User talk:Olivier Barlet

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Bonsoir sur la fiche wikipédia d André thorent il y a une erreur sa conjointe n'était pas Alice chéri mais Melinand Monique

Linking Africultures / Spla


Bonjour Olivier Bartel! J'admire énormément votre érudition et votre activité d'organisation dans la création d'Africultures. Veuillez m'excuser d'écrire en anglais car mon français est extrêmement mauvais. I noticed all the work you had done linking Africultures / Spla to Wikidata on Mix'n'Match, and wondered whether you had any future similar activity in mind. In particular, I wondered what you thought best to do with the 33,000 unmatched Spla people. Over the last couple of days manually matched a few (checking against library catalogues / other film databases as I did so), but progress is very slow like this. The other approach (where we can be reasonably sure they are not already in Wikidata) would be to add them automatically using a script, and once they are added to Wikidata look into providing additional information. It might also be worth breaking up the list (by occupation? by associated nationality? by whether or not Africultures has additional information on them?)

I look forward to hearing your thoughts - either here or by email (linked on my user page). Dsp13 (talk) 23:19, 3 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Good morning Dsp13 and thank you for your kind words. Actually, I'm mostly focused on creating or finalizing wikipedia pages, especially, as a film critic, on the films of the first generations of African filmmakers. Mix'n'match is mainly a tool to link existing pages on Wikipedia/Wikidata to the corresponding pages on Africultures/SPLA (therefore also since we share the same database). The logic of SPLA ( / / is to function also as a wiki but very free: it is really a self-presentation base to allow African artists to have a visibility. It does not meet the criterias of wikipedia. We were in contact with the wikiafrika initiative, supported by an Italian foundation, 15 years ago, and at that time we released our content so that wikipedia could use it, but this did not have much effect. It is since becoming active on wikipedia for a short time that I notice that in fact many links are established and that there is even a specific model for links with spla. Knowing the SPLA database well, I operated the Mix'n'match links and hope I didn't make any mistakes. I am working on solving the last problems of duplication or misdirection.
I am not sure that it would be interesting for Wikidata or wikipedia to add the whole database with an automatic script: the records are extremely varied and do not follow the wikipedia model at all, but above all, as an encyclopaedic project, wikipedia is not intended to be a database. Many of the personalities present on SPLA do not have the dimension to be on wikipedia.
On the other hand, it is clear that there is a lot of work to be done to bring wikidata/wikipedia up to the level of African creation: Noircir wikipedia will certainly contribute to this, but there is a lot of work to do. I notice in my field (African cinema) that many pages are to complete or even non-existent. It's a never-ending job!
All the best, Olivier Olivier Barlet (talk) 09:13, 4 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
You make a great point that not all SPLA entities would meet wikipedia notability requirements. However, as I understand things, wikidata notability requirements are less stringent than those for wikipedia. I also wonder whether it might be possible to identify a subset of SPLA entities - - e.g. those with africine content? - which have more than self-published content. What do you think?
By coincidence, I see that Moumou82 has just established Africultures structure ID property for content about organizations, and has asked Gerwoman for help uploading the list to Mix'n'Match. Your knowledge of the database structure might be very helpful there!
You're certainly right that this is a never-ending job. (In English wikipedia, 'Cinema of X' articles don't yet exist for all African countries.) Yours in struggle, Dsp13 (talk) 10:43, 6 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you Dsp13.
"Subset of SPLA entities" >> it is just impossible to isolate them ː we just have the fields of the database, which are very basic. The description field is one and content all other informations.
" - e.g. those with africine content" >> there is only one content in the data base shared by Africultures and Africine, also to see on the database website ː (or, or spla.prɒ)
I am in contact with Moumou82 and proposed him to set the Mix'n'Match for Africultures structure ID. If it is developed, I will of course work on it.
Please vote also on Wikidata:Property proposal/Africultures Structure-ID Olivier Barlet (talk) 11:32, 6 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
The interest of linking the SPLA entries is also to have the links to the more than 10 000 articles published on Africultures and the 2500 which are on Africine. Olivier Barlet (talk) 11:34, 6 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your reply - I've added my vote, and look forward to helping in any way I can in 2023 :) Dsp13 (talk) 11:57, 6 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks a lot Dsp13 ǃǃ Olivier Barlet (talk) 12:07, 6 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Identifiant Africultures d'une structure



J'ai tenté de demander la création d'un catalogue Mix'n'match pour cette propriété, sans succès jusqu'à présent. Je peux tenter de le créer moi-même mais j'aurais besoin d'un fichier Excel avec au minimum le numéro d'identifiant Spla et le nom de la structure (voir Mix'n'match/Import). Pensez-vous qu'il serait possible d'obtenir cela ? Moumou82 (talk) 07:57, 13 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

bonjour Moumou82, je vais demander à l'informaticien. Merci pour le suivi ǃ Olivier Barlet (talk) 08:16, 13 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
bonjour Moumou82, j'ai reçu le fichier de l'informaticien. Comment puis-je te le faire parvenir ? Merci. Olivier Barlet (talk) 02:18, 29 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Tu peux m'envoyer un message via Special:EmailUser/Moumou82, suite à ma réponse tu auras mon adresse email. Moumou82 (talk) 11:05, 29 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]