Wikidata:Property proposal/MiMoText ID

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‎MiMoText ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Creative work

   Done: ‎MiMoText ID (P12047) (Talk and documentation)
Descriptionidentifier for an item in the ‘Mining and Modeling Text’ knowledge graph on French novels 1751-1800
RepresentsMining and Modeling Text – MiMoText (Q122476591)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainitems of literary work (Q7725634) and author (Q482980) written in French (Q150) in the Age of Enlightenment (Q12539)
Allowed values^Q\d+$
Example 1Candide (Q215894)Q1022
Example 2Jacques-Antoine de Révérony Saint-Cyr (Q3157878)Q851
Example 3Les Liaisons dangereuses (Q862050)Q1053
Example 4Pierre Choderlos de Laclos (Q212476)Q240
Planned useproperty that links Wikidata items (especially authors and literary works) to items of the MiMoTextBase, created in the project Mining and Modeling Text – MiMoText (Q122476591)
Number of IDs in sourceabout 1500 at the beginning, gradually more by adding missing items (works and authors) from the French Enlightenment
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
Formatter URL$1



We would like to use this identifier in the interdisciplinary Digital Humanities project "Mining and Modeling Text" (MiMoText), based at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities at Trier University. We have created an overarching resource on the French Enlightenment novel with data from different types of sources and published our project-specific wikibase (MiMoTextBase). In the last phase of the project (until the end of 2023) we would like to share subsets of our data with Wikidata and contribute in the spirit of the 'wikibase ecosystem'. We have already matched about 1450 of our items with Wikidata and use them in 'federated queries' (374 author items, 70 literary work items, approx. 1000 items that are elements of controlled vocabularies). (With regard to literary works, we will be adding more matches in the near future.) We would like to create new items in Wikidata (literary works and authors, as far as they do not yet exist) and link them to the MiMoTextBase via this external identifier. Our goal would be that federated queries are possible not only from MiMoTextBase to Wikidata, but also in the other direction, so that Wikidata users could get additional information about this external identifier and federation. HinMar (talk) 10:04, 14 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]



@Eric24629: Yes, this is a delay-related issue. Links to external identifiers are usually available within 24-48 hours, but you can already try to clear cache of some item by adding ?action=purge to the end of the URL in order to get the formatter URL recognized. Regards Kirilloparma (talk) 01:59, 29 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]