks, Maureen! I have high hopes for my current read! ☘️💚

Marialyce I felt the same as you, Yun. I was disappointed. Wonderful review!

Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile Wonderful review, Yun!Hope your next read is better!

Jasmine Excellent review, Yun! Hopefully your next read will be a good one. Sorry this was painful to read! You’ve given me lots to think about! 💭

message 18: by Jann (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jann Yun! I am SO happy you agree with my review. And as always, you put it in a way that is so funny.

I also found it icky and offensive that the author seemed to capitalize on the appetite for neurodivergent characters without doing that audience any justice.

message 19: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Marialyce (absltmom, yaya) wrote: "I felt the same as you, Yun. I was disappointed. Wonderful review!"
Thanks, Marialyce! Glad it's not just me that felt this way!

message 20: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Sujoya wrote: "Wonderful review, Yun!Hope your next read is better!"
Thanks, Sujoya! :)

message 21: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Jasmine wrote: "Excellent review, Yun! Hopefully your next read will be a good one. Sorry this was painful to read! You’ve given me lots to think about! 💭"
Thanks, Jasmine! I think as a society, we still have a long ways to go when it comes to portraying autism in literature. I can't imagine, if Molly was black/asian/lgbtq+/disabled, and the author wrote a book playing that up and making her cute & dumb just to entertain a non-minority audience, the reaction would've been so positive.

message 22: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Jann wrote: "Yun! I am SO happy you agree with my review. And as always, you put it in a way that is so funny.

I also found it icky and offensive that the author seemed to capitalize on the appetite for neuro..."

Thanks, Jann! I'm glad we agree on this and it's not just me. It's a shame, because the author had a real chance to showcase autism in all of its complexity, and instead, she went in a direction simply for cheap entertainment.

Nevin This book is on my TBR. I trust your insight. Now I am a bit worried 🤣 Thanks for an honest review 😊

Julie Terrific, honest review, Yun!! Sorry this one was a miss! 💖

Ceecee I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it much - hope you love your next read! Great review 💚

message 26: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Nevin wrote: "This book is on my TBR. I trust your insight. Now I am a bit worried 🤣 Thanks for an honest review 😊"
Thanks, Nevin! Haha hope you fare better than I do! 🤗

message 27: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Julie wrote: "Terrific, honest review, Yun!! Sorry this one was a miss! 💖"
Thanks, Julie! ☘️💚

message 28: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Ceecee wrote: "I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it much - hope you love your next read! Great review 💚"
Thanks, Ceecee! ☘️💚

MarilynW Molly wasn't all sweetness and light inside, was she?! 😂 Great review, Yun!

message 30: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun MarilynW wrote: "Molly wasn't all sweetness and light inside, was she?! 😂 Great review, Yun!"
Thanks, Marilyn! Haha, I did very much enjoy Molly's wish of ill will towards others! :)

JaymeO Fantastic review Yun! I absolutely agree that this one didn’t live up to the hype. It’s also a cozy mystery, which I have now learned isn’t my jam! Hope you love your next!

message 32: by Kay (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kay Sorry this was a big miss Yun! ❤️

message 33: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun JaymeO wrote: "Fantastic review Yun! I absolutely agree that this one didn’t live up to the hype. It’s also a cozy mystery, which I have now learned isn’t my jam! Hope you love your next!"
Thanks, Jayme! Maybe this was a case of too high expectations. Sorry it fell a bit short for you too, but glad you enjoyed more than I did, in any case! :)

Jonathan K (Max Outlier) Nice review Yun..sorry it disappointed, but not every pitch an author throws is a strike :)

message 35: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun ☘.·:*¨¨* Kay *¨¨*:·.☘ wrote: "Sorry this was a big miss Yun! ❤️"
Thanks, Kay! ☘️💚

message 36: by Yun (last edited Mar 17, 2022 02:33PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Jonathan wrote: "Nice review Yun..sorry it disappointed, but not every pitch an author throws is a strike :)"
Thanks, Jonathan! Yes indeed. And not every read is a strike either! ;)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Sorry you didn't enjoy this Yun!

Jayme Hope you love your next! ❤️

message 39: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Holly wrote: "Sorry you didn't enjoy this Yun!"
Thanks, Holly!

message 40: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Jayme wrote: "Hope you love your next! ❤️"
Thanks, Jayme! ☘️💚

message 41: by Serge (new)

Serge Great review Yun! :) This definitely seems like a book I must avoid, since a plot which could be written in 50 pages is dragged on with useless details and reminiscing is a big pet-peeve of mine, The fact that an autistic character isn't well represented, and that the condition is used conveniently based on plot objectives is also disappointing. I'm sorry this fell short and I hope your next read is a way better one!

message 42: by Yun (new) - rated it 2 stars

Yun Serge (Catching up after my absence) wrote: "Great review Yun! :) This definitely seems like a book I must avoid, since a plot which could be written in 50 pages is dragged on with useless details and reminiscing is a big pet-peeve of mine, T..."
Thanks, Serge! So many other readers loved this, but it definitely seems like a miss-able one to me. It is soo slow and dragged on and on with unnecessary details. And the misrepresentation of the autistic character is a huge disappointment for me.

message 43: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen I’m on the fence about reading this one, Yun. A fair review. Too bad it was a disappointing one for you. :(

message 44: by JanB (new) - rated it 2 stars

JanB No praise from me! A huge disappointment! So many things were issues for me including Molly’s inconsistencies, and the depiction of immigrants.

message 45: by Ana (new)

Ana I picked up the sample and put it down as soon as she claimed that she walked through the front door of the hotel every morning. It bugged me that the author couldn't even get a little fact like that right, hotels have service entrances for their workers. And don't get me started on the autistic stuff, very cliched and stereotypical.

message 46: by Chrissie (new)

Chrissie I have avoided this one, and your great review has reinforced my decision - i would feel the same about the treatment of immigrants and autism. Authors have a responsibility to depict people fairly!s

message 47: by Baba (new) - rated it 4 stars

Baba Sorry that this read didn't work for you Yun... but using supposed Autistic spectrum traits and characteristics as plot points, not withstanding seemingly not really during the research doesn't sit well with me either. But I would also add this is the sort of issue that that I would expect intervention/advise from the publisher and editors.

message 48: by Anne (new) - added it

Anne I was initially excited about this book, then I realized (from reviews) it more women's fiction and less mystery (the only important aspect to me). Sorry it didn't work for you. Wonderful review, Yun! 💛

message 49: by Max (new) - rated it 2 stars

Max 100% agree

message 50: by Nataliya (new)

Nataliya This book seems pretty terrible. I’ll stay away from it. Thanks for the warning :)

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